Darkest hour [Lionhart]

At the mention of his name, Harry bolted out of the hallway in long strides, apart of him angry he'd heard the news from Draco first, the other half of him straining to realize he's going to be a dad. Clearing back to when he saw Roshara that morning in the hall, he fumed, "Why didn't she just tell me then?? We had more than enough time to ourselves just then." Harry asked himself, Ron popped into view, "Tell you what?" He asked, his red brows raising beneath his bangs, Harry couldn't stop himself until it was too late, "that she's pregna- -"

Ron's face went pale like the time he spat up slugs.

"Are you mad?" Ron asked.

Harry pawed his scar and scratched it, "Look I have to go, don't." He stopped Ron by grabbing the sleeve of his robe and looked his friend dead in the eye, "Don't tell Hermione. At all, she'll go mental."

"I've gone mental Harry, why didn't you use protection, even wizards get pre-" Harry shushed him, and Ron whispered "Witches get pregnant too, you know?" That's wasn't what Harry was trying to keep quiet, he just wanted Ron to stop talking about it.

"Don't tell anyone," Ron shook his head, "I have to meet with Roshara, see you."

Harry rushed to the Room of requirement, waiting for her.
Roshara sighed tiredly as she left draco, annoying at his hovering, and knowing he was just worried about her. Heading up to the room of requirement she smiled a little s she stepped in, looking at the casual melding of gryffindor and slytherin colors and common rooms. Smiling softly at the man sitting on the couch she collapsed next to him, resting her head on his shoulder."I'm sorry I'm so truthful.I didn't think it'd make things harder..."
Harry tensed when he saw her, then he wanted to spit it out and confess what he'd heard but then he also didn't want to ruin it because she did say that she wanted to tell him. His jaws clenched as his temples flared, "Any big news, today? Secrets and all." Harry's voice drawn between low and strained "You can tell me, mum's the word."
Roshara leaned back to look at him, alarm and fear flairing in her eyes before shaking her head slowly.Having not been prepared to be confronted with it right away, she had no idea how to respond."Harry.... are you angry with me?.."She said, trailing off as she struggled for words.NOt kknowing what she'd done wrong,but she didn't want to tell him if he was angry with her.
Harry didn't mean to come off so harsh, but he'd been so shocked that he became a little numb at the time. He shook his head and shot up from the chair and paced the room, "You realize we had plenty of time before?" He asked with his voice raised, he looked at her incredulously, "there were all sorts of ti-" He took a breath and counted to three, "no I'm not angry." He then changed his mind, "Of course I'm angry!" Not really feeling like himself at all, "you could have just spat it out."
Roshara swallowed hard."When!?When I was so sick I couldn't think?Or how about class? 'Yes, that is the proper way to cast that, and oh I'm pregnant with harry potter's baby!?"She said feeling cornered and angry as he got in her face, standing up, hands fisted at her hands, trying to be calm, even as he yelled at her, and failing horribly."Just spit it out there in the hall?When you were already pissed?Well."She sighed a little," I guess it doesn't matter, since you just had to stay and listen to me and draco talking."She said angry at the easedropping, more because he was reacting more like this then anything else
"Bloody hell! It would have explained plenty and why you over reacted, when I left." Even Harry knew those to be harsh words, but he was hurt that he'd had to find out through his worst enemy, arch enemy, his nemeses, second to Snape. "A simple warning was all it took, instead you leave me in the dark, thinking all you ever do was tell the truth!"
Roshara's eyes went hide, feeling the words like a blow gasping slightly as she struggledto breath around the pain.Se wanted to tell him, when they could be happy together about it, instead of having his godfather's words hanging between them. Shaking her head she stumbled away from him,"Goodbye."She swallowing around her tears as she hit the door running, blindly searching for draco.Needing draco, not able to think clearly.
Harry headed back to find Ron and make sure his friend hadn't let it slip at all.
"I can't believe it," Ron started amused at the news, "Harry Potter fathers a death eater's child."
Harry punched his arm, he needed to talk with Ron a little more seriously. "Keep it down."

Draco had just left the great hall, getting ready for quidditch practice when he spotted Roshara, he headed up to her ready to cancel the lessons for the day, "Are you alright, Roe? Do you need anything?" He asked ready to tilt the world to her every need.
Hermione knocked lightly on the door, smiling a little as she opened it."Ro-Harry?Do you need to talk..."She said studying the two.

She swallowed hard, tossing her arms around her, hugging him tightly."Just a hug."She said shuddering a little. Her heart breaking a little at the memory of the fight.She usually didn't fight with anyone, she disliked arguing, because to fight with someone she cared for, it made her feel vulnerable.She'd overreacted tp jo, leaving because she had no idea what was going to happen, not because she was emotional and hormonal."Harry heard me and you talking."She said sighing softly, closing her eyes.before stepping back looking him over."Go to practice.I have papers to grade...and have to figure out what I'm going to do...."She muttered swallowing hard. Already facing the idea that she was in this pregnancy alone. Well.Almost. She knew Draco'd be there for her, but she wanted harry.And harry didn't want her anymore...or at least she thought he didn't.
Ron rubbing his arm where Harry punched him, he rose his brows beneath his bangs a little shocked, he knew he couldn't keep the truth from Hermione so he made a noise between uh-huh and uh uh which pretty much sounded like a faint and scratchy sigh. Harry shook his head at Hermione, "Nothing, just talking about the order of the phoenix." Ron tilted his head, "What's that?" The red head asked clueless, Harry sighed heavily.

Draco held on to Roshara immediately, his mind swimming with so much worry, he hated it when he saw Roshara so broken up. Lately he's been seeing a lot of this too, he planned on giving Potter a piece of his mind the moment he and Roshara were apart. He put the practice aside, although he thought about it knowing Roe would be able to see through his plan on confronting Harry.

Snape much like a child sneered at the blonde as he passed, he looked to Roshara Soeil who was unsteady, "Fair warning or as a matter of fact, Professor Soeil," he spoke her name like he'd bitten down on hard a jaw breaker, "just be warned, there are other ways of handling a stressful...situation, hands on approach to studentsss." He pressed students thinking it was Draco and not Potter, "will get you banned from ever entering Hogwarts, ever again."
Hermione sighed a little, tilting her head.Wondering what was going on. Surely, that wasn't what they'd been talking about if ron had no idea what they were discussing."....Well seeing as you two are talking, I'll go elsewhere."She said trying to figure out how to make harry tell her.

Roshra looked startled, "Seeing as you never had any friends, I wouldn't expect you to understand the need for hugs sometimes."She said not realizing he thought it was draco, not harry. sighing a little she tilted her head."Besides, you have orders.And I expect you to live with them, or life will be very uncomfortable."She said sneering a little as she leaned back to study the teacher, before looking at draco smiling a little. So out of it, for once she wasn't as quick to realize he was up to something.
Ron didn't quite know what to do, so he'd just cleared his throat and it was Harry who spoke up, "You will go mental I swear and it's better you not find out through someone else," with Draco in mind, "I recently and by recent, I mean only a few hours ago I found out that..." He and Ron exchanged glances, Ron looking like he'd just heard from another howler from his mom, "she's pregnant" Harry whispered as quiet as he could but good enough for Hermione to hear. He felt like he'd just told her who assassinated the president at this point, not knowing what to expect.

It would strike Severus in a way that only he could understand, no one ever knew of his life, he was always the kid who was good at being loyal to those who were worth of loyalty. Most people saw it as ass kissing, but without the help of Dumbledore, or if Lily and James Potter had not been involved in his life. He may have turned out worse than he'd been. Then again, Snape, being as slimy as his hair, he had figured there was more to this that met the eye. "What ever you are up against, Roshara," he locked his jaw, "be sure to keep your guards up, I am and will always be at the foot of your every move. Whether or not it interferes with my..." his eyes narrowed, "my orders."
hermione's jaw dropped. The words..were so out of what she'd been thinking to hear, she had no idea how to respond. Moving to sit on the bed she stared at harry, before blinking."Are.you.INSANE!?I knew she was up to something, but I hadn't thought she'd go this far!"She scowled struggling to think."Harry, it might not even be yours."She pointed out gently. Wondering if Roshara was low enough to stoop to such levels.

Roshara's eyes filled with anger as she studied the teacher,"If you interfer to much Professor, you might be finding yourself schooled by a man who already has a bone to pick with you."She said turning away from him, knowing one way or the other, snape would be hurting if she came to harm.Voldemort might be the scarier threat, but it was harry potter's child, and harry was nothing if not loyal and fierce when protecting someone he loved. Tilting her head at Draco she sighed softly, looking tired."Come find me after your done with practice.I'll probably be ready to talk by then."She muttered walking past him heading for her rooms, distracted enough she didn't read more into his worry, not realizing he was planning on having a 'discussion' with harry.
Harry's hands flailed while shushing Hermione, Ron quickly scanned the room to make sure no one else was there. Harry shook his head, his green eyes locked onto Hermione's "If you think that thought hasn't crossed my mind," he then shook his head, they would absolutely die or kill Harry if he mentioned that she was companions with Voldemort. He shook his head, "it's the way she looks at me," his voice softened, "the child is mine." He confirmed with confidence in his voice. It was then he felt a flutter of hope boiling at the pit of his stomach, he was going to be a father.

Snape knew and understood what he'd been dealing with, but he didn't respond to threats all to well, that only drew him towards anger and revenge. He nodded to Draco who was glaring at him, he walked past Snape and headed towards the feild, knowing that he could duck into the main entrance and head up to the Gryffindor common room. The password was tricky, and he had never heard of meeting with any Slytherine in the Gryffindor common room. Ever. So he planned on waiting in the hall. At least until Harry was surely to be alone.
Snape on the other hand, had direct access to the Slytherine common room, he planned on grabbing a few things to look through in Draco's room and see if he could find anything. Little did he expect to find a letter from Voldemort. One mentioning a child, a child that Roshara had been carrying. He had all the ammo he needed to fire back.
hermione sighed staring at him hard."You HAVE lost it potter."Hermione said staring at him before sighing again, shaking her head. "I assume yelling at you wont do anything to get you to leave her alone?"She asked studyng him. Wanting nothing more then to lock him in his room until he agreed never to talk to her again,but she knew that it'd only get her yelled at.So.She'd wait and see where this went."How did you find out?"She asked studying him. Wondering if their fighting had gotten worse, after all, they'd been together this morning, and yet, when he'd come in he'd been alone.
"What if you get an evil kid for a son, or what if she turns out to be really evil and there's nothing and bloody hell, Harry I mean nothing you can do? Or what if she wants to help you-know-who?" Even at the slight mention of Voldemort's name, Ron shivered, he was beginning to side with Hermione now, starting to see the reality of this relationship.

"You know what? I thought you guys would be able to handle this a little more maturely than you have," Harry scowled and rose from his seat, "instead you're the same childish and now possessive." He turned away disappointed more of himself than at them for biting their heads off, they were after all his best friends, "look I'm just going to go out here. Don't tell anyone else."

Draco caught Harry at the door way, glad that he'd been alone. Harry saw the blonde Malfoy and crossed his arms, "great."

The young blonde wizard headed straight for Harry, "Listen up well, Scar-" His blue eyes flicked up to Harry's scarless forehead and huffed, "you better get this right with Roe, or I'll have you eating the flesh off your arms before you can even think of an apology. Got it?" Harry had lifted his chin, looking down at Draco, "what I do is my own business, Draco, none of it is under your authority. Just because you think you own her or whatever you think you have over her, doesn't include me."

He walked past Draco and rushed down the hall angrily, so far the people he has told about his life with Roshara have all warned him to stay away, and for some reason. He could only feel like he was being pushed closer. He didn't want to abandon Roshara and leave her to raise a child alone, especially his child. Harry realized he wanted to be there for her through out everything, he couldn't wait to tell Roshara how sorry he'd been.
When he found her she was shivering outside staring at the setting sun, huddling in her winter jacket, cold despite the warming spells woven into it. Feeling so isolated and alone in her world. Befret of everything, she didn't realize that actually she was very warm. More warm then she should be, but cold at heart. As if Harry's anger had gutted her, she was closing off her heart, preparing for the prospect of doing this alone. Fae flushed with both fever and cold. Raising her eyes as she looked up at him, she braced herself for more yelling for the first time, wariness and almost fear showing in those green eyes.

"P-potter."She muttered, her teeth chattering a little.
Harry paused in front of her, he leaned to one side before the other, he held out his hands to her in a pleading manner, "I have been a complete ass, you know it and I know it. The last thing I want is for you to be alone, because I don't want to be without you. Because when I am without you, the world is against me." He edged closer, "and when I am with you." He shrugged a little "The world is still against me, but I have every reason to keep fighting back." Harry lifted his brows, "I have never been more sorry in my life, Shay and I hope you will have me back."
Roshara studied him for a few long moments, more to let him sweat it out more then she didn't forgive him.Sighing softly she nodded a little, because she understood. She really did. Even if it didn't stop it from hurting she'd understood why he'd pulled away. Tugging her coat tighter around her she smiled slowly. Happy to have him back, for however long she got to keep him. For despite accepting him back, she couldn't believe he was going to stay. She'd been hurt to many times to fully trust someone's word, not after he'd already let others get between them.

Smiling a little she looked up at him, before getting up,stepping into his arms, shivering as she leaned against his solid chest, pressing her heated face againt the crook of his neck."I accept."She said quietly.
Harry's shoulders tensed when she wouldn't answer or even say a thing. He would deserve a stiff middle finger and a cold swearword involving him going to a certain place and screwing himself. He was about to continue when she leaned against him, his frame relaxed feeling her body against his. He smiled a little, resting his lips on her forehead and closing his eyes. He embraced her for awhile and then finally spoke, "I certainly had missed you." He slid a hand over Roshara's stomach "So." He lowered his face to see her stomach, "we're going to be mum and dad."
"We are."She said smiling shyly before leaning away, stepping back as she slid her hand into his."Let's go inside."She said tugging him towards the door."We'll go to the room of requirement.It'll be warm.And we can ask for a bed."She said with another heart stopping shy smile, something that was rarely seen on her face.She was rarely shy or hesitant about anything.But harry had a way of bringing it out in her.Wanting to just sleep next to him. Exhausted and needing the comfort.
"Oh darling," Harry started to poke at her cute shyness, "we shouldn't, you're expecting. Perhaps you can run a role of specific favors in the bed but certainly can't be reversed." He nudged her with a light shift of his weight and chuckled, knowing she only wanted to rest. He too was growing weary of school and work. Not just any regular work, but work with school and their constant rumors being spread. "I should get my invisibility cloak, so we can wonder the halls without so much people staring." Harry joked.
She blushed harder, looking at him, raising a eyebrow"Oh....what kind of favors?"She asked, looking slightly curious, and more then a little adorable, flushed and amused. Before nodding a little."I'll walk up with you to get the cloak, then we can wander as much as we want."She said already starting up towards the tower. Not realizing that ron and hermione knew, or that they were waiting to pounce on harry as soon as he got back.
Harry's face flushed in return, "I was joking but if your open. I'm sure they have a wizarding sutra somewhere in the library." Harry joked, laughing a little while he stopped at the painting of the Common room. "Fizzie sticks." He spoke the password, but the lady didn't open the door, she looked down at Harry and Roshara, "I'm sorry, sir!" Her voice melodic but in a ear piercing way, "Can't let you in with the Slytherine!"
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