Dragon's Jade

Dan grinned at her cheer,"If she's still clueless by the end of the weekend, I'll let Tom play potter for the last movie."He said, a slight smirk on his face. having every intention of making sure his friend went home with at least a date before the end of the weekend. Tired of tom being so alone all the time even if the blond liked his privacy.

Jade's delighted laughter rang high and true amused."As if Lady Gaga would know anything about trees."She said with a sniff, so like Draco Malfoy's.
"He really likes her, I think it's adorable how he went from 007 to Stuttering Tom." Emma wiggled her foot into the boot she'd won a tangled fight with, sucking in a sharp hiss when her toe met the edge of the boot. "Ouch!" She didn't care, she continued tying up the boot with the double knots she'd just untied. "How you coming along with that one?"

Tom agreed with a chuckle, "I'm not sure if she's even real, but hey, man was on the moon." He tilted his head, "Did you just sniffle?" He couldn't quite put it together.
Dn grinned at her,standing up."All done.Come on then.WE better go save them from themselves."He grinned holding out a hand to help her out.

Jade blushed slightly before laughing as hard as she wanted, nearly doubling over."Y-yes. Tears of laughter."She grinned at him gasping to calm down. The tension of being around him and not knowing what to say finally breaking, making her so relieved she was almost hysterical with it. Brightening when she saw hte others coming."Finally. I thought they were about to sneak off for a quick snog ther.e"She said bemused, amazed the two werent dating.
Emma held his hand limping, while walking out the tension in her toe that sprung up in painful little bolts along her ankle and knee, "Yeah that poor guy, they're so awkward it's almost annoying." she giggled.

Tom laughed with her, amused by her laughter and somewhat aroused. He shook those thoughts aside and saw Emma and Dan walking hand in hand, Emma sort of limping. He frowned a little, "gonna survive the night?"

"Yes, just stubbed my toe." Almost feeling like she'd been intruding hearing them share a laugh.
"We could go swimming first."He said fretting a little, not wanting her to be hurting.And he could tell it still was."The creek's up around the bend there."He said tilting his head towards the first turn in the trail.

Jade nodded slightly looking concerned, "You don't need to be walking.We'll go swimming."she decided biting her lip a little. Not wanting the girl to try and walk when it looked like she needed to sit down.
Tom looked at her concerned, "Yeah get some fresh water on that the cool well help bring down the swell...ing..." He hoped no one caught his unintentional innuendo but there it was.

Emma looked at everyone, "I'm not ruining this am I? Oh, God I'm so sorry guys."
Dan smirked a little giving Tom a look as he picked up Emma, holding her bridal style."Hun, you couldn't ruin anything.It's just a change of plans."He said kissing her head."Come on.We'll go get that water so we can take care of the swelling."He said hiding a smile as Jade giggled a little.

"Don't be sorry.We'll lay out in the sun.Work on our tans. Compliment the men for getting half undressed and soaking wet..."She trailed off as she followed that mental thought, smiling slightly as they neared the creek.
Emma rested her arms around Dan's shoulder and then made room for her head. "I forgot the novel I'm reading back in the jeep, no that's alright. I have my suit under this." Emma said while tugging at her white t-shirt.

Tom beamed at the idea of seeing Jade wet, so much he completely forgot he had concern for Emma. He saw the two arm in arm as Dan carried her, then slowed a little to walk beside Jade. Hoping she would slow as well.
"I wonder why she doesn't see that?" He decided to hold onto Jade's arm to motion for space between the four of them. "Does she ever talk about him?" He asked quietly.
Dan swallowed hard at the thought of emma half naked smiling as he headed for the edge of the creek, settling her on some of the rocks,"Do you want me to go back and get it?"He asked concern showing in his eyes.

Jade laughed softly, shifting, sliding a arm around his waist so they could at least pretend they weren't talk about the other two, and were walking slow just to talk about things."You're kidding right?I don't hear about anything else."She said laughing softly as she tugged off her t-shirt, revealing the light blue swimsuit she was wearing, tugging out her ponytail,shaking her black hair out."Its always dan this, dan that..."
Emma had looked at Dan a little confused, wondering why he was being so nice "No, that's alright, Dan, thank you." She smiled and softly nudged him, "last one in's the rotten egg!" She cheered and started tugging her clothes off in a hurry. Her pale bikini top was the first to be revealed and then she struggled with her jeans, laughing.

"Well I would like to talk more about you," he added with a murmur of something else but stopped suddenly as he spoke up after he eyed the swimsuit she revealed "damn, I mean blue, I like blue." Tom's forehead was becoming well acquainted with his palm by now.
Dan grinned tugging off his t-shirt and kicking off his boots, trying not to react to the sight of his crush in so very little clothes.Grinning he ran for teh water, jumping in as he cupped his hands, throwing some in Emma's direction."Ha!I win!"

Jade blushed brightly, eyes widening slightly as she looked up at him. Smiling a little as she bumped his shoulder, pausing to slid out of her jeans,"Are you okay?"she asked slightly concerned as she looked up at him.After all, he wasn't acting like the usually calm collected tom felton she'd heard about. Feeling like she was making him awkward with her here, not realizing that it was because he liked her that he was awkward, fearing she was ruining his trip.
"No, no-no!" She laughed while tip toeing towards the water sliding off her pants and stepping out of them as she rushed into the water, "AH!" She screamed as Dan splashed water at her, as she giggled splashing water back while looking away.

Tom shook his head slipping out of his t-shirt with ease, he folded it before pulling off his jeans, "I'm fine, just a little baffled by nature." He admitted, but he was referring to his own nature in a sense. His eyes locked on her hair falling whenever she looked away, half tempted to reach out his hand and slip it behind her ear.
Dan laughed as he splashed her before stopping swimming further into the deep water, floating back on his back,closing his eyes."Hey em.Look at them."He said snickering as he cracked a eye to look at the two getting closer to the water,"Tom looks about to pass out he's blushing so hard."

Jade laughed a little."Oh well, that's easy to understand. There are three basics in life. Food, shelter and fucking.Nature of all things."she grinned before blushing, realizing what she'd said. Having said it before she'd really thought it through. Mentally face palming she smiled walking into the water, shivering as it came up to her waist, it was cool but not cold. Turning to look at tom,"Come on then.Dont make me come drag you in."
Emma had ducked under the water to get her body used to the chill, she could feel the swelling of her toe already beginning to fade. As Dan floated, the young star took a brief glance over her shoulder at Tom and then thrust herself forward to swim around. "God, if he doesn't say anything soon, he will regret it for the rest of his life." She couldn't speak from personal experience yet she understood opportunities.

Tom slowed to a stop letting the curse that fell so eloquently from those perfect lips of hers settle in, like steam over a hot bowl of soup, he'd have to let it cool. He pulled his pants off and folded them neatly before joining them, all the while the word fuck echoing in his mind as visuals continued to flash through his mind, "Drag on if you must," he tested the water with a few steps, "or if you can." Tom chided playfully.
dan nodded laughing a little, his stomach knotting a little. She had no idea how much he was regretting not telling her he liked her, and yet he was scared to do it.Snickering as he watched the scene playing out before swimming over to emma, standing in the water and pulling her up, before dunking her.He just couldn't help the need to hold her while she was so wet and half naked.

Jade grinned at him walking back up, just the tips of her hair wet, water droplets clinging to her body as she reached him,stepping close, wrapping her arms around him and leaning back,whining pathetically when he didn't move, nto realizing what after she was having on the man. "You're to heavy!"she whined looking up at him.
Emma gasped for air sharply before she was dunked, she wiggled around "Totally gonna pay for that," Em gurgled a little. her body being warmed by his. Wrapping her legs around one of his to stop him from being so balanced as she pushed herself a little out of the water to weigh him down. She resisted the temptation to go Leo and scream out 'I'm king of the world!' while she was above the water.

Tom played a statue to Jade as she pulled at him, his arms the only part of him moving, he rather enjoyed hearing her whine, he chuckled looking down at her finally taking a few steps forward while he smiled. He couldn't take his eyes off her with each step, he hoped he was only feeling like he was drooling, he ducked under the water and scooped her up around his shoulder and pushing out deeper into the water. Not just so he could dive in with her around his arms, but also to buy more time with her body pinned so close to his own. He dropped in, keeping his arm around her waist, before popping back above the water with her.
Dan sputtered as he was pulled under the water, grinning a little as he pushed up, coming back up as he pushed his wet hair out of his face, glad the cold water was cooling his fevered skin, the last thing he needed was emma wondering why he was blushing."Okay okay, we're even."

Jade yelped a little as he pulled her under,wrapping he arms arms aroung him as he dove, clinging close to him. Shivering as they both came up smacking him lightly in the air, loooking cute and disheveled."You didnt have to take me with you!"She said laughing
Emma dunked beneath him and started swimming around him. She popped back up gasping, "too bad we didn't have those beach balls we could toss it around," she hadn't realized how far she swam, she went back under water and swam back to Dan, patting him on the shoulder "tag - you're it!" she ducked in the water and tried to swim as fast as she could.

The water had been a relief, it wasn't freezing but good enough to keep him calm. Tom laughed and pushed some of his blonde hair back and then shook his head to get the water from his ear. He kept his arm around her waistline, "Couldn't resist it." He answered bashful.
Dan laughed before swimming after her. Amused and happy.This was going to be fun.

Jade blushed leaning into him for a mment before pulling away, "Come on.Let's play tag."She grinned swimming away.

That evening Dan grinned a little as he leaned back against the log he was sitting by, wrapping a arm around emma's shoulders as he sipped his beer watching the flames to their fire dance. smirking as he looked over at the blond who had jade curled up next to him, headphones in her ears as she dozed."I think you found your nature lover."He teased loking at his friend.
Emma had been so into swimming she'd forgotten about the toe problem earlier, she curled her fingers around Dan's wrist as she smiled. "It's always time off that goes by so fast, before you know it we will be at work again. Oh," she paused "I'll stop now. This is great." She added with a soft sigh.

Tom was sitting in a slight daze, his head still a little fuzzy from the water or maybe it was his drink. He took a long swig before looking down at Jade who'd been dozing off, "She's cute today, I'm not lying either." He insisted between drinks, "I think she's got an amazing grip on life, the world is at her finger tips," he shot a warning glance to the innuendo he'd just caught himself planting, "Dan, don't even."
Dan pouted a little pressing a kiss to emma's head as she curled up against him, "It does go to fast."He muttered to her before looking at Tom, raising a eyebrow."Me?Whyever would you think I'd say something about that?"he said with a snicker shifting a little reaching across the small space, tugging out of headphone to see what she was listening to, nearly choking on his drink as he recognized the hard rock song. Closer by nine inch nails. Glancing down at the girl laying on tom he snickered, "Yes. I think you're right."He said blandly, leaning back again.
Emma's curiosity had risen after seeing Dan choked, she leaned over as well and had a listen. The young woman gasped and looked at Jade a little more surprised and a slight hint of knowledge now.

Tom had seen Dan and Emma's look and reaction now. He grabbed the earpiece and held it to his ear, recognizing the song he looked at Jade with a glint of interest, "Good God, darling." The thoughts swam through his head, clear images of the two of them together, apart of him still sober enough to keep his mind off that song. "Doggy style? Really?" Perhaps he should try a little harder, "I half imagined you being more of the bittersweet, delectable, and cooing sort." He then paused, "I mean in music taste."
Dan snickered amusing."Yes..we totally believe you meant that.Though I think you were imagining over things."He said pressing a kiss to Emma's hair, his body shaking with silent laughter.

Jade stirred sleepily at the sound of his voice, so close to her ear and rumbling under her head as she laid on him. Sighing softly as she raised her head frowning at his words. Trying to sort out what they were talking about. Before stopping, listening to the song she was listening to, blushing hard as she ducked her head."Oh.Well.Uh..."She stuttered a little, looking so cutely adorable embarassed."Its a good song."She said avoiding looking at any of them, as the song switched over to yet another apporiate song of caroline country's 'kiss me or not.'
Emma turned into Dan's kiss and blushed a little at the feel of his lips. Curling into his arms as she giggled at Jade's reaction, "You poor girl," she felt sorry as she continued being embarrassed.

Tom had to rethink the things he was about to say, especially when she was laying on him. His whole body tensed like he'd been holding glass, "well the meaning of the song is quite explanatory," he pushed himself a little lower so he could hold onto her by wrapping an arm around her shoulder humming along with the next song, "this is a good cover, I actually prefer this version rather than the original, it's good." He brushed the corner of her lips before planting a soft kiss. "I like both songs." He admitted, "aside from the obvious."
Dan swallowed hard smiling a little as he nudged emma."Come on. Let's leave them alone."He said easing away from her so he could get up,quietly heading for where they'd set up their tents.

Jade blushed a little leaning into the kiss before leaning away, studying his face. Looking..unsure for once. It wasn't like she was used to people hitting on her, but it was rare that someone kissed her. She could count the times on her hand that someone had been brave enough to kiss her, and it was always a new shock to have him kissing her. "Oh.I like them to."She said stupidly. Blinking as she looked away, of course she liked them. They were on her ipods.Shivering a little as she shifted a little, cuddling closer, resting her forehead against his, kissing him softly again."So are you gonna kiss me or not.Are we gonna do this or what? I think you know I like you a lot But you're 'bout to miss your shot Are you gonna kiss me or not?"She hummed softly, smirking a little as she watched lust dilate his eyes.
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