Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Ginny smiled a little, "They were heading up to the tower to work on homework."she said nibbling on her food, watching him. Wondering just how to work on getting him to date her, not the death eater whore.

Roshara sighed softly as she curled up in the slytherin common room, looking small and innocent in that chair, her legs tucked up under herself as she stared at the fire."...I knew coming back here was a bad idea."She said softly, not turning to look at draco as he came in, for once alone.
Harry nodded as he chewed and gulped down a bit more of his drink, finally satisfied, "Figured they'd get over that pesky little fight by now, doubt they'd want an interruption. You mind if I ask you something? I guess, advice from a girls point of view?" He asked Ginny with a little furrow of his brow.

He'd been silent at first and then moving into view of Roshara, he held onto her shoulder while crouching, "I gather your first day here carries a lot of heat," he huffed out while pushing himself to sit beside her, close enough so he could hold her, "despite what everything is working up to, I'm glad you are here."
Ginny raised a eyebrow, looking curious."What is it harry?Is it about the new teacher?Everyone's talking about her."she said studying him closer finishing her food to.

Roshara sighed softly shifting to lean against him, cuddling under his arm as she rested her head on his shoulder."Heat is one word for it. Sirius black has convinced him I'm just...not who I've always told him I was."She sighed softly.Trembling, tears filling her eyes."I was always truthful with him.Why is it biting me in the ass?"
Harry looked into her eyes, realizing they'd been a little more enticing than he remembered, he frowned at the thought, "Actually yes, no." He cleared his throat, "so when a girl we won't name, likes to stand by truth, so much it may even taint her to the person who likes her, possibly love." He paused a little thinking about that, his green eyes lightened a little, "I mean, what would she expect from me?--Him!"

Tom frowned at the mention of Sirius Black, the man who would have made off fine in Slytherine but was sorted Gryffindor, "I swear anyone dealing with Potter has some way of messing up other people's lives." He held onto her as she cried, "is there anything you would like me to do?"
Ginny tilted her head as she thught about it, nibbling on her lip. Amused thatt harry had such trouble wording the question."I think she would expect the same from you.Be truthful with her, no matter how painful it might be to tell her."she said a little, wondering how she could twist roshara's truthful nature against her."But...I wonder.Maybe there's more of a reason why she tells so much of the truth."

Roshara sniffled a little, rubbing her eyes as she looked over at him,"No. Just..just don't abandon me to."She muttered, knowing that wasn't what harry was doing, and yet...it still felt like she was losing someone she loved.Feeling nauseous and sick to her stomach
Harry frowned a little, her lips were rumored to be taken, so why was he staring at them, he frowned a little when she finished explaining, "Well I was told it takes a lot to tell the truth, but a lot more for someone to believe it, maybe I should just or - -" he frowned a little getting wrapped up in the conversation, "maybe he should just believe her, full on."

Draco hushed her and shook his head lightly, "You know I wouldn't leave you, Roe." He answered softly, "not for anything good or evil in this world." He promised.
"Maybe he should."Ginny smiled watching him consider things. Knowing things were going to be interesting.

Roshara smiled sleepily, cuddling against him as she drifted to sleep.So emotionally worn out she didnt even bother to get up to go to bed.

A few strained and fretful days later Roshara sighed tiredly as she curled up against the wall, actually hiding out by the gryffindor tower. Having come up to talk to harry, they needed to talk,but they'd been so busy with getting back to school, and harry'd been spending lot of time with ginny, it'd been hard for her to talk to him alone.Shuddering as she rested her forehead on her knees, barely registering the potrait near her opening, or the man walking out of them.Not realizing that it was exactly who she wanted to talk to.After all, she was sick and pregnant, and she had no idea how to tell him when he was so very angry with her.Or she assumed anger,because he wouldn't talk to her.
"Thank you Ginny," he felt a little bit relieved, "what class do you have next, I'll walk you." He got up and smiled at the house elf rushing a wand at his empty plate. It popped from view and without a doubt was being cleaned in the kitchen. Over the days he tried to come up with a way to re-connect with her, but the distance in her eyes saddened him, he continued to ask Ginny for more advice, seeing he could never catch Ron or Hermione alone. Not even in the common room.

Harry had homework up to the wazoo, he'd almost forgotten about mending things with Roshara, it'd become a habit to pass by her during Dark arts. So when he saw her waiting outside the common room, Harry smiled a little, "Morning, Shay." He was about to reach for a hug when he saw her pale and exhausted frame. "Is something the matter?" He asked more concerned.
Roshara smiled slightly,closing her eyes as she curled up over her knees her head resting on them."Tired.Dont feel good.You're not talking to me."She muttere raising her head to look at him, pain showing in her face. Having only kept her distance because that's what she thought he wanted. Not ready to tell him she was pregnant. She needed to fix this thing between them.Whatever it was.he wasnt' sure if she could call it a relationship,because in normal relationship, people didn't just ignore each other. But it wasnt nothing either...so the emotionally damaged woman had done the only thing she knew how to do...retreat and let him come to her whenever he was ready.
"True," he knelt in front of her, "I had to think it through, what my Godfather had said, I respect him, honestly I do, Shay but that doesn't mean I'm about to drop what we have. He said that you are what everything you already told me, it wasn't a shock. Then he went on about Voldemort, being some sort of puppeteer, making you apart of some plan to get into Hogwarts." He shrugged a little, "I don't think Tom would even try setting himself up with Dumbledore in his state."
Roshara shook her head tiredly."No.He's content to let things stand for now."She muttered before shifting, leaning into his arms. Closing her eyes as she rested ehr head on harry's chest, sighing softly as she relaxed for the first time in days, truly relaxing. Her whole body limp with it."Missed you."She muttered nuzzling his neck Needing to be close to harry, his heart giving a painful jump of hope that harry was staying with her."Always truthful with you."She said tiredly. Because the emotionally damanged wman had had no idea how to handle the relationship between them, she was probably way more truthful then she had to be. But tom had never yelled at her or treated her any differently for telling the truth all the time and she almost felt betrayed that tom hadn't warned her, or that harry was pullling away from it.
Harry wrapped his arms around Roshara, she was weaker and it worried him. Usually she would be strong and demanding, edging to head off somewhere. He smiled a little and nodded when she said that he was missed by her, which was his fault, "I'm sorry that I had trouble believing you," he apologized tenderly brushing one of her shoulders, "I figured it was true, coming from Sirius, I figured that he couldn't tell a lie." Harry wondered aloud, "perhaps he was only following a rumor."
"Most likely."She said yawning a little, now that she had everything she wanted, she wanted to sleep. The sleep that she'd been denying herself as she fretted and worried over what he was thinking and doing. Having managed to annoy everyoen around her, even draco with it."Should have believed me. I care enough not to lie."She said resting her head on his shoulder, content knowing he wasn't pulling away from her. Before smiling slightly."Don't worry.I'm fine."She said though a shadow of her usual demanding self, she really was fine...or at least she thought she was fine for a woman in her condition.
"Surely you understand the lines being drawn are based on Tom." Harry answered, "he did kill my parents, it's really hard to push that aside." Harry brushed some of her hair back and kissed her forehead lightly, "Come on. You should grab a bite to eat before classes start, they're going to be serving a lot of goods." He brushed her shoulder with a light nudge and tried to get a good look into her dark eyes.
Roshara smiled slightly, having not been sure about that. Before smiling wider as she sorted through what he'd said. Having not understood that the thing he was pulling away from was tom, not her."Fod would be good."She said as her stomach growled, getting up and sliding a arm around his waist leaning against him a little. Smiling slightly at the rest of the gryffindors as tehy came out of the common room.

"Harry?"Hermione smiled a little as she paused, studying the two. Having debated about it, but she missed her friend. And she wanted to make sure roshara wasn't up to anything.
Harry smiled a little more this time as she got up, he wrapped an arm over her shoulder, while the rest of the Gryffindor students filed into the hall. Ignoring each of them as they stared, he was nearly used to being stared at, being the chosen one and all.
"Hermione," Harry greeted.
"Bloody hell!"
Ron came behind Hermione spotting Roshara and Harry arm in arm, his voice full of shock.
"It is true!"
Harry turned his attention to the red head and smiled, perhaps a little too proud of the trophy babe between his arms.
Roshara smiled blushing a little as she edged closer to harry. Sleepy and sick enough that she just needed to be close when facing his friends."of course it's true.Who better to have a death eater as a lover then the chosen one?"

Hermione looked startled before studying the woman.Smart enough to recognize someone posturing when it was going on. Knowing roshara was probably uncomfortable, but that was good. She should be uncomfortable if she was up to something."How are you doing?"
Ron had to stabilize his effort to not being so obvious, he looked between Harry and Roshara not noticing her pale and unusual frame. He was just amazed that his friend was dating a death eater, that looked as good as Roshara. Course he wouldn't admit to it out loud, he had a vibe that Hermione wasn't really approving.

Harry tried to ignore Hermione's knowing stare, he'd recognize it anywhere. He kept his voice from changing while he wrapped his arms around Roshara's small frame, "I'm doing alright, Hermione. A lot has changed, which is obvious I suppose." He looked into Hermione's eyes and then lowered his gaze, "How have you been keeping?"
"good enough."Hermione smiled tilting her head as she turned away."We better be going.All of us. Breakfast then classes.We dont want to be late."

Roshara smiled a little despite being sick and tired, she knew she was still good looking.Looking up at Harry she smiled, drawing away, sadness and understanding in her eyes."Go."She muttered,figuring he wanted alone time with his friends.
Harry let go of Roshara, holding onto her hands, reluctant as he let her go. He was about to step back but he looked into her eyes of sadness and stepped closer planting a soft kiss on her forehead.
Ron walked with Hermione with a goofy expression on his face, somewhat between moon faced and a vague expression.
"After the first class meet me in the room of requirement" Harry brushed some hair aside her face and kissed her again, he was just happy that she wouldn't tare him apart for needing a little bit of space and time to think things through. Accepting him after he was being a jerk to her.
She smiled slightly nodding."I will."She said leaning up to kiss him before letting him go.Heading down to the great hall with the three, though she hung back a little, letting the friends talk.

Hermione smiled a little as she looked at her friend, looking at him worried. Wondering what had caused this, and what his relationship really was about to the death eater."How did you two meet?"She asked curious. As nosy as ever because worry made her so.
Harry caught up with the two nudging Ron who wouldn't wipe that look off his face, Ron nudged back and Harry elbowed him as he answered Hermione with a little bit of a hyper note glistening in his green eyes, "On my way here, the school was swarming with dementors and Hagrid told me not to attend just yet. So I went to Diagon Alley, and that's where I met her."
Ron rubbed his arm where Harry elbowed, "yeah but she's a death eater, Harry. The common enemy to the boy who lived." Ron started protesting while flicking his foot behind Harry's knee, making Harry double over and stumble.
He laughed and pushed Ron, "She's saw the light," Harry answered and Ron snorted, "honestly she's been truthful from the very start."
Harry didn't need to convince Ron, he could tell Ron could care less at the moment and knew it would probably settle in later.
He turned to Hermione tilting his head, "she's been honest from the very first moment we met, no secrets, nothing."
Harry had half the mind to tell them he'd even dined over breakfast with Voldemort but figured that'd be too much for them to handle.
hermione smiled at him happily, looking amused."Well good."She said. glad the woman was good for harry, and hoping for his sake that things stayed that way. Glad to just have him back as they settled down to eat.

During class Roshara sighed softly, looking at her class. Trading barbs and annoyances. If only class would end soon."Shut up!I will not tolerate fighting."She growled looking at the arguing 7th years, sighing a little as she pressed the heels of her hands against her eyes, already feeling the headache."Get out!Class dismissed."She said ordering them out, ignoring the slytherins and gryffindors, smiling a little as harry left. Having every intent of meeting him, but she had to take care of the man who was looking at her worried."Dray, whatever it is. Dont look so worried."She said amused a little
Harry was a little confused why he didn't get the popular answer Hermione would usually explain, he rose his brows and pouted a little nodded his head. "Good." He joined her at the table while filling both Ron and Hermione in about some of the things he experienced while being gone.

As class went on Ron and Harry were fooling around, passing notes back and forth with hand drawn figures, animated pictures of Snape doing the hula. It was actually nice to have some time to laugh with his old friend. He left class and saw Draco at the corner of his eye. He was about to head for the room of requirement but decided to wait for Roshara in the hallway.

"Your letter was replied in full, details," Draco started, "Tom wishes you well during your trials with the baby."

It was almost as if life drained through Harry's feet, the world weighed him down and he couldn't say a thing.
Roshara scowled at him a little "Draco, it's impolite to read other people's mail."She said running her fingers through her hair."And at least Snape'll have a reason to 'check up' on me like he has been. I've been sick enough I need potions."She said sighing quietly, looking up at him."I'd appericiate it if you'd keep this to yourself for now. I'd like to be the one to tell harry."
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