The Missing Heir

Sebastian frowned thoughtfully, tilting his head slightly."She's your aunt isn't she?"Hesaid looked curious tilting his head as he brushed his hair out of his face."And she escaped from azkaban along with the others."He shrugged slightly."Nothing else."
"Yeah, unfortunately, she's a complete physcopath."Draco stated but he really did love his aunt. "That's all, What about He who must not be named?"Draco asked he wasn't really sure how he was going to find out any information on why they wanted him.
Sebastian looked sartled at the turn of conversation,tilting his head towards the gryffindor side of the room where harry and the other two were talking."I'm friends and dorm mates with them, what do you think I know?"He said slightly sarcastically, amused at this line of questioning. Wondering where Draco was going with it
"Oh right...that's all they talk about isn't it?" Draco should have thought that one through a bit. " Have even seen either of them face to face or have you just heard stories like the ones Potter tells?"He asked
Sebastian sighed softly."Unfortunately, I've been regulated to spectator status for his adventures. And there fore I have not met either, though the paper does have the most interesting stories."Sebastian shrugged a little."Draco, is there a reason for the sudden interest in my knowledge of current events?"he asked. As much as he was a slytherin, there was only so much that he'd play games before he grew tired of them."If there is, you dont have to tell me what it is, just don't pretend I'm ignorant enough to not see it."He said tilting his head.
"I see yes the paper does have its ways of spinning tales, oh no reason just curious..." Draco said not that he was trying to make it descret. "What about your parents? Did they ever I don't know fight against them?" He asked maybe somthing to do with his parents.
Sebastian looked startled, before shrugging. After all, he lived with elders, but he didn't consider them his parents. "I never knew my parents, no one knew who they were. I was just left at the orphanage, before my adopted parents picked me up, and they're more neutral than anything else."

Across the room harry tilted his head, looking at hermione, smiling slightly."Is it just me, or are they getting along better then normal?"He muttered looking at draco and sebastian.
"Oh, well I'm sorry, Sebastian I didn't know. I see" Draco shut up after that feeling bad for once, it's one thing to know your parents and they died but another when one never knew them at all.

"I was about to ask you that same question...It's so odd..." Herminoe stated.
Sebastian shrugged laughing a little."Like potter, I can't mourn what I never knew.Now quiet.Snape's coming."He muttered shifting in his seat as the professor walked into the room.

"It is.we'll have to ask Bastian what they were talking about later."He muttered studying the two.
"Good point.." Draco stated then striaghtened up before Snape came in. He watched as Snape made his way to his desk.

"Definately," She stated looking at the two then facing front when Snape walked in
Sebastian smiled slightly as they settled back in their seats, settling in to learn. Two hours later Sebastian yawned a little, rubbing his eyes as he stood, "Damn.Surely he could make his lectures easier to listen to."He muttered to draco.
After the two hours of Snapes monotoned lecture, he streched trying to crack his back. "I wish they're always difficult to sit threw." Draco replied.
Sebastian nodded, "Almost wish he had yelled at the gryffindors today. At lest tht breaks up the monotone."He said amused, nerly jumping out of his skin when Harry stopped beside him."Sebastian. How are you?"Harry asked, looking slightly concerned, looking between the gryffindor and slytherin.
"That would have been entertaining." Draco agreed with a smile. Then when Harry stopped Draco glared at him. "What do you want Potter?" Draco sneered.

Herminoe stopped a little behind Harry waiting for so they could go to the Great Hall.
harry sneered back, sighing a little."I want to know how you two can get along so well?" Sebastian laughed a little,"We think alike,he and I."He said amused, because it was true. Him aand his cousin thought along the same lines, even if Sebastian was more honor bound then the slytherin.
"It's strange but yeah...we have similar brain waves, to the point were we can converse like everybody else." Draco agreed with him. Indeed it was strange that they were quite similar, besides the fact that Sebastian was a Gryffindor and he was a Slytherin.
Sebastian smirked a little as they walked out of the room, tossing a playful smirk at Draco."I just have to remember he's a royal prat most of the time, and ignore what comes out his mouth."He grinned before walking faster to catch up with hermione.

Harry studied the two, shaking his head amused."This really is odd."He said wondering why. And why Sebastian had chosen not to go to slytherin.
Draco sneered playfully at Sebastian, "I'll remember that Sebastian," he called then stayed behind to talk to speak with Snape. "Professior may I have a word?" He asked, him to see if he had found out anything and to report his own news.

Herminoe was a head of the group not really caring to stick around they'd catch up eventually, and soon enough Sebastian was there.
Severus looked up startled, nodding slightly as he studied his godson."Draco. Whatever can I do for you?"He asked after shutting the door.

Sebastian grinned at her, tilting his head. A slight dusking blush on his face. Not that he'd ever admit it as he thought she loved either ron or harry,but he cared for her."I'm bored.That was boring."
"Have you discovered any more information?" He asked Snape, hoping he had something to go on. "I had spoke to him and anything he knows about the Dark Lord, or Bellatrix is all from stories he had heard. He was left as an orphan, untill adopted but nuetral parents. Unless his real parents had something to do with it...We may have the wrong kid..." Draco informed Sanpe of the resent conversation.

"I thought it a very good intullectual, session. Sorry you're bored." She stated as she continued to walk.
Severus looked startled, raising a eyebrow a little thinking it over. "No.I don't think we do."He said thinking it over, having a supiscion. One that had long been rumored, but never confirmed. "I will discover more information now."He said,"Write your aunt, see what she says, or if she has any other information to tell."

Sebastian made a face at her, before sighing."herm, doesn't he put you to sleep thugh?" Ron laughed a little shaking his head."Oh no. Nothing in class could ever bore hermione."
Draco nodded, watching Snape, 'so Sebastian may be the child that Bellatrix and the Dark Lord were looking for.' He thought to himself. "Alright...I'll go do that." He stated wondering what, how he was going to tell his aunt the information and get a proper anwser, from her. Draco went up to the Slytherin common room, and started his letter to his aunt.

Dear Bella,

I may have found him, I have spoken to him and anything he knows about the Dark Lord, or you is all from stories he had heard. He was left as an orphan, untill adopted by neutral parents. Is there any more information you can send?


He wrapped it up, bringing it back down to Snape so he could send it out, He didn't use Bella's full name in case it was intercepted. Draco then went to the Great Hall for a meal.

Herminoe looked at Ron, "Ha Thanks Ron can I help I want to good on my O.W.L.S?" she stated.
Lucius smiled slightly as he walked into the library when he owl brought the letter,holding it out towards the woman reading on the couch."This just came for you."He said smiling slightly.

"No,but you know you'll do well even if you don't listen to snape."Harry pointed out as they sat down, starting to dig into the food.
Bellatrix was curled on the couch laying in the library reading. She needed to keep her mind busy. When Bella knew he was there she sat straight up, "What news?" she asked eyes wide as she took and scanned the parchment. Bellatrix bit her lip she wasn't sure what to write back, she knew so little about her son. "His eyessss," she hissed a slight smile appeared on her face. Then it faded to tell Draco he has the Dark Lords eyes would give him away and put him in danger.
"WE can't telll Draco what he looks like."Lucius sighed softly, tilting his head before a smile curled his lips."I shall make a trip to hogwarts, and take Narcissa with me.After all, I am a school govener, I will see if this boy is yours."he said anxious to see the missing heir returned to his mother
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