Darkest hour [Lionhart]

She turned her hed looking at him,growling quietly."I treated him badly. For you.And he's not THAT spoiled,contrary to popular belief."She said wining as he stood next to her, shoving at his shoulder. Having seen the look on his face and for once, wondering...just how far she could push him before he broke. After all...if it got to much she could leave, and hope he'd understand why she'd left.And she was angry, angry that he'd insulted draco,even if the blond was a brat sometimes. Shifting slightly, she looked nervous but almost curious.
Harry hadn't bothered responding, one of those if you don't have nothing nice to say at all moments. There will always be apart of him that hated Draco, not just because it was a mutual stance since they first met. Mainly because apart of him knew that Draco was somewhat tolerable, even to Hermione who he'd once called a Mudblood directly to her face. He didn't understand what the word meant then, but if he could go back, he would change his reaction and re-cast Ron's spell of slug-vomit.
"Perhaps it's better if you go, wouldn't want poor Draco to suffer in heartache." Not that he assumed Draco had a heart.
Roshara sighed, rolling her eyes."You're such a ass.I'll see you later."she said moving away from him and apparating. Sighing as she walked through the halls of the manor she shuddered a little, feeling like a plucked harpstring, trembling with pleasure, with arousal that harry had wrought. Sighing as she knocked absently on Draco's door before she pushed it open, smiling slightly."Draco..I'm sorry."She said, blushing slightly."I should have told you,but the best kept secret, is one that's never told.And I couldn't tell you, because he'd already had to many people turn on him."
Harry hadn't bothered waiting around, he grabbed his ratty old sweater and headed out. The air had a slight sting to the lungs as the morning had glazed everything in frost. He planned on grabbing a bite to eat, rather than sit around and wait for Roshara to come back from Draco. A whisper from a distance played in his mind, he couldn't tell if it were him or Voldemort calling out her name. It was his darkness playing out the laughter, definitely his once he'd gotten good in speed while heading to the nearest diner.

Draco didn't expect Roshara to show up again, he easily had little to expect from anyone once he figured them out, and they turn out to be lying or disloyal. He was resting on the black velvet loveseat rimmed with gold at the foot of his bed, his legs stretched out across it in grey slacks. He looked up to where Roshara had been standing. The small smile on her face drawing him blank, he blinked, and then nodded her in with welcome.

"I should've known that greaseball sucker was up to no good, he keeps pressing on your issues with Scarhead while your gone, telling V that your up to something or that your about to betray him. I have to keep assuring him that it's not like you." Draco explained, "I was stupid to have said such things without knowing the truth, you realize what that makes me to him don't you?" By him he meant Voldemort but he couldn't exactly say his name without the slightest note of fear.
Roshara nodded slightly crossing to sit down next to him, her back resting against the loveseat, resting her head back as she turned to look at him. Pain in those dark green eyes,and yet...yearning for more. Because harry had brought everything to the surface again.Had reminded her once, she'd been young, and foolish.Had had dreams of what love could be, without the tang of hate running through it.

"I know dragon, I know."She muttered, smiling slightly s she looked at the floor, stretching out her legs in front of her."Snape can talk all he wants, Tom will never turn on me."She said assuredly. Though she wasn't so sure of it. Nearly starting at the voice in the doorway.

"I wont?"Tom said leaning against the doorframe, studying the woman. Despite everything, everything dumbledore had predicted for him, he had learned to love this complicated, difficult,scarred woman who hated to be touched, and yet yearned for someone to take care of her. For without love there could not be hate, no shadows without light.So... he loved her with the keen sharpness, with a edge honed finer then a flechette's blade seperating love and hate."I thought I heard you come in."

Roshara jumped leaning against draco's shoulder, the sooth hissing quality shivering over her, making the pleasure still coursing through her fill her, for once, making her want to have sex.And yet...she still resisted."Draco, be careful with snape.I'll talk to him later."
Draco had his blonde brows pull together seeing Voldemort at his door, he figured that he would show up, he was almost like a lost puppy. An evil, flesh eating, and snake like lost puppy. When he spoke with Roshara he knew it was his time to be excused, or so he assumed, he stood up and away from Roshara taking her advice carefully. He already hated Snape for replacing his father's seat beside Voldemort.

Harry no longer resembled Harry Potter or the Boy who lived, any longer. His new hair cut, clothes, and attitude had served him a darker appearance. The waitress who served him had actually jumped when he swiftly lifted his coffee cup to her, it wasn't his intention to do it so carelessly as it could have cracked the pot of coffee she was holding when they clanged.
After the waitress went off, Harry's scar began to burn on his forehead, he pressed it to the palm of his hand as he leaned onto the table. He knew shouting wouldn't exactly mark him as sane, so he rushed to the men's room to splash some cool water on his face.
Roshara stood, brushing a hand over Draco's arm."I am sorry love,I didn't mean to upset you."She said smirking as she leaned in, brushing a kiss over Draco's cheek, "I'll talk to you later."She said moving away from him, going to her lord. Amused as he let the glamour of his snake appearance drop, showing a slightly older, but just as handsome tom riddle. Sighing softly as he wrapped his arms around her.Pleasure following his hands as he touched her. For once...totally lost in the touch she hadn't expected, but wanted.Barely noticing as he led them to their room, nudging her onto the bed, barely noticing as gentle hands undressed her, sliding over bare skin.

Voldemort smirked darkly to himself, watching the woman under him.Wondering what had gotten her so hot under the collar, and knowing with frightening certainity he was losing her to potter.Potter of all people. Snarling quietly he smirked as he pressed a kiss to her stomach,shedding his own clothes as he pushed his mind through to harry's, letting the younger man see through his eyes, letting him see Roshara coming undone with pleasure. Watch her squirm and pant, wanting more. Smirking as he tossed the link open wide, letting Harry even feel what he was feeling, sinking into the dark haired woman with a groan, let him feel her body tightening around his. Knowing he was going to drive the boy who lived to desperation with showing him the first time Roshara had given into Voldemort and let him make love to her.
Draco smiled a little and shook his head, "Alright, later." He had watched them fade into the dark, until their silhouettes became dim and missed by any hint of light. Apart of him wanted to roll his eyes and become childish knowing that look they share. The whole come hither look wasn't something he was expecting from Voldemort. Let alone to ever witness it, definite news. Not to share but news to him. He closed the door behind them as they were off and plugged his ears with music.

The water had been as cold as ice on his face, but his scar still burned, he looked into the mirror half expecting to mold into his smooth forehead and become visible again. It was still hidden beneath Roshara's spell. He looked into his own eyes which seemed to be glaring back at him. He clung onto the basin rims of the sink until his fingernails were white. Not from the pain anymore but because he had gained a new sight, somewhat of a vision, perhaps one of those direct lines with Voldemort. He couldn't press it away, the feeling burned through him as his blood became hotter. He pulled off that ratty sweater and paced the small rest room.

He could hear her clearly, see her and feel her but she wasn't there. He was harder than he had been the previous night. He dropped his weight against the wall. Seeing himself move without knowing what he was doing, no, that wasn't himself, those were not his hands upon that delicate body of Roshara's. Harry's gut had tightened and he swung away from the wall and dug his whole arm through the drywall. There was knocking on the door, the only link to his sanity was the real world.

He opened the door, sweat upon his brow and a darkened glare as he pushed the next in line aside. He dropped some cash on the table and headed back to the room. With every blink, he could see her clearly, the supple of her breasts being pushed against his vision or even the feeling of her lips pressed against his. He got to the room, and pulled out the vodka, taking a long swig, hoping that the burning at the back of his throat would surface his own vision again.
Roshara gasped, so lost in pleasure that it was like she'd never been touched with violence. Never noticing the smirk that played at Voldemort's lips as he drove her into climax, never saw him gasp softly as he came to, desperate hands holding at each other.

Voldemort smirked,"I don't share well potter. He snarled darkly at the boy who lived, before doing the cruelest thing he could do. Slammed the door shut between them, leaving Harry alone with his arousal and jealously. Leaning down to press a kiss to Roshara's lips as she slumped back against the pillows, already fading to sleep as he pulled out of her. Settling next to her he smiled, wrapping her tightly in a hug, pressing a kiss to her sweat damp hair as he fell asleep.Wondering just how Potter's night was going to be now.And what kind of welcome Roshara could expect when she went to visit him again.
Harry kicked the empty bottles of beer he and Roshara shared the previous night, they all smashed along the floor with a little bit of beer splatting on the walls when Voldemort shut the link between them off. He grabbed another beer and downed it hoping to sooth his anger. The cool drink only surfaced his longing even more, raising his jealousy like lava in a volcano.
"Fuck you!" He shouted, tossing the bottle against the wall, it smashed and left a few shards of brown glass embedded.
He took another long swig of vodka, hoping to at least pass out from this.
Only it had done the opposite. He didn't sleep at all. The next morning would be no sleep plus a pulsing killer hangover.
The next day found Roshara smiled contentedly as she knocked gently on Harry's door, easing it open with a happy smile for him, that shy gentle smile that was his only, the one that he'd stolen from her. The one that showed the woman she would had been, had her heart not been broken early and hard. "Harry?"She said stepping into the room before worry and fear made her eyes widen as she looked around, stumbling to where he was laying on the bed,gently shaking his shoulder. Green eyes wide and fearful."Harry?Are you okay?"
Harry had been in some what of a state of shock, he couldn't tell if she was real or not, maybe some sort of vision again. Just like before he could feel her breath on him, feel her hand on his shoulder, his brows pulled together when he finally looked into her eyes. His green eyes flared with anger, he sat up and looked at her with a hint of jealousy. All he could see now was Voldemort's hands on her body, he didn't say anything. Not cause he was scared or angry, basically cause he couldn't tell if this were real or not.
He planted his hands onto her shoulder, those were his hands, but he couldn't tell if it was him, he was still numb from the splitting hangover. He looked at her chest, his heart pounding in his ears now while he leaned onto her with an unexpected embrace.
"Oh, Roshara." He whispered into her ear.
His pale hands moving over her body, satisfying the stiff of his shaft. Perhaps he'd been dreaming. He couldn't tell.
Roshara yelped at the unexpectedness of the exbrace, bracing herself not to squirm away, even as she squirmed slightly. Resting her head on his shoulder she gently wrapped her arms around him,breath ghosting against his ear, a shocking echo of how she'd panted just hours before against Voldemort's, voice and body unstrung in pleasure.

"Harry?Are you okay?"she muttered,shivering slightly as his breath stirred her hair, tickling her a little.
He moaned a sigh into her neck, the pleasure of her curves arching the bulge of his crotch. He moved his hands slowly over her body and pressed her onto her. He looked into her eyes, it still felt real, she was beautiful, even more so now. He reached his hands beneath her clothes and felt the warmth of her skin on his hands, he sighed once more and lowered his head onto her chest. He could hear her heart, feel her flesh, and it frustrated him that she was still squirming.
"Stop!" He shouted after she yelped and forced her hand over his heart.
With his other hand he traced the lining of her lip and followed with a passionate and possibly unwelcome kiss.
Roshara whimpered pulling her head back, looking back at him with wide eyes, fear darting through green eyes as she shivered. "Harry!"She cried softly trying to pull away, but finding herself trapped she looked at him, pleasure and fear in those eyes.Despite being afraid she trusted him.Trusted him like she trusted no one else in her life.Freezing at the command, she trembled harder, staring at him, waiting to see what he would do.
Harry glared at her, still feeling her tremble, he pushed her onto the bed carefully and grabbing a handful of her hair as he inhaled her scent which made him dizzy. His green eyes rolled shut while one of his knees dug between her legs and parted them. He opened his eyes once more, excusing the look on her face, and started grinding against her. His head lowered once more and he massaged her cheek with his, the same cheek that brought him to standing the previous night.
"Touch me," he whispered and followed with a whimpering plead, "Please touch me Roshara." His body still moving over hers, his hand clung against her hair as his body overflowed with heat. He wanted to take her clothes off, but he couldn't keep his hands away from roaming over her body every time he tried. He didn't realize he was pinning her down as he was grinding against her, his whole body ached to enter her.
Roshara sighed softly, pleasure coursing through her body as he ground against her, eyes fluttering closed, panting softly. Freezing for a moment, before she gave herself over to pleasure, to trust. Remembering what draco had once wished for her.To find someone, anyone, who made her truly happy, who held her heart in the palm of his hand and held her trust sacred.

Shivering at the whimpered plea she nodded slightly, gentle, heistanting hands sliding along his skin, gently tugging at his shirt, pulling it off as she lowered her head enough to lick the sweat off his skin,moaning at the salty taste, even as she lifted her hips,grinding against him
Harry had been triumphant before, but never to such things as the pleasure of her hands moving along his body. When his shirt came off, he tried to remove hers, but he'd been a little nervous now, he managed to get it off and rested his weight onto his hands. Pushing himself up to get a good look at her, "Your so beautiful." He pulled off his pants that she'd bought him and left trails of kisses from between her chest down to the middle of her stomach while kicking his jeans to the floor. He'd never tasted such bliss of sweetness in his life and he couldn't get enough. He reached one hand between her thighs and began to massage until he could feel she was ready for him.
Roshara whimpered in pleasure shivering as he touched her,fingers sliding through his hair,wrapping her fingers in it.Squirming, back arching as she pulled him back up,pushing off her own jeans as she kissed him.Tongue and teeth as she kissed him,slender fingers gripping at tan skin,wrappng her legs around him,"Please,oh please."She whimpered, needing him.Needing more. Panting softly as he slid against her, her head thrown back against the pillows, black hair sprawled over the bed,eyes wide and pleasure filled.
Harry pulled at her waist with his free hand and then guided the head of his shaft between her thighs, he didn't exactly enter fully, he'd just gotten himself wet so he could fully penetrate her with a swift push.
He dropped to one elbow while leaning over her and pushed in fast, he moaned and clenched his jaw as his eyes shut. The intensity was so much better than any magic he'd ever witnessed. He started pushing into her with heavy strokes, he continued moving his hands over her body while he moved.
Roshara whimpered softly as he thrust into her,wrapping her arms around him,legs tightening around him,pressing her cheek against his shoulder as he thrust into her.Pressing butterfly kisses against his jaw, she gasped and moaned, every sound ghosting over his ear.

Moments past, more pleasure filled then anything she'd ever experienced, nails biting down slightly into his skin as she came, body tightening around his,holding him close.shivering in aftershocks as she bit down on his shoulder,tears clinging to her eyelashes.Crying in pleasure as she slumped back,eyes wide as she looked up at him.
Harry began to thrust hard, nearly uncontrollable as his hands moved over her body. He kept himself close to her, lowly growling as her nails or teeth found a place in his skin. Her turned his face to her cheek and cupped his mouth over hers attempting a kiss which only landed between thrusts. Both his hands slid up her body and through her hair.

He was struggling with keeping up strength, he slowed for a moment to pant for air and then sped up once more. He rested his hands beneath her neck and used her shoulders for balance between his elbows. He then rested on one elbow, cupping her bare breast between the palm of his hand and moaned. He was ready to burst.
Roshara whimpered as she arched into his hand body tightening around his,eyes going wide as she came. Shivering under him,panting an moaning as she squirmed under him.Pale skin flushed in pleasure,"Harry!"she moaned,shivering in the aftershocks of her climax.
He could feel everything, like the whole world was at his fingertips, it was amazing. He sighed before moaning into neck, "Oh Roshara." He gently rocked feeling the spasms of her climax which made him moan even more. He rested his full weight onto her, strung out and tired. But never felt like he owned the world like he had right now, he was the chosen on. He lowered himself to her chest, to listen to her heart for awhile as this had certainly felt more real than it had before. He was awakening from his daze.
Roshara trembled a little, turning her head,brushing her lips against his forehead. Shivering as she closed her eyes,content for the moment. Dozing. Not even realizing he was waking up more.Keeping her legs around his waist, holding him in her, needing to feel that close to him. despite having just had had sex with voldemort the night before, Roshara was wrung out and more connected to him then anyone else in the world. And she realized in that dazed state, that he'd sunk barbs deep in her heart, and it'd hurt to rip them out, when he left.Beacuse she knew it. Despite how close they were, desite him wanting to stay, that he would leave. Because....because she was Roshara Soiel. No one wanted to stay with her. Not realizing silent tears were sliding down her face as she clung to him tighter, needing him. At that moment, he was the world.
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