Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Roshara stared."I am a Slytherin who is also a Professor, painting. Now. Open or I swear to god, I'll light a fire nearby."She said letting her wand slide into her hand. The shiness sliding away, the hardened death eater back and vicious as ever. IF anything, the thought of being a mother was making her even more protective and easily angered.
Harry laughed, "I'd do as she asked." Harry added warning the painting, who in return made the perfect O with her mouth and scampered off while opening the door, Harry rushed in, "that gives us enough time." He ran up to the boys dorm and started going through his chest, looking for his cloak.
Hermione paused as she walked down the stairs to the girl's dorms, staring at the woman standing in the common room."What are you doing in here?"

Roshara stared, "Ten points from gryffindor for being rude to a teach. And I'm waiting for harry."She said blushing ever so softly as she remembered what they'd been talking about, fidgetting, shifting from foot to foot, needing harry to hurry.Hoping none of his other friends showed up before she had a chance to run.
Harry gathered his cloak with a smile and stopped to find Ron sitting up in his bed, "finally back are ya, oh wait no, was that too childish of me?" He steamed a glare at Harry, who in turn slumped, "look I'm sorry I was overwhelmed and needed to stop before I said anything I'd regret, not that I regret saying those because I do." Harry replied, and Ron muttered something, "Look Ron, I can't stay long, Roshara is waiting in the common room." Ron gulped loudly, "Are you mad?!" Harry paused and looked at Ron with a warning glance.

When he got downstairs, he saw that Hermione and Roshara had been acquainted once more, Harry didn't quite know what to say as he patted the cloak in his arm. "Hello." He nodded towards the door.
"Goodbye."Roshara said nodding a little at hermione, bolting for the door.

"Don't bring her back here harry, she doesn't belong in here."Hermione said before heading upstairs to tell ron what had just happened.

Roshara swallowed hard, wrapping her arms around her waist, sighing softly. Already feeling the slight press of her rounding stomach, hardly there, but enough to change everything.Slouching her shoulders she smiled a little lookign at harry nervously gently tugging the cloak out of his arms, sliding it around her shoulders, holding it up so he could get under to.
Harry would bring her back out of spite, he hated that his life and love life were being held in so many other peoples demands. He slipped under the cloak and wrapped his arms around her waist while making a way to the room of requirement. "Don't worry about Hermione, she has a few things to think about and she will keep thinking of them until she makes the worse of any situation."
Roshara laughed softly."I had a friend like that once."She snorted a little. "Thankfully, she went away when I joined the dark side."She said giggling a little shrugging out of the cloak as they walked into the room, she sighed as she saw the bed. Smiling tiredly as she undressed, sliding into the bed with a contented sigh."I don't worry about anything.Much less a girl who hasnt learned to keep her mouth shut."She said, rolling her eyes.Though she knew he'd know the truth, she couldn't stand to admit hermione and ron scared her.
Harry joined her, removing his shirt before he lay beside her. He rested onto his elbow while looking at her, "You don't really have to worry about either of them, if friends they are, then friends they will be. If not," he had spoken so honestly and meant it "then they aren't friends after all." Harry nuzzled against her, resting his hand on her belly. "Have you thought of names?" Curiosity had really been playing apart in his actions lately.
Roshara looked startled at him, having not expected him to choose her over his friends. Smiling shyly she shook her head s she shifted, resting her head on his chest as she laid on her back,closing her eyes. Feeling better just to have him there with her, acknowledging the babe they had created."I thought...james if it was a boy. And maybe...Phedrea for a girl."She muttered, almost inaudible, looking nervous. Having spent the days since she'd realized what was wrong,considering it.
Harry beamed hearing James being the option, he couldn't help but feel pride burning through all that was ever good in him, he had the love of his life with him. "James or Phedrea," he repeated while brushing her tummy, "your going to have thee most strongest mother in the entire world. Fear not, your father isn't a total ass, I won't be leaving you or your mother anytime soon or later." He promised while sitting up and planting a kiss on her stomach.
Roshara blushed a little, smiling slightly.Feeling that lovey feeling melting her heart as he pressed a kiss to her stomach. Longing to tell him she loved him, and yet, the words caught in her throat. Gently running her fingers through his hair. Longing showing in her face, needing to know, needing to believe he wasn't going anywhere."So you're not a total ass?"She teased,gently tugging on his hair."Mouse, you better keep your promises."She said, sounding only a little desperate.
Harry wrapped his arm around Roshara's waist and rested his head on her chest while she stroked his hair, "I won't make promises I can't keep, not with you." Harry swore, "I'll keep my promise, as long as we're alive." He nuzzled against her, pressing his lips over her chest. "As dirty as that was," he chuckled softly "I meant to kiss your heart."
Roshara laughed, smiling. More at ease with that.Glad he wouldn't lie. Smilign as she ywned,"Uh huh. You just wanted to kiss my breast."He whined a little, squirming. Remembering what he'd said before."Harrrry..."She whined a little, "You were telling me about something earlier."she teased.Despite needing, wanting to sleep. She needed to reconnect with him.Hopefully she didn't fall asleep in the middle. Stilfing a yawn as she waited for a answer.
Harry laughed a little, and nodded "Well you have to admit it's rather an appealing breast. I mean look." He presented her own breast to her. When she brought up what they were talking about earlier, Harry saw the tired in her eyes, "well I think we should look for a book on wizarding sex positions before we pop into anything, until then." He pecked her forehead, "we'll sleep on it."
She whined softly before sighing, not arguing. Which proved just how tired she was."It'll be your belated birthday gift."She muttered nuzzling against his neck as she drifted off to sleep. Having every intention of waking up early enough to enjoy some quiet, alone time with him before they had to head seperate ways. After all, tomorrow was gryffindor quidditch try outs, and she was sure he wouldn't want her around to see it. Even if it was saturday, and really the only day they'd have totally together.
Harry nuzzled once more, comfort in her arms, he slowly dozed off. Having rather weird dreams involving a baby and Snape's head poking out of every corner of the wall. He called out in the dark of the hallways to Roshara but Snape only smiled at him. Harry frowned in his sleep, moaning and mumbling Roshara's name. Sleep was pretty rough on him that night.
in the morning Roshara sighed softly as she sat up gently stroking harry's hair, smiling slightly as he blinked sleepily."Are you okay?"She asked worriedly, having been trying to wake him up for awhile.'If not, you could cancel tryouts.We could stay here, sleep and relax."She said truly worried about him.
Harry awoke with a slight start, his heart pounded, "Weirdest dreams," he shook his head and felt a little bit of sweat on his forehead. He coughed a little to clear his throat, "Yeah I think I'll just cancel tryouts, they'll have another next week, hopefully I'll have more time." He spoke his voice a little strained.
She nodded a little, gently stroking his hair."come on, mouse.I'll walk down with you."She said worried about him. And not wanting him to have to face the disappointed team by himself. Getting up she dressed slowly, before starting to laugh at the book the room had provided them sitting on the nightstand. "Feeling well enough to do this when we get back?"she teased, the wizarding kama sutra in her hands. Laughter, true happiness showing in her face for the first time in awhile.
Harry had a look at the book, "So one does exist," he pushed himself up off the bed and grabbed his shirt. He'd have to snag his equipment, then he remembered that he was in the room of requirement, he summoned the items he needed through the accio. Once he had everything he needed, the quidditch equipment, it was all good, he took a look at the book once more, flipping through the pages quickly. Curious, he'd never seen such odd pairings, especially the one with the wizard suspended in the air, and her companion on a broomstick. It actually made him laugh.
Roshara laughed amused as she leaned against his shoulder to look, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she got up."Well, we are going to a quidditch pitch."She teased pulling him up, kissing him hard before walking out of the room, a little more sway to her hips, draawing his attention to her ass. So amused, and turned on now that she'd thought about the position. Now all they had to do was get through cancelling practice.
Harry turned his head once, as if he'd tasted the finest steak in his life, only the finest kiss of his life. As he walked behind his girlfriend, his green eyes wouldn't have been able to stray as she swayed her hips. The young wizards mouth dried a little, he dared anyone to stand in his way today. "I don't think they'll miss me, even if I don't show." Harry looked back at the room of requirements entrance, seeing it get further away as they walked. "I am the chosen one after all," he smiled a little cocky "they'll understand."
Roshara stopped,turning on her heel to look up at the man following her, raising a hand to smack him lightly in the head."Mouse, stop being cocky." she smirked slowly."Well..."She blused a little before stepping back a little, the flush getting darker.She wanted...oh gods she wanted to go back to the rom. But she didn't want to be on the recieving end of gryffindor's anger more then she already was. "Come along chosen one, we'll cancel then maybe make use of your broom."
"Broomstick" Harry corrected with a little sly grin, "it's too bad we can't send howlers, but I think mine would be a little more descriptive than intended." He could just imagine sending off a howler involving little moans unintentionally making it's way into the letter. He smiled at this and continued walking with Roshara to the field. His throat dried even more, so he swallowed hard and forced himself not to sigh lovingly.
Roshara luahged a little in reaction to his reaction, shifting, wrapping her jacket around her tighter."Mouse you could have practice if you want to."She said blushing, trying not to think about how those little moans would get into a howler.Slidng her wand into her hand she swallowed hard at the sight of ron and the rest waiting for them. not all that surprised to see hermione with them."Granger, i didn't know you played."

"I don't."hermione said studying the woman, glaring a little before looking at harry. having a feeling something was going to change, he had never brought someone else with him, so this was weird.
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