Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Harry took more to Roshara's demand of moving, Snape stood to the side, keeping his word to Dumbledore in a cruel fashion. He would follow them up to the main room where the meeting was. Harry had stepped carefully, more like a mine field of two different sets of explosions, he wasn't quite sure what to expect when he'd set his eyes on Dumbledore, already feeling distant.
"harry!"Molly smiled happily to see him moving to get up to hug him, freezing when she saw the woman hovering at his side. Saw the death eater's fingers tightening around her wand.

"Harry my boy, it is good to see you well."Dumbledore smiled easily but made no move to approach. Knowing just how frail Roshara's control on her temper could be, though he knew it wouldn't work to tell sirius not to approach his godson, so he didn't even try.

Roshara growled quietly, her shoulders twitching as she saw everyone staring at them, twitching at having Snape at her back."Severus.Move." The command in that voice was more because she knew he'd obey, because he feared voldemort so much more then he was willing to annoy her
"Hello," Harry greeted cheerfully to Mrs.Weasley, he wrapped his arms around her lightly refusing to allow lines to be drawn. When he spotted Dumbledore, Harry stood a little taken aback, forgetting how he differed from anyone else in his life, "Professor Dumbledore," Harry replied, "good to be home." This was after all what Harry collected as home.

Severus glanced towards Dumbledore with a slight nod, reassuring that the death eater had been on good terms so far. He went to stand beside the rest of the crew.
"Roshara, welcome."Dumbledore smiled as she looked at the table.

Roshara snorted laughing, fear under the growing hysteria. The only thing that kept her standing there was harry, because harry needed her. She just needed a few hours alone, to gain the usual control she had. There were reasons she hadn't moved out of malfoy manor in years, because it was the only safe place she had.And she didn't trust any of the people in this room."Don't lie. It's unbecoming. You only want me here because you have no choice."
Harry didn't have much to say, a very fine line between these guys, and he wasn't sure who to trust any longer. Of course apart of him fully trusted Roshara but he also would give up his life for Dumbledore. His heart nearly ached, he wanted to laugh just to settle that anxiety building up inside, "We'll be on our way, or I-I mean I will be on my way." Harry shrugged, "what's this meeting about. Then?"
Dumbledore smiled a little."Just discussing our newest teacher and how the world is doing."

Roshara rolled her shoulders a little, tilting her head at harry before looking around, meeting the mutt's eyes with a sneer,"Potter,I think the puppy wants to talk to you."she said, anxious enough to risk pissing off harry over making fun of sirius.Hoping he'd understand.
Harry nodded, accepting the casual explanation. He tilted a little listening to Roshara, he frowned a little as he looked around and spotting Sirius with a soft smile. Harry turned and held Roshara's hand, one hand over the other as he gently patted her knuckles before letting go.

"I will be back in a moment."

Sirius had looked a little concerned seeing this communication, he tilted his head in warning towards Roshara as he headed over to meet Harry.

The two met in the middle, and Sirius held Harry by the shoulders and instead of a warm greeting. He spoke lowly, "Harry there is something you must know about your...companion."
"If your telling him I spend regular time with your cousin mutt, he already knows."Roshara said rubbing her arms, sighing at the looks she got from the most of the room."What?Bellatrix is a woman hard to forget spending time with."
Sirius could tell this hadn't exactly been the right time to talk to him about Roshara, he straightened his vest out before holding onto Harry's shoulders and resting his chin onto Harry's forehead, delighted to see that dark scar on his forehead had been gone, "I trust we will meet later, Harry, I see you've got your hands full at the moment." His Godfather nodded politely towards Roshara, "Bellatrix can be somewhat of a hassle, I assure you she will meet her match someday, with an attitude like hers, she most likely deserves it." Harry couldn't tell what was going on, so he turned back to Roshara quizzically.
Roshara smiled,tilting her head towards the two."She already has.Its not my fault I've been forbidden from cursing her into a greasy spot.As snape. I have very specfic orders when it comes to bellatrix."

Dumbledore sighed softly,shaking his head at the three."Roshara, why dont you head on downstairs to put your things away, I'm sure harry and sirius would like some time alone."

Roshara made a face,but under the disgust at the idea of someone spending time with sirius, was a true fear to being left alone."No."
Severus and Sirius both exchanged glances, "It's alright Albus," Sirius stated, "I will meet with him when time is made." Sirius had always managed to sneak some time with Harry whenever he wanted. It was his God son, he would stop at nothing to make sure that he'd receive this message. As of now, Harry had been in the eyes of both sides, so Sirius took this as a good thing. Both would not strike, it would be too much hassle.

Harry began to wonder what had been so important that Sirius would not allow Roshara to hear, "Yeah I best be getting to class then." He looked between everyone and then headed out of the room.
ROshara nodded,"Well since I'm teaching....later, morons."She said smirking as she ducked out of the room with Harry, ignoring snape as he left for classes to. Wrapping her arms around harry tightly swallowing hard.Afraid whatever sirius wanted to say would turn him away from her, and she so desperately needed him."Stay if you want to talk to him...I guess..I can live with the fact he wont hurt you.Besides.You can tell me later what he wanted."She said kissing him lightly, not realizing the rest of the ordre was making their way down to,meeting over.tangling her fingers gently in harry's hair,kissing him hard and desperate.Needing the comfort before they had to part for awhile. Pulling away at molly's shocked gasp. Resting her forehead against harry's shoulder."Well, I guess this means we get to hear about safe sex now."She whined softly laughing as she cudled into his arms,needing the contact
Harry didn't exactly want to return to that tension crater of a room, "I will wait, if it was important he would have stopped at nothing to spit it out." He frowned a little not frustrated but to thrust that curiosity aside while he walked with Roshara, "perhaps I'm pressing a little too much on-" He cleared his throat, stunned like a deer caught in headlights, "Mrs.Weasley." He greeted and then looked between both Roshara and the red headed mother.
Roshara trembled a little,cringing as she pressed against his chest.For once being the one who needed protected instead of protecting him. Molly smiled little looking between them,"You'll be careful dear?And you'll let me know if you need anything?"she asked, knwing that if she tried to push them apart,it'd drive them together.Silly sirius for not thinking of that.he should know, after all,james had given harry his stubborn streak.
Harry had half expected to world to freeze over just then, Mrs.Weasley had her ways of splitting hairs, especially when it came to her own children. The young man nodded as he shrugged a little, "Yes." He had to suppress the urge to call her Ma'am. Harry chuckled feeling Roshara against him, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder calmingly, "this is a good friend of mine, actually my friends mother, Mrs.Weasley, if you haven't met already." He didn't know what to make of this so he continued, "harmless once you get past the howlers."
Roshara giggled a little, relaxing as she considered the woman."Oh yes. Draco took great fun in relating the words of many a howler."She said the laughter making her a little less hysterical, relaxing for the moment.

Molly smiled, blushing slightly."You're teaching?You'll take care of them?"

"Of course madam."She smiled stepping away from harry,"I'll go put my things away in my suite.You probably should go talk to your godfather."She said, not that she was concerned about sirius talking him out of being kind to her....well.Not that she'd admit to anyways.
After bidding adieu to both Roshara and Mrs.Weasley, Harry headed off for class, completely forgetting his books. He nearly face palmed himself but a figure drew his attention at the corner of his eye. It was Sirius, he could tell, the anamangus was certain to keep himself from view when he transformed. Harry rushed to the Godfather's side, "Hello." He spoke a little more childlike and happy to see him. Sirius smiled while gathering his face by his chin, "Look at you Harry, you look more and more like James every time I get a chance to see you." Harry could only smile, "there are several things I need you to know and we'll start with Roshara."

The two went on about their discussions, Harry tried to defend Roshara but Sirius seemed adamant that he be extremely careful. After they parted, Harry went off and gathered his things for Defense against the dark arts, apart of him wanting to shake what Sirius had warned him about. He didn't really want to believe his godfather, but in no sense would his godfather ever lie to him, especially when it came to involving honest matters like the order. Which he finally understood now, both his mother and father were apart of before. Malfoy shot by Harry with his crew, all of them just so happening to nudge him and bump his shoulders as they passed.
Roshara smiled slightly as she saw her class filtering in, raising a hand as she leaned back in her seat, muttering a spell, letting it slam shut behind them."I will not tolerate any sort of nonsense between the houses.I wont let things go, and yes, the rumors that are flying are true.Though I have seen the light, and come to find a way back to the good side."She said mentally laughing. There was nothing she'd rather do then screw with the other's minds,after all she was hoping that if they were focusing on spreading rumors about her, they wouldn't focus on just how close her and hary were.

After class ended Roshara sighed softly, leaning back in her seat."Potter, stay."She ordered, ignoring the looks she was getting from the gryffindors, who'd quickly figured out she was a former slytherin. Ignoring draco's look to, she so didn't need draco hovering like she was a new chick and he was a mother hen.
Heading out, Draco gave one last look at Harry over his shoulder. He couldn't quite call him Scarhead anymore, well not openly.

Harry sat at the table thumbing through the pages blankly, knowing she'd caught on about what Sirius wanted to talk about. He looked over at her, not entirely ready to admit it out loud, instead he gathered his things and headed for the door. "I'll be late for my next class." He said forgetting that this was a lunch break.
Roshara swallowed, shutting down a little. Thinking he knew it was lunch, and was just unwilling to be alone with her."...you have lunch next..."She said softly, mostly to herself, pushing her papers around her desk forlornly. As if already mourning the loss of their brief relationship. Needing to know what sirius had said, if only to be prepared for when harry blew up in her face about it. But she'd never tried to lie about anything to him, so she hoped that would be a point in her favor.
Harry paused at the door, he shut his eyes and took a deep breath. He turned back, "He only told me what you've been truthful about all along, but the way he's been..." He took a deep breath, "I just need to think over some of it." He smiled halfheartedly, ready to ask a question but figured now wasn't the best time. Then again it was something he had to know, "why me? Is it because of Voldemort why you came to Diagon Alley that day?"
Roshara flinched, looking up at him, shaking her head slowly."No...I was... otherwise doing things for voldemort."she said slowly, not about to admit she'd been searching for dark arts things for him, or for voldemort's next victim."I hadn't known you were there."She said rubbing her eyes, avoiding looking at him."I don't know...does there have to be a reason?"She said slightly desperately, needing him to believe her.
Since she hadn't been completely straight with her answer, Harry thought it best he use this time to think it through. He recalled Tom laughing earlier at his naive remark on a possible peace settling in the wizarding world, now Harry saw that the dark lord had every right to laugh at him. "I'll be in the great hall." he spoke sternly with a glare of frustration as he went out, cursing as he'd made it into the hallway, perhaps now would be a good time to talk things over with Hermione and Ron, not that they'd cared much for him, he figured not to. Even more so when he got to the great hall and neither of them were there, only Ginny.
Roshara sighed in frustration and pain as she leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes."Black, having you done enough damage without coming to harass me?"She asked, raising a eyebrow a little.Knowing he'd only come to rub things in and try to force her away from harry.But she needed him, her heart broke just at the thought of leaving him.

Ginny smiled a little as he walked in,shifting to make room for him to sit down at the table with her, looking at him curiously. "How are you harry?"She asked wondering how much of the rumors to believe. After all her mother had warned her to not act like a jealous girlfriend, but she still liked him alot, and she was determined to have him to herself.
Harry trailed down the aisle smiling at Ginny, as he sat down, he saw nodded a little while grabbing some food and planting it onto his plate. "I'm alright, thanks, Ginny. Have you seen Ron around? Or Hermione at least?" He asked breaking off a piece of bread and stuffing his face, a little more gripping to the food than usual. He gulped down a drink and took some more food in. He tried not to think of Roshara as evil as Sirius was warning, that she was dark as all death eaters and none what so ever saw the light as she claimed. He wanted to see her as he knew and witnessed for the first time, without everyone tainting his sights on Roshara.
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