Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

Chuckling, "Well... I'm hating you a little less then you're hating me," he said winking to show he was joking. "Truthfully though. Now that I've had a chance to get to know you... I have to say I like you," he said. Putting his slice of pizza down on his plate, "I hope this is a start to a wonderful friendship."
She smiled at him as he spoke. She new very well she wanted to be much more then his friend. "I like you too Robert", leaning in she kissed his lips again softly. "it definitely is the start to a wonderful friendship." She nipped his lip before ashe pulled away to finish her slice of pizza.
Smiling, he returned her soft kiss. Robert couldn't help but wish he hadn't said friendship... The truth was he wanted to be more then just her friend. Robert could face down about any kind of danger. He had walked around the forbidden forest his third year just to see what was in it... But now he couldn't stop the feeling of butterflies fluttering around in his belly. Smiling at her he picked up his slice to finish it off, "Any idea what you're going to do for Christmas? I'm staying at the school... And was wondering if I would be alone... Besides my sister that is..." Robert knew it was a lame question, but something in him made him ask.
"Well lucky for you I will be here to hang out with you and your sister." smiling over at him she grabbed another slice. She would usually barely eat in front of a guy but Tess felt very at ease with Robert for some reason. Tess giggled when she noticed food on Roberts chin, "You eat like a little kid.... It's very adorable."
"My sister will love you. Although I warn you that she can be a bit... Um... Excitable," he said with a smile. Picking up a napkin, Robert wiped his chin, "Sorry... I don't usually go for a lot of sauce." Looking at her he chuckled, "If you're not careful you're going to be wearing some of yours too," he said as he watched some of the cheese start to drip. "But don't worry... I'll like it off," he winked.
"Almost everyone loves me but can you really blame them." Tess quickly took a bite before it fell. "You can lick anything you like off of me." Looking over at Robert she couldn't help but smile. At the same time all she could think about was him saying they could have a wonderful friendship. Did he really not want more then friendship and sex with her. Finishing her slice Tess grabbed her drink, "Ummm are you going to the dance with anyone?" She knew it was coming soon and now that she broke up with Tyler she didn't have a date.
Laughing, "Oh of course... You are such a lovable person," he said winking at her. "Hmmm... So the question is what to lick off of you... Maybe a little chocolate... Or whip cream..." he said leaning over to kiss her neck. Swallowing his last bite, "I'm kinda glad you brought the subject up... I was wondering if you would like to go... with me..." he asked having wondered how to bring up the subject.
Tess moaned softly as he kissed her neck, "Maybe both then since you can't decide." Smiling over at Robert Tess leaned in to kiss his ear. "I would love to go with you.", she bit his earlobe before pulling away. "Are you sure you're OK with being seen in public with me. I don't want to ruin your good boy image", laughing as she smiled at him.
Moaning when she bit his earlobe, "Why wouldn't I want to be seen with you in public?" he asked. "I don't have such a good boy image... Just ask some of your house mates. I'm sure they could tell you some of the things I've done... Or been accused of," he laughed. "Besides... I'll be seen with the most beautiful girl in Slytherin. And as a bonus... It'll make Tyler nuts.'
"Just in slytherin?", she smiled at him. Tess couldn't help but be excited about going to the dance with Robert. "I'm sure you will look sexy all dressed up but don't count on me keeping my hands to myself." Tess slid her hand back into his lap and started to undo his pants again.
"I would say the school... but you have to give the other girls some hope," he teased. "Well I'll try to make you proud. And I'm sure we'll both have a hard time keeping our hands off each other..." Chuckling as her hands moved to undo his pants, "Now... now... I'm sure you can wait a little longer... Otherwise these people are going to get a show when I set you on this table and fuck you into oblivion," he whispered in her ear, sucking on her lobe.
Tess moaned as he whispered in her ear. Her hands didn't stop and she slid her hand in his pants. "talking like that is only make me wet and need you even more. I've decided I can't wait until we get back." Her fingers slid over his dick. "maybe we could meet in the bathroom and I'll try and be quiet." She couldn't wait now that he said what he said. His words turned her on more.
"I'm not sure I can wait much longer either," he moaned. Pulling to gold coins out of his pocket he dropped them on the table, "Outside... In the alley." Reaching down to fasten his pants, Robert took her hand and stood up. Pulling her out of the inn, Robert quickly lead the way around the side of the building. Turning to kiss her passionately, his hand squeezed her ass as he pulled her to him.
"In the alley? That sounds fun." Smiling as Robert almost dragged her outside she laughed, "You were the one who just told me to wait." When he kissed her lips she moaned when his hand grabbed her ass. Wasting no time, Tess unzipped and unbuttoned his pants pushing them down. "Now back to that whole fucking me into oblivion thing," she nipped his bottom lip. She was usually a sexual person but with Robert she was even more horny then usual.
Chuckling, "The hell with waiting..." he said as he nibbled on her lip. As she pushed his pants down, Robert bent his knees to line his throbbing cock up to her wet pussy. Lifting her dress up, Robert thrust his dick deep into her pussy, "I'm going to try my hardest to fuck you into oblivion..." Thrusting repeatedly into her, his pelvis rubbed against her clit with each thrust.
Moaning loudly as he thrust into Tess wrapped an around around Roberts neck. "Ohhh god I love your dick." Her hips thrust against him. She couldn't believe how amazing Robert felt. Moving her lips to his ear she sucked on his ear lobe. Spilling that potion was almost the best thing to happen to her since she got to Hogwarts.
"I love your pussy so much," he moaned as his hips continued to thrust. His hips moved faster as he squeezed her ass, another moan escaping him as she sucked on his ear. Moving his own mouth to her ear, "Oh god... I loved that you made that potion... I love you Tess..." he said as his lips sucked on her neck.
Tess hands were gripping the back of Robert's shirt as he moved against her faster. She had been wanting him since dinner started. Moaning again when his lips moved to her ear she nodded when he said he loved that she made that potion. Tess was happy she made it too or she wouldn't be feeling the pleasure he always gave her. His lips on her neck were driving her crazy and getting her closer to cumming. Her hands were clinging to the back of his shirt when she heard him say i love you. She could barely think but she loved hearing him say it to her. She was sure it was a mistake but it didn't stop her hips from rocking against him.
Squeezing her butt, Robert thrust faster, his dick reaching deep into her pussy. Biting her neck, Robert pushe dher against the wall of the inn as his cock moved along the velvet walls of her core. Holding her against the wall, one hand moved around to squeeze her breast, pinching her nipple between his fingers.
"Robert...", moaning as he bit her neck, Tess pulled him closer to her. "Cum in me... please", she moaned louder as he fucked her against the wall. Feeling his fingers pinch her nipples pushed her over the edge. Her hips jerked against him as she started cumming hard for him. She was more turned on then she ever had been before and it was all because of Robert.
As much as Robert wanted to to hold back so he could continue to fuck her, feeling her orgasm quickly pushed him over the edge. Thrusting hard into her his cock expanded as the ropes of his seed pumped into her. Rope after rope of his cum fired deep into her pussy as his orgasm continued. Holding her close his hands squeezed her body to his own. Kissing her neck as his orgasm finally started to ease, "I love you..." he said before kissing her passionately.
Her arms wrapped tight around Robert as he came for her. She loved making him cum almost more then anything. Pulling him tight to her as she tried to slow her breathing she heard him say he loved her again. Kissing him back deeply she moaned against his lips. Hearing him say those words again made her happier then she could ever remember. Her fingers intertwined in his hair as she kissed him passionately. Sucking on Robert's bottom lip, Tess pulled away to look him in the eyes. "No one will ever make me cum like you can."
Smiling at her, "I'm just getting started. Tonight and this weekend I'm going to make you cum a lot more." Kissing her, Robert could help but wonder why he had said he loved her. It was true he liked her alot... But to say he loved her. Since she hadn't said anything, Robert hoped she either hadn't heard him or just didn't think about it.
Kissing him back, Tess bit his lip before pulling away to look at him. "Ummm you said you loved me before..", she looked down unsure of what to even say. It was shocking that he had even said it but her curiosity got the best of her. Looking back up into his eyes, "Did you mean that or were just saying that because you felt so good?" She was biting her lip as she looked at him, wondering if she felt that way about him. She liked Robert a lot and she wanted him to feel the same way. Hearing him say I love you made her feel excited and scared at the same time.
Watching her pull away, Robert felt like his heart just stopped. Sighing he knew he couldn't lie to her so decided to be honest, "Yes... I meant it. It wasn't that it felt so good... In the short time we've been nice to each other, I've grown to like you a lot."
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