Dragon's Jade

Dan smiled a little, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he found their seats, settling down next to her maing sure jade was in the middle, away from the crowds of people that were there for the premiere. Afraid that her brush with the paparazzi would make her pull away from tom."They do.But we'll sneek out the back, avoid them on our way out."

Jade smiled grinning little as she sat in her seat, kissing him lightly, shifting to lean against them as they waited for the movie to start."We have to stay for the movie. But we'll go sneek out for the party after."She promised, resting her head against his shoulder, smiling as the crowd filtered in, settling in to watch the movie.
Emma giggled, a slender finger pressed to the center of her lips, "shh. They will hear you and wait for us." She said laughing softly.

Tom kept his posture with his girlfriend, unable to contain a bashful smile at the people who passed by and noticed Jade. Who was stunning, he couldn't stop telling himself that he was so lucky, "Alright. But hopefully there's no surprises."
Jade grinned, "No surprises."She said, unknowing just how interesting the surprises they were going to get were going to be.

The next dy Jade whined quietly as she nuzzled the shoulder she was resting on shifting closer. Sighing softly as bare skin slid over bare skin, pressing a kiss to his skin as she opened her eyes, wincing as light pierced her eyes, wincing as it made her aching head hurt worse. Blinking even more stupidly as she realized they were laying on dan's couch...naked."Tom..."She muttered stupidly, pushing up from his chest, pressing a hand against her head. Wondering why she was feeling sick and dizzy. Wondering if it was just the alcohol....then looked down at the naked man she was sleeping on."no..nonnoonno oh no."She muttered her head hurting worse as she got flashes of memories. Frantic kisses, gropes...surely they hadn't."Tom!"She said gently shaking him.
Time had pressed on, the night eventually drew a blur and his senses certainly thrown out the window. Tom was dreaming of floating down a raging and roaring river, the only thing to hold onto was a life belt. Which was made from skittles. Oddly enough he could taste the skittles, they tasted like old wine and strong liquor. He felt his arm moving around and a slow burn flushed through out his body as he slowly sat up. He felt feverish, sweaty and exhausted. Like he'd ran a marathon.

"Oh, blasted all my brain cells."

Still not noticing they were naked. Nor who he was with. He had to blink that sleep from his. Groggy still won this fight as he struggled to pay attention to his surrounding. Then Jade slowly came into vision, a panicked and wide-eyed angel. He frowned a little before raising his brows, "I feel like I'd been hit by a stampede of trailers, what happened?"
Jade relaxed a little as he wke up, swallowing hard, still looking wide eyed."I feel the same.I...feel sick."She muttered, knowing from friends stories that the first time you had sex usually left someone sick to their stomach with the invasion of someone else's body on yours and the hormone increase. Shuddering a little as she rested her head on his chest."I don't remember....I just...I remember the party.Drinking. Then dan making us come back here..."
"Oh, I wouldn't doubt Dan offering up his pad in hopes of..." Suddenly piecing everything together, his heart fell and done hool-a-hoops around his ass. He looked around, now feeling her body against his. Shutting his eyes now tight, "darling I am so sorry." His hand met with the bare of her shoulder, "I knew I said I was going to wait, I didn't intend on this, at all."
Jade sighed quietly, wincing a little at his words nodding a little."I know."She said before easing away, looking for their clothes, tossing his to him."We better get dressed before dan and emma come down."She muttered looking embarassed and unsure for the first time in a month. Feeling awkward around him in a way that she hadn't for weeks with him.
Tom had felt the strain of the situation, he was supposed to keep track of his emotions with her, never let down that guard. Dressing himself, frowning and stretching his shirt out. On the bottom half of his shirt was what seemed to be a phone number, "I honestly don't recall a single thing that happened last night. If a night it was," he shot a glance at his watch.
Jade wined leaning over to see what time it was, wincing when she realized it was morning, and he had to catch a plane."You have a plane to catch in 4 hours."She pointed out, sounding sad.despite feeling awkard, and not knowing what was going on, she would miss him. Smiling a little as she brushed her fingers over the phone number."Ah, well you could always call for a date."She teased, hesitating before leaning up for a kiss.
Tom held on hand over her arm while his other reached around her waistline as he returned her kiss, actually regretting his job for the first time in quite a few years. "You know," he spoke between kisses, "I doubt anyone would miss me if I stayed, only for a little while." He chuckled, while slowly and gently wrapping his arms around Jade.
Jade sighed quietly in pleasure as he kissed her, smiling a little at the idea, leaning more into him,hands sliding under his shirt. A soft and easy touch, holding a almost there memory of doing this the night before through the alcohol haze."Hmmm you are the star. or one of them.You'll be missed tom."She scolded amused as she kissed him slowly.
Tom hung his head over her shoulder, the sudden fear of losing himself in a kiss didn't phase at all as he trailed a couple of pecks along her neck. "I could say I got lost in the cloak of invisibility." He joked, and kissed her forehead after "God, I will miss you. Even more now, knowing I was with you all night and have no memory." He chuckled, once more apologizing under his breath.
Jade laughed quietly, hugging him."Hmm I'm sorry to."she muttered pressing a kiss to his shoulder, resting his head on his chest."Hmm you're dreams will just have to be enough.You know I can't get out to visit you for another month.After that,I'll be in the states with you."she said smiling, forgiving him because it was as much her fault as his.

Dan paused in the doorway, before stepping back, leaving them alone as he went back upstairs,having heard enough to be worried."Hey.You need to talk to jade later."He muttered laying down next to emma pressing a kiss to her forehead.
He knew she was right, time to go is time to go, and when it comes to work. Time would typically fly by as he went through interviews and so on. However, that wouldn't stop that need, the ache pulling her close to him. Just to have her in his arms, was bliss itself. "You are right, and something tells me, you always will be right." He chuckled.

Emma had been twisting the fabric of the pillow case between her fingers before Dan showed up, curling into his arms, "why do you say that?" She asked, wrapping one arm over his chest and kissing his neck.
ade smiled a little stealing another kiss before stepping back."i'm always right."She said sighing as she pulled away. Not wanting to go, but if she saw him off at the airport, she'd end up beging him to stay."I'll always be right."She said before sighing."Go.Please."She said smiling sadly.

Dan sighed looking at her, pressing a kiss to her head as he held her."They slept on the couch.Naked.And they don't remember...."He said blushing ever so slightly.
Tom stepped in for another gentle embrace, and kissed her once more. Really not wanting to go but of coarse, he would have to. Tom swung his arms into his jacket, and headed out the door. Looking back once, just to remember everything about her. "How did I get to be the luckiest man in the world?" He smiled and went off.

Emma blinked a couple of times, having to register, "she's" then gasping, "oh I understand." She smiled and held on to Dan, "will have a talk with her." She waited for Tom to leave, to avoid any chance of him overhearing their conversation.
Jade smiled at his question watching him leave before she looked at the door, sighing quietly when she saw emma."Do you want to go out for breakfast?I want breakfast."She said her stomach rolling. Hungry even if she wasn't sure she was going to be able to keep it odwn.
Emma had nodded lightly, a small smile pressing at the corner of her lips. "I could use a few pounds of pancakes or waffles." She joined Jade after grabbing her purse and sunglasses. "We'll be around later, Dan." Emma announced.
"Bye."Dan said smiling a little. jade was quiet until they got to the diner, siting down as she ordered before looking over at emma looking worried as she bit her lip. "I...I don't remember what happened last night.Well, I do but not really. Neither of us do."She said blushing a little looking worried.
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