Dragon's Jade

Tom tossed the ice cream and cone into the trash and just as the sound of the ice cream splatted on the trash, his eyes flicked to Dan's in shock and then over his shoulder at Jade to see if she heard. He shrugged a little and then shook his head at Dan, "you shouldn't talk, yelping away at Emma like that." He chuckled and wiped his hands clean with the spare napkins Emma had given him.

Emma finished her smoothie with a slurp, her face going a little pink as she nodded, "they are, especially Tom, he's not as stand-offish as he seems." She said genuinely, "he prefers to privacy rather than being open as Dan is." She managed to catch a little shove Tom had given to Dan before heading back to the table. "I'd dress lightly for the camp, the weather was marked as warm for that day."
Dan sputtered a little, laughing as he headed back to the table. Grinning as he sat bck town,sliding a arm along the back of the booth,"Shorts. Tank tops.Make sure you bring your swim suit."He added knowing he was torturing Tom with the mental image of her in even less clothing then the kapris and t-shirt she was wearing.

Jade smiled nodding,biting her lip.Hoping it wasn't her that was making Tom stand offish.Shed hate to make him uncomfortable. Though she was glad to hear it.She prefered a private night in, instead of a all night party."Should I bring anything else?"She said sipping her shake, almost done with it and hating that they'd have to be getting back to work.
Tom had settled back into his seat beside Jade, looking to smile at her but turned his attention to Dan, a hint of madness boiled beneath his stare as he confirmed what Dan said, "Yes, you might want to bring a good sledgehammer..." he turned his attention back to Jade with a little smile, "for the tents, you know what don't worry, Dan will take care of the tents, won't you Dan."

Emma chimed in, her brown eyes widening a little, "Sun screen." She added quickly, "Oh and a few good books, guys, being guys, as they all tend to be." She said a little bashful, "you might want to escape to a new world after awhile." She started listing off a few things, more of a mental note, "Bug spray, repellent, fluffy towels, hiking boots, I have to go and pick up a bathing suit if we plan on swimming. I didn't pack mine for location."
Jade smiled, "Me either.We'll go shopping together.Make sure they actually look good."She said wisely, already thinking about all the things she had to get.

"Of course I'll take care of those things."Dan said with a snicker, tilting his head towards Tom knowing he was eventually get smacked for teasing him so much.But damn, tom was easy to tease about jade. Sighing softly as he looked at the clock sighing as he stood pulling emma up with him."Come on, we got to get back to set."
"Yeah I've gotta get back too," he said standing up allowing room for Jade, before she slid out, he had to check his brow for sweat, "Look forward to catching a fishy with you." Another mental face-palm, why couldn't he just say something wooing or even worth saying at all to Jade. He was glad Jade hadn't taken notice of Dan's teasing.

Emma followed Dan, wrapping her arm through his.
Jade blushed, laughing a little as she looked up at him, amused at his words."A fishy would be nice."She said teasing him a little, as they headed back to work.

A few days later Jade smiled as she opened the car door blushign a little when she realized they were already there."Sorry.Slept in a little."She said as she brushed her hair over her shoulder, tilting her head as she joined them where they were leaning against the back of dan's jeep.

Dan smiled a little,"No problem.Its not nature's going anywhere."He smiled nudging emma."Lets go.You get to sit up front with me."He declared hiding his grin as he headed for the driver's seat, amused at having forced tom to share the small backseat with jade.After all, the blond was still toeing around the question of asking her out.Maybe if they were forced into confined spaces together, they'd get somewhere
Tom being nearly six feet sized the little jeep of Dan's. He saw that Emma was already parking her seat in the front passenger side, he looked in the back seat quizzically before holding out. "Don't mind me, the BFG." He complained under his breath. He looked over to Jade and smiled shyly.

"Oh, I brought some coffee too," she said pulling a thermos from her bag, "anybody want some?" Also pulling out traveling mugs.
Jade smiled just as shyly back,climbing in the car as she settled on the backseat, "It's okay.I'm small.I wont take up that much room."She said smiling as she leaned forward to take the cup from emma."I'd love some. Worked late last night.So doous kept messing up jumping on a broom."

"The broom kept moving!"Dan protested as he back out of the parking spot, heading for the highway smiling as he took a cup, sipping the coffee."Thanks em."
Tom took a cup and smiled his thanks to Emma who smiled before pouring the last bit into her own mug. Tom felt like the odd man out having to curl his legs to the side as he faced Jade. "Oh man, it was pretty rough, glad to get away for awhile though."

Emma sipped her coffee and yelped softly, "Careful, scorcher beans were used in this coffee." She pressed onto her lips as she giggled, "God that really hurt."
Jade laughed a little looking between the two up front, "Yu'll just have to let Dan kiss your lips better."she teased, grinning as what she could see of the dark haired man's face flushed.

Dan smiled as he sipped his coffee, glancing in the rearview mirror to look at the girl, amused that she was curling up in the seat against tom's side, legs tucked up under her so he could stretch out on her side."Shut up jade."He said laughing a little.

Jade smiled poking tom's side, tugging at his pantleg."Stretch out.You don't look comfortable."She said shifting to rest against him to get comfortable.
Emma laughed a little and then shook her head, "You guys." She started to blow on her coffee now. She saw Dan's face flush but figured it was because Jade was talking to him, she had to admit, the girl was decently gorgeous and had an eye for fashion.

"Oh, I'm sorry." Tom felt his jeans being tugged, he turned nearly beat red with her hand near his general area. He stretched his legs a little more not knowing why he apologized.

"Perhaps you should just sit in his lap, then, Jade." Emma said eying the awkwardness through the side mirror on the passenger side.

Tom's shoulders had tensed.
Jade flushed, looking startled before tilting her head to look at tom."do you want me to?Would it give you more room to get more comfortable."

Dan snickered slightly, "In her effort to make him comfortable, she's going to make him uncomfortable."He muttered glancing at Emma, amused.
Emma giggled towards Dan and added "Especially if it's a bumpy ride."

Tom shook his head, "this is fine, really I don't mind unless," he saw the way she'd been seated, "unless your uncomfortable, just rest your legs over mine." He nearly sighed after offering his legs as a resting spot for her.
"I think its about to get interesting."He grinned as he took the exit, amused as they traveled through the outskirts of london slowly leaving civilization behind.

Jade smiled at him, a small dimlpe in her cheek as she shifted, tan lean legs settling over his as she leaned against the car door, more comfortable now."Thanks."She said before leaning forward to look at Emma."We should go for a hike when we get there.Then swimming."She said, already planning on how to get the two in the front together, just as much as they were working on getting her and tom together.
Emma was awestruck by the idea, "Yes, oh we really have to go swimming, I missed it with all those paparazzi's watching, I didn't want to swim much."

Tom smiled at Jade but he felt the notion of a certain enlightenment when her legs stretched over his, he rose his brows and rested his arm over the back of the seat. "You like to hike, then?" He asked delighted that they'd had that in common.
Dan laughed softly, "I think tom, you'll find you've found another nature lover."He teased, having been working with jade the day before, he'd found a fiercely private, quiet woman who prefered the outdoors to being stuck inside. Trying really hard not to think about emma in her swimsuit, before sighing."Yea the paparazzi tend to put a dent in getting naked in public."

Jade grinned leaning back in her seat, resting her head against tom's arm before nodding."Hiking,climbing,swimming...anything I can do outdoors."

Dan nearly choked as he laughed, glancing at emma, waggling his eyebrows a little. Such innocent things that could be twisted into sounding naughty.Glad the two were sitting behind him so they couldn't see his face.
Tom had felt comfortable, maybe he was losing a little bit of air, but he felt like he could talk with her a little more comfortably now. "Yeah it is a little more of a comfort zone for me as well." He saw the waggle of Dan's brows and shook his head pushing his jaw out a little to stifle a chuckle as he shook his head.

Emma slapped Dan's arm, "I didn't say anything about getting naked!" And nudged him again laughing after he waggled his brows, "What are you horny, Dan or do you just like adding sex to everything?"
Jade sputtered a little."I didn't mean that!"She said blushing hard as she pressed her burning face against Tom's shoulder, avoiding looking at him. embarassed.

Dan grinned,"I'm young and male.of course I think about sex in everything."He said rubbing his arm."Its not nice hitting me if its not foreplay."He said pouting as he pulled into the national park parking lot, grinning. It was perfect. A quiet weekend just for the four of them.
Tom chuckled, Emma had done what he'd wanted to do in the first place and that was slug the kid for all his innuendos. He laughed after seeing Jade react too, "Of course you didn't mean it that way. Just the way a guttered mind thinks." He chuckled and shook his head.

"Really?" She asked Dan in amazement, while they pulled into the park, "I don't believe you, sometimes." She laughed wanting to slap him again but didn't want to hear another sexual reference.
Jade grinned as she got out of the car, atching her hair up in a ponytail, looking amused."He has to much time on his hands.All the hero worship's gone to his head.Makes him a little insane."

Dan grinned laughing as he shook his head."Not really, no."He said growing serious. Only being outrageously sexual because he figured if everyone was concentrating on what he was saying, jade and tom wouldn't realize they were flirting and relaxing together."Come on, we'll set up the tents later. Lets go for that hike."
Tom had a good laugh at what Jade said, "I certainly agree!" He stepped out from the jeep and stretched out his legs with a little howl of relief and grunted "Lord that feels good."

Emma grabbed her bag and hopped out of the jeep too. She would have cheered but she stubbed her toe on landing, "Good God what is it with me today?" She asked bending over and lifting her foot to her other knee to rub it. "I have to change into my hiking boots, guys, you go on ahead I'll catch up."
Dan smiled a little,"Go on.I'll wait for her."He said grinning a little at the two nature lovers, waving them on.Amused as jade slid a arm through tom's, heading for the hiking trail."You okay?"He said looking down at emma, walking around to her side of the jeep.

Jade smiled letting go of tom as they entered the woods, smiling relaxed."i feels so good to be out of the city."He said running her fingers through her hair.
Emma laughed dismissively, "Yeah" her voice shaking "just stubbed my toe, it's not that bad. Just throbbing and aching." She hobbled towards him, "Could you," she hated asking for help "help me with these? I double knotted them."

Tom walked while looking over his shoulder at Jade, she did suit the whole outdoors look too, he wasn't sure what to talk about so he just carried on agreeing with this beautiful girl. "It sure does, look at all these trees." He actually did a face palm this time, "I mean it's very," he looked through his fingers at Jade and then relaxed, "very, beautiful."
Dan smiled a little picking her up and setting her in the passenger's seat as he crouched down to undo her shoe strings, looking up at her. Before looking amused, having caught tom's face palm."You know, I think this is the first time I think I've ever seen him be this awkward."He said grinning as he got the knots out,gently pulling them off.

Jade laughed softly at his first statement, then blushed when she realized he was looking at her. Ducking her head to hide the blush she smiled, "Oh yes. Lots of trees. There usually are in a forest."She teased, bumping his shoulder with hers lightly.Not wanting to get to far ahead of dan and emma.
Emma was working on her other boot while Dan helped, she looked over to where Dan's eyes had been and caught the tail end of Tom's face palm too, she looked back at Dan raising her brows hopelessly, "I know that poor guy just can spit it out, I swear she see's it too." She gave a little victory cheer when she got her boots untied and slipped her socks on.

"Good heavens, this is a forest?" Tom spoke comically, "I thought this was Lady Gaga's bathroom." Another lame joke, but at least he was poking his head out of the shell, so to speak.
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