Dragon's Jade

Jade laughed a little settling backk against him, amused at his reaction.Pressing a kiss to his neck she smiled a little before asking a question."Ever read harry potter fanfiction."

Dan snickered sipping his drink, before waggling his eyebrows at the blond, having looked once and by far, once was enough."There's some interesting pairings out there, tom."He teased
Tom and Emma took a sip of their drinks, Emma started "A fan sent me a pairing of Harry Potter and Hermione, actually they're pretty artful with words but the details." She sighed shaking her head embarrassed.

Tom took a sip, "Draco and Harry was the one someone pointed out, it's weird they want that pairing."

Emma nudged Tom, "Your turn."

Tom hesitated, "I have never crushed on Emma Watson." He jabbed at Dan with a big grin.
Dan pouted taking a sip."That's not fair!"He whined nuzzling his girlfriend's neck."Okay, I never dated scarlette byrne because she told me my ass looked nice."He said smirking at tom.

Jade snickered amused more then anything at the direction the questions were going."Ah well, she's right. He does have a nice ass."
Tom rested his elbow onto his knee while cupping his chin in the palm of his hand, his face beat red, knowing that would come back up and haunt him. It took him awhile to take the bottle to his lips and for the muscles of his mouth to comply while taking a sip or slurp as it were. He looked at Dan, Emma turning her head between the two, Tom "I have never acted in a stage play."
Dan laughed a little sipping his drink, taking a drink, his nerves feeling fuzzy. Starting to feel drunk."I've never had sex while fishing."Dan said, amused.

Jade laughed softly shifting pressing a kiss to Tom's burning cheek, wrapping her arms around his wist as he sat up,amused that the questiosn were now becoming more a game between the boys then anything else. Wondering just how far it would go.
Tom didn't take a sip, but it had struck a chord, he rested his victorious grinning face onto Jade's head with kiss. Emma pretended to take a sip, catching Tom's eyes, "Kidding." She answered, "I have never had to urinate like the boys do, standing a few feet from the toilet." Emma giggled, Tom's eyes were glazing, "not fair." He took another sip feeling a little hazy.
dan whined softly sipping his drink, "That's not fair love."He whined nuzling her neck.

Jade smirked twisting to look at her boyfriend, raising a eyebrow."I've never had to dye my hair for work."

"Jade!Thats not fair."dan whined louder, sipping his drink. Feeling fuzzier.
Tom groaned and took a sip, he had a slur, "I've" he felt like his words were coming out slower, "never kissed a boy."

Emma took a sip shaking her head and laughing.
Dan slurred a little."That's...not fair..."He said sipping his drink."I've... never forgot work because I was fishing."

Jade giggled a little taking a sip looking at emma, then their drunk boyfriends."How long doyou think they'll keep it up?"She asked looking amused stealing a kiss from tom."Aww you might not have kissed boys, but I'll kiss you anyways."
Tom took a sip of his drink, his bottle was done, he kissed Jade and then observed the bottle to make sure he wasn't just imaging it.

"Oh God," Emma laughed at how close Tom's face had gotten to the bottle, "I think we might have to cut them off early." She said while getting up and grabbing the two a replacement and handing it to them.

"I have never," she smiled a little embarrassed, "never walked around stage naked with a horse."

Tom snorted his laughter before opening his second bottle.
Dan moaned sipping his drink."It was a good play!And you liked watching it."

Jade snickered."I've never called jason issacs father."She said amused as tom took his drink.

"I've never slept in my car cause I forgot my sleeping bag."Dan slurred cuddling emma, before staring at his bottle, realizing it was empty before grinning happily at the new one.

"Guys I think you need to get up, move around, sober up a little."
Tom took the sips in little gulps, "I have never danced the hokie pokie outside of kindergarten class." Forgetting the rules he took another sip abiding to Jade's suggestion.

"You remind me of the babe, the babe with the power, the power of voodoo, who do? You do. Do what? Remind me of the babe." He staggered around a little taking a sip of his drink. Slurring through the lyrics and skipping most of the song, belting out the lyrics he had known "What kind of magic spell to use slime and snails or puppy dog tails thunder or lightning Then baby said.." He thought he was by Jade when he handed the imaginary mic over.
"I saw my baby trying hard as babe could try, What could I do?, My baby’s fun had gone and left my baby blue Nobody knew"Dan slurred as he gripped the blond's wrist, singing into the imaginary mic, getting up and dancing with the other around the fire.

"....its a very good thing they're drunk while doing this."Jade said watching them amused
Tom stumbled around in an attempt to dance, "Dance magic dance!" Emma looked over at Jade bewildered, "well you have to admit, it's kind of cute." Tom wiggled his hips while leaning over, "dance magic dance! Put that baby spell on me!" Slurring a little more than singing at this point, he stumbled and laughed.
"Dance magic dance!"Dan grinned laughing as he danced.

"it is."Jade said laughing softly at the sight of tom's ass looking so nice. Smiling a little as she stood, wrapping her arms around Tom's waist."Come on love,you should lay down.you'll injure yourself."She said laughing a little as she looked at emma."Hopefully, they remember this in the morning.The looks on their faces..."
Emma was laughing as she nodded, "Hopefully, fully grown wizards dancing around a fire pit. Definitely something I'll remember." She got up and walked over to Dan taking his arm over her shoulder. "You sir, need to get some rest too, we got a big shoot tomorrow." Happy she brought that extra coffee.

"Put that magic jump on me" he wrapped his arms around Jade's waist and embraced her, raising his voice as he sang the next half "Slap that baby, make him free!" He laughed, "I'll lay where ever the Jade pleases." He staggered with her in the opposite direction of their tents.
"But emmmmaaa!I want to do the magic here!No at a shot.Shote.Shoot!"He said stuttering a little, getting the word right finally.Leaning against her as he let her help him into the tent snuggling down into the sleeping bag.

Jade laughed a little "Oh well, Jade wants to ly in the tent with you."She said staggering a little under his weight as she got them going in the right direction, smiling a little as they got to the tent, helping him in. Laughing softly, because a drunk tom was so amusing."Sleep love."She said gently helping him climb into the sleeping bg.
"You are undeniably adorable when you whine," Emma giggled curling up beside him, a little too close for comfort as she nuzzled and cuddled. "We'll make magic if you sober up just a little," she whispered into his ear, at least wanting him to remember this night.

Tom plopped onto the sleeping bag with a long groan, before Jade helped him in "if someone at least warned me I'd be with a woman as beautiful as you tonight, I'd have showered." The blonde slurred, he poked his long arms out from under the bag for a hug.
"Ohhhh my head hurts."He whined cuddling against her, before passing out. And he'd no doubtedly remember those words in the morning.... and hate himself for not being a little more sober.

Jade laughed a little, crawling into the sleeping bag with him, cuddling close in his arms, pressing a kiss to his forehead."You knew you were going to be with me. Now sleep tom."She said sitting up on a elbow, gently stroking his hair.
Emma made a mental note of pulling out the aspirin with the coffee and water for the guys, she couldn't imagine herself being as drunk. She fell asleep in his arms, and nuzzled once more before she dozed off.

Tom sat up once more and planted a kiss on her forehead, or nose, he couldn't really tell now, his lips were slightly numb. "I can't sleep now, I'm keeping an eye on this angel." He lays back down with his hand brushing the tips of her elbow she'd been leaning on.
Jade snickered a little amused at that, shifting to snuggle against him. "Such a flatterer."She teased resting her head on his shoulder, yawning a little as she drifted off to sleep, wrapping a arm around his waist. It felt so nice to be in his arms...even if he was drunker then a skunk.
Tom was happy to amuse, she always looked cute with that little blush every time he complimented her. Once he fell asleep, his world was spinning like he'd been on a boat or rushing down a river on his back.

The next morning Emma awoke earlier than intended it was still a little dark out, her head throbbed only a little, but glad she wasn't about to feel the heat the boys were about to. She snuck out of the tent, tidying herself up as she sorted out the morning things. She set up a thermos of coffee with a couple of bottles of water and aspirin in Jade and Tom's tank and then returned to her tent with the same items. Taking her aspirin and sipping on some water and coffee while reading a book.
Jade smiled a little as she picked up the bottle of aspirin and water, sipping the coffee as she waited for tom to get up. Stroking his hair absently as she read her book.Amused and slightly feeling sorry for him because she knew his head was going to kill him."Morning."She muttered when she heard him stirring.

Dan groaned a little, whining softly, his head throbbing painfully as he shifted, resting his head on her stomach."How much did we drink?"He muttered keeping his voice down. Knowing anything louder was liable to kill him.
"Mor-" he yawned and groaned, "ning" Tom hadn't felt any more sick in his life, the coffee was his friend at that moment, even though it was hot, the blonde guzzled the first cup of strong coffee and then took the aspirin. He plopped back onto his resting place holding his tummy groaning. "No more beer."

Emma handed him the aspirin and water, "I'm not sure but you were definitely singing and dancing around the fire." She whispered softly in hopes her voice wouldn't raise, she didn't want to imagine the pain he was going through, she brushed some hair out of his face.
"Aww but you're so cute when you dance."She teased quietly, setting her book down, laying on her side as she looked at him,gently stroking his hair.Looking at him slightly worried, upset that he was feeling so badly. And guilty because she hadnt stopped him.

Dan groaned whining a little as he leaned into her hand before sighing, sipping the coffee as he took the aspirin."I was not."He stated looking up at her.
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