Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

Tess didn't even notice Robert get to class. She was lost in thought. She knew Tyler better then anyone else and if he was mad he was going to get back at her. She had witnessed him ruin people's lives to many times before. Tess was sure he didnt care enough about her to just accept, he was going to hurt her she could play that game if she had to.
Setting down Robert pulled out his quil and paper. Acting like he was taking notes, he wrote Tess a note. 'Found out about a book of pleasure spells. Was looking for it when I lost track of time. We'll need to look for it tonight before bed. R.

Casting a spell on the paper he changed it into a paper bird that flew over to Tess's desk. Unfolding itself, the note laid in front of her.
Tess looked up to see a piece of paper land in front of her on the desk. She smiled as she read it realizing Robert wrote it to her. She looked up and saw him sitting a few desks away and smiled at him. A book of pleasure spells sounded very fun. She couldn't wait until tonight. It would be nice to forget all about Tyler and Robert was just the guy to do it.
Writing another note: Dinner in Hogsmead tonight... Don't ask how just meet me... R

Folding this note into a mouse, he quickly put a charm on it. Placing the not on the floor he watched it run over to Tess before starting to climb her robe. Moving over to set on her lap, the note slowly unfolded in her lap.

It wasn't until after he wrote the note and sent it that Robert realized that he had just asked her out. 'What have I just done,' he asked himself, 'She won't go with me... What if she does...'
Tess was trying to pay attention when she looked down to see something climbing up her robe. She was about to swat at it when it climbed in her lap an unfolded. She giggled a little thinking it was a cute charm. Reading the note over she didn't look up. He was asking her to dinner and it confused her slightly. This was him asking her on a date, the boy she hated more then anyone. Then again he's the same boy who gives her more pleasure then any other guy. Finally looking up and over at Robert she shrugged her shoulders mouthing "Sure", it was just dinner not a marriage proposal. She smiled a little more thinking they would probably need to eat since they would be using a lot of energy tonight.
Watching her out of the corner of his eyes, Robert hadn't realized that he had been holding his breath until she mouthed sure. Letting the breath out slow so she wouldn't notice he nodded his head in agreement.

not for the first time Robert wondered if he was still under the influence of the potion. Every time he had seen her he had the great need to be close to her. And now he had asked... The one girl he had hated more then anyone else, out to dinner. Not just any dinner... He had asked her to go to town with him. Although they could go to town in the morning he was going to sneak her out tonight... What was he thinking....
Looking back to her book Tess was feeling a bit nervous. She wondered what they would talk about during dinner. She didn't know anything about Robert except that he was an amazing lover. The more she thought things over the more nervous she got. This was a date and she had no idea how it would go. Tess thought they would be secret lovers and nothing more. Even though she was nervous she was still very excited and she couldn't explain why. She liked him and no matter what, she couldn't deny it.

Tess paid no attention as class went on. Her thoughts were more on the date she would be having with Robert later on that night. Luckily the professor never noticed her not paying attention. Once class ended Tess grabbed her books and got up from her seat. She left class but waited outside for Robert. She wanted to make sure that he really wanted to go to dinner tonight. At the last moment she wondered if maybe he meant to send the note to some other girl in class. That thought alone made her angry.
Robert spent the rest of class in the same state of mind as Tess. He continued to wonder why he had asked her to dinner... What were they going to talk about... Would she think of it as a real date or him just trying to be nice...

Robert didn't realize he had zoned out until he heard the rest of his classmates getting up to leave. Looking around he spotted Tess walking out the door. "Damn,' he said wondering if he had went to far with the dinner thing. Picking up his own bag, he walked out of the class room. Jumping a little when he saw Tess waiting, he walked over to her, "Hi... Listen if you don't want to go to dinner that's fine... I... um... Thought we might... Be able to get to know one another..." he said coming up with an excuse quickly.
Tess smiled when Robert made his way over to her. He sounded slightly nervous when he spoke and she thought it was rather cute. "it's fine Ill be hungry and it sounds like fun going out." she tried to hide her excitement but she was failing miserably. She was smiling wide and biting her lip as she looked at him. She was acting like a little girl with a crush. Tess was annoying herself by the way she was acting. "Well ummm I think I'm going to head to the library and do some studying." Being around Robert was doing something to her and she felt like she needed to get away.
Sighing in relief, Robert couldn't help but smile. "I know you'll love the food And it'll be fun to hang out..." Hearing the excitement in her voice, Robert smiled when he realized that she was just as nervous as he was. Watching her bit her lip, Robert could feel a slight blush as his ears became red. "Yeah... I have a few things I need to do too... I have a potion I have to finish for later..." he said happy that she wouldn't be in the dorm when his potion was set.
Hearing him speak calmed her a little. It wasn't just her who was nervous about this whole situation. She wanted to kiss him or hug him but she was too worried he would deny her since they were in public. Robert had a huge dislike for slytherins and she doubted he would want to date one publicly. Tess hated other houses too but right now she didn't care if he was a hufflepuff. "So I guess I'll see you tonight then?"
"Yeah... I'll come to your dorm to get you. Just meet me in the same place I told you about," he said looking into her eyes. Looking around, Robert noticed two Slytherin girls watching them. Sighing he looked back to Tess, "I should go... I would hate for them to spread the word that you're hanging out with a Ravenclaw... I don't want your boyfriend giving you any trouble..." Robert hated himself for talking about Tyler. He hoped that she had broken up with him but didn't want to say anything in the middle of the hall. "I'll see you tonight..." he said with a smile.
Following Roberts eyes to the slytherin girls, who were giving them their full attention, she sighed as well. She knew all well that they would tell Tyler. She knew if might cause trouble for Robert and she didn't want to make things worse. Tess was already sure of the fact that Tyler would try and get back at her for breaking it off. The quieter he was the more she knew she should worry.

Bringing her attention back to Robert, Tess smiled at him. "He's not my boyfriend anymore. So I'll see you tonight." Tess walked away and made her way over the the slytherin girls. "It annoys me that they would even make us work with anyone who's outside of our house", she smiled as the spoke to the girls. She had hoped they weren't listening to her conversation.
Robert watched her walk away, his eyes focused on her butt. Shaking his head he turned and headed down the hall. Now that he knew that Tyler was out of the picture, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Lisa Drake scoffed, "What class do you have to work with a Ravenclaw loser for? I don't know why we have to share classes anyway." Lisa ever present shadow, Karen Cread, just laughed, "Yeah... It's bad enough we have to share a school with them but classes too."

Robert walked into his little potion lab in the room of requirement. Walking over to his desk, he pulled out his quil and some parchment. Looking at the map on the wall, Robert started to make a copy, leaving off most of the secret passages. Writing note on how to get into the ones he drew and how to get into the room of requirement. Rolling it up after he finished it, he smiled at his gift for Tess. "She'll love it..." he said, crossing his fingers.
Tess laughed along with them before walking off. Those girls had always annoyed her but she always played nicely with her house mates. She knew Lisa hated her and whatever Lisa did, Karen did. She was pretty sure it was because she was dating Tyler. Heading to the library Tess could only think about Robert and being with tonight. She wondered what she would wear. Walking into the library she took her seat at a table and set her books down. She tried to study but her thoughts were only on Robert.
Tucking the map into his bag, Robert walked over to the potion to check it. Smiling when he saw that it was ready, Robert set down to relax. Thanking about Tess he wonder what would happen tonight. He knew that the place he was going to take her to eat would have great food. They always did... He was more worried about what they were going to talk about.

Several hour and two classes later, Robert slowly walked down the quiet passage. He was using the passage that lead into the Slytherin common room. He was a little early so he set back in the dark tunnel and listened to the Slytherin bad talking the other houses.
The day went on slower then it ever had before. When 8 o'clock rolled around Tess started to get ready. Her roommate was helping her pick out something to wear. Heather was the only person she really confided in since she had arrived at Hogwarts. She told her she had a date tonight but she never told her who. She didn't want to take any chances.

Tess walked into the common room to notice a few people were still awake. She was more then annoyed to see that one of them was Tyler. She was dressed in a purple strapless dress and a small black jacket over top. Taking extra precautions she wore her robe over her dress, she didn't want anyone to know she was dressed up to go out. Her heels were showing under her robe but she didn't think anyone would pay attention to her feet. Tess walked over to the spot Robert told her to wait at. She was unsure if he would just appear while everyone was there. Hoping he was running late, Tess tried to ignore Tyler. She was in an extremely good mood and she didn't want it to be ruined by him.
Looking at his watch, Robert took a deep breath as he slowly opened the passage. Even though he had slipped into the different houses before he was always careful. Luckily all of the passages opened behind something and in a dark corner. Moving the tapestry to the side, he slowly slipped out and smiled when he saw Tess stand a few feet away.

Holding a finger to his lips, Robert motioned Tess closer, Robert slowly slipped more into the room. Putting the potion down near an empty chair, he moved back to the wall. Smiling when no one saw him, he took Tess's hand and slipped back behind the tapestry. Pulling her into a kiss, "You ready for some fun?" he asked. Taking her hand, "We need to hurry before that potion goes off... I don't want to be around for the smell..."
Tess looked over seeing the tapestry move and smiled when she saw Robert. He motioned her closer and she did as he asked. Taking her hand he pulled her into a kiss. She couldn't help but moan against his lips. She didn't realize until now how much she really missed him. He pulled away too quickly and sighed. "What potion?", Tess was confused with what he was talking about but she followed him anyway. She looked back towards the common room, "What smell? What are you talking about?"
"A little prank I have planned," Robert smiled. He had been playing pranks on the Slytherin house for over a month. Everyone in the school heard about them but no one thought it was anyone but another Slytherin. Winking at Tess, he held out his hand, "We need to get to the passage before it gets to much later. I want to be on our way to town before it's to late."
She smiled and started to reach out for his hand but she stopped herself. "No. Not until i get a better kiss. That kiss before does not remind me why I'm even letting you take me anywhere." She couldn't help but smile even more. She wanted to lighten the mood a bit since the were both being a bit awkward earlier, plus she really wanted Robert to kiss her again. She enjoyed kissing Robert almost as much as the love making they had together.
"Oh I'm so sorry..." he said moving closer to her. Wrapping his arms around her he slowly pulled her closer. Looking into her eyes, Robert smiled as he slowly leaned toward her. The kiss started out gentle but quickly turned passionate. opening his mouth, his tongue licked her lips before slipping into her mouth. Sliding his hand lower on her back, his hands squeezed her ass as he pulled her into his hard bulge.
She smiled up at Robert as he moved closer to her. His arms wrapped around her waist and she wrapped hers around his neck. Moaning softly against his lips she kissed him back. Feeling his tongue slide in her mouth she slid hers over it. She bit his tongue gently when he grabbed her ass pulling her to him. He was already hard for her and it made her want him more then she already did. If she kissed him any longer they wouldn't leave this spot until he came for her and he seemed in a rush.

Tess pulled away with a smile and reached for his hand. "Thank you. We can go now." She wanted to stay right there and let him have her but she didn't want to look too desperate.
Smiling, "Your welcome..." he said as he took her hand. Walking down the dark passage, Robert took out his wand and cast the light spell. "I guess you know now... I'm the prankster that has been causing all the problem in your house... You won't tell on me will you?" he asked.

Stopping as they came to the other end of the passage, Robert turned his wand off before slowly peaking out, "We have to go down the hall to get to the other passage... Just stay close and we should be ok..."
"I can't promise you I won't. Maybe you can talk me into not telling." she smiled and followed after him until they got to the end of the passage. She held on tight to his free hand. "I'll stay as close as possible until you tell me not to." She was really beginning to like Robert. Although most of those pranks annoyed the hell out of her when they happened, they were pretty funny sometimes.
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