Love and Hate at Hogwarts (London and MissBubbles)

Tess couldn't stop herself from smiling if she wanted to. Kissing Robert's lips softly she whispered against them, "I told you that you were falling in love with me." She honestly had no idea what to say to him. Tess was smiling but deep down inside she was terrified of the situation. Looking into his eyes, "This scares me a little bit though." Pulling her arms from around him her hands slid over his chest.
Kissing her deeply, he smiling softly, "Yeah you did... And I told you the same thing... That you would fall for me. Just give it some time... After all you can barely keep your hands off me." Caressing her cheek, "I know your scared... I am too. We'll just have to take things as they come." he said as he pulled her into a hug.
"I never said I haven't fallen for you already", wrapping her arms around Robert she hugged him tight. She had fallen for him and she fell hard. Tess still couldn't believe that she had hated this guy and now she wanted to tell him she loved him. "But I do think that I love you too Robert", she kissed his neck softly as she hugged him to her.
Sighing in relief when she said she loved him, Robert smiled as he kissed her neck. "I would say we'll take it slow... But I don't think we can," he chuckled, "Besides... I just love touch, kissing, and caressing you," he said as he kissed her neck. "I think that we should go bake to the castle. I want to have a quick look through the library before we go to the room..."
"you must not love me very much because your always saying we need to stop and go somewhere", she said giggling. kissing her neck was only making her want to stay right where they were even more. "But if we must go then fine." She pushed Robert back gently and pushed her dress down.
"Oh believe me... I want to stay but I know if we don't go it'll be light before I'm done with you. Even though tomorrow is a day we can be here, I don't want anyone asking how we got out of the school," he squeezing her ass. Stepping back when she pushed on him, Robert pulled his pants back up. "Lets forget the library and go to the room..." he said wrapping his arms around her, "I plan on spend as much time as I can making you moan..."
Tess smiled at Robert when he wrapped his arm around her. Leaning in she nipped at the skin on his neck, "did you ever think you would be holding me and confessing your love for me a week ago", Tess couldn't help but laugh because she never would have thought things would be like they are. She kissed his neck softly before moving her lips to his ear.
Smiling as she nipped his neck, Robert could help but smile, "If someone had told me That I would confess my love for you a day ago I would have thought they were crazy. A week ago I was trying to come up with a way to get back at you for one thing or another," he laughed. Turning to kiss her neck, Robert sucked lightly on her skin. "What would you have said if someone told you we would be together?"
Moaning as he sucked on her neck Tess tried to speak, "I would have cursed them for saying such a vile thing." She couldn't help but laugh because she felt completely different now. She pulled away from his lips and smiled at him, "You turned me blue and i was made fun of for almost 3 days. I just got here too and thats how things started off for me. So honestly you deserved everything I ever did to you." Grabbing his hand she started walking out of the alley back into the street.
"I hated that you turned blue. It wasn't my idea to chose you to test the potion on... The professor wouldn't listen to me when I told him the dragon tongue was bad... Then I tried to apologize and that idiot Tyler would let me get close enough to speak to you..." he said softly as he started to follow her. Chuckling, "Everything... Even the incredible orgasms..." he said trying to lighten the mood. "I do plan on paying you back for turning you blue... How about a weekend of orgasm and caresses..."
She stopped walking and turned around to face him, "He told me that he overheard you saying you meant to do it... he must not like you very much." Wrapping her arms around Robert's neck she kissed his lips, "It's going to cost you three weekends to account for the three days of being made fun of." Tess bit his lip gently before pulling away and smiling at him. "By the way what did you do in the slytherin common room?"
"He doesn't. I stopped him from picking on some first years when we were in our third. He didn't like the curse I put on him," Robert chuckled. Returning her kiss, his tongue licking her lips, "Three weeks because the dick lied to you... Well if I have to..." he said smiling, "It'll be a rough job but I think I can do it,' he said squeezed her butt before she pulled away. Chuckling, "It was just a simple stink bomb... It won't reach the dorm rooms but it'll make anyone in the common room sick. I'll show you a way pass the common room so you won't have to smell it. It was more for Tyler then anyone else anyway."
"He may have lied but you did turn me blue whether it was accidental or not. If that sounds too harsh maybe I will just find someone else to give me three weekends of orgasm and caresses." she said with a smile teasing him. Tess couldn't help but laugh about the stink bomb and she was extremely happy she wasn't there. "I'm pretty sure you should have been a slytherin because that is definitely something a slytherin would do. Everyone says we're the evil ones but you ravenclaw seem pretty evil." Tess had never spoken to any other house before so she honestly didn't know what they were like. She usually went on what Tyler told her about the other houses and from the looks of things he seemed to be trying to hide her from everyone. If he lied about Robert who knows what else he lied about to her.
Laughing, "I admit I turned you blue... Which I have to admit you looked kinda pretty..." Smiling when she teased him, "Well if you're sure you want to find someone else..." he said turning like he would walk away, "On second thought... I don't want to share you..." he laughed. "No... We Ravenclaw are vendictive not evil," he chuckled, "Besides I wouldn't have made a good Slytherin. I would have been in several fights... I don't like bullies and Slytherin has a big number of them... Not all of them but more then usual."
"You are evil just accept it. It's fun, trust me I know." smiling at Robert she took his hand "Well you don't have to share me I'm all yours"' pulling him to her she kissed him deeply. She pulled his arm around her waist as she held his band. "now get me back to our room so you can take me."
Laughing, "I'm not evil..." he said laughing harder. "And I'm all yours. I don't need anyone else just you." Kissing her passionately, his tongue played with hers before she could pull away... "Oh god..." he moaned.

Squeezing her ass, Robert took her hand and nearly ran back to the passage. Moving quickly down the secret passage, Robert took a turn as they passed a branch. "This way will come out closer to the room. And right now I want to get you to bed as fast as I can."
Tess couldn't help but laugh as they ran. She hadnt had this much fun since she got here. As scared as the situation made her she was extremely happy with Robert. Holding onto his hand tight Tess tried to keep up, "it's not easy running in heels next time I'll wear tennis shoes." she was still laughin as she spoke.
Turning to look at her feet, "Oh I can take care of that. Oh I'm sorry... I should have thought about that." Pulling his wand out, Robert quickly swished and flicked his wand as he levitated her off her feet. Holding her hand, Robert pulled her down the passage while she floated a few feet off the ground. "I haven't been this horny in a long time... You make me so hard..." he said pulling her closer to kiss her deeply.

Continuing to move down the passage after kissing her, Robert walked up to a door. Peaking out of the eye slot, Robert quickly slipped out when the coast was clear. "we're just down the hall from the room..." he said as he pulled her along.
Tess was laughing so much it was making her stomach hurt. She could tell he was a great wizard when he levitated her off the ground. "I love it when your hard for me", she spoke before he kissed her lips. Nipping at his lip before he pulled away he pulled her down the hall. She couldn't think of a better first date. Tess was about to ask how much longer before they made it to the hall. "Don't be gentle with me at all when we get to the room. I need you very badly" smiling at him she leaned over to nip his ear.
Laughing with her, Robert smiled as he watched her float beside of him. Looking at her, his hand caressed her leg, "You make me hard a lot... Just being close to you does it." Moaning as she nipped at his lips, "I'm not sure I could be gentle with you right now if I wanted to... You have me so horny..." he said as he peaked around the corner of the hall. Moving down the hall, Robert knew that they had to hurry. Not only were they out pasted curfew, but they had been out of the bounds. Getting to the hall with the room... Robert left her floating close with to the door as he walked back and forth.

Stopping next to her, Robert reached out and took her hand as the door appeared. Pulling her into the room, Robert smiled as he kept her floating. "I was thinking that this could be fun for starters..." he said as he started to take his cloths off.
"Good I want you to be rough with me." Smiling as she waited floating by the door she wondered when he would put her down. It felt extremely weird to be floating like she was. The door finally appeared and she was more then happy when he pulled her into the room. She couldn't help but laugh when he left her floating. Watching as Robert undressed she smiled, "You're just going to leave me up here?"
Laughing, "For now... I thought I'd leave you floating... It might be interesting to try fucking you like this..." he said as he moved closer. Moving up to her feet, Robert pushed her dress up her legs as he stepped closer to her. Sliding it higher, his hands squeezed her breast when they reached them. Stepping between her legs, he rubbed his hard dick along her pussy as his hand pushed her dressed over her head.

Moving his hands back to her hips, Robert smiled as his hands quickly pulled her onto his cock. Moaning as he sunk deep into her pussy, he started to thrust hard into her his hips moving toward her as his hands pulled her down on him hard.
Moaning as she felt Robert's hands slide over her body Tess reached her hands from him. She moaned even louder when he rubbed his dick over her pussy. "Robert i need you", she moaned out as he teased her. Feeling his hands on her hips he pulled her onto his cock. Tess's head when back in pleasure, "Ohhh god yes... fuck me", she almost yelled out. She wrapped her legs around him pulling him tight to her.
Using his hands, Robert continued to thrust his hips into her as his hands pulled her to him. Moaning as he moved faster, Robert's hips thrust hard against her. With each thrust his pelvis rubbed against hers as his cock rubbed her inner walls. When her legs locked around him, Robert moved his hand to press against her clit as he bent over and took her nipple into his mouth. Sucking harder on her nipple, his cock reached deep into her with each thrust.
Tess hands moved over Robert's back as he sucked on her nipple. "You feel so fucking good", she moaned. She was slamming her hips against him as her legs tightened around him. He could never be close enough to her. Nearly gripping his back her hands pulled him closer to her when she felt his hand press against her clot.
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