Darkest hour [Lionhart]

Harry had nearly been baffled once more, expecting time to stop feeling her lips upon his forehead. He continued on with his day, heading to the local corner store and grabbing a few things to snack on; chips, cookies, bread, condiments, hot dogs and so on) and then later heading to the market to get an adult to grab him a pack or two of beer. Little did Harry expect, the adult to come back with a bottle of vodka and a pack of beer. The stranger had asked for two bottles, to which Harry obliged. When he'd gotten back to the room, he'd been so tired, that he hadn't bothered putting the groceries into the mini-fridge, he only managed to chill the vodka and beer.

Severus had been wearing his usual curtain of greasy hair, hearing Roshara in the room with Tom, both Snape and Draco exchange looks. A smug expression held on by Snape, as Draco glared.
"Leave Roshara to me." Draco warned before heading into the room.
Snape followed with a disgusting expression that was commonly known as his everyday face.
Draco fumed at Voldemort's on-hand appetite for Roshara, anyone that knew Roshara, knew she did not like to be touched without knowing about it first hand. If he weren't intimidated by Voldemort's liege, especially Nagini. He would have used the killing curse on him long ago.
Snape had gone straight for the refreshments, pouring a few glasses, his glance slowly turning over his shoulder to see if anyone had been watching him. He was hoping to get on Voldemort's good graces by tainting Roshara's drink with truth serum. By doing this he would also win more approval with Dumbledore.
Draco took a seat, looking over at Roshara in a slight glare, he'd hated that she wasn't able to have contact without fear or consequence.
Severus had went over, offering a drink to Voldemort and then Roshara, careful to hold out the one intended to Roshara after Voldemort grabbed his.
Roshara sneered slightly, more tempermental then usual because of the shocks of the day. First freaking out on harry...then sleeping on him...and now Voldemort yelling at her for it. Glaring at the potions master as she took the drink, she sipped it slowly."Draco, if you keep making that face your going to get wrinkles."She said amused as she looked at draco, who's face held no expression at all.
Voldemort rolled his eyes slightly, before looking at Snape."Severus what is the order up to?"He asked, already planning things. Not realizing he was giving Snape the oppurnity to let the truth serum work, to leave Roshara vulnerable to any questions anyone asked her.
Malfoy had changed his expression, the smooth of his forehead becoming more delicate as he awaited Severus's answer. He half expected Snape to have creaky sounds as he walked.

Severus had kept his motions of movement very still, making his way to his seat, making sure to keep Roshara in his peripheral vision. She would be singing like a spring bird as soon as she would drink, his jaws were clenched as he began talking "The order," he started like the words alone were hard to speak "have been keeping, the weapon hidden, my Lord." as he spoke the words hidden, he slowly brought his attention to Roshara.
Roshara snorted a little, giggling a little as she settled back in her seat."The order, has been careless.They 'lost' their precious weapon, and no one but me knows where it is."She smiled bemused. Being truthful in her own round about way.It could make her truthful, but it couldn't make her get to the point any faster then she usually did."Though I am enjoying having a secret to myself."

Voldemort frowned a little, raising a eyebrow as he studied the other,looking amused at her."And where ever is this weapon of yours?"

"Hidden far far away in-"Roshara's teeth snapped shut,yelping as she bit her tongue, tasting blood."What did you give me?"She growled,liking blood off her lip as she looked at snape.A brilliant student, she'd always been quick to pick out when something was wrong.
Malfoy's blonde locks had fell out of place while snapping glances between Roshara, Voldemort and Snape while she began. He paused at Roshara seeing the odd form of her expression, was that truth she was speaking? He couldn't quite tell, she had a way of hiding it well.

Snape however, was disappointed. She had discovered this serum a little sooner than he'd expected. He was hoping the dose was fair enough to her weight, he didn't want to poison the young woman, "That! is far from the equation to which you were about to exploit, Rosheerah," Snape spoke between his teeth, almost a disgusting purr near the end of her name "answer our Lords question."

"Sack of lies, it is." Malfoy had exclaimed, "If she had her eye on Scarhead the whole time, how would she know about the order? It had to have been a lie, you're nothing but a loathsome scowling freak, desperate for attention, Snape, always have been." Draco hadn't even bothered moving, keeping cool and calm as he attempted to turn the heat back on Snape.
Roshara growled as she pushed back her seat, leaning forward resting her elbows on her knees, panting softly. You could resist telling the truth, it was like resisting a impedio curse,but worse because it was in the blood. It was able to do, and yet, there was always consquences for doing so. already she could feel the pounding headache setting in."I've known where he is since he disappeared.He disappeared because I hid him."

"Roshara!Answer."Voldemort growled.He'd punish snape for it later, for forcing her to do something, when he would have coaxed her to it later. She was always more willing to do things when given time to make up her mind.But alas, he would use this moment to his own advantage.

"Go.Fuck.Yourselves."Roshara said through clenched teeth, stumbling to her feet, needing to get out of the room so she could apparate.She needed away from them both before she betrayed Harry's trust.
Draco's blood had boiled at the very thought of Roshara keeping this secret from him, in the past she'd been very open with him, it seemed as no secrets were ever kept and yet she sits there heaving for a lie, fighting to hide that truth. Then again as Snape pressed his hands onto the table, leaning over, "The truth, Roshara. The truth, you have known all along, haven't you."
"Can it, greaseball!" Draco exclaimed, shooting him a glare, his attention drawn back to Roshara who had now been getting up, he chased after her, "It's not true is it? It's all a sack of lies, admit it!" He shouted after "Admit it!" He demanded once more, hoping she heard.

Back at the motel, Harry had been passed out, the TV was on with the news on mute, displaying several muggle top stories but nothing yet from the wizarding world. He lay sprawled on the bed with his new hair cut slightly a mess. This had indeed been the best sleep of his entire time away from home.
Roshara whimpered as she leaned against the hallway wall, giving him a pained look, giving into the potion needing to ease the headache enough to get away, and because she'd never lied to him.She hadn't lied about this either,but it felt like she had."I helped potter disappear when he was abandoned in diagon alley.I hid him to see how far he'd run, given the chance."She panted pressing the heels of her hands against her eyes, panting, struggling to focus enough to look at him."I will return.Later. To talk.And deal with snape...I am sorry Draco."She added softly, pain illingher eyes that had nothing to do with the potion and everything to do with hurting draco. "Goodbye draco."She said apparating, nearly collapsing as she landed in the hallway, leaning heavily against harry's door."Potter!"She called quietly.
Draco had felt a little betrayed, his shoulders lowering as the shock settled, forgiveness is what he lacked the most, but when it had come to Roshara he would make an exception. Then again she would have to fit the rights to apologize first, rather than ask for it, so if she had really felt sorry. In any sense, Draco would find a way to forgive her, if she could have only spoken of this before he would have been able to stop Snape from pouring that bloody drink for her.

Harry had a sudden burn of Voldemort's emotions steering through him like an express train, boiling between anger and dismay. He could feel that rage as if it were his own. Harry shot up from his pillow grabbing his forehead and hissing in a breath of air. He had to hold onto the wall as he stood up, arched over trying to shake that link between he and Voldemort. Staying here was a bad idea, Harry thought as the pain simmers, he heard a pop in the hallway, the sound of apparating and the faint tone beneath the door his name had been called.
Harry frowned a little and then rushed to the front door to find Roshara, "Shit" Harry spoke under his breath as he knelt on one knee, "I'm going to help you inside, Roshara, are you hurt?"
"Not hurt.Drugged."She panted looking down at him, resting a hand on his shoulder as she stumbled slightly, nearly falling before she straightened herself."S-sorry.Know you and tom have a bond."she shuddered figuring out quickly that tom's anger at her was the reason for his painful expression."Truth...snape.Truth potion."She said shuddering closing her eyes as she gave in, letting the magic of the potion sink fully into her own magic, knowing,hoping anyways, that the good gryffindor he was, wouldn't take to much advantage of a woman who couldn't lie anymore.
"That bloody bastard," Harry cursed about Snape a little more, it would figure he would stoop to such a low to get on the goods with Voldemort, "bet he's up there wagging his tail like a blasted neutered puppy,, awaiting his treat from Voldemort." He was already disgusted by the idea. Seeing that smug expression of Snape's clearly in his mind, not to mention that grease of black licorice known as his hair mopped around that smuggyness. Harry held his arm out for her and lead the way back into the room.

He saw the food he left out from the fridge and quickly tossed it into that small cooler.

"Sorry," he started "I was a little tired when I got back, so the food is warm, but." He saw the drinks in the fridge, "I did manage to snag a finer refreshment, muggle beer," he held out the brown bottle "the guy also got me some Vodka but I was aiming for beer, it sure takes the edge off a cruel day, so I'm told."
Roshara laughed softly, ignoring how the action made her head pound befre she nodded, settling on the bed with a smile."thank you."she said taking the bottle and downing it quickly, feeling it burn on the way, it felt good.And maybe she wouldn't remember if he asked her things."Disgusting.Dont want to think about snape and voldemort."She said shuddering a little. Disturbed at the greasy git being anywhere near the man she usually shared a bed with.After all, Voldemort was the only one that usually made her feel safe enough to sleep a night through.... or he had been, until harry."Drink.We both need to relax.Or at least I do."
Harry had settled between the fridge and Roshara on the bed, reaching and grabbing another for her and one for himself as commanded. He downed the first bottle with ease, the cool refreshing feeling soothing over him like a thin coat of a cool wave. He already could feel the heat that had been boiling earlier between the link of he and Voldemort becoming a light weight. Almost nothing.

As the young wizard reached into the fridge for another, he paused, "there are no wizarding trackers when it comes to drinking muggle alcohol is there?" He asked a little buzzed, but not an entire slur of his speech yet.
"Nooo..."She giggled a little.Between the beer she'd already downed, and the truth serum, she was getting a little giggly and a little more outrageous. Giggling as she leaned forward to look at him,she tugged on his hair a little."I'm sorry Mouse.I shouldn't have come back, but I had no where else to go.And...well.I do like spending time with you."She said running her fingers through the shortened strands, trembling slightly.Even drunk, she knew she was treading along those lines of the boundaries she'd set, and it scared her to think about crossing htem.
Harry felt a wave of relief spread through his tense body, he relaxed a little, he knew if Dumbledore had found out, the whole wizarding world wouldn't let him forget it. Like all the other times his face had been planted on the daily prophet''s front page. This was one he definitely would like to keep concealed, from both the muggles and wizards.
He opened his second bottle, taking a swig before Roshara's fingers played through his hair. He couldn't quite come up with the words which were choked tightly at the base of his throat. He clears that with a light cough and clearing his throat, "I don't think there would be anyone else more welcome here than you are, trouble or not." He spoke as honestly as he could.
Roshara smiled brightly at him,a brightness there that wasn't usually present. But the alcohol was lowering her shields, and she was reckless enough, and liked him enough....shuddering a little as she wrapped her fingers in his hair,gently tugging him closer."You're so kind mouse."she teased before kissing him,skillful despite being drunk.Soft lips settling over Harry's,pale fingers sliding through his hair.Leaning over the edge of the bed awkwardly, she looked liable to fall off the bed, but she didn't move beyond what was needed to kiss him.
Harry could have laughed hearing his nickname once more, "I can be cruel if-" but it was her kiss that sealed the need to guffaw, or at least bellow some sort of retort. Not that he would, in any case, he was pleased, confused, enthralled and somewhat intoxicated all at once. His body swarmed with emotions and feelings. Even his skull tingled with her fingers shuffling through his hair, he wanted to put his arms around her. His green eyes slowly close as he swims away to the new found world.
Roshara sighed softly before it turned into a yelp,as her body did what it had threatened to do, sending her tumbling straight off the bed and into his lap, ending up there with her cheek resting on his groin, ass in the air, looking awkward and painful.Shifting she rubbing her cheek against his jeans, not realizing just where she was before raising her head,blinking at him with wide and startled eyes, but for once, there was no fear in that look for being so close to someone."S-sorry.'she stuttered cutely.
A sting of caution shot through out his body, his eyes shot open as he looked to find Roshara falling from the bed. His hand nearing her ass with the intention to catch her, only he was too late, he lifted his hand in the air waving it once before he felt the pressure of his face on his crotch. His whole body had flushed with heat, he had to hold in that feverishly soft moan, his fist planted on the bed while he sat still as possible, his knuckles becoming pale and red in some spots.
Harry looked down at her, trying to push the pleasure aside, something was wrong with her and he shielded that specific desire with concern, "Are you alright?" He asked having to lean back and look her in the eye.
Roshara blinked slowly, staring at him."...Drunk.Drugged.Don't feel so good anymore."She muttered rubbing a hand over her face as she crawled into his lap, snuggling into him resting her head on his shoulder."You make me feel better.You will."She said with a slight lilting giggle,nuzzling him as she settled down against him,shivering a little. The alcohol and truth serum leaving her vulnerable that was horrifying a corner of her mind that was screaming at her to get it together...and yet, she was comfortable for the moment cuddling him."You don't scare me."She said, her voice soft with amazement and the beginnings of sleepiness.
Harry had heard the sleepy haze in her soft voice, he took that moment to take a very deep breath which built inside like a balloon, which also puffed at his cheeks. He leaned against the side of the bed and wondered what that whole thing had been about. Perhaps it's what happens when she's touched for so long as a simple kiss.
"I think I frighten myself more than anyone," Harry admitted aloud, more or less to himself.
He could feel the scar on his forehead stinging away now, not like before where it had been painful but it was enough to keep him distracted. He had to focus on defusing that link between Voldemort.
"Probably.Silly gryffindor."She muttered yawning as she settled into going to sleep right there in his lap,content and feeling safe.

Which, in the morning when she woke, her cheek creased with the folds of his shirt and legs asleep from sleeping curled up in his lap, was how she was still feeling.Despite finding herself being held,she felt...safe.Nuzzling his neck a little she shuddered as she blinked more awake, whimpering a little as she felt him harden against the soft curve of her ass, startled enough she went scrambling out of his lap.Even knowing he wouldn't hurt her, she reacted on a fear so long ingrained she didn't know how to stop it. Stopping on the other side of the room, she leaned against the cool glass, before turning to look at him."Good morning."She said quirking a smile when she saw he was awake.
Harry's dreams were dark, frightening him, keeping his body alert and tense. He awoke to Roshara still in his arms, he couldn't help but feel the warmth of her body and enjoy it. As she scrambled, Harry knew to back off. He cleared his throat, his cheeks burning a little as he began to press every desire aside. The last thing on his mind was doing something that would make her feel uncomfortable.
"Morning," Harry started and sat himself on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees while clasping his hands together.
What the hell was this? He thought, but pushed it down too. A new battle sprawled through out his body now, fighting temptations and telling himself not to pressure her. He hated himself for even thinking of taking advantage of her, even though he had longed for it since meeting her.
Roshara's smile was small and hesitant as she tilted her head,tilting her head.Looking younger, and more innocent as she studied him.And yet... she'd never truly been innocent in that way.She'd been robbed of it, been forced to become a adult before she'd been a child."...I should go talk to draco..."She muttered knowing she'd hurt the blond with keeping this secret. Rubbing her hands over her face she smiled slightly, knowing what he was thinking.Or at least some of it.After all, he was 17, and male. of course he woke up ready to have sex when he had someone in his lap.It wasn't about her at all.
Harry had trouble settling that rage within, he was half tempted to stand up to her and press himself up against her hard till she hit the wall. Then he had to fight that with her rights as a female, women tend to have terrible memories locked away in there heart, not that he was thinking of that at all. He didn't even know what was going on in her mind, it had to be plain and obvious he wanted her and he wanted her really, really bad.
His blood boiled at the thought of Draco, "Have at it with the spoiled brat if you will, then." He got up and walked to the window, stuffing his hands into his pockets. Making sure not to even glance back at her once. Even though he had been fighting and struggling to apologize for his pathetic behavior.
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