Dragon's Jade

Tom chuckled even though it hurt his head, "I don't remember dancing," he sighed, hoping the aspirin would kick in soon. He took the bottle of water and clamped it to his lips, like an infant he took a few gulps before turning to his side. He shook his head, "I danced." He planted his palm over his face.

Emma tried to stifle her giggle, she covered her mouth quickly raising her brows apologetically, "You were, and I must say I have never seen so much sex appeal in a man." She hummed dance magic dance softly hoping it would ring a bell.
Jade grinned "Oh yea.With dan."She teased laying on her side to, shifting down so they were face to face, "You shook your ass to.And sang dance magic dance."She said smiling a little.

Dan groaned his eyes widening a little. That..."Oh hell. I blame tom."He whined rubbing his face, amused. And slightly aroused because she had reminded him of the words that she'd told him before he'd past out
Tom squished his face, "the muse of inebriation," he chuckled "hopefully I was more stunning than Dan," he prodded "it was my ass you were looking at and not his, right?" He shifted closer with a hint of curiosity flaming in his eyes.

Emma giggled after she finished her coffee and curled to lay beside him. "It was stunning, visually striking, I have never seen such-" her eyes shot around for the right word, "manly thrusts in my life." Emma cuddled, planting a kiss on his forehead.
Jade laughed a little, amusement showing on her face as she studied him,pressing a kiss to his lips before pulling back,shifting a little closer to."Ohhh....maybe."She teased,"Of course I was watching your ass. Its so nice."

DAn whined tugging her down for a real kiss,wrapping a arm around her waist."Manly thrusts?Just WHAT were we doing?"He asked looking slightly worried.
Tom turned his head lightly just once and then laughed, "well perhaps I should look into dancing with the stars, shake my booty so you can record it and watch it as much as you like." He kissed her, leaning onto her, brushing his hands through her hair.

Emma laughed and kissed him once more, "well maybe in my mind you were thrusting off a bit more than reality." She laughed again wrapping her arms over his shoulders and curling her legs around his.
"or you could just do it for me."She said blushing a little, shifting closer, sighing softly as she settled against his body, a leg sliding over top of his, cuddlign close as she kissed him again."Though I prefer you didn't sing with dan.You two shaking your asses together was just amusing."

Dan smiled a little resting his hands on her hips, tugging her closer, sighing softly as her body settled against his, kissing her slowly."Hmmm you like me thrusting?"He teased, his voice going husky with lust.
Tom laughed a little more freely, no longer feeling the pain in his head, well at least one of the heads. "I think the word ass coming from you is a little more of an aphrodisiac than it should be."

Emma wrapped a leg over his waist and planted herself on top of him, sliding against his body as she kissed him. "mmm," she moaned and smiled, "so much to think of when I see your body moving."
Jade smmirked slightly, raising a eyebrow."Asssss.."She teased, drawing out the word, shifting, wrapping her arms around him as she kissed him slowly. Following instinct more then experience.

Dan groaned a little, hands resting on her hips as he squirmed slightly, sighing softly at the feel of him pressing against him."Oh..."He blinked slowly,"Em.We can't. Not here.I want a bedroom.And a bed.And romantic evening for our first time.Not in the woods....with tom and jade a tent away."he said blushing as he sat up.
Tom laughed as she teased him, "lovely, just lovely." He felt the world slipping away while he wrapped his arms around her. She was everything he could ever ask for plus more.

Emma sighed as well, when he sat up she rested on her elbows, "Either you plan on being really loud or really naughty." She slid a hand between his thighs, massaging him gently "Perhaps we should hurry then." She smiled a little deviously.
Jade smiled sliding a hand down his chest."Oh, I wouldn't be so sure I'm a lovely person."She said sliding her hand lower, her fingers closing around his cock,gently squeezing as she rocked her body closer to his, just enough to tease. A faint, innocent blush creeping across her face.

Dan swallowed hard, hips flexing, thrusting a little up against her hand."Hmmm I can be boh."he moaned softly, tugging her down for a kiss as his hands slid under her shirt, hands stroking his bare skin.
Tom's heart pace quickened easily, he didn't need much inspiration, he was hardening under her hand as she squeezed, he moaned softly and closed his eyes while sliding his hands over her body. He whispered, "Are you sure you want to?" He didn't want to pressure her.

Emma moaned lightly having to bury her face into his shoulder, "Your gonna be both?" She whimpered under his strokes, aching for more, "we really should hurry than." She slid her hips along his waist and up against his cock breathing heavily.
Jade swallowed hard, blushing harder as she bit her lip."I..."She stopped, squirmed."I want to..but...condoms?"She asked quietly, raising a eyebrow, even though her hand didn't stop from stroking him through his jeans. She couldn't stop touching him.Addicted already to the touch of his skin against hers.

Dan growled turning his head a little, nibbling at her skin as he shifted her so he could undress them both"Hmm we should."He panted quietly, sighing as he lowered his mouth to kiss along her bare chest, slowly making his way lower
Tom clenched a fistful of Jade's shirt, urgently searching for her kisses. When she brought up the condoms, his whole world nearly shattered, "Oh hell," he sighed but she kept stroking and it was driving him insane, he shook his head and instead of saying no he said "OooOoh"

Emma clapped her hands over her mouth feeling him lower his kisses down her body, she used her foot between his legs and stroked him in return. Her body trembled with each move, but started move her leg faster as her foot stroked him.
Jade grinned a little, shifting slipping her hand inside his jeans, sighing softly at the feel of hard warm flesh against her palm, gently touching him, going more on his reactions then anything else, before raising her head a little, tilting her head as she listened, her hand still moving over tom's cock, even as she tried to figure out what else she heard.

Dan moaned loudly, swallowing hard as he shuddered, whimpering softly as he shifted, laying her down on the sleeping bag, settling down on top of her, before raising his head, pausing as he listened."Do you hear that?"He muttered tilting his head a little.
Tom kept moaning but he heard something else, some one else moaning too. He reached his hand down his pants over Jade's hand to stop her, "wai-did you hear anything just now?" He listened, his heart quickened forgetting the other tent across from them, until just now.

Emma giggled, "it seems we're not the only ones enjoying a good morning." Then she laughed as she hugged him. "We should get packing."
Jade blushed freezing, letting him go as she drew away, her face flushed as she sat up."Y-yes."She stuttered a little looking around for her clothes, before biting her lip. "Well.I...we're not the only ones enjoying our morning."She stuttered a little blushing as she changed clothes moving to get out of the tent. Now that she was back to reality, she was stuttering and embarassed, and undeniablly cute with it.

Dan groaned, resting his head on her shoulder."Gonna kill Felton. He just couldn't be quiet could he?"He whined before pulling away, getting dressed again."You're right. Time to pack."He whined a little.
Tom sighed heavily landing back into his bed, "We should get going." He cursed Dan under his breath, he grabbed his things while kissing Jade every now and again as he packed. She was cute when she was nervous or blushing.

Emma giggled, shaking her head "well it's a good thing I didn't pack anything." By anything she'd meant condoms, she started gathering the things in the tent and packing them into her bag.
By the time everyone was packed and out of the tents Jade had stopped blushing so nicely, even though it came back when she saw dan climbing out of the other tent."good morning."She said blushing as she smiled at the man.

"For you maybe."Dan grumbled waiting till emma got out, starting to tear down the tent with a sigh.Glaring as tom got out of the tent to.
Tom got out of the tent and cleared his throat while he spotted Dan, he started taking down their tent as well and really tried not to think of it as the pitched tent it was. He brought a large armful of stuff to the jeep and then came back for more. "Morning Em," she didn't respond but giving the Mona Lisa smile made him uncomfortable. He decided it best not to make any conversation any time soon.
when they finished packing up and getting everything into the car, jade blushed a little as she climbed in the backseat with emma, almost afraid to be in the seat with tom remembering how close they'd had to sit on the way here. And well..considering how heated the morning was, she wasn't sure if it'd be embarassing or not."You have any coffee em?"She muttered smiling slightly as the guys got in.

Dan smiled a little glancing at tom, raising a eyebrow slightly.Amused that he'd gotten into jade's pants so quietly. Not aware she was a virgin. it was always amusing how fast girl's undressed around the blond. And it was easier to focus on tom being frustrated then himself."Sleep well?"he teased.
Emma sat in back, pretty much staring glances at Dan, her little brows would pull together as she thought about how he'd touched her. Her cheeks slightly tinted with pink, "I hardly go anywhere without it," she poured Jade a cup handing it to her, unable to look at Jade without the slightest giggle escaping her lips, she wondered if she was that flushed as well.

Tom rested his elbow on the passenger door, hardly looking at Dan but whenever he did, he had to shake his head, mainly at himself due to the fact that he never had the guts to ask Jade here. Instead he had two escorts and a lovely wake-up call with a side of regret. Not that it was all bad, the blonde had fun. "It was hard." Tom's throat clogged, he cleared it up with a little cough and brushed the side of his nose with his thumb.
Jade blushed a little, "Thats good."She smiled looking at the back of tom's head as he sat in front of her, looking flushed and slightly amused. Granted, it was probably a good thing that they'd gotten interrupted seeing as they hadn't had condoms. Raising her hands she flushed before dropping them, looking amused. Wondering how to ask without being obvious.

Dan snickered a little, looking over at him."I just bet it was."He said nearly choking on his laughter, glancing in the rearview mirror, amused as he saw the girls 'talking' wondering just how much talking they'd get done before questions and answers were exchanged
Emma nodded, using one of her slender and long fingers to push back a strand of hair. Then leaning so she faced Jade full on, stretching one of her bare legs onto the chair while resting her elbow over the back of the seat. What wasn't seen was the condom hiding beside her knee, she managed to pull it out of her purse without the wrapper making a sound. She'd wait till Jade would look her directly in the eye, her thumb brushing against her lower lip as she waited, then she'd look down at her knee where the condom was.

Tom cleared his throat once more, he then looked over at Dan briefly, his voice echoed in the back of his mind sending chills down his spine. He won't ever forget that prolonged moan of Dans, not in the fanfiction way either, more of a haunted expression that will play back for the remaining of the day, "Yours?" He asked, knowing the inevitable ending to the conversation.
Jade's eyes went wide a little as she saw it, laughing softly as she closed her fingers around the condom, glancing at the blond in the front seat. Blushing hard as she slid it into her pocket without a word.

"Y-yes."Dan swallowed hard, he just didn't want to have the conversation. Relaxing more when Jade leaned up from the back, resting her head on Tom's seat. If only he could just forget about the moaning he'd heard. He'd live happily if he just forgot about it.

"Tom. Do you want to go to lunch?"She said raised a eyebrow slightly, looking amused.
Emma bit her lips trying to laugh seeing Jade's reaction, then stroking the seat. She giggled as to what that reminded her of, pressing her hands onto her flushed cheeks while trying to push back the smiling. She closed her hands over her mouth like a pyramid and was able to stop smiling. Then she pulled out a second condom, tapping the wrapper to get Jade's attention once more, with two extended fingers she slowly parted them, letting her know that the condom was larrrge. Before Dan or Tom could look back she dropped her hands, pushing her hair from her face.

Tom, "Good, good," he cleared his throat once more and lifted his chin, scratching at the stubble growing along his face. He then looked back to Jade, Emma's face crimson as she looked away, "Yeah sure." He could never understand how girls were so open about their sex life with each other.
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