Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Roshara snickered looking down at him."I did bring homework, but that's not all I brought.With me doing it with you you wont have any problems."She teased putting off telling him, just to be a tease before nodding."Of course illegal dark arts.Two books of them actually. Curses and other sorts."She smirked a little brushing his hair back, smiling at the new look. The soft strands short, almost to short to wrap her fingers in, but just enough to curl a little."There.You look unlike yourself."
Harry was pleased to hear she would be of help, he certainly could use a hand in this year by constantly looking over his shoulder and what not. He stood up from the toilet after she was done and took a look in the mirror, he certainly didn't look anything like the Harry Potter he'd gotten used to looking through the mirror at.

"Ah," he started with a wry smile "My hero." Harry then smiled and chuckled while pushing some hair off his shoulders.
Roshara's shy smile was everything that she wasn't. For once, embarassed at praise for doing something well.Blushing slightly she smiled, reaching out, pressing her fingers against the raised skin of his scar, muttering encanto under her breath, sighing as the strongest glamour spell she had took hold, hiding the world famous scar. Laughing softly as she looked up at him,gently tweaking a piece of his hair.

"You look decidely unlike yourself, mouse."she teased, remmebering what he'd said about being her experimental mouse.
Although the scar was hidden, he could still feel the sting of Voldemort. Not that he was opposed to having it hidden for once. He rubbed his eyes a little remembering that he lefts his specs on the nightstand, he scratched his brow and headed out the door laughing.

He planted the circular specs on his face and turned to Roshara, he planted the words homework far from his mind, "so let's have a look at this "Illegal Dark Arts" then" Harry couldn't help but make the air quotes as he mentioned the books.
Roshara pouted looking at him as she walked out, summoning the books to her hand, before looking at him again."Maybe I wont let you have them. If your going to make fun of my death eater ways, maybe I'll take the books and go home."She said with a fake sad pout, looking down at him, laughter shining in her eyes."Maybe the mouse just can't handle dark arts."
He rushed to her in a few long strides, "no - no," he spoke urgently, "I didn't mean anything by it, it's just hard to believe there's more to this world." He shook his head and grabbed onto the back of her biceps, "Please stay." Harry couldn't quite make up what he was trying to say, that little playful pout of hers winded him, "I figured that whatever could be taught at school was it, I don't see why they wouldn't teach the illegal of it as well." He explained, now seeing the color of her eyes as they shone/
Dark green eyes widened slightly at his nearness cringing under his hands as she dropped the book.Within a few heartbeats the brave arrogant woman she was shattered as she crumbled, struggling to pull out of his hands.Fighting as a muggle, as a weak one at that. Forgetting she was older, and probably stronger, in her need to get away from him. She didn't like being touched, for any reason. Jerking back, stumbling as she stepped away from her, she panted to get control, swallowing hard.

"..Ha!As if hogwarts would ever teach anything truly useful like illegal arts."She said struggling to focus as she turned away from him moving to look out the window. Not about to leave him,but not able to face him either in the aftermath of her panic attack.
Harry had tensed a little feeling her tense as well, he could feel a rush of blood turning to fire as it pulsed through his body. Apparently he struck a cord, his hands still in the shape of her arms after she shrugged out. He pressed his palms together a little nervously, perhaps he'd gotten a little too desperate over 42hrs while she was gone. Harry had cleared his throat, wiping off the thin layer of sweat upon his upper lip and nodded with a little bit of weight holding his head down.

"Certainly more people would think they were like Voldemort, I suppose if that had ever happened." Unlike his friends and acquaintances, Harry had not feared speaking Voldemort's name so freely, let alone think it or ignore it.
"No.I think, the dark arts wouldn't hold such a allure to someone, if they were taught well."She sighed staring out the window, smiling slightly. Turning to look at him she bit her lip, moving bck over to him,gently tugging at his hair. Sad to see sch a look on her face, and know it was her fault.

"Mouse, I just don't like being touched when I don't expect it.I'm sorry."She smiled slightly amused before rubbing her eyes."Now.Books. we'll find something useful."She said holding them out towards him, trying to lighten the mood a lttle.
He'd been getting used to his new nickname, "I've gathered that much," Harry replied with a soft curve of his lips, his shoulders released tension as she continued. He went towards her seeing her holding the books out, he raised his right hand hesitantly and looked at her to be sure. He was careful not to touch her hands when he took the books in hand.

Once the books were in his hands, he looked at them curiously, taking in the cover art, the weight of the book, and the age of the pages. This book was real alright, "If it's illegal, who authorized the release? Dark arts is a tender subject to the wizarding world and they certainly would try and find out how to track these." He felt like that was something Hermione might say, this disturbed him, he shook the thought of her brainy ways aside with a slight squint of his eyes.
Roshara laughed softly gently squeezing his arm before moving away from him, sitting down on the bed cross legged tugging him down next to her, smiling at him as she flipped through the pages of the book she was still holding."Not if they haven't been out of a library in years.Probably decades."She smiled a little."Malfoy's library is huge and ALL of the books have dark pasts."She said.
Harry had been observing the book, he half expected a dark cloud to arise from the middle of the opening. As he was sitting with her, he leaned his elbows on his knees. "I honestly didn't know that Draco could read," Harry joked.
Roshara laughed, the sound breaking off into a cute, lilting giggle. "Me either, until he showed me the library, AND knew where everything was."She said smiling shifting to lean against his arm,fingers sliding along the page, pointing out things here and there, just enjoying teaching him. After about a hour of teaching him she settled her head against his shoudler as he read, lightly dozing as she losed her eyes. For once looking younger and less strained."hmmm you smell good."She said sleepily, having not slept well because Voldemort was in a foul mood because she wouldn't tell him where Harry was, she was finding the boy who lived's company comforting.
Harry had been too interested for words of details, he was taking in each word so carefully, oddly enough he hadn't been this interested when it came to actual learning. Mainly because he felt like it was stuff he'd already learned, maybe he had known of this all along. Then again homework did have a certain amount of weight.

He'd been so into this book that he hadn't realized Roshara had nodded off, he turned his chin to her when she mentioned his scent, he wanted to reply but...How would one respond to one owns scent, he stifled his chuckle and was about to continue but thought it rude to do so. "I'm a little tired Roshara, would you mind if we took a break?" Harry asked.
"No.A break would be good.."She said starting awake at his words, moving away with a yawn."Get some sleep..."She said biting her lip. Not wanting to go, but not wanting to make it uncomfortable between them if she stayed while he slept. Blushing slightly when she realized what she'd commented on, she sighed a little avoiding his eyes, blushing even more."You look tired, mouse."She said ruffling his hair.
Harry didn't want to say it but, although he had been tired, he hadn't been so tired "I was referring to your 'you smell good' remark while half asleep," he noted as politely as he could, "I've had sleep, may not look like it at all, but if I need to I will on the guest sofa. If you like, you can rest on the bed." Harry offered while eying the bag of clothes. "I should shower, anyhow, what you smell was me skipping this mornings shower with a splash of cologne." Breathed a laughter through his nose.
she snickered a little laughing tiredly as she tossed the bag of clothes at him,"Go shower.You'll feel better for it."She said rubbing her eyes,laying back on the bed,crawling under the covers and curling up.Intent on catching up on sleep."And you can share the bed.Just talk to me before you lay down."She said, blushing lightly smiling. Warning him because she woke grumpy no mtter what, but started awake, she woke deadly.
Harry had grabbed the clothes without examining them, he went to the washroom closing the door behind him and tidied up his hair on the floor from the early in-home-barber. Then hopped into the shower, it'd been a decently long shower as he cleared off the morning goop known as sweat. By the time he finished he actually had felt a little worn than usual. He dried off, changed into the new clothes and headed back into the room.

He didn't exactly know where to start, he knew he had to talk to her first, "I'm not really sure what to say other than 'I'm standing by the bed, Rosarah.' not sure if that's what you meant." He spoke, his hair already drying as he knelt by the bed, feeling all the alarms going off from when he touched her before.
Roshara smiled a little as she jolted awake, amused at his words as she looked up at him through half closed eyes.Amused as she studied him."It doesn't matter.Just so I know who you are before you climb into bed with me."He said smiling a little as she moved away from where she'd been sprawling over most of the bed,leaving him enough room to lay down."I thought when we get up,maybe you'd want to go out.Get some excerise, and fresh air.It probably hasnt' been pleasant being cooped up here has it?"She said smiling at him.
Harry crawled into the bed, smiling at her half-dozed expression. "No, it hasn't, add dementors and we have a new Azkaban." Harry had to readjust the pillow beneath his head before letting the sleep spread through out his body. "Fresh air, a nice walk, what more could I ask of you?" Harry had trailed off near the last of his sentence and eventually dozed off.
Her answering grin was all he could ask for as she settled into sleeping. And when twilight was fading over the world, the soft blue light of the world making everything a little less real, a little more fey. And...found the weirdest thing of all.Roshara Soiel was snuggled up against someone to sleep.And sleeping well, without screaming or whining because she was cuddling someone.

Yawning as she nuzzled the shoulder her head was resting on,Roshara blinked slowly.It was...no.raising her head she blinked sleepily at the man she was sleeping on, looking sleep mussed an and amused as she nudged him."Potter.Time to get up."She said yawning a little.
His dreams were fast, but not missed, he'd been sitting with Voldemort for awhile and then as Voldemort opened his mouth to speak, Roshara's voice came out, "Potter. Time to get up." Harry felt his arm being nudge as he slowly woke from that haze of dream land. He lifted himself up onto his elbows and rubbed the sleep from his eye as he stretched his legs.

He sat up and looked over to Roshara, "I wasn't aware we were on schedule." He spoke apologetically.
"We're not.I just...woke up.Thought you wanted to take your walk before it got to late out."She said looking slightly disturbed as she moved away from him. Running her hands through her hair she shuddered a little as she pulled on her boots, shivering a little as the dark mark on her arm flaired, felt like she'd laid a branding iron on her skin. Shaking it off a little,enough to think clearly she turned to look at him."I-I have to go."She swallowed hard, pain in her eyes.Despite the physical pain in her mark, it was the emotional that was tearing her up.She wanted, just once, to sleep beside someone to hold someone without feeling so torn up about it afterwards.
"Alright," Harry said calmly as he could before gathering up his shoes, it was one of those things he could understand, was the minds of others. He'd felt a slight chill in her tone, like she needed to be away from something. Harry nodded, "I'll be back here as soon as I can if you would like to come back." Harry knew a few ways to getting his hands on a pack of beer, although it would be illegal but he was already reading the book to illegal dark arts, what's the point of stopping there. "I gotta buy some grub anyway, and get some refreshments." He noted heading to the front door, double checking to see if he had the keys.
She trembled a little nodding as she looked over at him."I'll be back."She said getting up, pressing a kiss to his forehead before walking out. Feeling confused and lost.

Apparating back to the manor Roshara growled softly as she walked into the dining room,giving the man sitting there a look.Upset and tired enough that she didn't care that soon they'd have a room full of death eaters with them, she just wanted to yell."Tom,I was busy." "With Harry?You should have brought him with you Ro." "And have no one kill him?I think not.Just drop this."She growled barely looking up as severus,draco, and lucius came in."I will drop it when I want to drop it,Rossshara."Voldemort hissed softly reaching out and dragging her closer,glaring down at her.Frustrated with her fascination with the boy who lived."Bring him." "No!"Roshara snarled cringing in his hands, for one afraid of him.And probably only because harry had startled her earlier.Trembling she swallowed hard,'Leggo." Tom looking startled at her reaction,letting her go."Ro-" "Don't."Roshra said moving away from him, sitting down in her usual chair as she spare a smile for draco as he came in.Settling back in her seat as the rest came in.Glad that they were civilized enough to have meetings in the dining room with food and chairs.
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