The Missing Heir

Lucius smiled slightly as they ollowed draco out, sighing softly as they exited. But waiting till they were well away from the great hall to speak."You said you might have found the boy?"
"Nice to see you too father," Draco said as he realized why his parnets were there. "Hello Droco," Narcissa said smiling holding out her arms for him. Draco looked at his mother a minute then smiled as he hugged briefly then went back to standing in front of them. "Yes, I might have found him but I haven't seen him in a bit."
Lucius frowned slightly,"Would you not see all the slytherins most of the time?"He asked, wondering what the boy could be. And afraid that something or someone had discovered already who he was, and hurt him.
Draco looked at his father confused for a moment. "Well yes I see the Slytherins everyday, but father Sebastian isn't a slytherin he's a Gryffindor." He explained. Narcissa sent a worried look to her husband.
Lucius looked startled, before shaking his head."No.That cant be right." He said looking at Narcissa before looking at draco again."Describe him."he said, hoping that draco was wrong, that the heir of slytherin wasn't in gryffindor.
Narcissa shook her head lightly, her nephew, Bellatrix and Voldemort's son couldn't possibly be a Gryffindor. "That can't be possible." Cissa sttated. Draco looked at the both of them, "Well, he's tall. Sebastian easily stands out in a group, he has curly black hair which reminds me of aunt Bellatrix, his eyes are dark blue, but could be mistaken for black, oh and his skin is kinda pale. That's about it." Draco finished describing him. Narcissa looked to her husband biting her lip. Draco examined both of them, "What's going on? why is everybody lookingfor him? "
"Bloody hell."He muttered frowning a little as he looked at the ground,"He sounds like what Sebastian should look like."He said thoughtfully, sighing as he looked at Draco then narcissa."Your aunt...had a son before she went to azkaban."he said slowly."But your mother's right, her son would never be in gryffindor."
"Yes, he does, this is going to be bad." Narcissa stated putting a hand to her husbands shoulder. Draco looked shocked, "I have a cousin?" He asked, this was exciting. "Wait but Who's eyes does he have? His are blue not brown..." Draco asked couriously knowing that both his aunt and uncle had brown eyes. "Well he's the only one I know...and he kinda had two choices it was either Slytherin or Gryffindor."
Lucius looked startled, then amused.Thats disturbing that the boy had chosen gryffindor, if he was who he suspected.Sighing as he looked at his son, knowing that they wouldn't be able to avoid the question of whos son he was, after all, draco'd be liable to just annoy them until they answered."Your cousin has...."He frowned looking around, trying to decide how safe they were talking about here."The lord's eyes."He said slowly.
Narcissa's eyes widened, 'He chose Gryffindor? Bella's going to die...Following after our cousin.' She thought in shock. "Has?" He questioned waiting for his father to anwser. Draco's eyes widened just like his mother's. "...and uncle Rudy is okay with that?" He asked,
Lucius nodded sighing softly. "He is content.He cares for her, and takes care of her when he can not.They have a good life together.At least, for a little while.We just need to find the boy now."He said smiling slightly amused at draco's look
"Alright then...Well...hmm. For a little while?" Draco didn't really know what to say to the fact that his aunt and uncle are married and yet he lets her fool around with the Dark Lord. Draco''s eyes went back into his head, " He went somewhere with Potter, Weasley, and Granger. That was the last I saw..."
Lucius cursed quietly."Which means they're off school grounds."He sighed, knowing the potter boy well enough to know they wouldnt be on school grounds anymre. Looking at narcissa he sighed."We have to go. Bellatrix and the lord will want to know."
"Most likey father." Draco replied watching him. "Yes dear, indeed they will, She' they're going to kill us..." Narcissa stated she knew how broken Bellatrix was because of all of this, if her "four year old" sister didn't have her son soon she'd personally walk into Hogwarts to try and grab him. Which would bring too much attention to the situation.
Lucius nodded sadly sighing as he wrapped a arm around narcissa's waist."We still need to tell them.Draco."He said nodding his head in goodbye before making their way out of the school, to where they could apparate. Grimacing lightly when he saw Bellatrix waiting for them
"I know dear. Be good Draco." Narcissa said as she walked with her husband out of the school, Apperating home. Draco went back to his table and friends. Bellatrix had been pacing awhile before she rested on a chair. As soon as she heard the pop her head looked straight at them, Quickly standing she nearly ran over to them. "Well? Did you find him? Was it him that Draco was talking about?" She asked her eyes staring at the both of them sad and hopeful.
"We tink so.But he is in gryffindor and is currently missing from school along with Harry Potter."He said looking at the woman, fear for the boy tightening his stomach."Where is our lord?He will be able to find the potter boy."He said, not above abusing the mental link between the two if it got his sister in law's son back
"You think? You mean you're not sure..? GYFFINDOR...!?...MISSING!! He's with POTTER!!??" Her eyes grew wider than what they were, her breathing quickend, and her body was shaking, If this was her son how could he be a Gryffindor? Bellatrix caught her breath, quickly she looked around as if she had lost something, then she ran toward the libray. Sliding on the floor Bellatrix ran in there sliding, "My Lord..." She called worriedly.
Voldemort paused, his hand hovering over the book he was choosing tilting his had slightly as he turned to face her. Took in her appearance, his eyes widening slightly."Bellatrix?Whatever is wrong?"He said moving away from the shelf to stand in front of her.
Bellatrix was breathing heavy and words weren't forming correctly or at all. "He's....Missing....Gryffindor.....Potter...." Tears fell from her eyes, she had been crying before but had been hiding it everytime she knew crying ment weakness, and maybe she was weak but all she wanted was her son she didn't care about anything else besides Voldemort and her son. Narcissa tried to catch up with Bella to calm her down but Bella took off like a bullet.
Voldemort looked startled, staring as he looked at the woman before wrapping his arms around the other, pressing a kiss to her head s he growled to himself, sorting through his mind.Wincing a little when he found harry potter."Department of mysteries.GEt lucius. We're going."He sai gently pushing her back
She cuddled into him as he held her, trying to dry her tears. Bellatrix gasped when he found Harry in his mind, Stumbling a bit as he pushed her, though it was gentle she was still weak. "Yes my Love..Lord." She stated leaving the room to grab Lucius.
Voldemort winced as she stumbled.Shaking his head slightly as he followed after her, heading downstairs to apparate to the ministry.

Lucius looked up startled when he saw her, swallowing hard as he looked at his sister in law."Bellatrix?"
"Come on, we're leaving..We're going to the Department of Mysteries... You...The Dark Lord...and I...Now!" She stated ready to go and get he son, who didn't know her as his mother.
Lucius nodded apparating with her.

Sebastian sighed as they walked through the department, keeping close to hermione to make sure she was well as she looked around."What are we looking for?" "I dont know!I just keep seeing this room."Harry scowled growling frustrated.
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