The Missing Heir

Bellatrix didn't want to let go but she did when he let her go. "Yes My Lord, what if the letter is intercepted?" She asked, she didn't want to be found then sent back to Azkaban. "Yes my Lord, I indeed miss my nephew." Bella agreed summoning a house elf with her paper, quill, and ink. Bellatrix was always particular about her writing so with her now shaky hands it was difficult for her. Finally she calmed her hand down to write decent for her, it still looked lovely though.

Dear Draco,

How are you my dear? I know I haven't been around or have written, but I'm back now. Sweetie, I need you to do me a favor... I'm looking for a boy, he's about your age couple months apart. His name is Sebastian, I'm not sure of his current last name. If he's there at school he should be a Syltherin.

I love you, and can't wait to see how you've grow.
Your Aunt
Bellatrix Lestrange

Herminoe scoffed at Harry's comment, he was a good guy at times but he seemed to be too chumy with Malfoy. "Well didn't that happen to you too, Harry? The Sorting Hat could have put you in Syltherin or Gryffindor, but you chose. Herminoe rolled her eyes at Ron. Draco smiled slightly at him, "He does but rather get rid of the lot of them, there'd be less trouble around here." He stated.
Voldemort looked concerned for a moment, writing his own letter to snape, and setting his servant about finding his son without coming out and saying why he wanted the boy found. After all, he did not trust the death eater spy. Tilting his head as she insiehd her letter he wrapped it up in his, tucking it in a envelope before setting it on its way with a owl."Severus will see that Draco recieves it."

It did."Harry said looking amused as Sebastian talked to Draco. It was weird, and odd to have a gryffindor getting along with him so well. Sebastian nodded, laughing softly."I'm not so sure about that.After all, you'd still be here."
Bellatrix though she suggested it was worried to send the letters to Snape, she was sure he was a double agent. Bellatrix nodded, hoping he was right, she didn't care about anything but to locate her son. The only reasons she survived theat horrible prision knowing her love would return and that she would be reunited with her baby, which may be right under Dumblesdore's nose.

Herminoe took a bite of her meal forgetting that it was infront of her, too busy distracted by Sebastian getting along with Malfoy, there enemy since they met. Draco laughed lightly, "Haha, Too true."
Voldemort sighed softly as he watched the owl leave, sighing softly as he looked at his love."If he is at the school, he is protected by his ignorance of who he is,and Dumbledore's."

Sebastian smirked slightly."Well, now that we agree you're trouble no matter what,I'm going back to my meal."He said with a contented smile, he turned back to his meal, ignoring the look he was getting from the other gryffindors."Uhh...Bastian, do you know how weird this is?" "What is?" "Getting along with the ferret." Sebastian snorted eating a little before looking at the weasley."It's not so weird."
Bellatrix looked at him, sighing a little she nodded her head. Tears started to fall from her eye's, "I want our baby...I want him home, with us....We could teach him more then what he's learning there...if he's there." Bellatrix explained, her heart was trying to mend but was still torn.

Draco rolled his eyes and started eating his food again. Herminoe listened to Ron and Sebastian go back and forth, "Actucally, it is kind of weird," she agreed with Ron which was rare. "Gryffindors and Syltherins very rarely get along."
Voldemort nodded a little, "He would.And he is."He said because he couldn't doubt it. He had to believe his son was safely hidden at hogwarts. "We'll get him back."He said wrapping her in his arms, gently wiping her tears away.

Harry nodded watching the dark haired man. "It IS weird. Slytherin and gryffindor can barely go through a class without killing each other." Sebastian snorted laughing as he ate."True.But, I enjoy talking to him.Sometimes.When he's not being a annoying prat." "What, for all of five minutes a day?"Harry said snickering.
Bellatrix nodded at the reassurance that he was safe at school. Bella nuzzled into his embrace, as he wrapped her in his arms wipping away her tears, she smiled softly.

Herminoe laughed slightly about Draco being a prat all day besides give or take five minutes. "Excactly when is he every not being a prat?" She asked then took another bite of food.
"When he's sleeping.Or stuffing his face."Sebastian said wisely, looking serious. Harry snickered nodding, "No, he's a prat even then. after all, I think he's glaring holes in the back of your head now."Harry said laughing a little. Ron looked amused shaking his head."I agree. Draco Malfoy wouldn't know what it was to not be a prat, if it bit him on the ass."
Herminoe let the boys talk about Malfoy as she ate. She laughed slightly at Harry's comment. "Yes, subconsianiously, there are two eye holes in the back of your skull." She stated smiling taking a drink,nodding her head at Ron.
Sebastian grinned, shrugging."Ah well, it'll be a interesting year."He said smiling as he finished eating. content.

A few hours later, Severus smiled slightly as he looked at his godson, holding a letter for him as the boy shut his office door."Draco, thank you for coming down.This came for you earlier."
"Yes, indeed it will be, it always is." Herminoe smiled as she finishe her dinner.

Draco was told that Professor Snape needed to see him about something, so he walked down to his office. Draco smiled at him, he wasn't so bad. Draco nodded, "What is it? Who's it from?" He was curious the letter his moother always sends already arrived earlier. Draco took the scroll from him and looked at it, "That's strange? She out...about time." He said,He just discovered that his aunt had escaped from prision, and was looking for a boy..."I wonder what she wants with a kid?" he spoke aloud.'The only Sebastian i know is in Gryffindor' he thuoght
"I do not know, but our lord is looking for the boy also."snape said frowning slightly as he considered the words. Wondering why the two were interested in finding a boy who was barely smart enough to hold a wand, much less be a death eater.Yes, he truly underestimated how intelligent and cunning the resident gryffindor/slytherin could be.
Draco sighed slightly, "I only know one Sebastian and he's in Gryffindor but could have been a Syltherin..." He stated, Draco thought a moment. "Do you think they want him to be a....?" Draco started then stopped afraid someone was listening. "No..He's too 'good' for them to want him for that...?"
"I do not think so. They would not write a letter if they were considering that fate for him."He said looking onsideringly at the floor, trying to sort things out. Knowing one thing for sure, he'd have to let Dumbledore know about this interest in the gryffindor."Speak to him. See if he has any idea why they might be interested, without telling him why."
"Good point, they would just come and take him..." Draco couldn't see why they'd want him. "How am I supposted to do that?" Draco asked confussed. Without giving him any reason why he was asking, 'Oh hey why would Bellstrix Ledtrange and Voldemort want to find you?'
Severus snorted a little, laughing as he studied the boy."He likes you well enough anyways. Befriend him, and mayhap you will stumble onto the reason they want him without telling him who wants him."
"I guess it's worth a shot, I talk to him and see what comes of it...." Draco stated, he was kinda close with the Gryffindor, it shouldn't be too hard to talk with him about random things.
Severus nodded, waving him out."Go."He said slightly amused. Well. Things were going to be interesting. Getting up out of his seat after Draco left, he headed upstairs to the headmaster's office, walking inside as he smiled slightly walking in."Professor, we must speak for a moment."
Draco nodded his head and walked out heading back to the dorm, He was happy his aunt was no longer in Askaban but was confussed to what they wanted with Sebastian.

"Ah Severus Please, come in." He motioned for Snape to come in. "What's wrong Severus?" Dumbledore asked in a calmed voice.
Severus sighed a little as he moved to sit down in one of the chairs, tilting his head slightly."Voldemort has sent word that he is searching for a child.A child he thinks is here, at the school."
Dumbledore looked concerned, "Other than edoreHarry?" Dumbledore asked slightly shocked. What would Volemort want with another student? "Do you know what child? What child Severus? We need to do all we can to protect this student, find out who they are."
"He thinks the child is named sebastian, but has not heard of him since he has been reborn.He does not know what name he goes by. Only that he would be among the slytherins."He said trying to hedge his bets, knowing that one or the other would win this war, and he wanted to be on the winning side.
"This was prior to Voldemorts rebirth? I can't imagine what it is that he would want with anyone besides Harry. Hmmm Check the Slytherins for this Child we have to find protect him against whatever Volemort wants with him." Dumbledore stated as he took out a book housing the names in the school. "If you hear more tell me at once."
"Of course professor."He stood smiling slightly as he left. It was going to be a long year.

Two days later Sebastian sighed softly as he studied the blond through his blue black hair, raising a eyebrow as Draco sat next to him."You know, you're going to get the whole school talking. Gryffindor and slytherin talking together."He said amused as he settled back into his chair, awaiting severus to arrive for class.
Dumbledore nodded his head as Severus left his office.

Draco looked at Sebastian who watched him sit down, "Yeah, give them something to talk about, remeber the other day I'm the trouble maker?" He stated he didn't care. "Hey I've got a quession for you, Does the name Bellatrix Lestrange mean anything to you?" He asked couriously though recently everyone heard she and 9 other prisionser escaped Azkaban
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