Dragon's Jade

"Fangless at that, all vampires have fangs, Dracula, Lestat, even the count on sesame street had fangs." She chuckled disappointed, "the actors are good, but very sad plot." Emma leaned into him making them stagger a little.

"The luckiest man in the world," Tom caught the tune with ease and hummed along with her, as he smiled, it was odd how easily that song fit their relationship, right from the start. He brushed the tip of her shoulder gently, "not to pry as the first minutes of being your boyfriend," he pecked her forehead, "but what are you thinking?"
Dan snickered a little, yelping slightly as they stumbled."Ah well I might not be a vampire, but I'll nibble on you."He teased ducking his head to kiss her gently before pulling away, sighing softly.Trying not to rush things.

Jade smiled slightly shivering lightly at the touch.Her shoulders were extremely sensitive to touch."Oh...just thinking about how non private things are about to get. It was bad enough when you were single, they press is going to want to know everything when it gets out that we're dating."She said, knowing that they wouldn't be able to keep it a secret forever
She squeaked feeling him kiss her, which sort of tickled, she giggled "Stay a wizard, and stay away from teen drama's!" She shivered.

"Well," Tom smiled when he felt her shiver a little under his touch, he rested against her, "We do have a lot to gossip about, namely you and your hotness, but I won't tell them your name, so it will take them a long time before they swarm around us like vultures. We'll be careful, if you like." He suggested as he rose his brows.
Dan smirked drawing her closer, nuzzling her neck."how about lawyers?Can I be a sexy lawyer?"He teased a little, amused.

Jade shrugged,laughing softly at him."Me and my hotness don't care who knows we're dating, I'd just prefer them not swarming into evey private moment we have."she sighed a little."The paparazzi always find the most embarassing moments...I just don't want my whole life exposed to the world."She shrugged biting her lip s she raised her head to look at him, almost afraid he was regretting asking her out.
Emma laughed, "You know you're already sexy," she added almost breathlessly, "just add the briefcase and suit. Girls all over the world will be eating out of your hand, course they'll have to line up behind me." She let go of his waist with one arm and tickled him.

"I certainly can understand that, hopefully we'll not be the next Brangelina." He shook his head remembering what he'd last heard, "they only went out to breakfast and were locked at the entrance for an hour and a half just trying to leave." Tom frowned a little lost at the idea of privacy, "God let us not be them."
Daniel whined a little squirming away."Em!not fair!"he growled softly, playfully as he wrapped his arms around her, tickling her back."Ah but its always nice to hear someone calling me sexy."He teased.

Jade nodded shifting a little in his lap,"Lets not."she smiled brushing her lips over his, moving to get up. Glancing at the sky.Having not realized so much time had past, it was early middle afternoon already."Hopefully no one will notice you're not single for awhile.....well...maybe not. Hopefully the girls will notice."She said wrinkling her nose, not liking the idea of other girls flirting with him.
Emma laughed and then squeaked out a few giggles when he returned the tickle, "You're so into it," she nudged his rib.

Tom lowered his voice, a trick he learned about while acting, "Ah! The world at my fingertips and a single Jade amidst my grip." He chuckled and pulled her closer to him. "I'm actually relieved you preferred to have me. I really thought you'd say no."
Dan laughed "Oh well, you'll just have to get me back later."he said smiling a little as he pulled away, setting her back down on her feet."So beautiful."He muttered to himself looking her over, gently tukcing her hair behind her ears.

Jade laughed blushing a little."Ah, why would I?Like dan said, you're like me.You enjoy your privacy, you love nature, and you're cute."She said shifting in his lap a little, curling closer as she settled aginst his chest.So happy to that he liked her.Even if the press was going to be complicated, she just wanted to be with him.
Emma was catching her breath as she placed her hands over his by her face as she looked up at him, lightly flushing pink after catching the compliment. "We should get going," she replied softly and curled into his arms, "before it gets dark."

Tom brushed his hands down her arms, barely touching her, "Dan certainly sold me to you, huh?" Tom chuckled as she shifted and rested his head onto hers in a light cuddle, "well not to quote anything but you had me at hello." His body tensed only a little, this time a little more in control, respecting her boundaries as a virgin. Readjusting himself so she wouldn't be able to feel him, also giving him the opportunity to cuddle her closer to his chest.
Dan grinned a little nodding as he pressed a kiss to her forehead."WE should. Better go get the other two. They're probably so distracted they haven't realized how late it is."He said heading for the creek.

"Hmm he did.Emma to."She smiled relaxing as he relaxed, cuddling closer yawning a little giggling at his words."Well, you do sing.I guess only you can pull off qqouting songs."She teased before looking up."We probably should go back to camp...it's late. Dan and emma'll be searching for us soon."She said kissing him
Emma closed her eyes and smiled under his kiss, "wonder if they even bothered with the rods." She joked hearing the stream rushing along.

Tom chuckled softly, nuzzled as she cuddled, "Oh man." He groaned almost childishly, "they wouldn't look for us, we're just a havoc to their ongoing hubub of a relationship." But he knew she was right, he chuckled while grabbing their things. "But we're definitely gonna go camping again sometime soon, but alone." He just liked being alone with her.
"Well, they might have bothered with one rod."He said snickering to himself, "Okokay, I promise. No more sex jokes."He said laughing as he looked at her, before smiling at the sight of tom and jade cuddling close.

Jade smiled as she brushed her clothes off, picking up the rest of their things wrapping a arm around his waist as they headed back, before grinning at the other two."Ah see. I told you they'd come looking."She said nudging him.
It took awhile for Emma to put two and two together, she dropped her mouth and then laughed. "Right, no more sex jokes." She laughed a little shyly.

Tom was suprised to see the other two close, he gave Dan a knowing glance and beamed, "Right, magic is playing a steady lead tonight, let's celebrate guys." He nodded his chin towards camp with his arm around Jade.
Dan grinned nodding as they headed back to camp."Does that mean I'm the leading man again?"He asked glancing at the blond looking amused."I'll even let you have the dellusion you have the biggest wand."He teased.

Jade blushed laughing quietly."Ah, we all know death eaters are so much more skilled."She said as they walked into camp, heading for the fire pit, starting on a fire.
Emma blushed seeing that things were going along quite well, she nudged Dan softly, "No more sex jokes." She whispered.

Tom laughed with Jade, "Right you are Jade, no need for big wands, just skills and a good swift one at that." He chuckled while letting go of Jade for awhile to put the things back.

Emma went to the cooler, grabbing four bottles, feeling a little foreign as she carried them to the group. "I brought extra coffee if anyone gets carried away." She smiled while holding out the bottles.
Dan smiled a little taking a bttle, sitting down against the tree as he looked at the fire, laughing a little as jade coaxed a bigger fire into being."I dont want our trip to be done."He whined softly, even knowing they had to leave in the morning to go back to their real lives.

Jade smiled as she stared proudly at the fire before looking at tom, waiting till he sat down to laying down next to him resting against his chest as she sipped the drink she'd taken from emma."thanks em."
"Welcome," She replied to Jade, Emma passed the last bottle in her hand to Tom who nodded his thanks, she went back to Dan and curled into his arms. "I can't get mine open," she said twisting her fingers around the lid with soft little grunts, "Dan?" She handed him the bottle.

Tom opened his bottle and took a swig and ending it with a raspy sigh, "Well. Let's play a drinking game?" The blonde offered.
Dan smiled taking the bottle from her, twisting it with a flick of his wrist. Grinning ga little.She was so cute when she was trying."There you go."He said handing it back before raising a eyebrow."A drinking game?"

Jade laughed softly sipping her own drink,tilting her head to look at her boyfriend. Amused and wondering what kind of game he'd choose."Drunken exploding snap?"she teased
Emma took the bottle amused at a game, she laughed at Jade's response, "Well there's only two I know of and played." She nodded towards Tom who she played them with, "The bullshit one, or truth I don't know what it's called. One person tells a bullshit or true story and then everyone has to guess if it were true or not. Tom's pretty good at it."

"The other one is called I have never," Tom continued, "a person points out something they have never done and if someone in the group has done it, has to take a drink. Em hardly gets drunk with that one." He joked, and Emma narrowed her eyes as she smiled.
Dan laughed a little kissing her head."Ah Em, I'll take you to do lots of things."He said blushing slightly.

Jade snickered, looking amused."I'm sure you will."she said as he blushed even more beore looking at tom. "I've never.I want to see how much you've done."She teased poking him stealing a kiss as she looked at the other two
When Dan kissed her head, she giggled and cuddled into his arms more. "I'm counting on it." She spoke softly into his ear.

Tom grinned after Jade kissed her, "hey you," he grabbed her shoulder and took a kiss as well, he looked up to the cuddle bugs and raised his brows, "Suppose I'll start - I have never ate any sort of bug."

Emma made a face and shook her head.
Dan winced before smirking a little."Chocolate covered ants."He said taking a sip of his drink. Laughing a little at the look he was getting from jade."What?They're a delicy in france."

Jade laughed snuggling closer to Tom, shaking her head."No bugs for me. Dan, your turn."

Dan smiled a little thinking."I've never been skinny dipping."
Both Tom and Emma took a sip of their drinks, Tom shocked to see Emma, "What?!" He nearly choked on his drink.
"During Ballet Shoes, the girls and I had time alone to get to know each other and we didn't have swim suits."

Tom nodded to Emma, "I already went, you."

Emma's face reddened, "no way what about you? When?"

Tom laughed, "A bunch of friends and I when we went camping."

Emma nodded, "I have never...been groped sexually by a female." she cleverly responded with a devious little smile.
Jade snickered, sipping her drink laughing a little as dan stared at her."It was a lonely camping trip when I was a teen."she paused before laughing harder."And lots of alcohol involved."She added as dan sipped his own drink,twisting to look at her boyfriend."How about you?"she said studying him, curious.

Dan swallowed his laughter, wondering how the blond was going to answer."Very clever em."He teased tickling his girlfriend a little.
Tom and Emma saw Dan and Jade take a sip, Emma's mouth dropped at Jade's explanation. Tom had trouble getting the image from his mind as his face reddened.

Emma laughed and shook her head, "Oh come on, Tom just take a sip, already." She laughed seeing him struggle for an answer.

Tom cleared his throat with a dry cough and took a quick sip of his drink, "Girlfriends in the past." He mumbled under his breath.
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