Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

She smiled at him as his hand slid under her dress. Smiling was something she did a lot of when she was around Robert. Seeing the waitress, Tess looked at Robert. "How about pizza?" she place her hand on his leg as she scooted closer to him. Tess couldn't help but want to be as near as possible to him.
"Pizza sounds perfect," he said ordering one for them. As he spoke to the waitress, his fingers slowly made their way higher on her thigh. After what seemed was a life time, his fingers touched her pussy, slowly stroking her lips and clit. After the waitress walked away, Robert smiled as he pulled his fingers out of her dress. Sucking his fingers clean, "That is going to be a wonderful dessert a little later..."
Tess bit her lip to stifle her moan when she felt his fingers slide over her pussy. She was already very wet for him and his finger made her want for him grow. When the waitress left and he pulled his finger from her, she moaned watching him suck it dry. She leaned in and kiss his lips. "I can't wait until we get back to our room."
"Soon... After we go by the library... Maybe even in the library," Robert said smiling as hi slipped his hand back under the table. Rubbing her leg, his fingers again slipped higher on her thigh, "What did Tyler do when you told him it was over?" Robert was hoping that Tyler had said he understood but deep down knew better. Tyler would never forgive a girl for breaking up with him.

((Sorry for the delay in the reply. I'm having computer problems.))
Kissing to his ear she spoke between kisses, "At first he just ignored me. Then he tried to get me in trouble so I informed him that I had no problem embarrassing him so he backed off. I'm sure he's not done with me though so I have to keep an eye out for him." when she reached his ear she nibbled on it before sitting back with a smile. "I'm sure he will get over me somehow", she laughed a little.
"I really hate that guy... he never did know how to take no for an answer," Robert moaned as she nibbled on his ear. Smiling he kissed he gently before pulling back to smile at her. "I'll keep an eye on him too. If anything happens just let me know and I'll take care of it." Moving his hands higher, his finger gently rubs her pussy as he moved closer to her. "From what I heard... The book I want to find tells things like how to make a wand into a vibrator... And other things like that. I'm curious on what all it does have in it?"
"Awwww you wanna take care of me?" She smiled and kissed him back softly. Tess thought it was sweet the way he talked about her anymore, like she was important to him. Tess couldn't help but moan when she felt his fingers under her dress. "A vibrator? Really? That sounds like fun but I would much rather have you."
"Yeah well," Robert said blushing, "I would hate for anything to happen to a lover..." Chuckling, "A vibrator could be fun... When you're not with me... It might give us some spells that we could use during class... Something being able to give you an orgasm during potions..." he said, a naughty grin on his face. Rubbing her pussy, Robert smiled, "Just imagine... The wonderful feeling of an orgasm while in History class..."
Tess couldn't help but smile when he blushed at her comment. Feeling his fingers rub over her pussy was causing her to exhale deeply. It was taking all in her not to moan out. "It seems I'm going to be awfully tired by the end of the day with all of the orgasms during my classes. I might not have any energy left for you." Scooting closer, Tess nipped at Robert's neck. It was hard for her to keep her lips away from him.
"I didn't say I would give you orgasms all day... I might go a day without giving one to you... By spell that is... It's just the excitement of being able to." Smiling when she kissed him, Robert turned his head to catch her lips, kissing her deeply. Sliding his fingers across her pussy, Robert slowly slipped his fingers across her clit. "After all I wouldn't want to make you fail our test... I would hate to think I might lose one of the best lovers I've ever had..."
Tess moaned against Roberts lips when he kissed her. His fingers were driving her crazy and she could barely pay attention to what he was saying by this point. Reaching under the table she grabbed his arm, pulling his his hand from under her dress. "I thought we were having dinner to talk and get to know each other." Tess regretted what she said the second she said it. This wasn't really a date, she thought to herself. Tess looked away from Robert for the first time since they sat down. He made it clear that she was nothing more then his lover several times but she couldn't help but want more. What she knew of Robert so far she really liked and she wanted to know more.
Smiling when she pulled his hand from under her dress, "Of course you're right... I'm sorry... I got a bit carried away. Please forgive me..." Robert said truthfully, "I just have a hard time not touching you. You are so smart, beautiful and fun to be around..." Squeezing her hand, he looked in her eyes as he put his hands on the table, "So tell me about yourself. Why did you move to come to Hogwarts? I saw flags for other schools in the states at the World Cup... Why here?"
Smiling at Robert when he spoke she couldn't help but bite her lip. He always said the right things to make her feel better. Tess took one of his hands and held it in hers. She laid there hands in her lap as she looked into his eyes. "They offered it but no one seemed to want to go so I signed up. Seemed like it would be fun and they said I would probably be able to learn a lot more. Which they were right since a lot more is offered here." Her fingers rubbed over Robert's palm as she spoke to him.
"Well... Hogwarts is the best school of magic in the world. And Even though we got off to a rough start... I'm glad you were the one that signed up." Squeezing her hand, Robert smile, "After all I could be setting her with some dumb jock..." he said laughing, "Or even worst... Someone like Tyler." Rubbing his thumb over the back of her hand, "Are you going to stay for next year?" Looking in her eyes, "I guess I should be fair and tell you about myself... But I'm not," he winked to show he was joking.
"It was your fault we got off to a rough start, so you have no one to blame but yourself", smiling Tess kissed his lips. She laughed with him as he spoke. "Of course I'm going to stay next year, how would you get through the day without me?" Pulling her hand from Robert's she slid it under his shirt. His skin always felt so nice against hers. "Awwww please tell me about you", she spoke before kissing his lips again.
"Me," he laughed, "It wasn't my fault the ingredient was out of date... Not to mention I wasn't the one who chose you to test it on. Honestly... I blame the Potion professor." Returning her kiss, "Oh I'm so glad. I was worried that I would be in trouble. Next year is going to be extra hard," he winked at her. Flinching as she touched his skin, Robert tried not to laugh when she touched a ticklish spot. Kissing her lips, His tongue licked her lips, "I don't know... I might be able to be convinced..." he smiled, "Ok. I was born and raised in Ireland. Started at Hogwarts when I was 11... What else do you want to know?"
Tess smiled when he flinched from his touch. "Are you ticklish?" She couldn't help but think it was extremely adorable. She pulled her hand from under his shirt and rested her hand on his thigh. "Tell me something no one else knows about you?" Leaning in, Tess kissed over his neck softly. Even though she told him they needed to talk she slid her hand up his leg to rub over his dick through his pants.
"Me ticklish... No..." he laughed. A soft moan escaped him when he felt her hand on his thigh, "Something that no one else knows... I'm ticklish on the ribs..." he chuckled. Moaning softly, "I thought we were going to talk..." he said moving his hand donw to rub her arm. When her hand touched his hard dick, Robert pressed her hand closer, "I'll give you until the end of time to stop," he smiled.
Moving her other hand under the table she reached over to unbutton his pants. "Thats not enough, I want more. Something embarrassing." Unzipping his pants she kissed his ear. "We are talking," she giggled against his ear before nipping at it. Tess cross her legs in case he was thinking of moving his hand back. When he touched her it was hard to concentrate.
"More embarrassing... That's a tough one..." he said stiffling a moan. "Your playing dirty..." he smiled, "My brother kept making my cloths disappear when we were younger." Remembering the time when he was younger, Robert couldn't help but smile, "He didn't know it at the time, but he helped me get my first girlfriend." Moving his hand over to her thigh, Robert chuckled when he found her legs crossed, "Cheater," he laughed. Seeing the pizza coming, Robert pulled her hands away from his hard dick, "If you want to play then we have to eat first," he said kissing her gently.
She smiled when he spoke about his brother. "Do you have any other siblings." She frowned when he pushed her hands away. "Fine, we can eat but then you will give me what i want." Tess looked up as the pizza was coming and heard her stomach growl. She never realized how hungry she was. "Your lucky I'm hungry or I would just take what i wanted", she kissed his lips quickly.
"I have a sister too. She's a second year... Do you have any siblings?" he asked really wanting to get to know her better. "When he get done eating then I expect us both to get what we want... And a lot of it." Hearing her stomach growl, Robert couldn't hide his smile, "A little hungry... So am I..." he said. Leaning close to her his breath caressed her ear, "I'm hungry... But for you... Not the pizza..." he said before leaning back, "Although I'll take the pizza too."
"No there's just me", she said quickly. Talking about her family had never been very easy for her. Feeling his breath against her ear almost made her moan. She smiled over at him when he sat back, "Awww well I'll give you as much as you need when we get back." Tess sipped her drink before turning her attention to the pizza. She had barely ate all day. Spending time with Robert was making her forget to take time to eat.
"I couldn't imagine not having siblings... Although I've tried a time or two," he chuckled, "But I wouldn't give them up..." Smiling, "Hmmm... I'll take you up on that later... And to show my thanks... I'll give you everything you want later too." Picking up a slice of the pizza, Robert couldn't remember the last time he had ate. Never being one for breakfast, he hadn't eaten for the day. "I'll have to show you around the village one day. There's a couple of places that are really nice places here..."
The more Robert talked the more she was starting to like him. "I'm really beginning to hate you a tiny bit less then before", she laughed before taking a slice of pizza. As she bit into her slice she couldn't help but wonder how odd this was. Just two days ago she hated Robert more then almost anyone but here she was sitting and having pizza with him. She honestly couldn't think of anywhere else she wanted to be.
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