Darkest hour [Lionhart]

roshara stared at him for a few long moments, anger in those green eyes, refusing to answer the question."We're going to go talk to professor dumbledore now. I wont turn him over to you people who cant keep track of him,without making sure I can take care of him."She said stepping back, ignoring as she flushed harder.Knowing there were marks somewhere, that she'd had amazing sex.Let snape think it was voldemort and not potter, that was fine by her.
Severus gave a smug look, "Save your hide, Roshara." He warned, "Dumbledore will see directly through that thin veil of yours. He won't take too lightly to your hiding that boy." He spoke, that boy with such resentment his jaw clenched. Although his voice had been dark, heavy with reassurance, he was indeed worried what she might say of his drugging to Dumbledore.
"And are you so sure your better-than-thou headmaster wouldn't kick your ass for drugging me?"She said sounding amused as she headed up to the headmaster's office, smiling slightly at the stunned look on the man's face."Headmaster."

"Ms. Soiel, Professor, whatever can I do for you ttoday?"He asked looking between them.Despite how calm and collected she looked, he knew there was a pit of rage under that, and Roshara Soiel had become dark at a young age, much like tom riddle had.

"Oh well, see.I know where he's hiding.And before I bring him back, I want to be hired to teach here.You still dont have a defense teacher."
Shock flamed through out him, he looked at Roshara and sneered. He tailed her just in case she ever tried anything with the Headmaster. Entering the room, "Sir, please allow my advisory upon your decision, I believe she is." He looked at her "Not capable of teaching in her state, surly you see the darkness she's been through. Are you willing to put him through that sort of torment."
"I'm perfectly sane Snape,which is more then I can say for you."Roshara sneered back."Why don't you just say what you mean severus. I know you know.After all, it was lucius who dealt with my father."She said, knowing it was true.After all,she had told the school governer in hopes he'd help her,when the headmaster hadn't believed anything she said about the rape, not when it was a light wizard she accused.And she knew lucius had precious few secrets from the potions master

Dumbledore looked thoughtful."Does he trust you"He asked curious.having her at the school would give him another spy into voldemort's world,and keep her out of trouble.

"Of course."
Severus didn't like the amount of trust Dumbledore put in the word trust. He pressed his lips tightly together. As she answered yes. Snape only looked between the two, judging them by body language. Even if Harry trusted her, he understood the boy to be quite naive. "I wouldn't put too much into it, sir, he does after all have, ill-judgement."

Harry had stepped out of his room for awhile, hating the idea of being cooped up for so long. The room was immaculate when he left it, so little did he expect the maids to think it was unoccupied and booked the room for another tenant while he was out. He stayed at the local coffee shop for awhile and read the news. When he headed back the hotel, he saw his stuff being held in a trolly near by. He looked to the keeper, "What's all this?" The keeper explained and gave him a new room.
Dumbledore nodded."I know."He said studying the girl before nodding."yOu can start on monday."He said before watching her leave, raising a hand."Severus keep a eye on her.I prefer her being here where I an watch her."

Roshara smile slightly as she walked into the hotel,heading up to the room and letting herself in, pain flickering through her eyes as she looked at the empty room.Tears filling her eyes.She'd been right...he had just used her and left.Heart breaking she shut the odorapparating back to the manor to find draco.Needing his calming prescnce more then anything."Draco?"she said,hovering in the doorway of the library looking so lost, not entering in case he wanted her to leave to.
"You. Have my word." Severus was well known to keep his word when with Dumbledore.

Harry had been settling in the new room, he'd forgotten to let the people up front know about his guest. He rung down to the front desk, "If there's a beautiful girl, well out of my league asking for me, just let her know I've moved." The man stammered, there was some sort of trouble going on. Harry had managed to see Roshara find the room, but couldn't catch her in time. She apparated. "Fffff-" he grabbed his wand, and went out front remembering the Knight bus. He wasn't sure where to start.

Draco showed himself to Roshara, he saw the look of her and went to her.
"Is everything alright?" He asked in a tone he would only share with Roshara.
Roshara looked up at him, shifting before leaning into the other man, silent sobs making her tremble."He left...after last night.he just left."She whimpered,pressing her face into his chest,so pained at the idea of harry just deciding to leave,after she'd shared so much of her past with him.And she was afraid.Maybe she made the wrong decision...maybe... maybe she shouldn't teach.
Draco wrapped his arms around her slender frame and hushed her. It seemed odd, to him at least, cause he knew Harry above all others including Voldemort. Which would be proven in the future. Harry wouldn't leave someone, he'd put up with those filthy mudbloods that were known as family.

"Figures," he spoke almost sourly "he's probably off with that mudblood friend of his now and that disgusting excuse for a wizard, Ron Weasley." But he hated hearing and seeing Roshara so hurt, he paused a little while holding onto her, he couldn't believe he was about to speak of Harry Potter in a nice manner, "Honestly, that Scarhead wouldn't hurt a fly. I swear it, he'd be a fool to let you go. As foolish as he is, love. He wouldn't do it to you. Or anyone for that matter."

Harry stepped aboard the Knight bus, and asked about finding someone.
"No worries, tell him, there and 'e will get you to that destination." Stan Shunpike said hoarsely. Harry told the driver, and the driver nodded lazily while scooting the bus between cars and pedestrians. The Knight bus stopped in front of The Malfoy's nearly spitting Harry out. "Bloody hell!" Harry bolted for cover.
Roshara leaned against his chest calming as he shushed her.hearing his words she leaned bck looking at him,a small flair of hope showing in her eyes."Then...then he'll come back?"She asked softly. She needed to believe he would. After realizing just how much she cared for him, she needed to hold onto the hope that he cared for her.

Lucius tilted his head as he walked through the halls,feeling the wards telling him someone had arrived. Walking out he opened the door, wand in hand, looking shocked enough that it actually showed on his face for once."Harry Potter,whatever are you doing here?"He said, actually sounding surprised.
Draco didn't mind hearing Roshara calm, even if it meant confirming the goodness of Harry Potter, "Well you seem to be distant with everyone, not that I see blame in it, I would be as well. Perhaps you can give him a little more," this did start to sting a little "credit than what you've been giving others. He may certainly be a pain in my ass, but I shouldn't let you believe him to be as foolish to be the same to you." He brushed some hair aside her face and smiled a little.

Harry had been drilling curses over and over in his mind, not the killing curse, not even the Imperius Curse, more of the adult exchanged curses. He didn't bother slouching or even running, instead he just walked up. Foolish to think he was on safe grounds, meaning Voldemort not anywhere near. That and he also took to heart that Lucius hadn't already stupified him, "I'm here for Roshara," the young man stated with a wand at hand, "no trouble."
Rosharabit her lip before nodding."Oh."She said biting her look, looking so painfully hopeful that he was right. That harry was better then anyone else, that he wouldn't have abandoned her just because she was broken. Rubbing her arms she hugging draco,stepping back."Thank you. I know you don't like him."She said with a slight smile.

Lucius sighed, stepping back to allow him to enter the manor."You cause trouble where ever you go. Espcially here.Roshara's upset."He warned softly not about to let the man walk into a room without warning even if they didn't get along. Roshara upset meant draco'd be upset over it. So he was wondering just how bad things were going to be.
"Like," he said in a tone rather lightly, in hopes to soften the mood a little with humor "who said anything about like, I love that filthy bastard." He chuckled nervously and cleared his throat, "well as long as it's reassurance to you Rosh-" He heard his father in the distance and frowned, "perhaps he's a little too loyal or my dad's lost his marbles." He started for the main room where the front door was to see what was going on. When he saw Potter the contour of his face seem to darken, he frowned, "Just what the hell do you think you are doing here?"

Harry didn't step directly inside but enough so the door could close a little, "I came here to talk with Roshara."

Draco raised his voice, "You filthy bastard! Do you have any idea what you're risking by being here?" He didn't just mean his life, but if Voldemort ever found out about this, all their lives would be in danger.
Lucius sigheda little, "Draco, Roshara knows what she's doing. where is she?"He asked looking around for her as he shut the door, frowning slightly when he didn't see her. Having been sure that Roshara would be with Draco.

"Harry?"Roshara said softly as she appeared at the top of the stairs, a look of such hope it was painful to see on his face.Smiling a little as she edged closer to him.
Draco swallowed his words with utter restraint, he really wanted to tell his father to sought off, cause he felt like he knew Roshara more than anyone in the world. Even though he was right. He turned to see Roshara.

Harry switched his gaze from Lucius and Draco to Roshara, "You are here," he said a little surprised, "I saw-" pointing back to the motel direction, "would you mind if I had a word with you." He turned to Draco and Lucius, "alone, please."

Draco grinds his teethe a little making his temple pulse.
Roshara nodded,biting her lip."we'll borrow Lucius's study."She said looking at the blond and smiling when he nodded, walking past Draco,gently laying a hand on his arm."thank you draco."She said looking up at him leaning up to kiss his cheek, knwing he was angry about harry. Smiling she led harry into the study, moving to sit in the chair by the fire, curling up her legs under her, looking at harry nervously.for the first time truly nervous about being alone with him.
Harry closed the doors behind, them seeing Draco not let that glare falter once. He went stood by the fire a little to nervous to sit down, "I saw you leave the hotel, I tried to stop you but you were off, already. I-" he cleared his throat as he continued, "I tried to ask the front desk to let you know I'd been moved." He started feeling a little foolish, "after you left I felt terrible for trashing that room up so badly that after I was finished and went for a coffee," he shrugged a little "the maids thought it wasn't occupied so they booked the room to a new tenant and took my stuff out. When they realized what had gone wrong, they put me down the hall." He moved to Roshara and knelt in front of her, "I didn't think any of that was going to happen," he stated "I thought," he shook his head, "I'm sorry."
Roshara looked at him, looking so painfully relieved that he hadn't abandoned her. That he hadn't regretted sleeping with her.Slumping a little she shifted, leaning forward, hesitantly wrapping her arms around him, resting her head on his chest,trembling ever so slightly."Oh."She swallowed hard again."I thought..."She trailed off, shaking her head. Not about to admit just how very afraid she was of being left alone.
He could feel the tensity in his chest become hollow, it wasn't relief, he knew what had happened to Roshara. He half expected her to tare him a new one for not being so quick about letting her know about the new room, "I was going to let you know, honestly." He wrapped his arms around her, "I wasn't trying to leave you. I wouldn't ever want to."
"Good.Next time you better be quicker about it."She muttered, sounding half heartedly upset,but to relieved to have him here, holding her that she couldn't really be upset with him.Shifting out of the seat she crawled into his lap, snuggling close to him,trembling slightly."You need to go back to school.Me and draco are heading there in a few days."She said blushing a little, trying to distract him from her breakdown.
Harry could feel her tremble, he wrapped his arms around her more tightly and brushing her shoulder with one of his hands. "You're going to be working at Hogwarts?" He asked amused and delighted, "what class will you have? It will be a little strange calling you Professor, if I have your class."
Roshara grinned snuggling close as she calmed, really believing he was back."Oh yes.And I'm teaching defense.Seeing as I'm a dark witch, it only seems right to have me teaching it."She grinned tilting her head back to look at him."That, and it really,really annoys snape. Perfect revenge on him for drugging me."
Harry hadn't quite forgotten the line of Professor's that went through Defense against the dark arts, "Well that particular role is a little dark itself," he chuckled "Honestly I think it's cursed." He added, "Professor's get sacked faster than getting highered."
"Voldemort's fault.He wanted to teach."Roshara giggled a little, yawning tiredly as she rested her head on his chest, before looking up at him."Come on.I want to go to bed."She said, knowing she shouldn't do it, but dammit, Voldemort's room had been hers first,and she wanted harry with her.He'd just have to deal with it.
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