Dragon's Jade

Emma had to walk a little faster to keep up with him, nearly breathless as she laughed, stealing quick pecks and kisses as much as she could. Once she heard him moan, Emma nearly squeaked in excitement, skipping to the passenger door as her body ached to be up against his.

Tom agreed with a gentle nod, "It was a great weekend, the best, I shall never forget this."
dan grinned a little as he slid into the driver's seat, backing up out of the parking lot as he headed for his house. driving faster in the need to hold her."You're going to be the death of me. I just want to hold you."He said laughing a little, amused at the thought of driving her insane.

Jade nodded sighing a little, wrapping her arms around his waist,"well.I'd hope you wont forget."She said pinching his side giggling a little before stepping back,tilting her head a little. Not wanting to say goodbye."Home now or do you want me to drop you off at your car?"
Emma glanced at him with a devious little smile, "I'd better be," she giggled while holding onto the car with each sharp turn and laughing every time the car jolted her body around from the speed he was going.

Tom kept his arms around her, not wanting to let go at all, she was his actual security to this world. Safe and warm, he felt whole with her in his arms, "I'm thinking we should just head back to my car, pick our things up later, much later from Dan and head back to your-my-or-your place?" He closed his eyes doing a mental face palm, thinking so smooth, Tom.
Dan looked over at her, laughing a little."You don't have to laugh at me darling."He whined a little, though a smirk quirked his lips. Slowing down as he got closer to his house, pulling into a driveway with a sigh as he got out of the car. Walking slowly around to open the door for her, glad that he lived out of downtown, into a fairly private area.

Jade giggled a little, resting her head on his shoulder."Well, seeing as your the famous actor and everything, I have a curiousity to see how you live."She teased looking up ath im, amused that he looked embarassed, raising up on her toes to kiss him lightly.
Emma's toes pointed when he walked around to open the door for her, she smiled, nearly blushing when she stepped out and wrapped her arms around his shoulders for a deep and passionate kiss. "I couldn't help it, love, you always made me smile." She spoke softly and pulled herself closer.

"I'm just glad I kept it clean this week," he chuckled and the remembered something "Actually we'll definitely have to drop by Dan's later," he remembered the card for his tux had been kept in his bag, "My tux is still being worked on for the premier and I left my card in my duffel."
Dan smiled wrapping his arms around her, picking her up as he headed for the house, laughing as he kissed her."Good.Cause you always do me to."He said before doing a mental face palm as he headedupstairs for his bedroom."I mean smile."He said kissing her lightly nudging open his bedroom door, wincing a little at the usual mess inside, having forgotten about that.

Jade laughed as she started to drive, heading back for Tom's car."Tomorrow morning.I don't want to interrupt whatever they're up to."She said with a small giggle blushing softly as she remembered Emma and the condoms.
Emma wrapped her legs around his waist as she continued kissing him, when he said that she did him, she laughed rolling her eyes. "You are too cute," she giggled and looked at the place behind her, it didn't really bother her now, she just wanted him.

Tom nodded, and then shook his head remembering the morning. He had to suppress a light shudder of embarrassment. "It'd be better to go in the morning." He agreed and readjusted himself before glancing over at Jade, unable to take his eyes off her.
Dan grinned at her, amused as he nudged her towards the bed. Oh, this was going to be fun.

Jade snickered a little, looking over at him, blushing her under his gaze. "It would"she said relaxing. Glad to just be with him,even if nothing happened.

Almost two months later Jade smiled a little as she knocked lightly on Tom's door, before opening it, sticking her head in. Excitement and amusement lighting her features."Tom!Almost ready to go?"She called walking in, having in the past two months come to treat his apartment like a home away from home.Despite spending more time with him then she did alone, they hadn't done more then sleep curled up together, and some hot kisses shared. After all, the last few weeks of shooting and getting ready for the premiere had kept them so busy that they were exhausted by the time they got home to even consider thinking about sex. Grinning wider as she looked around for him, excited because emma was helpign her get ready at dan's, which meant that they had to go soon so everyone could get ready before they had to leave.
Emma had taken to Dan with comfort, amused by his witty charm and good looks, in the two months she'd stayed with him occasionally. Before checking in on Jade she poked her head into Dan's room, "you have to hurry!" she frowned stepping in his door, almost ready for the premier. Make-up and hair already done, she just had to get into her dress. Walking up to Dan and wrapping her arms around him, "this is so exciting isn't it?" She hugged him, "ok take your shower, I'm going to check in on Jade."

Tom was fixing his sleeves, he held out his arm to hold Jade, he wasn't dressed yet, he just wasn't sure he really wanted to attend, his nerves were on edge. "Just about ready." He answered, his voice betraying him with a little waver.
dan smiled a little loking down at her, gently kissing her head, not wanting to mess up her hair or makeup."Go. I'm sure she's feeling scattered.After all, it'll be her first premier."he said pulling away as he headed for the bathroom, getting in the shower with a grin. Amused at his friend's nervousness.

Jade smiled a little walking into his arms, cuddling close, wrapping her arms around his waist, trying not to be nervous either, for him.Despite being the one who'd be the newest under the glare of the cameras. After all, it'd be her first time really admitting to going out with him, so the press was going to have a frenzy."You'll be fine.I need to get a shower, why don't you join me in a few minutes?"She said looking up at him, a shy smile and a faint blush crossing her face.
Emma found her gown and carefully got dressed, she loved the fashion of the gown, she loved fashion period. Looking in the mirror she could see that her nerves were on end. She tried to press that aside with a smile but even then she could still see that she was nervous. The first premier of the last movie.

Tom nuzzled a kiss onto her forehead and nodded, pulling her into a hug, more for his comfort than anything. He didn't want to let go of her, "alright you go on." He started and kisses her forehead once more, "I will be with you in a few, just gonna grab my things."
Jade smiled pulling away from him,"we'll be fine.'She smiled squeezing his hand before pulling away, heading for the bathroom, before making a detour into dan's room hearing the shower already going. Assuming the dark haired man was showering. That was okay,she'd talk to emma."You look beautiul."she smiled at her friend, nerves showing on her face.
Emma jumped at Jade's voice, she held onto her heart and relaxed with laughter, "thank you." She giggled.

Tom grabbed his clothes and shoes. Heading for the shower, he heard the water running already and the thought of seeing her naked and wet took all the worries away. He put his things down carefully and slowly started taking his shirt off, humming a sexy stripping song while pulling his shorts off. Just before opening the shower door, Tom thrust his pelvis against the door and tosses his shorts over the top, "Know what's on my-" The blonde nearly shrieked "Dan! AH!" He stumbled back.
Dan screeched just as loud as tom, yelping as he yanked down the towel from the rank, looking at the blond as he yanked the door shut again."Dammit Felton, what the hell are you doing!?"He sputtered blushing as he yelled over the shower.

Jade jumped at the men's yells, frowning as she rushed into the room, stopping. Staring. Blushing hard at the naked tom, she looked at the shower, then connected the dots on what happened, dissolving into laughter.
Tom turned to find Jade, fully dressed and laughing. Emma following behind her. She held her hands over her mouth, shocked and mumbled. Then realizing she was staring at a naked Tom, her eyes made their way to the ceiling as she melted into laughter. "Oh God you guys! I knew Drarry had gotten around, but in life?" She laughed and stepped out of view. Tom grabbed his things, covering himself as he walked out.
"Emma!Shut up!"Dan yelled from the shower."Get out unless you're joinining me in here."He scowled at the mention of drarry, blushing hard as he hurriedly finished his shower."Out.I need to get dressed."he said waiting.

Jade giggled as she followed her boyfriend out of the room, biting her lip."Tom does this mean I have to share?I know you enjoy harry potter, but really. I didn't think I'd have to share a naked you with him."she teased grinning as he walked into their room,wrapping her arms around his waist, looking up at him.
Emma laughed some more while heading out, "I'll be waiting in the main room, Mr.Potter." She giggled and shook her head while passing Jade.

Tom melted in embarrassment as she poked on about his recent encounter with Dan, leaning against her as his face became dark red, "that was horrible, I thought it was you, love." He forced a chuckle out, but really just wanted to pass out and forget that ever happened.
dan sighed blushing a little as he set about getting ready. he just wanted to forget the encounter ever happened.

Jade sighed softly, leaning against his naked back,"I know."she said swallowing her laughter, pressing a kiss to his bare shoulder, pulling away."Come on. get dressed. We have to be going soon."She said starting to get dressed herself. Blushing a little as she stripped down, tugging on her green dress, smiling as it settled around her, the silver jewelry she was wearing shining softly, amused and wondering how long it'd take him to notice she'd dressed in slytherin colors.
Emma waited in the main room, her nerves slowly rising once more, and then laughing softly at what happened between Dan and Tom earlier. Perhaps that would help.

Tom dressed as well, not using a tie at all, he made sure everything was tidy. He stepped back and took a look at Jade, fully dressed. Nearly forgetting about Dan, he rose his brows, "You look amazing, beautiful." He smiled, and walked over and kissed her forehead.
Dan smiled a little as he walked down, looking amazing in the tu as he walked in, wrapping his arms around Emma."You look beautiful."He muttered kissing her lightly as to not mess up her lipstick, smirking lightly as he raised his head."Come on you two!No time for sex.We have places to be."He teased, smirking a little.

"You don't look bad yourself."She said blushing as she wrapped her arms around him,kissing him softly, blushing when she heard dan yell. "Damn. Wish we could skip the premiere...but alas, everyone wants to see their favorite bad boy."She teased heading for the door
Emma's face went red, even beneath the pounds of makeup she had on, she took Dan's hand as he kissed her, "you look stunning." She admitted and felt a shiver crawl up her spine. This was bound to happen through out the night.

Tom smiled and looked down at his pants, which were all they were to him, pants. His arms were held out and his brows rose. "It would be lovely wouldn't it, but this is 3D, so that's gotta be something to look forward to." He wanted to run over to Dan and whack him upside the head, but he only smiled and shook his head. "Shall we?" He asked holding his arm out to his beautiful girlfriend.
"We shall."She smiled heading downstairs with him.this was going to be interesting.

When they neared the threater, jade shared a smile with Emma, shifting nervously,absently tapping her thumb against Tom's hand as her nerves showed. Otherwise lookng serene and content, expect that she was fidgetting nervously.
Dan smiled a little tilting his head, a arm wrapped around emma before he sighed softly."relax jade. Just make tom get out first, and no one will notice who's with him."
Jade wrinkled her nose, sighing a little as she rested her head against tom's shoulder."everyone is going to notice. We've avoided having our picture taken for two months. But everyone knows he's dating someone."She muttered. Not used to being the center of attention, and being so was putting her on edge. Shivering a little as the car stopped, looking out the window she sighed,already seeing the flash of cameras through the darkened windows
It felt like years had been passing, Emma stood quite tall in those ankle breaking heels. Nearly towering over anyone but Dan, Rupert or Tom. As they made their way, soon the tension began to build, this was nearly it. The last half of Harry Potter. Luckily not the end of their friendship and surely not the end of her relationship with Dan. Holding onto Dan's arm, gracefully strolling at his side. "Just remember to breathe." At first it was a note to herself, but then she recalled Jade's lack of experience with the press. Those bulbs must have been intimidating. She smiled and nodded at Tom.

Tom kept his arm out for his beautiful companion, the girl who'd taken his breath away at first sight. The very reason his heart raced, with her touch, he was whole. A man untouchable. Perhaps a king? No, a little too intense. He felt even the slightest distance, he could miss her. Covering her hand with his, a hope of haven, "Just as Emma & Dan say, it'll be a piece of cake." He assured her. His eyes lit with so much hope and love for her.
Dan smiled a little, "Just think, we skipped bubble baths tonight."He muttered smiling as they walked inside. Grinning as they made their way inside. Turning his head to look at jade, wincing at how overwelmed she looked."Poor jade."He muttered smiling a little at emma.

Jade winced moving closer to tom as they made it through the gauntlet of press, blinking stupidly in the dark threater, leaning against Tom for a few minutes, taking comfort in his solid presence. "Cake?You owe me cake later felton."She muttered, teasing as she leaned up looking around to make sure no one was looking stealing a kiss before stepping back."Let's find our seats.It'll be fine. And then we have the party to get to."
Emma could feel herself blushing, it were as if the people passing by expected it. She tried not to grin foolishly too much but some of the things the press said were enough to make her laugh or giggle. By the time they were inside, she took a deep breath, glad it was almost over. "Those lights sure have a way of blinding." She rubbed softly at her temple.

Tom chuckled, "Cake?" He wrapped his arm around her slender waste, guiding her as they moved along. He had to hold out his hand to nudge some people out of their way sometimes, as they eventually made their way to the assigned seats. "Hopefully we can sneek past those paparazzi folk out back, I wouldn't mind just slipping past and going to the party." He joked.
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