Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Roshara laughed shaking her head."No no bugs...well yours might.Draco's not happy with me."she smiled a little nuzzling him,before grinning wider."Tom.just call him tom.He answers to it."She yawned,still feeling tired but awake now."Tom didnt do anything to you did he?"she asked hm leaning back to look up at him worriedy
Harry chuckled at the idea of Draco lacing his meal with bug guts, and understood to call him Tom. "No he didn't do anything, at all," a hint of confusion in his tone, "neither had I, well." The young wizard recalled, "I had threatened him but only because I was half asleep when I saw him." Then realizing that Tom had every moment to kill him and he didn't.

Draco walked past the door, pausing at the other side of the entrance. It was true, Harry Potter had stayed the night.
"Well, then I really am glad he didn't do anything."she said biting her lip a little, wondering t why he hadn't. Having not been awake enough the nigth before to considre what tom would do if he found Harry in his bed, but readily accepting it hadn't been any consequence she'd thought she'd ever see."Mouse, re you sure you want to go back to school?I know draco does,but I wont be able to protect you..."She said biting her lip snuggling close. Worry and love showing through her voice, even if it would take someone who knew her as well as draco did to hear it.
Harry did notice someone in the hall, but he figured it'd be the maid or someone of some sort of high importance to the Malfoy's. He had to think about going to school, Dumbledore would be able to sense his darkening thoughts, he was after all the wizard who helped him through out anything. The man he looked up to, had utter questioning now sorting through Harry's mind, surely if he'd a meeting with the sorting hat once more it may differ and he'd end up Slytherine.

"It'd be better if I had gone to school, Roshara." He spoke as honestly he could knowing it may alarm her, "the idea of too many people looking to blame someone for my disappearance is too overwhelming. I'd rather them blame me, over blaming you, or blaming anyone for that matter." Harry admitted, "I hope you understand."
Roshara whined, resting her head on the table before sighing. She hated the idea of taking him back before sighing hard."Well then. We'll go today. And take the weekend to settle back into school."She said her smile growing wicked."And there's a order meeting today.What better what to tell them to shove off then showing up with the boy they lost?"She said kissing him softly, nuzzling his neck before snickering lightly."Draco!Stop hovering in the doorway. Come in.We're dressed, and tom's bringnig breakfast."

Tom snickered as he carried the tray down the hall, raising a eyebrow at the sight of the malfoy heir hovering in the doorway, smirking slightly."I do have breakfast out here.If he'd be so kind to move out f the doorway."
Draco's face slightly drawn thin as he spotted Voldemort behind him, he cleared his throat and opened the door, joining them all. "Well it is my place after all, after a fashion." Draco admitted, while ducking his head with a quick wave to Harry.
Harry returned the wave of his hand too, feeling more out of place as they continued. Eating breakfast with a Death eater, Draco Malfoy and Lord Voldemort. Where was the Daily Prophet for these stories that would blow a gasket off every wizard roof in Hogsmeade. "As long as they understand that this isn't as dark as they think it is. They've been grim since the last time you strolled the towns, Tom, I'm sure you can imagine." He said while offering to help with the breakfast tray with a gesture.
Tom smiled a little handing it to him, before sitting down in the chair he'd been in ebfore, laughing as Roshara ignored them all to dig into her breakfast."Oh, I think dumbledore's counting on Roshara thinks she is."He smiled a little."After all, what better way to get ll my secrets then have access to teh woman who's been rumored to share my bed?"

Roshara snorted a little, smiling slightly as she chewed her eggs."Weird isn't it?"She said looking at the look on harry's face, before looking at their company."If it helps,Draco still can't stand you. He's being nice because he wont make me choose who to spend time with. Or who is going to be my favorite student."
Harry chuckled and nodded in answer to Roshara, "it is weird. I don't mind Draco being sour still, sort of hands the opportunity of this being realistic." He quickly looked over his meal, no bugs, no guts. He dug his fork into the eggs, "I actually thought of myself more of a hassle to them, they've gone through so much trouble to save my ass only to hand me to the ones they've been trying to keep." He shook his head, "some protection."
Voldemort snickered a little as roshara's head ducked down a little, looking flushed. Knowing what she was feeling and not about to let harry in on his discovery of who roshara was in love with he grinned."Ah well, it worked out well for Roshara.Maybe even bellatrix will stop trying to hex her if she's somewhere else."
Harry felt a slight sting having Bellatrix mentioned, he could still his Godfather's face in the dim light before falling into the darkness. He shook that thought away, taking a bite of his breakfast "topics are rather touchy I suppose." His throat dried a little with that last bite, "perhaps things may get better at Hogwarts, leaving time for things to settle."
Tom nodded smirking to himself as Roshara's head snapped up to look at the younger man worriedly, amused."I'm sure it will."

Roshara bit her lip, smiling a little as she shifted to lean against harry's chest as she finished her food looking at Draco."Are you returning to school with us today?"She asked curious.
Draco had a mouthful of eggs in his mouth when Roshara asked him about school, his expression tainted with a hint of delight and disgust at the same time. He chewed and swallowed, "I will be, father says if I know what's best for me. Than it had better be my future." He sulked a little poking at his breakfast now. Not liking the idea of returning to school with Harry.

Harry kept to himself, enjoying the last bit of breakfast, "would you rather I arrive differently to those who oppose?" He had no idea why he said it like that, but arriving to school with Draco Malfoy at his side, sure Roshara would be there, but still.
Roshara smirked a little before nodding."Maybe not. No one's going to be happy that you've been with me, having draco around...maybe it'll be better."She said slightly anxious about being around people who really hate the idea of a death eater teaching at the school.Espicialy snape.
Draco nodded slightly victorious in the back of his mind, it was best that he didn't deal with Harry on the way to school.

Harry nodded as well, understanding the idea of everyone staring and glaring at them all, "bloody snape." He cursed under his breath, "why does he have to tailgate everything. It's like he's nothing better than a - a..." he took the last bite of his meal, "pompous snake."
Voldemort snorted laughing as he finished his breakfast."he thinks he can make the world better by sheer force of will."

Roshara smiled a little setting her tray to the side, getting out of bed to go get dressed. Disappearing into her walk in closet, returning in a few minutes in a dark blue corset with a soft black leather overshirt, and a pair of soft leather pants that hugged her body. Looking like what she was. A extremely beautiful,dangerous woman."Well.We better get going before things get to busy at school."she said smirking a little as she watched all three men watch her
Darco hadn't finished his breakfast, setting it aside for the house elf to take care of as he went to gather his things.

Harry, being the boy who lived, had gone ahead out of Voldemort's way as he started for school. "Will see you guys there," he nodded while looking at the fireplace, "any floo powder by chance?"
"Bowl on the mantle."Roshara said pointing to the gleaming black marble bowl sitting there. Swallowing hard as she stepped closer, leaning into voldemort's arms as he wrapped her in a hug."I'll be right behind you. Don't go to dumbledore's office without me."She said sounding anxious about even being that far apart for a few minutes when they were going somewhere she deemed less safe then here.
Harry tossed the floo powder into the fire, "diagonally," a habit which he poorly spoke and found himself plopped into a fireplace near Knockturn ally. Harry had to pick up a few items from diagon alley before heading back to Hogwarts. He was a bit mucky, covered in ash, as he made his way to Diagon Alley to gather some school supplies.
When he got to the school roshara pounced on him anxiously, looking him over."Are you okay?"She asked, having been convinced by voldemort not to follow him while he shopped. But she'd been to anxious to stay still so she'd headed to school.Looking him over she hugged him tightly, trembling a little. Being hurt at such a young age, had created a emotional rollar coaster for the girl, and she was extremely anxious most of the time when she couldn't be with those she cared about.Though the only person she'd shown this kind of anxiousness over before was draco.
Harry patted his own shoulder with a few puffs of smoke raising from his clothes, "I'm all good," he admitted shamefully, "but I must remember to pronounce diagon before alley." The young wizard had been well aware of his pronunciation since attending Hogwarts, in hopes not to end up like Ron Weasley every time he messed up on a spell. Harry had seen Ginny and Ron in the distance and he turned away, disturbed by their presence.
Roshara smiled, gently kissing him slowly, holding onto him tightly. "Yes you do."She smiled pulling away before looking at the school, trembling a little. The last time she'd been here, she'd been a victim of ate. Swallowing hard she slid her hand into his, looking at him."Ready to go up?I'm sure your friends are anxious to have you back here."She said calmly, though she wasnt looking forward to beingi seperated from him
Harry wasn't really ready to share his time with Roshara to Hermione and Ron, especially with Ginny who'd been off with a new mate by the looks. He walked with Roshara and frowned a little knowing he was about to walk into a school of unannounced tolerance. He gulped aloud, almost comical as he heard it.
She swallowed hard cringing a little as she edged closer to him. For all the world as if she wasn't the hard as nails, deadly death eater. She just looked...small and frightened. Swallowing hard as she follwed him through the halls she stopped in front of the staircase turning to look at him, fear showing deep in dark green eyes."You're sure I'll be safe here?"she whispered. Truly wondering if they' be okay here
"As long as Snape doesn't come around, he sure loves to sought for anything wrong in anyone's life if doesn't accord to his standards." As he finished his sentence, Harry looked into Roshara's eyes and saw a figure, "he's behind me isn't he?"

"Caution plays out well when you are well aware of who to look out for, Potter." Snape had descended from the stairs, he'd been notified already about Roshara on school grounds. "I have my eye on you two."
Roshara swallowed hard, shifting to lean into harry's arms, pressing her face against his shoulder."Go fuck yourself.No. G posion yourself snape.You'll leave us alone."She said barely disguised fear under the words. Truly to anxious about being here to talk to him first thing. She'd calm down giving time to calm down, but she needed to get things out of the way first. Turning she looked at him."Now. Move. There's a order meeting up there, and I want to let everyone know I brought their precious boy who lived back alive and well."
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