Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Roshara shuddered a little as she smiled sweetly, kissing him again with the same ahing tenderness, raising her head to look at him, trembling fingers brushing over her beautiful boyfriend's cheek."My prince, my lord whom I love like no other, that who without eternity would be meaningless."She muttered smiling as she moved away, "Come on,prince, we need to shower.and get ready."
Harry closed his eyes listening to her beautiful voice, he could still see Roshara clearly, he then opened his eyes and frowned slightly, "You mean it won't wash off?" He asked looking at his arms, which somehow even his hands and arms looked beautiful. He then chuckled, "we should purposely show ourselves off then, make everyone mad with jealousy at the party."
"We're going to."She grinned amused as she turned on the water,"It's a spell, not makeup. It'll hold as long as I want it to hold."She smiled sweetly, stepping in, sighing in pleasure as the warm water slid over her bare skin. Closing her eyes, she looked like a water nymph freshly tumbled standing there in the spray. Starting to wash off, taking her time to make sure that she hadn't hurt herself to much in the fall on the stairs. Reaching through the water she smiled after he undressed, pulling him in with her, leaning against his chest with a smile, taking comfort in the touch,closing her eyes.For the first time in a long time, feeling totally comfortable with things. Knowing he loved her, mde her feel more steady with the choices she'd made of being here, even better. Shuddering as she reassured herself not only that she was loved, but that she was okay. Having managed to frighten herself badly when she fell, it felt so good to be with him. Even Voldemort, she wouldn't had showed this much fear and panic. Only to her mouse.Only he could see her break down.
Harry held on her, hoping she wasn't hurt too bad. He knew the fall was rough on Roshara, and he wished many times he could go back and fix whatever it was that threw her down. He had the whole world in the palm of his hand and even though the world was against him and his girlfriend. He was grateful and in love. He whispered her name over her shoulder and sighed softly. "There isn't anywhere else I wanna be without you."
Roshara smiled a little, resting her head on his shoulder as the water poured over them, relaxing slowly. Sighing as she stepped back on him she gently stroked his hair."Come on mouse, we have a party to get to."she said blushing a little, knowing that without saying it, that there would never be a time she wanted to have to do without him
Harry gathered his costume and dressed. He then frowned at the buttons, almost fumbling to get them done up, only to find he missed a button and the jacket he wore had been uneven. He slumped a little and unfastened the buttons to fix that, not knowing what to expect once he got a look at Roshara in her costume.
Roshara smiled as she stepped out from behind the door she'd been using to dress, smiling shyly as she looked at her boyfriend. The soft black silk hugging her body, the spell hiding the slight rounding of her stomach, hiding the pregnancy from those who didn't already know. The soft black making her pale skin and dark hair look even more otherworldly, the shocking spill of red in her hair shining like a becon, looking...beautiful and fae.

Walking over to harry she smiled softly, gently doing up the buttons of his shirt, looking up at him."You look dashing, prince mouse."She teased stealing a kiss, before stepping back, before she gave into the urge to strip her beautiful boyfriend, and not leave the room.
Harry felt like he got the wind knocked out of him once he spotted Roshara in her costume, his head spun a little as she walked up to him. He smiled and shook his head, "no you look dash-hm," he had to rephrase that into something more charming than a Dashing girlfriend. "Gorgeous, amazing, spellbinding..." he frowned a little "no pun intended, well maybe just a little." He chuckled and kissed her. Knowing every wizard at the party will want to be him or hate that he's with the most gorgeous woman at the party.
She laughed,even the normal amusing beautiful sound of her laughter taking on that keen edge of almost being to beautiful. As if just by inacting the glamor, she had made herself to beautiful to be mortal."Ah well I'll just show you later how binding I can be."She said with a flirty smirk as she headed for the door, pulling him with her. Nervous about going to the party, and wondering how people were going to react.
Harry kept at her side, heading down the stairs, the two looking almost too delicate to touch as they walked like royalty. Harry couldn't keep his eyes off her, a faint blush appearing upon his cheeks whenever she would look back into his vivid green eyes, he thought she was gorgeous and couldn't stop thinking about her. Apart of him knew she was a little frightened by the crowd, but he knew if any of them dared to separate them, he would make them suffer. Greatly, when the made it to the main entrance of the ball room, he paused with his hand on the door, "are you ready?"
Roshara swallowed hard, looking up at him, a small smile tugging at her lips."I am."She said gently pushing open the door, stepping closer to Harry's side as everyone looked at the 'royal' couple. Blushing a little as she looked around.

Hermione's jaw dropped a little, staring at them."No....what..."She gaped a little, her mind turning over the sight. Already working out who they were supposed ot be. After all, it was a popular muggle myth.
Harry straightened his back, the way the crowd had swallowed their image nearly blew him away, he was used to being stared at (being the chosen one and all), but he wasn't used to being gawked at like a piece of tasty and juicy meat. Only Roshara looked at him like that. So he felt a little awkward.

Ron didn't even recognize the two, he thought they were a famous wizard couple or some one important. He then took an extra effort at looking at Harry and slowly noticed him. His brows rose beneath his bangs, the young wizard hadn't noticed how handsome the boy who lived looked and his girlfriend. Ron nearly drooled.

Draco, being a constant worry wart for Roshara started to walk towards them, hoping he could provide a certain security. Specifically from Potter.
Hermione gaped a little poking ron's arm a little before scowling slightly."I can't believe her. They have some nerve."She muttered to herself, wondering just what it could mean that the witch had showed up like this.

Roshara smiled softly seeing draco, leaning forward to kiss his cheek when he got close, a arm still wrapped around harry's waist."Oh draco, look. For once you're not the prettiest boy in the room."She teased, nerves in her smile, leading the two further into the room, trying not to be as nervous as she felt
Ron shook and jumped at Hermione's poke, "It's not like they're committing a serious offense against the wizarding law." He rubbed his arm and looked to Hermione, "what's the big deal."

Draco just about spun on his heels when they walked away, one for being so up tight about her with Harry, worried Harry might just make her sad or upset again and the other because he got a kiss on the cheek and no one else in the room did. Harry tried to avoid looking Draco directly in the eye, keeping his arm around Roshara.
"No, no laws were broken its just...King Arthur and the witch Morgana, are muggle legends. A savior of muggle britian, who could have been led astray by the wicked witch Morgana."

roshara smiled cuddling close to harry, glancing at Draco as she looped a arm through his, pulling him bck through the crowd with them."You'll save me a dance later?I owe harry one first, but I want to dance with you."She said ignoring the looks the teachers were giving her for mingling among the students instead of standing aside and just watching.
A lot of words and names that didn't mean much to Ron, so no reaction surface on his clueless expression, "well they look fine."

Harry couldn't help but grin like a fool when she opted to dance with him first, Draco caught that and scowled over Roshara's shoulder, "certainly, I will be over there." He pointed to the group of drooling Slytherines, he would jab them all and point out that the girls were drooling over a gryffindor.
Roshara sighed, looking at draco's scowling face, her shoulders hunching a little, in the face of what she saw as a censure, her heart aching even more because she was already feeling raw.The fall had managed to scare her badly, she didn't need this."I'll be over in a bit."She muttered sliding her hand into Harry's, tugging him onto the dancefloor smiling as the band started playing.

Hermione sighed, well.She'd just have to talk to harry, since the sotry seemed lost on ron."Lets dance."she said holding out a hand for him.
Harry followed Roshara to the dance floor, holding her close and careful with her. Even though she didn't appear pregnant, that didn't take his mind off how fragile she really had been. Especially after the fall, "Are you feeling ok, Shay?" He asked with his hand moving from her waist to her back, slowly brushing up and down her spine.

Ron didn't really understand, but he knew if it upset Hermione then it must be something dramatic, he took Hermione's hand and lead her into the crowd, swinging her out front of him and stepping closer. Glad he didn't fumble or stumble. "Why do you suppose they went for the witchy and muggle king?" He asked shooting a glance towards Harry and Roshara.
Roshara sighed softly, relaxing under his hnd, as if she was a kitten to be soothed."Im fine."She muttered, though fear hovered there in the back of her eyes.having just realized who fragile she really was and would be until she gave birth, it scared her to think of losing their child. Moving slowly and carefully through the dance with him,"I really am."

hermione frowned a little as she danced with the red head, thinking it over as they danced."I think...maybe Roshara's aware of what it'll seem like. That she is the wicked witch in Harry's story, the death eater that could lead him away from his destiny. And...this just might be her poking fun at it, or something she really is trying to do."
Harry could hear the concern, partly because he had been just as concerned as she about their future. The child they were bringing into this world, he sighed as well, and then holding her a little more close, afraid the slightest movement may bring harm. "Alright," he whispered and rested his cheek upon hers "just let me know if you ever need anything."

Ron slowly started piecing the controversy together, he nodded over Hermione's shoulder, "what part would he play in this act of rebellion?" He asked, Snape had entered the room, looking down at the gorgeous couple and scoffed. He was side by side with a few other teachers. Making allies all around in case they ever discovered she was poisoned. He even made sure to appear in front of Dumbledore with a time turner.
Roshara smiled closing her eyes as she danced with him, shifting a little."Im not breakable mouse."she muttered nuzzling his cheek, leaning into him further, holding him tighter as she struggled to ignore the crowd, feeling light headed and tired.

Hermione frowned,"I don't know."She said worried about what was going to happen now. Surely, she wasn't the only one who'd understood who they were. dumbledore raised a eyebrow as he looked at his potions master,"Severus, have you found out anything of interest?'he asked quietly. Worried over the couple, who were like light and dark together.
"You may not be," he brushed her back a little more urgent to calm her, "I know you are strong, but to be so strong against so many, I fear for you." He admitted.

Ron made a face at the greasy looking Professor, "You think he'd cleaned up before showing his face anyhow."

Severus clenched his jaw, knowing if he even made the slightest movement, Dumbledore would know of it, he tilted his head "Aside from the display of affection the so freely show, I believe she is in cahoots with the dark lord. A little more than we think.." Which both had known but his suspicion lingered at the last part of his sentence.
"I fear for you to."She muttered smiling a little. Resting her head on his chest as the song ended. blinking slowly."I should dance with Draco."She said slowly, running her hand through her hair.Wondering why she felt so badly. Waving off the concern she saw."Don't worry.I really am okay."She said heading for the slytherins.

Dumbleodre raised a eyebrow,"really now?"he asked, wondering just how deep roshara was into trouble. There'd been rumors, but surely, a young woman wouldn't find the nearly 70 year old dark lord intresting in that way.
Harry had been broken, not completely there, for he'd been so worried and concerned for the one he'd loved. The one who people constantly stepped in their path to serenity, and yet. He still wanted her to stay. Then again if he'd kept her, smothered her, and complained every single time he went to Draco or Tom. He'd be his worst nightmare. A pansy. So letting her go. He wondered aimless and a little out of place with everyone staring at him.

Draco could not remove his gaze, Roshara had been the most beautiful she had ever been. His breath had been taken, as she made her way to the Slytherins. He smiled, it felt strange upon his face, although he looked evil, he meant well. A single brow rose when one of the girls snickered at his friend. "Sought off, and bite it." He scowled and made his way to meet Roshara.

Snape had that same and dark smug expression. Judging Roshara from where he'd stood. "I warn you sir, she is honestly, up to no good." He'd wondered if that spell had worked earlier, she seemed well enough. Maybe he'd have to poison her drink again.
Roshara smiled a litle as she took his hand, pulling draco into the dance."Thank you."She said tilting her head a little."You make it easier to be here...when things go wrong."She said biting her lip, shuddering a little. Feeling lightheaded and out of sync."Draco...somethings wrong..."She said swaying on her feet a little.

Dumbledore nodded, "Keep a eye on her Severus. You know her best, you will be able to tell what happens."He said looking sure of his ablity.
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