Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

Sucking harder on her clit when he felt her body react, "Oh fuck..." he gasped as he felt her teeth. Licking her pussy, his tongue quickly licked across her clit before taking it back into his mouth. Sucking on her nub, he lightly nibble on it before sucking harder. Moving one hand, he slid two fingers into her pussy at the same time he thrusted his hips up.
Tes moaned loudly, only to be silenced by the thrust of Richards hips. Her lips sucked harder on his dick, reacting to his fingers. Tess felt a moment of confusion wash over her but all she could feel was pleasure. Thrusting her hips against his fingers, Tess started cumming. Her hand moved to his dick sliding over the base of it. Her lips sucked over the head of his cock, letting her tongue flick over it. She needed him to come for her.
Robert moaned as she sucked harder on his dick. Licking her clit, his fingers curled as he thrusted them in and out of her wet core. Feeling her orgasm, he moved to catch as much as he could, driving his tongue deep into her as he collected her juices. Moaning, "Oh fuck... I'm cumming..." he said as his dick grew in her mouth before ropes of his cum shot from the tip. His shaft flexed each time more of his thick cum fired into her mouth.
Feeling his tongue her body bucked against him. Her hands pulled away from his dick as she forced her mouth down over him. Hearing him moan was music to her ears. Tess moaned as his cum filled her mouth and she swallowed. She was still breathing heavily as she licked at his dick, wanting every drop of his cum. She knew something wasnt right but she felt so could she could barely think right.
Feeling her buck against his tongue, Roberts tongue continued to lick as deep as he could. Moving his hand to rub her clit, Robert could feel like something was wrong. Feeling her mouth sucking his hard dick kept him from thing to much about why this was happening. All he could think about was that she was giving him one of the best orgasm ever... Even though his mind kept asking why...
Tess was all out of breath when she pulled away from his dick. Although she felt like things weren't right she still needed him. All she knew was that he was making her cum harder then she ever had before. She pulled away from him to turn around. Her eyed locked in his as she climbs over his abs and straddled him. "I wanna cum again" she said with a smile. "I wanna ride you." she knew as she look at him that something was wrong but she didn't care enough at this point to stop.
Looking at her as she straddled him, Robert couldn't figure out what was wrong... All he knew was that he wanted her... "Yes," he hissed as his and moved up her sides. Still hard, thankfully to the potion, Robert reached down to hold his dick for her. Reaching up with his other hand he squeezed one of her breast while playing with the her nipple, "I'm going to come in you again..." he panted.
Tess smiled watching him hold his dick up for her. She lifted up and slid over him slowly. Her hands moved over his chest to balance her. Fingers dug into the skin of his chest when her hips started to move against him. "Ohhh yesss..." was all Tess could get out. Hearing his voice confused her slightly. She felt anger but it didn't stop her from moving against him.
Moaning as she lowered herself, Robert moved his hand to hold her other tit. Squeezing them gently, his fingers pinched her nipples as he thrusted his hips to meet hers. Looking up at her, his mind screamed how wrong this was, but Robert could only focused on the pleasure he was feeling. Growling in pleasure, as her finger dug into his chest, his hips lifted, thrusting his dick deep into her.
She smiled as he pinched her nipple. It was like he new her body inside and out. Tess bounced over his hard dick. "make me cum." she begged him. She had a feeling to stop but he felt so good she couldn't. Her smile faded slightly when she began to realize what was going on. Her mind was racing but her hips were still moving against him. Her breathing was coming faster, not just from how close she was to cumming but the realization of who it was hat was going to make her cum.
Moving his hands from her breast, Robert griped her hips, moving her faster on his throbbing dick. Looking at her he couldn't stop the moan that escaped him as he drove his dick harder into her. Panting as his dick moved deeper, he tried to figure out why she was riding him, even though it felt so wonderful. Knowing that he should stop... That he needed to stop... Robert couldn't bring himself to stop. Not with the pleasure that he was feeling from her...
"no no no no...." she tried to sound like she meant it but it sounded more like a moan for yes. Tess arched and her pussy squeezed him as she started cumming. She was breathing heavily and her body was glowing with sweat. Her hips still moved against him. Through all the confused feelings she was feeling she still wanted him to cum in her.
"Oh fuck..." he moaned as she spoke. Even though he knew how wrong it was... He wasn't going to stop. Thrusting into her harder, he felt her body orgasming. gripping her hips tighter, he moved her more on himself as his dick started to move faster. Beyond the point of stopping, he pulled her down hard on his dick as his orgasm started. Rope after hot rope filled her as he held himself deep in her. Panting, he tried to figure out how and why this was happening. As he finally stopped moving, his cum slowly ran out of the tip, Robert looked at her, "What the hell..."
She was panting heavily web he came for her. Her hands were still resting on his chest. She looked down when she heard his voice and quickly moved off of him. Tess grabbed the sheet to cover herself. Her mind was racing playing over te event of what happened. "you... I... Oh my god!" she had let him touch. "I think I'm gonna be sick. I put my mouth in you" she said in disgust.
Not bothering to cover himself up, Robert quickly jumped from the bed. Staggering as the last of the potions effects wore off, "What the hell was in that potion..." he said looking at her. Bending over to grab his boxers, "You're going to be sick... I am sick... I have to be. I sucked on your pussy... What the hell did you do."
She literally felt sick to the stomach. "You knocked into me you idiot." she couldn't believe that this happened. What if Tyler found out? She thought to herself. He wouldnt tell anyone he couldn't. Tess scooted to the en of the bed were he was retrieving his boxers. "you cannot tell anyone this ever happened." she was threatening more then anything. Nothing disgusted her more then knowing she enjoyed every moment of it. She wa sure of the fact that no one ever made her feel like he did. She shook her head knowing the potion was still wearing off.
"I knocked into you... You are the one walking around with a lust potion and not watching where you were going," he said, "I don't know how they do it in America... But that shit is illegal here." Pulling his pants on, Robert stopped and turned to look at her. Hearing her beg him not to tell, "Oh yeah I want to tell the whole school that Tess forced me into having sex with her by using a lust potion... On second thought why shouldn't I tell anyone..." he said standing up to look at her, Standing with his shirt in hand, "Of course I'm not going to tel anyone." he said before slipping his shirt on. Turning his back to her, Robert couldn't help but think about what just happen. As much as he wanted to blame the potion, he knew that it wasn't just the potion that had given him the best orgasm of his life.
Tess moved from the bed when he started talking. She moved around grabbing her things but stopped to face him. "Forced you into having sex with me?"She glared at him as she stepped closer. "Your disgusting and I wouldn't fuck you freely if you were the last think on earth" She turned away from him and dropped her sheet to pull her things on. She couldn't believe how any of these things happened. As sick to the stomach as this situation was, she couldn't deny she enjoyed every bit of it.
"Yes force," he yelled, "Listen I can't help it if you have to drug your sex partners." he said as he started to button up his shirt. "Oh you wouldn't fuck me... Well what in the hell do you think just happened. Do you think it was some kind of strange illusion. Why don't you check my cum dripping from your pussy before you say shit like that." Grabbing his robe, Robert walked out of the door before she could say anything else.

"All she had to do was say she was sorry," he said under his breath, "But no... Heaven forbid that she admits how wonderful it was..." he said shaking his head to get the images out of his mind. "I might have told her how beautiful she was... But no she can't think of anyone but herself..." he said as he turned down the hall leading to the Ravenclaw dorm.
She was speechless as he spoke to her. She cringed when he mentioned his cum dripping from her pussy. She was still getting dressed when he walked out of the door. Almost tripping as she pulled her panties up, Tess started to follow after Robert. She had no clue where she was and she wasn't done talking to him. "Robert wait!" She called out chasing after him.

She tried to chase him down but couldnt find him. "Asshole" she spoke under her breath. After being lost for almost half an hour Tess finally found her way back to the common room. While being lost Tess decided she was going to pretend it never happened. It was a sick mistake that was wrong. Yes, it was amazing and she wanted more but she wanted to be serious with herself. Robert and Tess never got along well plus Tess had a boyfriend. Yes, Robert felt better then him and gave her much more pleasuree. She quickly shook her head and tossed the thoughts aside when she entered the common room.
Robert had heard her call out, but as mad as he was he knew it was better that he walked away. He hated being used and that was just how he felt now... "Even if it was the best sex," he told himself. None of the other girls had come close to being as exciting as Tess was. "Fewer still could come close to being as beautiful..." he stopped himself from speaking.

Walking into the common room, Robert walked over to his favorite chair and flopped down in it. Setting there his mind continued to replay what had happened until his fellow housemates walked in. "Robert," one said walking over to him, "Where have you been. You missed class..."

"I know Jake... Don't worry about where I was," he said looking up at the boy. Standing up, Robert walked up the stairs to his room, leaving the noise of the common room behind him. "I just need to forget it happened... Forget how wonderful it was..." he told himself.

Waking up early that next morning, Robert didn't realize that he had fallen asleep. Determind to finish the potion he had started, his mind continued to flash back to Tess and the way she looked during her orgasms... Leaving the common room, he wondered the halls for a while to clear his mind before classes.
Tess was happy to see Tyler wasn't in the common room. She had no idea what she would say to him. She had cheated on him and too make matters worse it was all se could think about. Taking a shower seemed to be the best thing to do at this moment. She was sure she smelled like sex and that would rise some questions from anyone she encountered.

Undressing to take her shower Tess wondered if she should burn her clothes. It was still shocking that not to long ago she was moaning the name of a man she despised. Her mind kept going back to it all. How amazing she felt with him.

That night Tess slept in be with Tyler as she always did. She gave herself to him as he usually would but her thoughts where elsewhere the entire time. Yes, Tyler pleasures her but it was nothing like it was with Richard.

Tyler nipped at Tess's ear bringing her back to reality. She moaned softy and held his hand. "try and be good for just a moment." she said laughing softly. Tess looked up to see Richard walking in her direction. She felt slightly nauseas at the sight of him. She didn't know if they were butterflies or just sickness.
Moving into the dinning hall, Robert felt his skin go cold as he saw Tyler nibble on Tess's ear. Turning to his house's table, he walked over to the few Ravenclaw's that were eating breakfast. Setting down, he looked over his shoulder once at Tess before turning back to speak to his housemates. "I have to do some shopping," he said looking at the few there, "Do you guys need anything from Hogsmead?"

"How do you get there?" one of the girls asked, "Can I go with you?"

"Sorry beautiful," he said with another glance over to Tess, "Let's just say I have my way. I need to get somethings for a potion... Do you need anything?"

"No..." they each said. One of the boys looked at Robert, "When you going?"

"Right now. I need to get out of here... I'll be back before class..." he said standing up. Taking one more look at Tess out of the corner of his eyes, Robert started to walk out of the dinning hall.
Tess glanced over at Richard from time to time. They made eye contact a few times but she would look away immediately. She didn't know how to act now. She had really wondered if maybe they could do it again. No matter how hard she tried not to Tess couldn't help but admit she wanted him again. It was more then amazing whether t was a potion making he want him or not. She could remember clear as day how good he made her feel.

She couldn't help but watch as he spoke to a girl. For the first time feeling a bit of jealousy. She never saw Robert with a girl so she had no idea if he had a gf or not. She shook her head trying to get him out of her mind. Just as she did Robert left the great hall. She decided to turn her attentions back to Tyler. He was her bf after all.
Stopping just outside of the dinning hall, Robert leaned against the wall. He had never thought he would be jealous of Tyler... But seeing him next to Tess almost drove him mad. "What the hell..." he said as he tried to figure out what was happening to himself. "It has to be the potion," he told himself knowing it wasn't. Somehow during their time together, Robert had found someone that could keep up with him sexually.

Moving to the secret passage that would take him to town, Robert paused to make sure no one had followed him. It wouldn't have bee the first time someone had tried to learn his secrets... Even though Robert like several of his classmates and house mates, he never liked giving away his secrets... And he had a lot of them.

An hour and half later, Robert walked down the school hall to his first class. Although he normally like his Transfigureation class, he really didn't want to be there this time. Not having had enough time to go by the dorm, he still carried the ingredients that he needed for the potion as well as a few butter beers and snacks from Hogmeads. Putting all of the items in a wizards pockets, he was happy in the knowledge that not many could find them.
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