Dragon's Jade

Emma carried herself with Dan, almost a little too worn out, but still wide awake. She gave the heated couple a nod goodnight and followed Dan to their tent.

Tom smiled softly feeling his kiss being returned from her, apart of him had urged to push her back and have his way but. He'd been a little more respectful than that, "well if ever there was a song to explain me right now, would be insatiable by Darren Hayes," he didn't mean that to sound as arrogant as it had, "I mean for you, I'm not insatiable." He corrected palming the back of her head before taking the last drink of his beer.
Dan snickered a little as they ducked into the tent, smiling as he settled down into his sleeping bag."How long do you think it'll take him to realize they have to share a tent?"He said smiling amused up at emma as she crawled into her sleeping bag.

Jade looked startled for a minute, tilting her head a little, black hair gleaming a soft black in the moonlight, frowning slightly."....I've never heard it."She said looking at him, sitting up so she could really look at him, looking slightly nervous, and more then a little turned on.But...she didn't want to rush things.She'd had bad times with men before, she didnt want to rush an mess things up with him.She liked him, more then she'd ever liked anyone else.
Emma could only giggle as she squirmed into her sleeping bag, she looked over at Dan with a hint of question in her eyes. She pushed it aside, but it had become a little more realistic when he had kissed her earlier.

Tom could only laugh now at her reaction, a full heart of laughter, "it has a rather suggestive theme, on my part more." He chuckled, "did you really think I'd snog and have you sacked right here and now?" He asked amused at her reaction, "I'd have to be twice as drunk in order to be so foolish." He promised with a gentle nudge to her shoulder. "I just wanted to let you know how I felt."
Dan smiled softly, "Goodnight em."He said closing his eyes, not seeing the question in hers. Content to just sleep next to her for now.

Jade blushed a little relaxing,"Oh.I'll have to listen to it then..."She swallowed hard laughing a little as she shifted,shivering a little as she curled into him, a arm laying across his chest, legs tangling with his as she shifted to make herself comfortable on the ground with him.Surprised that he'd read her rectino well enough to see what she'd been worried about."I like you to."She muttered blushing hard."Its just..I've made some bad choices before that made me leery of getting involved with people I work with."She said her heart giving a painful twist at the thought of her last boyfriend, the actor who'd been using her just so she'd make him look even better in the movie then he was supposed to be. Thankfully, she'd figured it out before she'd done something imrepairable, but it left her uncertain of her judgement, and she didn't want to regret sleepng with anyone. Espcially the very first person she had.
"Good night, Dan." Resisting the urge to wrap her arms around him, it took her awhile to sleep, the motion of swimming was still in play as she could feel herself bobbing around in the water.

Tom gathered a fistful of his jeans while she continued to make herself comfortable, after she was settled he wrapped one arm around her ready to scream to the heavens about the most beautiful girl in his arms. Instead he listened to her about the bad choices she'd made, he too had to filter out his love life, "I get what you mean about bad choices, it's rather despicable what some people may think when they say those three trusted words." He sighed a little having to arch his back out in hopes she wouldn't feel him harden.
Jade smiled a little,"It is."she sighed softly, tensing for a moment as she felt him harden against her thigh before relaxing, closing her eyes.Comfotable. Shivering a little at the images of what they could do coming to her. Them making love by firelight, wrapped up in sleeping bags...Shaking her head a little to get rid of the images she pushed to her feet, holding out a hand to him."Come on.We probably should get some sleep."
Tom stretched out as he helped himself up with her hand, not putting too much weight onto her, he yawned a little before groaning unintentionally. Not that he didn't mind but, "I thought Dan was setting you girls up in a tent together." Apart of his mind lingered at the idea of him being alone with Dan, "perhaps it's best we don't. Waking up to a pulpyfaced Dan might not be good for his career." He curled into the tent, and plopped onto a sleeping area.
Jade laughed softly following him in, studying their sleeping bags before sharing a slight smile."Oh probably not."she giggled a little before unzipping her sleeping bag to get in, poking him in the side."Tom, unzip yours. If we zip them together, we'll be able to keep even warmer then if we were seperate."She said,giving a perfect legitimate excuse to curlign up in his arms and going to sleep. Blushing slightly as she looked at the blond next to her, bending down to kiss him lightly."Goodnight Tom."She said blushing harder.
Tom nuzzled against her after she kissed him, "I'll keep you warm." He sighed softly before falling into a deep sleep. Just before he was off he mumbled her name a few times, with a hinting smile curling at the corner of his lips.
In the morning Jade sighed softly as she nuzzled against the man, a leg over his,thigh nestled high between his, hip pressing against his cock, a arm over his chest as she half laid on him. She was a cuddler, given half a chance she'd snuggle up to whoever it was holding her. Sighing a little as she felt the blond harden against her she shifted, sleepily responding to nature's demands.To tired and out of it to even realize what she was doing.
Tom had slept through the whole evening cuddled against her, he moaned a little to the friction of her moving, shifting slightly as he brushed his hands along her arm and back. When he'd awaken fully, he'd been well aware of what she was doing, his heart hammered in his chest as he swallowed hard. How was he going to push her aside, as he'd moved a little, it became more of a challenge to breath properly.
Jade whined sleepily at him for moving away, shifting closer her thigh pressing against him before she relaxed, closing her eyes as she rolled away a little, at least enough to let him move out of her arms without startling her.Blinking sleepily, blue eyes looking content, a lazy happy smile on her lips as she looked at him. Despite having not been aware of what she'd been doing, or that they hadnt done anything, her eyes held the lazy contentment of a night well spent."Goodmorning."
"Morning," he said in a unexpected sensual tone, he cleared his throat and sat up while turning to stretch out his long body, "what a night." he sighed and fell back onto his pillow, "we should go back and relive that." he chuckled with a little sleep in his tone. "Must we hike today, I feel like I've ran a marathon."
jade blushed at his words, her mind going straight for the gutter as she watched him stretch.Swallowing hard as her mind played over the ways to take that."We could let dan and emma go. They need time alone. We could...go fishing.Nice.Relaxing...."She said smiling a little, and plenty of time to make out between catching fishes.Blushing as the words crossed her mind.
Tom couldn't surface himself just yet, "fishing is good, perhaps someday I would be a professional fisherman." It'd been his dream since he was little, so it may have sounded a little of coarse. Especially being the soupy sour puss kid on Harry Potter. He sat up once more and this time a little more energetic, "I should tell them to get a move on. Shoe them off." He chuckled while ducking out of the tent.

He unzipped the second tent "knock knock!"

Emma was curled up in Dans arms fast asleep.
Jade laughed softly liking the idea of just a day with the two of them. Amused as she followed him after changing clothes she tugged the light blue sweater into place, the soft stone washed jeans hugging her body... all in all she looked like she was tom's perfect fantasy.Far removed from the fashion models of hollywood, she looked happy and relaxed in nature."Well. At least he'll enjoy that."She snickered looking over tom's shoulder to see the other two.

Dan whined softly his arms curling around the woman in his arms, holding her closer as he blinked slowly, frowning at the two watching them."What?"He said sleepily.
Tom had been crouching in the opening, far from being tired now, more excited as he continued.
"Morning, love birds," he chimed as comically as possible and chuckled "Jade and I are gonna hang back here while you two go at it." He smiled, "hiking that is." He patted an ankle thinking it would awaken Emma, "is that alright with you guys?"

Emma didn't stir immediately, she slowly blinked her eyes open, not catching any of that. "What?" She asked, stretching out and unable to contain the soft moan that pressed out.

"Jade and I are going to stick around here, while you guys head out for that hike, alright?"

Emma nodded while sitting up.
Dan gave him a look as emma pulled away from him, and for how he'd worded the question the first time around."Perfectly fine."He smiled slightly amused."And how was your night you two?"He said looking from jade's blushing face, and tom.

Jade smiled "Good enough."She said backing away so the three close friends could talk, setting about finding something to eat in their coolers.

"Good enough?I think you're losing your touch tom."He said laughing a little studying his friend.
Tom trailed off a few nods of the head before rolling his eyes, "she's not like that." He started with a chuckle, "and you two?"

Emma pawed at the pillows before turning back to pull her hair back into a pin, "Slept fine, although I kept having one of those dreams where you fall? So I kept waking up, it was early when I finally got a good rest."

Tom nodded, "alright." Before Tom left he turned to Dan with a little smile, "Oh and you should talk." He said with a slight nod towards Emma who was changing underneath the sleeping bag. Tom was shocked and quickly zipped up the tent and wondered over to where Jade was. "So what do we have here for breakfast?"
Dan looke startled at her changing blushing as he changed his own clothes, a snug black tank top and jeans as he climbed out of the sleeping bag, smiling at her."Good morning."He said smiling a little as kissed her cheek.

Jade grinned at him tilting her head back to look at him as she held up the package of bacon and thing of ceral she'd found."Some meat and ceral."She said before doing a mental face palm thinking about how that could be taken. Standing she leaned up to kiss him, hesitant because she wasn't sure if it'd been the alcohol talking or if he really did like her.
Emma had slipped out in a black tank top and pale khaki shorts. She'd slip on a pair of wool socks and snug into a black and red flannel shirt after. When Harry leaned in to kiss her cheek, she smiled and brushed the tip of his jaw, "why are you single again?" she giggled and crawled out of the tent.

Tom grinned a little eying the bacon, "ah I guess a good slab of meat and cereal shall do us some good. Course we could go with just cereal, put the meat aside for now?" He asked while setting up a few plates.
Dan smiled a little followering her out."Ah well, finishing a movie's hard on the love life."he said tilting his head a little, laughing softly at the couple in front of them, before moving over to the table sitting down.

Jade laughed a little, pouring them all ceral before putting the bacon back into the cooler, sitting down."We could always use it to go fishing."She said thoughtfully.
"I hear you, there." She answered back. Emma had to fix her hair, she was annoyed with the fly aways, "I can't wait to get rid of this disaster." She growled lightly before taking a seat beside Dan.

"You know that's an excellent idea, a lot of people don't believe in going out of the typical bait territory but in actual fact, the majority of the population all has effective bait methods." He frowned a little, and then smiled at Jade, "so ours will be bacon."
"It looks fine em."Dan said smiling a little as he gently tucked the fly aways down."And bacon?"

Jade nodded chowing down on her food, looking amused."Most cold weather fish like meat. Bacon's perfect.Fatty enough to be perfect, and meaty enough that a hook wont rip through it."She said knowledgable, once again, proving she was perfect for the nature loving tom.
Emma dug out a spoonful of her cereal, "mmMmm I wouldn't mind having bacon, where do the fish usually swim, you can find me there." She joked while poking her cereal around.

"It's best we keep the meat for the fish, Emma." He chuckled while nodding towards the sun, "looks like a good day for the fish to come around to play too. Tom nearly finished his breakfast in a few bites.
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