Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Draco had kept his hand around the small of her back, his brows pulled center as the contour of his face darkened in fear. His temples flared as he took a mid-step back and stopped. Looking her over, "Would you like me to take you back to the common room, Roe?" He wasn't able to resist the hand on her forehead, as he felt for her temperature.

"You won't have to worry about much any longer," Snape responded darkly, "I believe she won't be around to continue this havoc she's raised with Potter."
Roshara swallowed hard, whimpering as she pressed her burning face against his cool skin,whimpering as her body tightening, contraction hitting her out of nowhere."Need...sit down....get out of here..."She muttered nearly falling leaning against him.

Dumbledore raised a eyebrow, "Good."he said nodding."I must be going."He said excusing himself not wanting to see whatever snape had planned.
Draco held his arm around Roshara, one look and people were filing out of their way as he guided her to a seat. Unaware of the surrounding, his first thought had been to address the obvious, "is it..." Suddenly aware of where his hand rested, a little to obvious over her womb, "your stomach?" He asked, removing his hand and grabbing a cloth napkin. Drenching it in water and holding the fabric to her forehead.

Snape gave a slight nod, allowing the elder to excuse himself. Locking eyes with Harry, and his brows arched as his eyes narrowed. Harry hadn't a clue as to what this expression was for, so he waved it off and grabbed himself a cup and poured himself a mouthful of punch.
Roshara winced at the touch, sighing softly as she leaned her face into the cool cloth. "Y-yes."She whimpered quietly, closing her eyes for a moment before looking up, looking for harry."Find harry.Please. I need out of here."She said shuddering. She hated feeling so weak and vulnerable.
Draco could feel his face flush as he panicked, he wanted to forget Harry and help Roshara out of there but he knew that wasn't the right move. Especially in her condition. He shot up and looked around, "I'll get him." He spoke dutifully and rushed towards the boy who lived and grabbed him by the elbow. The drink Harry was about to down had splashed around and emptied the cup before his lips could meet the mouth of the cup. "What are you going on about?" Harry demanded, but didn't need an answer once he spotted, "Roshara!" Harry shook from Draco's grip and rushed to her side, Draco on the other side, ready to help her up.
Roshara whimpered slightly looking at them both, gently setting her hands on their arms, pulling herself up. Nearly stumbling, leaning against harry, ignoring the looks they were getting as she gently rested a hand on Draco's arm."Come with us.I...something's wrong. I need someone we both can trust."She said burying her face against harry's chest. Knowing that even if draco didn't like harry, he would protect them both because she loved harry.
It was Draco's full intention, he wasn't about to set Roshara to sail with the scrawny (well not so scrawny right now), Harry Potter. He and Harry kept their distance, Draco's hands around her waist guiding as Harry's were up and around her shoulders. They had both put their differences aside for the moment, concern boiling through their anxiety as the two helped Roshara up the stairs. "Would you like me to send for the nurse?" Harry asked, frowning ever so slightly at some of the people staring at them.
"No...we'll go up there. If we ask her to come down here, I'll never get any peace."She said rubbing a hand over her stomach, whimpering as she cramped. Sighing as they finally got to the hospital wing.

A few hours later madame pompfrey smiled sadly as she walked out to greet to two boys who looked so worried and were hovering just outside the exam room looking at the two sadly."She's sleeping.But what was causing her pain was she was miscarrying.she said something about a fall?"She asked, because roshara didn't realize she'd been posioned, so she was going to blame herself for causing this.
The moment Madame Pompfrey mentioned a miscarriage, Harry had fell ill, darkness swarmed his mind as his stomach churned. Draco had been quite pale already, but seemed to have lighten ever more. Even his brows became darker than his face. Harry left without word, at the moment he wasn't quite sure what to think or even how to breathe properly without it coming out wrong. Draco scowled over his shoulder before returning his gaze to Madame Pompfrey, "Would you mind if I sat with her?" Cared for her, spun back time or anything that would help her at the moment.
The nurse shook her head, looking worried."No, I don't mind."She said leading him into the room leaving the two alone. Roshara whimpered from under her blanket, looking small and broken as she looked at him over the edge of the blanket."Where's harry?"She whispered, even as she reached out for draco's hand,squeezing as he sat down, tears filling her eyes.Feeling cut off and lost.
Draco held still beside Roshara, waiting for the nurse to exit before he answered, "looked like he was about to toss up a load of chunks." He admitted, remembering the same feeling, but it was always his concern and the way he cared about Roshara that kept him strong. "Probably be around later," he knew that's what she would probably like to hear, especially in her sensitive case, and Draco had been on the nose. Harry was in fact getting sick, blaming himself for not being more careful with his girlfriend and unborn child.
"Oh. That makes sense..."Roshara nodded, smiling a little as she curled up more, the only part of her visible was her hand holding draco's. Sniffling as she fell asleep. Looking small and broken. Knowing that things were going to get vicous and ugly when people realized what happened.
Draco had done his best to comfort her, make things easier, in hopes for time to pass. It took several hours, but as Draco rested his eyes for a few minutes, he heard movement in the entrance. He opened his eyes to see a withdrawn young wizard, dark circles beneath his vivid green eyes and the rest of him evenly pale. Draco gave a slight nod, but Harry hadn't noticed. He'd only seen Roshara.
Roshara shifted at the sounds, battle ready senses telling her someone was in the room besides draco. Smiling a little at harry, she bit her lip, slowly sitting up, reachin for him, looking worried and guilty."Harry..?"She whispered afraid he was going to pull away from her
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