Darkest hour [Lionhart]

If his face could give away anything at that moment, it was the fact that he was head over heels, crazy for Roshara. He could fly around all he wanted on the broomstick, not that he would pay much attention. He'd be too busy looking for his girlfriend in the stands. Ron looked at Harry with a slightly vague expression, he wasn't hurt that Harry had found love, well he wasn't hurt at all. Just angry. Still a bit touchy about being called childish. The red head stared into the distance, "Harry" he greeted and his companion nodded.

"I was going to cancel today, hardly had any luck getting a good nights rest." Harry stated.
Hermion looked worried as the rest of the team grumbled about it. "Do you want a dreamless sleep potion?I still have one left from this summer."She said looking at him.

roshara's answering smile was just as much of a giveaway as harry's was. if anyone had been studying the death eater they would have seen behind the habitual mask, to the real happiness an love she held for the chsen one. She was absolutely crazy for him.If only she could tell him. Smirking slightly, because she had every plan of making sure Harry still had a chance to fly today.
Harry knew if he responded in surprise, he would have to admit he didn't study that potion yet. So he simply nodded a little, "Sure" the surprise in his tone was to her kindness, "thanks."

Ron fumed a little, he was actually being quite childish, but he didn't really like the idea of a death eater and the boy who lived dating now. He was obviously changing and Ron could see it.
"You're welcome."hermione smiled studying him, worry eating her alive. Because she saw how he was changing, and she put the blame squarely on the shoulders of the smirking death eater.

"Now shoo.I have plans.Plans that involve Mouse."Roshara said, making shooing motions, laughing delightedly as everyone but ron and hermione left. She was no doubt, totally enjoying her role of bossing people around.After all, she'd been Voldemort's lover, she'd enjoyed it. And now, she got to boss around gryffindors. It really was perfect. Ignoring the look hermione was giving her. After all, she knew what the words sounded like. Only her and harry would know just how good things would be for harry in those plans. Shifting, wrappnig her arms around harry's waist, glad her jacket hid the small rounding of her stomach.Glad that she wouldn't be asked about it...not realizing they already knew about the baby
Harry nodded his thanks once more, feeling Roshara's arms around his waist he held onto her arms with his hands. He could tell it was going to be a long, long day, just because he knew that time alone with his baby mama, was being taken. He caught the look Hermione was giving and frowned, only a little, but enough to let her know that obvious on her face, was obviously obvious.
Ron was wondering why everyone was leaving and then returning his attention to his friend and his death eater girlfriend. She was shooing everyone off, and he had half the mind to join everyone else just to get away from all this nonsense. This was no longer his friend. Harry Potter was someone else all together.
"Stop.I am tired.I do not like you. And I want alone time with my boyfriend."Roshara said, raising a hand to stop the woman's rant. Before looking up at harry."Let's go upstairs.We'll let them have the field."She said tilting her head moving away.
"harry, she's using you!You have to know that!"Hermione said, overriding the other woman's objecctions.
Roshara paused,"At least I'm honest in my intentions."She said over her shoulder, letting her read whatever she wanted into the words as the death eater stomped angrily towards the castle.She was tired, she was feeling sick,and she just wanted some stress free moments with harry to reconnect after their fighting.
Ron looked towards Harry with the expression of disgust written all over his face, Hermione was right, and Ron wondered why Harry was too blind to see that.
Harry was walking when Hermione called out to her, he closed his eyes, not even bothering to turn around. He waited for Roshara to vent out, and started walking. He frowned a little when Hermione said she was using him, and it didn't bother him. Not in the slightest. He took all of this as a backfire to being who he was. Figuring even his own friends want to have say in his life. It ticked him off.
"Good bye Hermione."
The wizard spoke without turning back.
Roshara was muttering under her breath, nearly silently cursing as they walked up to the castle. Making it all the way back to the room of requirement before she looked at him, turning, fisting her hands in his shirt as she pulled him down for a hard kiss."I'm not letting you go."She growled angry at everyone for trying to seperate them. And wondering if she could make him forget for a few minutes to be gentle with her. Needing to make love like war, so that she could ride out the mood. Or maybe, she needed gentle. She really had no idea what she needed from him.
The kiss Roshara gave turned Harry to liquid, he felt like she was the only thing in the world holding him together. He slid his hands beneath the bodice, sliding them along the skin of her stomach and over her chest where he massaged her breasts. He shed his clothes with ease, stopping between each movement to plant a kiss on her forehead, eyelids, cheeks, and lips. He had never been more sure in his entire life, that being with this woman, a death eater, could be the choice he would take or that he has taken for the rest of his life.
oshara smiled back at him, trembling under his hands. Because this, this was imporntant. She could see it in his eyes ,feel the echo of it on her skin.They were going to be together, no matter what anyone said. She wanted the boy who lived. Closing her eyes she smiled, as she gave into the need to have him.

A few weeks later Roshara smiled as she leaned back in her chair. After that first week, her and harry had found the perfect solution. They pretended to go to their bedrooms to sleep, but after everyone went to sleep they snuck up to the room of requirement to sleep together. Having found they rested easier and better together, not to menton sometimes it was the only time they got to spend together. Smiling at the memory of Harry's amazement as her body changed, rounding out, her breasts tender and growing, all because of his baby. The idea kept the man in constant amazement. Shaking her head to get rid of the happy little smile on her lips she looked up startled to find herself looking at harry.
"Hey."She said blushing slightly, shifting her chair back so he could lean against her desk."we still going down to hogsmeade?"she asked, having after a constant annoying the headmaster, had gotten permission to go down to the town to pick out halloween outfits for the upcoming ball. sadly they had to have a chaperon. Even worse, it was snape. But she thought that his presence would be easily ignored. Not realizing that he knew about the baby, and was plotting against her.
Shifting to stand up she leaned against harry's chest, letting out a tired sigh as she cuddled close. Acting more relaxed and in love then she had at first, she wondered if he knew how she felt, despite her unable to make herself say it. After all, the last person she'd said it to was Voldemort, and that was just a mess. So...it'd made her cautious about telling people.
Harry had managed to open up a little more to Ron, however they did keep distance, Ron felt like he would upset Hermione if she saw the two talking and Harry knew Roshara was in too much of a tender state to have any more pressure put on her. Just old friends or rather old acquaintances, wondering down the halls, brief smile or little greeting exchanges. He managed to keep up in classes, enough to sway the rings in Roshara's favor when she requested to go to Hogsmeade, of coarse Snape being more than glad to be the chaperone.

It had been alarming how much Harry looked like James, Severus thought before meeting them, and now he was going to be like James. Of coarse anyone reading his thoughts (namely Roshara), would expect those words to mean, dead, like James. He knew now to let his thoughts stray around her, it would go far beyond the likeness of his plans. The last thing he wanted was for Roshara to be banned from Hogwarts so Harry Potter can follow her off school grounds.

Harry tried not to glare too much, it was straining, his eyes were still healing a little from the magical healing Roshara had done on his eyes. So he wouldn't have to use his spectacles any longer, he was glasses free. Little things like distance had still been blurry, small font on street signs but he didn't need his circular specs to see the beauty right in front of him. Harry decided to make conversation with Roshara, the soon to be, beautiful mother of his child, "Have you fully decided on our costumes? I was think Frankenstien and his bride or The Simpsons." He chuckled.
Roshara wrinkled her nose laughing a little at the idea."I am not tall enough to be frankinstien's bride."She smiled a little shifting to wrap a arm around his waist, yawning tiredly as they headed down to the town. Ignoring their third. She didn't want to spend time with snape, so she usually found it easier to just ignore his existance when he was near her. Turning a little she looked up at her lover, shifting a little to press into his side. Trying to ignore what she knew most of the staff still didn't like her, but they tolerated her presence for harry,. So the more far along she got, the more homronal she was, and usually found it easier to just be in harry's company.

"I was thinking King arthur and Morgana, startling apporiate."She smirked over her shoulder at the teacher. Knowing he'd get the reference, for once acknowledging his presence. Before looking up at harry again, guessing he probably didn't get it."king arthur was the savior of muggle britian, and Morgana the witch everyone thought was goign to lead his astray."She said laughing a little."Blacks, and glamor spells to make sure we're that unearthly beautiful to match the stories, but I thought it was perfect. After all...maybe..."She said ramblign a little, worried he wouldn't like it.
Harry had been well aware of Snape, his spine tingled with every footfall, he hated that they were instructed to be chaperoned. Harry found the idea belittling and somewhat insulting. He wasn't a child and the headmaster should know this by now. It was frustrating. He hardly heard what Roshara had been talking about after she answered his question, somehow Snape's footfalls became more distant. The young wizard attempted a glance over his shoulder, he saw nothing, only the empty darkness swallowing the path they used to get here. He was heard Roshara trailing off, returning his attention, they were close to the stores now, just a few steps. With ice? Harry figured it must have been a Halloween charm, so he dried off a spot for Roshara.

This in particular act; Harry clearing the ice, had fueled Severus with anger, regret and hate all boiling into one single act. So the moment the young Professor would take step he would cast a heavy spell on her, making her fall harder than she should from the steps.
roshara smiled as she looked up at harry, worry showing in her dark eyes as she studied the man with her."Love?"she muttered softly, resting her hand against his arm, leaning against him a little as they walked up the stairs,a nearly silent curse escaping as she hit the step and lost her balance, falling akwardly as she gripped the harry's arm trying to stay on her feet as she fell.Falling forward she whimpered a little as she hit the hard stone steps, whining softly as the pain radiated through her body. That...hurt.Hands going to her stomach as her body reacted to the pain, curling up around the baby she was carrying as she leaned against the door."Fuck.Fuck...fuck.."She cursed quietly, relaxing slowly as the pain faded. Looking up at her boyfriend with worried and pained eyes.Whimpering louder at the dull thud of pain from her ankle,, swallowing hard as she mvoed it, feeling the bones grinded together. "Harry....pick up our costumes...I asked them to be made already in case you wanted to do it....I just...we need to go back."She said stuttering a little, pain flairing in her eyes. For once, panic clear in her voice.
Harry tried to wrap his arms around her, but she was already on the ground, he couldn't understand it. He got all the ice off the steps, crouching on the stairs while she lay on the ground, hands protectively over her stomach, Harry stammered "Are, you, are you alright? Shay?" He could feel chills spreading through his body while he held onto her legs and reached one hand over hers on her stomach, "Shay?" When she responded to meet the costume designer, he nodded, he'd also ask for a little help too.
Harry went on inside and came back out with the designer on toe, he'd have done the spell himself but it wasn't in his nature to remember such spells. He focused on dark arts and so on. The designer mumbled a spell under his breath, creating a warming wrap around her back, stomach and ankles. "That should hold for now, but ya best be gettin' some TLC and R&R when you get back home." The designer nodded.
Snape came into view, hoping the worst of things when he saw the pregnant woman laying on the ground.
"Roshara looked up at him, looking calmer as Harry was calm. "I'm fine. Just want some rest before the ball."She said blushing a little shifting to get up glad that she wasn't months further along. Glad that her stomach was just a small bump and easily protected. Shifting she wrapped her arms around harry, leaning against his chest as the designer handed over their costumes to snape. Pressing as close as she ould to the man holding her she sighed softly."Let's go home.And to our bed."she muttered in his ear as she rested her head on his shoulder, having come to think of their room that the room of requirement gave them as a home away frm home.
Harry was relieved she was ok, hoping that Snape would just buzz off by now, his presence wasn't helping any. He walked with his girlfriend in his arm, guiding her carefully as they went along. Snape in the back trudging with a scowled expression, Harry wanted to joke and say that Snape should be a scarecrow for Halloween. He'd fit the bill pefectly. Harry rubbed Roshara's back, "I got some butterbeer through owlpost this morning." He didn't say it was from Sirius, "we could enjoy a good small party before heading to the big one." Harry suggested quietly.
Roshara's head came up, eyes wide and amused, brightened at the prospect. "Ohhh that would be so nice."She said hugging him,relaxing even more when they got back to the castle, flicking her fingers at snape in a shooing gesture, even as she curled closer to harry's chest."Now that you've seen us safely back.Go away scarecrow, I want some kisses before I have to turn up and chaperon."She said, looking excited, giddy now that her fear had past.
Severus had to strain to hear what Harry had said, but he'd gotten enough information now. All he'd have to do was find a way to get to their bottles of butterbeer before they did, he was more than determined to finish that seed of destruction growing in her womb. The professor handed Harry their costumes and apparated back to his office where he held the potions and serums.

Harry wrapped his arms around Roshara immediately, the costumes dangling behind her in his hand, smiling as he pressed his lips against hers, "Your in my mind arn't you?" Harry was referring to the scarecrow, he tsked a few times before kissing her again, "you must see all the things I think about when I'm with you." He chuckled and kissed her again.
"hmmm...no.I just know you."She smiled,blushing a little as she leaned more fully against him. Shivering a little as lust made her eyes dilate, looking up at him with a soft, pleased smile on her face."'But I know you think about the same things I think about."She smiled raising a hand, running her fingers through his hair, looking at the man who was so worried and happy to just be with her."I love you mouse."She muttered, before her eyes went wide with surprise, and a touch of fear. Having not meant to say it...and not knowing what he'd say back. So headblind to other people's emotions, that she only knew he cared about her, not that he was in love with her
Harry wanted to laugh just then, not at the fact that she loved him and admitted it out loud. But the fact that she used his nickname, he breathed laughter through his nose a few times before foolishly grinning. His voice soft as he responds "I love you too, Shay." He rested his forehead against hers, his stomach fluttering now that he said it aloud as well, he couldn't be any happier than he was now.
Roshara returned his grin just as foolishly, leaning against him, stealing a kiss before pulling away."Come on my prince, I want to drink and get kisses before we need to get ready."She grinned heading up to the room of requirement knowing he'd follow.Grinning as she undressed hurriedly, turning to greet him as he walked in, looking beautiful half dressed and skin glowing with happiness. "Come here."she said walking over to kiss him, even as she summoned the butter beer, not realizing snape had managed to get ahold of it.
Harry had managed to keep up, pausing at the door way to eye the beauty of her body, she'd taken his breath away. Leaning against the wall before going up to her when she called to him, he reached his arms around her waist and lifted her up carefully onto the bed. Resting his body beside hers, "I'd like to make a toast, but it would turn out weird sounding so, to us." He held up his bottle which she summoned, and beamed.
She grinned widely, sipping her drink, not noticing the aftertaste. Not drinking alot because she didn't want to harm the babe but enough to get the posion in her bottle into her system."to love, in all it's forms."She said kissing him again before letting him take another sip, gentle hands running along his body, wanting kisses and cuddles. needing to act young before she had to act as a chaperon.Sliding a leg over his hip she sighed a little as she settled against him, studying his face from inches away, black hair flaired out over the bed. Before smirking, whispering the glamor spells for their costumes.

Amused as she watched her beautiful boyfriend become breathtakingly, deadly, beautiful. red threaded through his dark hair, the color of blood fresh slipped under the moonlight.The red in her own hair echoing it, speaking of sacerfices and pain, of darkness hidden by light. Both of them beautiful beyond compare now, they'd shine like beacons at the ball."I love you."She muttered softly, studying him.
After he took a sip of his drink, Harry smiled, he kept his arm around her while the spell was cast. Watching his beautiful girlfriend turn into a jaw dropping woman, his vivid green eyes looking over her flawless complexion. The way her hair had been lit by light, she had been breath taking before, but now he actually felt a little nervous, his hand brushed along her cheek which immediately trembled on contact, "My Queen, a witch, I fear no longer, for that I am always yours." He kissed her once again, taking the time to savor her tender kiss "I love you too." He whispered back.
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