Dragon's Jade

Dan smiled a little"Ah well, when we get back to civilization I'll get you some bacon they wont want."He said laughing a little as he kissed her cheek finishing his food,stretching with a yawn.

Jade grinned,"Always a good day to play."she teased elbowing tom a little turning to kiss him lightly as she finished her food,collecting their bowls and rinsing them out before putting them away.
Emma giggled and then ended up smiling, Dan had been going on a lot stepping into her boundaries and planting little kisses on her cheek lately. She had a lot to talk about with him once they were alone.

Tom couldn't keep his eyes off her, but he had to tare himself away only for a moment, he gathered his clothes, a light t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans. "Will be back shortly." He went off to change in the tent.
Jade grinned a little watching him go.

Dan smiled standing, "Come on then.We'll leave the fishers to their fish. i'd rather hike."He said nervous a little because there was so much he needed to discuss with emma. This private walk, was going to be perfect.

Jade smiled when tom came back,standing, holding the bacon and fishing reels, nearly bouncing on her toes with the need to go. Wanting to get to know him better,and well...she did really like fishing."Ready?"She said as excited as a kid at christmas.
Emma had a surge of energy, she smiled fully, and headed off for the trail. "We'll be off then, take care of him, Jade." She chuckled walking off, "see you later!" She sang after while dancing off for awhile.

Tom came out dressed and in sandals too, he saw Jade looking adorable with the bucket and fishing rods. He smiled fully, waving the others off without even glancing in their direction, "Ah, alone at last." Typically he would feel the face palm moment, but he'd actually been glad to have her alone.
Dan smiled a little as he walked with Emma, smiling as they walked."I'm glad it stayed nice out.And that they worked out so well."

Jade grinned at him happil,"Ah, alone is good.Perfect to catch fish."She smiled heading for the creek, waiting for him to sit down while she got the bacon on the hook, before grinning at him sitting there, smiling as she clambered into his lap, settling between his legs, leaning back against his chest."You're comfy."
Emma smiled too as she walked with Dan, careful not to stumble around like a clutz, "it is nice out isn't it? Perhaps we'll have a good clear night too so we can see those stars." She glanced up only for a moment and stumbled a little.

Tom was beaming as she sat with him, his eyes glistening when she sat between his legs. It was a little uncomfortable, basically because he couldn't or wouldn't be able to have his way with her, he wrapped his arm around her waist and sighed "I tend to have a special quality when it comes to tranquility, I'm a bit of a pillow." He chuckled over her shoulder.
"Maybe."He smiled reaching out and catching her arm,holding it gently to make sure she didnt fall."You okay?"He said smiling at her easily.

Jade smiled little leaning back against him,grinning as she tossed the lure into the water,resting her head on his shoulder before blushing, realizing that maybe she shouldn't be sitting in his lap"...do you want me to move?"She asked tilting her head to look at him,lips brushing against his jaw.
Emma giggled while holding onto Dan, "You know what's a far stretch? You and Harry Potter." She smiled, "I mean you truly are Harry but honestly there are some things that just. Differ. I don't know about you but I honestly can't wait to see what's waiting beyond those films."

Tom shook his head while working a strip of bacon for his fishing line, "No it's alright." It's better the world not witness my piece, he thought while wrapping his arm back around her shoulder. "City aside, this is pretty nice, decent and worth every moment."
Dan nodded smiling a little."You'd never catch harry playing matchmaker for draco."He sighed before grinning."Tom's heading to the US to film a film.And I got offered a part in a horror flick though Idont know if I'll take it."

"it is."Jade smiled as they settled into fishing.Quiet for awhile before she turned her head to look at him again,keeping ahold of the fishing pole with her hands as she turned her attention to the man holding her.Gently kissing him.After all, there was better things to do then just sitting there waiting for fish to bite.
Emma laughed nodding, "I know that already, I got an offer I'm thinking over too." She giggled, "I mean beyond when people stop calling us, "the guys from Harry Potter." and know us for our names. If that ever happens."

Tom was actually surprised by Jade's change of direction, he was expecting a nice day of fishing, but this, this had been a lot more better. He held his hands around her shoulders, pushing himself onto her unable to stop himself.
"Ah.Hopefully sometime."He smiled a little."Whats your offer?"He asked curious, wondering what it was going to be like not being able to see her all the time.

Jade moaned softly, leaning into him,kissing him gently,yelping a little at suddenl finding herself half under the man, looking up at him with the wide eyed surprise only a virgn could pull off.Sighing in pleasure she squirmed a little,running her fingers through his hair,"I really do love your hair..."She said as she pulledaway for a breath.
"Playing a part in Marilyn Monroe's real life, I don't get to meet Marilyn or the girl playing her any time soon. I'm just so nervous they chose me." She saw him a little grim, "I'm sure if we schedule meetings we could keep seeing each other, Dan." She reassured him, "it's not like I want you completely out of my life after Harry Potter." She nudged him with her weight.

Tom had gotten unbearably hard now, his body moving against hers, when she pulled away he saw the look of surprise in her eyes and frowned a little feeling her fingers trembling through his hair, "are you alright?" He asked another, "you don't want...this?" He asked letting some weight off her now.
Dan smiled shifting,wrapping arm around his waist, "Good.Cause I like being apart of your life."He said smiling, biting his lip.Wonering when he'd become to much of a coward to simply sk someone out.

Jade blushed,shifting,fingers finding his shirt, holding him where he was."I...I do.And I'm fine.Its just I've never..."She trailed off, blushed harder as she closed her eyes, not able to admit just how lame she was for waiting for so long.Having been teased about it enough from her friends for waiting for just the right guy that she was easily embarassed over it.
"Anyone would want you in their life," she smiled, "but it's too late cause I'm gonna keep you forever in mine." she nudged him a little and wrinkled her nose before giggling.

Tom didn't need that guy from the Da Vinci code to decipher her emotions, he sat up a little tense, "Good heavens!" He couldn't quite grasp the reality of this, but his world was being shred to pieces with shock, he brushed his hands along his face, "I'm really sorry, I hope I didn't pressure you, it's the last thing I'd ever try to do." He looked over at Jade, nervous.
Dan looked startled, blushing ever so slightly before grinning."oh good.Cause I wouldn't mind being yours forever.I mean..."He stopped looking at the floor, blushing harder.So awkward when he didn't know how to handle things.

She laughe a little sitting up,pulling him into another kiss before leaning back."No.No pressure."She smiled a little, blushing softly."Its just I'm nervous about it...."She said shrugging a little yelping as a fish grabbed the line, diving for the pole going for the water, grabbing it to stop it. Looking so adorablely flustered about the fish and her confession.
Emma was about to reply but it was his tone that seemed to make it obvious, she was going to question him, but she just kept walking instead. Now with a few hundred thoughts building, she wasn't quite sure what she was going to say, or how she was going to say it if she were right about what she was thinking.

Tom kissed her again, sliding his hands back over her shoulders but jumped when she had. He didn't hear the line or the fish at first but his eyes widened as she grabbed the rod. "Oh whohohoo" He started laughing as he helped her hold the rod in place, "bacon even brings the fish home!"
Dan smiled slightly, slipping his hand into hers, tugging her to a stop, tugging her close to him, looking down at her.Gently tucking her hair behind her ears."You know...I've liked you since I first saw you....well. After I grew up enough to think of girls that way."He smiled blushing slightly.

Jade giggled happily reeling in the fish, laughing as she held up the small blue gill, before letting the fish go."Yay!First fish goes to me!Ha!so much for being a professional fisher.I beat you!"She laughed happily, so amused and happy just to be spending the day with him
Looking up at Dan, her eyes shimmered, "I sort of had theories but refused to see them." She responded softly, "in case I was wrong." Emma reached her hand up, gently brushing her fingers along his flushed cheek, "I like you too."

Tom saw the fish and howled, "look at that a billion points for you." He saw the fish swimming away and shrugged, "look at all that." He said amazed, a school of fish had been going by. He sat by Jade waiting for one to cling onto his line, he wrapped an arm around her waist.
Dan smiled turning his head, pressing a kiss to her fingertips, shiftingwrapping his arms around her as he dipped his head to kiss her lightly before laughing a little."And here we came out here to set tom up, and we ended up getting together."He said hugging her tightly.

Jade smiled leaning against him, laughing delightedly as the fish just kept swimming, not even getting close to his line."You aren't special enough to get a special fish.Only me!"She crowed turning her head to kiss him, adorable and cute in her excitement.
Emma sighed into his light kiss and then wrapped her arms around his neck, she'd never felt so comfortable with anyone in her life. She laughed and let go of him while planting a kiss on his cheek, "Decent yet selfish matchmakers." She chuckled and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Tom chuckled with his arms around her shoulders, "I, the grizzly beast, oh!" His line spun, "It may not be a special and pretty one like you-or I mean your catch," he chuckled while reeling in a flapping salmon a foot and a half long. "Look at that, would you release Nemo's big - little friend for me?" He asked Jade over her shoulder.
Dan laughed, nodding a little as he started walking again wrapping a arm around her shoulders."We should loop around, see how the fishing's going."He said amused.

Jade giggled blushing a little as she hopped up, crocuing down as she gently unhooked the fish, before releasing it again. Turning to look at him,gently brushing her fingers through his hair."did you just compare me to a fish?"She teased
Walking with her arms held cozily around him, she kept a decent pace "I bet they're swarming in bait and making out like teens in a romance novel."

Tom lifted himself up while pulling her from under the shoulders for another kiss, he broke for a moment, "how about that for an excuse." He kissed her again as he smiled.
"And how do you know what teens act like in romance novels?"he smiled slightly before looking supicious."You're not going to make me watch twilight are you?"He asked, having been forced to watch it once for pure torture, he didnt want to do it again.

Jade sighed a little kissing him again, shifting blushing as she crawled in his lap,cuddling close, wrapping her arms around his neck as she settled against him.Usually not this brave with someone,but well, he brought out the reckless fun girl in her.
Emma laughed and shook her head, "Noo, no, no, no" She laughed, "you won't have to worry about me jumping up and down for Robert Pattinson, we parted good and all but I don't enjoy films wrapping around sex and teen pregnancy."

Tom cradled her in his arms and kissed her forehead, "You know, I think I'm about ready to spit it out," he chuckled and nestled his chin onto her forehead, "I like you quite a lot, Jade, and hope that you would have me as your boyfriend."
"Oh good. You have no idea how disturbing it is to see him sparkle."He snickered a little, turning his head, pressing a kiss to her head as they neared the creek.

Jade blushed,wrapping her arms around his waist,smiling a little as she pressed close to him."Oh.I would like that."She said blushing harder, shifting, nuzzling his neck a little. Snickering a little on how close his words sounded like 'kiss me or not'. smirking as she hummed a few bars, even as her mind turned over the only bad thing about dating him.Their private life was going to be fascinating to the world.But for him, she could live with that.
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