Dragon's Jade

Jade giggled, blushing harder as she looked at Emma, nodding, agreeing that a large would be perfect.Amused as she looked at the two boys, this was so amused.And despite being embarassed, it was nice to have someone to talk to.

Dan grinned a little as he pulled into the studio parking lot twisting in his seat to look at the two girls."I think we need to seperate them.They're talking about us."He whined pouting a little.
Tom had to look back after Dan mentioned the girls were talking, he looked between Emma and Jade.
Emma shook her leg and nibbled at the tip of her thumb while glancing over at Dan, her face flushed even more so when he called them out, giggling she answered "Awwwe, we were just getting along, that's all."
The blonde nodded once, "Yeah yeah," he replied dryly, "we're going to lunch." He figured Emma to be a slight bad influence on Jade.
Stuffing his head into a ball cap as he looked between the girls again, he had to readjust the cap with his hand on his head while he stepped out of the car.
"I'll have our things picked up later, Dan."
Emma popped out of the car giggling while looking at Jade.
Jade grinned a little, "I'll talk to you later."Jade muttered as she hugged the other woman."And I want to hear everything."She said drawing away with a giggle, pulling on her own hat, the baseball cap hiding just how beautiful she was. Or who exactly she was.Glad for it since they were going out into the crowds.

dn laughed a little, shaking his head as he looked at tom."Fine by me.I'll see you two later.It was fun."He said amused wrapping a arm around emma's waist.Wondering who was the bad influence on who.Emma or Jade.
Emma giggled, "I'll text you and we can meet up later." She chimed after hugging Jade, and then patted Tom's shoulder who gave her a one armed hug. The kind that's given between sister and brother or maybe egor and frankenstiens bride. "Will see you two." She waved them off.

Tom nodded and went off with Jade, "Ciao," he walked with his girlfriend in his arms.
Dan laughed a little looking down at his girlfriend raising a eyebrow."So. Did you have plans for the rest of your day?"He asked wrapping his arms around her waist.

Jade laughed a little heading for their cars,"My car or yours?"she said pausing between the two, twisting to look up at him.
"Rent a cheap motel, and bang bang bang all day." Emma joked while turning to him so she could bury her head beneath his chin, "I don't know, there's a lot to be done work wise but that's not for awhile, maybe we can have a go at one of those vending hot dog places. I'm hungry."

"We can take mine love, that way I'm not ruining your seating by adjusting it to my monstrous length." He pulled out the keys to his, and then had a second thought, "but if we take yours, the paps won't be able to recognize us till it's too late."
Dan snorted laughing."Hot dogs it is then."He smirked a little, nudging her slightly as he kissed her head, "And well, I think we could do better then a cheap motel.Maybe a expansive hotel."He said snickering heading for the back lot so they could leave without getting mobbed by the press.

Jade sputtered a little, blushing hard at his words.Monstrous...."Well, you can ruin my seating any day."She teased leaning up for a kiss, yelping a little as their hats collided, driving the bill of his into her forehead hard.
"I know, just liked the idea of saying "cheap motel" a bit of a trampy word, wouldn't you say?" She walked with him, one arm around his waist.

Tom chuckled shyly while apologizing repeatedly, "Oh Lord, I really am sorry, love." He patted her forehead and then kissed her.
"Hmm it is."dan grinned a little as he pushed open the back gate, holding it open so she could get in."After you, m'lady."He said smiling as he loooked around to make sure no one was watching them walk out.

Jade giggled as he patted her, rubbing the red spot before kissing him back.Sighing softly as she deepened it, forgetting they were in full sight of the road...and the press. blushing as she pulled away she slid her keys into his hand."Drive.Lets go."Se said stuttering a little, because well, if they stayed, they might finish what they started in the tent in the backseat of her car.
Emma playfully bowed and rushed out the door and down the back, her hair swaying over her shoulders as she turned to smile at Dan. "Do you think J.K. Rowling should have paired us "Hermione" and "Harry" instead of the way it's going now?"

Tom chuckled lowly while readjusting his hat some more as he took a seat, he took off without the press following so maybe they were just setting up for Dan and Emma. Although he hated wishing the paparazzi on anyone, he was glad they would wait for Dan and Emma. Pulling into the parking lot of a nice restaurant, one of his faves, he got out of his car and whisked around the front to the passenger side to open Jade's.
Dan laughed a little nodding a little as he followed her out, swallowing hard as he watched her hair slide over her shoulder before wrapping a arm around her waist as they walked."it would make sense. Sensible hermione and more then reckless harry..I think they would have balanced each o ther out more then hermioen and ron do."

Jade laughed a little as she got out, kissing him lightly "thank you."She said amused as she pulled away, blushing a little as she thought over what they'd started that morning. it was so tempting to skip food to just do that."So what's for lunch?"She asked heading inside with him
Emma accidentally bumped into him, she giggled and used his arm around her waist to level her pace so she would walk in even steps. Glancing at him sideways, she nodded once, "I'm just glad they didn't set Hermione up with Neville, don't get me wrong I love the old dote but," she shook his head, "oh there's a hot dog stand" she cut off pointing out the man in a pale apron handing out hotdogs over a smoky pit.

Tom was laughing as well, "I always see it done in movies, decided to make it a habit of my own." He shut the door and locked up with his key chain, "It's this lovely Italian restaurant," he snagged her hand and twirled her around once, "best pepperoni pizza's, pasta's it's like mum made it." He chuckled.
Dan laughed a little as he got in line, ordering his own hotdog and paying for hers as he waited for her to tell the man what she wanted. All throughout watching her.Unable to keep from watching her."Do you think jade and tom will be back today?"He asked curious.Since all of them really didnt have to be back on set till that night, he was curious to see how long it took the other two to return.

Jade laughed as he twirled her, blinking her eyes slowly as she felt dizzy, wrapping her arms around him as she stole a kiss."Ohhhh now that'll be good pizza."She grinned walkign in, ducking her head to hide a embarassed smile as the waitress greeted them and lead them to a table, hovering to take their order,but mostly staying to flirt. Jade rolled her eyes a little as she was pretty much ignored in favor of the cute actor, she sighed, raising her voice a little as she handed the menu back."I'll have a slice of peppeoni pizza and a small plate of pasta."She decided, wanting to try both.
Emma grabbed some spare napkins and handed some to Dan as she ordered hers, "I think they will be back - they might need a little encouragement to return to the real world." She chuckled, taking a bite of her hotdog, "mmph," she swallowed smiling shyly, "thank you." Emma giggled holding up the hotdog.

Tom was used to the flirting, so much he easily brushed it off, talked to her normally and hoped she would respect his privacy after they finished the order. "I'll have the same." He ordered, and returned his attention to Jade, his face flushed almost immediately after the waitress walked away. He wanted to hide after, because some girls really had no shame, reaching a hand over to hers across the table, "I can't wait to see your face when you try the pasta," he smiled, "you'll never settle for anything else, well-" he smiled "guess you'd have to settle for me."
Dan smiled laughing softly as he looked at her. Swallowing hard as he watched her eat it before starting in on his own."You're welcome."He smiled after swallowing before laughing."well, maybe it's a good thing tom doesn't have any serious scenes today.I don''t think he'd be able to stop smiling."

Jade sirked a little tilting her head,turning her hand over under his, lacing their fingers together."Oh, I don't think settling for a taste of you would be so bad."She said before she thought it through, a blush staining her cheeks as she laughed a little.
Emma laughed too and nodded, "That's true. I could've sworn I heard a high pitched ping, every time he smiled." She joked, "ooh, hopefully we won't have any dramatic scenes." She knew once she was on camera, she wouldn't be able to stop grinning or giggling.

Tom smiled, damn near awestruck by her beauty, "Hey," he squinted his eyes at her remark, "I resemble that remark." He joked and nodded, "well taste tests for Tom will be held in private, open to single reservations, well reservation."
Dan grinned leading her across the road to the park bench curling up his legs under him as he ate. Amused as he looked at her."Now no giggling emma. Hermione doesn't get to giggle like a schoolgirl when Harry looks at her. Only when ron does."He teased leaning over to kiss her.

Jade smirked,"oh, and is this reservation for me?Or is it the place of tasting that needs reserved. Because there are so many....places to take a taste."She said smirking as she looked hm over, laughing as the waitress brought them their food, starting to eat without waiting to see what his reaction was.
Emma laughed as she sat beside Dan, "that's not fair, Ron always gets to giggle with Harry." Poking her little finger at his side and laughing before he could jump, "at least we don't have to worry about the shyness with that upcoming kiss in the horcrux, I was a little worried about that."

Tom didn't budge for a few seconds, the smile pressed between his lips nearly fading as he thought of all the things she referred to. He rose his brows and smiled, "Reservation is for you," he smiled once more and dug into his plate of food, "It'll be a long term reserve, complete with a banner, I shall sport across my forehead," he stretched his index finger and thumb along his forehead, "Jade's"
"Oh hell.I forgot about that."Dan blushed a little looking over at her, before smirking."Though, I think we probably should see each other naked before then.Get the awkwardness out of the way and all that."he said with a sly smile leaning over to steal a kiss.

Jade blushed leaning across the table to kiss him, smiling as she settledback in her seat, starting to eat."Ah well,good. maybe the waitress will take the hint then."She said slightly amused. "Though I do want to investigate later what the terms of my reservation are. After all, got to make sure everything tastes okay."She said blushing harder, amused and trying not to think about that morning. Even fresh from sleep, he'd tasted good. And she wanted so much to finish that.
"I thought you have seen me-" she shook her head, "Oh no that was, a completely different thing." She giggled and kissed him, wrapping her arm around his shoulder, "we'll just have to mark the occasion, shall it be streaking or skinny dipping?" Emma laughed and nudged him.

After he kissed her over the table, he could have sworn he heard his heart pace quicken, sitting back in his seat. As she mentioned the rest of the terms, his fork jingled with the plate which echoed across the room, putting the fork down he cleared his throat, "you are cute," he smiled, "you blush every time." He brushed his foot along hers beneath the table.
"I was thinking skinny dipping. Just think, all that water to play in.."He smirked shifting, tugging her into his lap kissing her slowly."So. Swimming?"He said tilting her head a little.

Jade smiled nudging his foot back, before raising a eyebrow, crossing her legs as she let her foot brush the inside of his calf, wondering who'd break first and beg for more. "Well, i'm sitting across from this really cute actor, who just happens to like making me blush."
Her cheeks were tinted pink as she sat in his lap, her hands clasping together behind his neck as she smiled looking at his mouth after they kissed, "swimming." She responded softly, wriggling her body to cuddle against him closer.

Picking up his fork again and taking a bite, feeling her foot sliding along his calf, Tom looked up from his plate and gave her a sideways glance, "well it's a certain reminder, blushing?" Tom smiled, "after a certain act, the afterglow works like a blush." He put the fork down and decided to bite into his pizza instead.
"Lets go then."He grinned at her, hands resting on her hips,struggling to remember they were in public. "We could go back to my house."He muttered, remembering stupidly slow that he had a private house and a pool.

Jade nearly choked on her drink, looking over at him as she smiled shifting to look at him,starting on her pizza. Moaning softly in pleasure at how good it was. Muttering in wordless pleasure she sighed softly s she finished her food, looking over at him. not really wanting to leave his company, and they didn't have to be back on set till the early morning, after all it was late sunday afternoon.
Emma was blushing and smiling as she stood up, resting her head onto his, "good I never liked using public pools." She shuddered at the thought of it.

The heat boiling like lava as she finished her meal, the soft moans escaping her beautiful lips, he couldn't help but smile to himself while finishing his meal, he waved the waitress over and paid the bill. Standing up and holding out his hand to Jade, "shall we?" He said in his best snobbish tone and smiled.
Dan snickered,"Public pools. not potty trained kids....yea, at least my pool's clean."he said standing heading for the car, walking a little faster then normal. Eager to get her into the pool, and wet.In more ways then one. He sighed, nearly moaning in pleasure at the thought.

Jade giggled a little as she took his hand, standing as she wrapped a arm around his waist "Let's."She said walking out with him,waiting till they got outside to lean against his chest to kiss him slowly,eagerly as she sighed softly."This was fun.A very good weekend."She said looking up at him.
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