Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Harry got up with Roshara and chuckled, "perhaps that explains the lack of teachers filling that position," he joked "cursed the whole role of teaching dark arts." He followed Roshara, not knowing where they were heading off to.
"Dumbledore didn't like him, didnt want him there.Even before he'd become what he is."Roshara said with a shrug smiling as she past draco's door, pausing to stick her head in."Goodnight sweetheart."she said laughing a little. Wondering how long it'd take him to realize she had every intention of letting harry stay at the manor. And also hoping that snape wasn't wandering around anywhere.
"Of course he didn't like him," Harry couldn't believe what he was about to say, "Dumbledore's known as the greatest wizard in the world and Tom comes along threatening his cred." He had to pause and look around, "wait...You want me to sleep in The Malfoy's?" He hesitated before finishing, "Mansion? That's tempting fate, if I'm correct."
Roshara looked hurt a little before shrugging."I could take you back to the hotel if you want."She said looking up at him. Not about to beg him to stay as she walked into her room, walking into her closet to find her pj's so she wouldn't have to see his face when he answered.
Harry shook his head, "No it's just, it's weird being here now. I don't." He shrugged while closing the door behind him. "I'll stay, but will be off early to meet Ron and Hermione, if you don't mind. Bet they're dying to hear from me sometime soon, at least I think they would."
Roshara shrugged smiling a little as she changed into her pj's, walking over to him, looking up at him."Well...as long as you plan on coming back. I want some alone time with you before we have to pretend to be teacher and student."She said, flashing a dimpled smile, wrapping her arms around his waist."Though I could teach you a few things about a lot of things."She said playful fingers sliding under his shirt, looking slightly hesitant and shy. Now that she was calm, and he wasn't demanding her to touch him, she felt out of sorts.
Harry closed his eyes and leaned against her. Her hands were winning, "I doubt they even care to know where I am." He stated softly and held his hands over her smooth and soft hands. The young wizard smiled a little bashful now, knowing he wasn't dreaming and that he had one of the most beautiful woman he'd ever met have her hands on his stomach.
Roshara smiled at him, leaning up to kiss him,gently tugging his shirt up, whining when taking it off forced her to end the kiss. Panting slightly as she looked up at him,"Mouse...we should get some sleep."She said stepping back because she needed to.Knowing he cared for her, and yet... she was head over heels in love with him.She couldn't admit to it, but she could stop from doing things he'd probably regret later, when he wanted someone better for him.Because really, there were better people then broken,dark roshara. At least, thats what she thought.
Harry took a deep breath and then wrapped his arms around her small frame and spoke soft "Let's get you to bed then, darling." He started moving towards the bed with her, taking another deep breath and then finally figured this was a nice time to add "You smell beautiful." He chuckled softly, "almost too beautiful."
Roshara blushed, looking startled as she looked at him, rawling under the covers, snuggling up to him, hands seeking bare skin,a hand resting on his stomach as she snuggled agianst him."You smell nice to."She said raising her head to look at him, before leaning down to kiss him, black hair falling around them in a curtain, sighing in pleasure. Wanting so much more. It hurt to think she wasn't good enough for him.
The young wizard kept his arms open for her and nuzzled his face against hers. "I will be here when you wake up," he promised, and kissed her forehead "I won't go anywhere." He added "Won't ever want to go anywhere." He pecked her forehead again, "goodnight, Roshara."
Roshara grinned, relaxing fully.Glad at the reassurance, falling easily to sleep in his arms.

in the morning Voldemort smiled a little, looking younger then he was, and like tom riddle instead of the snake face harry was used to. Perched on the back of a chair he sighed, shaking his head a little at the sight."I swear to god potter, if she wasn't in love with you,I'd hex you."He said amused mostly as he watched the brunette wake up.
When Harry was waking up, he couldn't make out the form, he squinted a little and shot out of place fighting to find where his glasses had fallen to. He couldn't find them. He stumbled for footing on the floor and grabbed his wand. "Stay back." He warned, forgetting every single lesson he'd ever been taught.
Tom snorted a little, roshara was bad for him.Making him act younger then he was.Or at least, thats what he thought.The rest of the world was glad to see him relaxing."Stuff it potter.If I was going to kill you I would have done it already."He said blandly, though he stayed where he was, tilting his head."Now shush.If you're not quiet,you're going to wake up shara, and she doesnt wake up happy."
Harry kept his wand on hand just in case, he wouldn't ever let his guard down to the man who killed his parents.

"Why don't you just leave then," he nodded towards the door while it wasn't really a question "you've shown me plenty, she's pissed about that y'know?"
"Your in my room.Dont order me about."Tom said tilting his head, looking down at the dark haired woman, pain showing in his eyes even if his face was carefully blank."Of course I know. I knew she would be if she found out."He sighed heavily, looking at him."You'll take care of her?"
Harry had to swallow hard, he was right, this was not his place to toss orders about then again. He didn't really care, he then considered that the feeling had been mutual. Voldemort aching to curse Harry dead, because that's exactly what he'd been thinking beneath his concern for Roshara. Harry did lower his wand, twirling it a little nervous trying to surface what he'd just asked, "of course," Harry replied stunned that this was an actual conversation, he frowned "just as you have, perhaps better." he jabbed out of anger.
Anger flaired through teal colored eyes, even though it didn't show in the tightly controlled voice."Don't you think I would have taken care of her if she would have let me?"Voldemort tilted his head back, looking at the cieling."You didn't see her when she woke screaming, you didn't see her beg lucius to kill her father, don't tell me I have no idea how to take care of her."He growled softly, as angry as he was Voldemort slid off the back of the chair he was perching on, not looking at the other man as he gently twined a strand of black hair around his finger. Smiling gently that she was still asleep. And knowing that she only was because of harry, and wasnt that a kick in the balls.
Harry turned his head to the side thinking of what help Voldemort had been to Roshara, if she had gone to Dumbledore, her father may have been kept in Azkaban or even worse. He wouldn't have done anything, because according to the wizarding law, death by law is not apart of the way they handle things. Then Dumbledore would most likely go on and say something about how revenge would eat away at her. This angered him, even more so knowing it was Dumbledore he was angry with, "Suppose it's the most you could do, and for that." He watched Tom move to Roshara's side and twirl the strand of her locks between his finger, when she smiled he felt a little jealous knowing it wasn't him "thanks." He had trouble, but he really did mean it.
Tom snorted a little, having heard a echo of harry's thoughts in his mind, amused that he really had meant it. Biting his lip.Knowing he was about to betray her a little bit, by breaking her trust,but he also knew that Roshara would never tell him just how badly things had been."She told dumbledore.He didn't believe her. Didn't care enough to even investigate the accusation against a upstanding citizen.So she went to the only person she knew who might believe her, because her mother had been friends with Narcissa.She asked Lucius."He shrugged running a hand through his hair."Be gentle with her."He said, knowing, and saying a silent goodbye to the silent woman, knowing things were forever changed.

Roshara smiled sleepily, blinking slowly."Tom?"she muttered smiling wider, that fond smile, but not the rarer smile that belonged to harry only. That smile that said she was in love with him,even if she didn't say it."...oh hell.Dont tell me you killed mouse."

"...mouse?"Voldemort snickered raising his eyebrows, looking at harry.
Harry took the time to obtain the confirmation, Dumbledore had known and he chose to, not had chosen as in he was forced to. Dumbledore chose. Temper flamed at the back of his throat like acid, mainly because it was acid, he was sickened. "Why would Dumbledore put so much trust-" in a bloody bastard like that. Roshara had awaken.

He turned his attention to her, silent, "I'm here." Her responded ignoring Voldemort's snicker, surely it was unexpected to anyone who heard it, but he'd been relieved it hadn't been pooky-wooky or puffletot, then recalling how he'd gotten the nickname in the first place. Harry moved into Roshara's view to confirm.
"[i[He trusted that someone so 'good' that he'd fought me in the first war would never commit a crime like that.[/i] voldemort said mentally, answering the unaswered question, smiling a little as he looked at Roshara, smiling a little as she sat up.

Roshara grinned, the smile blooming into the smile that was jut harry's, that showed just how happy she was to have him around."Oh good.Did you sleep well?Want something to eat?"she asked running her fingers through her hair as she looked between them
Harry nodded a little seeing Roshara's smile, his eyes a little distant because he couldn't really spot a good form of Roshara without his glasses. That and he was starting to question Dumbledore's ability as a human and not a wizard. Surly if it was his own flesh and blood, Dumbledore would stop at nothing to have the criminal pay for what he'd done, especially in the hopes of it all resulting in death.

The young wizard took a seat beside Roshara, opposite of Tom, brushing some hair aside her face. He loved that smile she shared with him, "I had," he answered her first question a little amazed how easily he could tolerate Voldemort, Lord bloody Voldemort when he was with Roshara, "sure, let's grab a bite to eat before we set off and play 'teacher' and 'student'." Knowing that Voldemort had wanted to be a teacher himself, he actually pressed a full smile into a little one. "I hope you rested well," he really hoped it wasn't his messing around that woke her.
Roshara smiled at him, shifting a little to snuggle against his chest."I dd."She smiled relaxing when she heard voldemort laughing.

"Stay in bed.I'll come sen up breakfast,and tell draco you wont be joining him."He said laughing, knowing that the blond would probably be in here within minutes after he did.Casue well, he'd never seen someone more possessive of roshara's time, then draco.Amused as he left the room.

"V,don't antagonize him!"She yelled after him,shifting snugglngi into harry's chest,yawning a little.Still waking up slowly.
Harry couldn't help but feel at home, it had been odd, maybe all it took was the illness towards Dumbledore for him to realize not all good is worth fighting for. The young man wrapped his arms around Roshara's slender frame and sighed happily, "glad you slept well, I on the other hand had a little start with T-Vol-Well I'm sure you understand," at this point he wasn't sure what to call the dark lord, "I gather breakfast isn't all slugs, bugs and dragons here at Malfoy Manor?" He joked as he brushed along Roshara's.
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