The Missing Heir

"I KNOW LUCIUS," Bellatrix snapped, then broke, "but thats all I can remember." Tears came to her eyes, she dropped her head, never meeting her son besides when he was in diapers. Bellatrix eyes light up as her head jerked back looking at him. "Don't toy with me now Lucius...could you?" She asked despritely, hopefully.
Lucius nodded slightly wincing when she yelled."I will, seeing as it is my fault he's missing in the first place."he said tilting his head getting up."Me and narcissa shall go in the morning."He said leaning down to kiss her forehead.
Bellatrix closed her eyes tightly, "Thank you." she stated solftly reopening her eyes. She knew he was sorry about losing the boy, and this was a pressing matter so she didn't mock him, as so she wouldn't cry infront of him. She was Bellatrix Lestrange crying in front of anyone was a sign of weekness.
Lucius nodded slightly."Goodnight Bellatrix."He muttered before going in search of his wife. Needing to tell her the change of plans, and think of how they were going to explain their appearance at the school
"Good night Lucius," She stated watching him leave before she fell to the couch again. Tears stained her face. Bellatrix grabbed her book again though no longer reading but crying behind it.

Narcissa was already laying in bed, reading waiting for Lucius to come up to bed.
Rudulphus frowned slightly as he stepped into the room, looking concerned as he sat on the edge of the bed."Love?What's wrong?"He asked sitting on the bed, glancing at her,gently tucking her hair behind her ears.

Lucius sighed a little as he got ready for bed, kissing his wife's cheek as he climbed in be with her."We're going to be going to see Draco in the morning."
"Wrong nothing's wrong, dear I'm reading," She stated ofcourse she hadn't been paying enough attention that the book was upside down. Her hand quickly went up to her face trying to wipe the tears away. Bellatrix couldn't hide it she but the book down her facce was stained with her tears, reaching her arms out to be held, he wasn't the Dark Lord but he was her husband and she did care for him too.

"Hello darling..." Narcissa stated marking her place. "We are? What for, well granted I want to see him but why are we randomly going to Hogwarts to see him?" She asked curiously things didn't add up.
Rudolphus sighed a little smiling as he shifted to wrap his arms around her, kissing her head."you'r ereading your book upside down."He teased shifting to hold her tightly against him,"We'll find him,I promise Bella."

Lucius laughed softly at her reaction,"bellatrix recieved a letter from him this afternoon, and he thinks he's found sebastian, but we cant confirm who the boy is without giving away who's son he is."
Bellatrix curled into his embrace, "Was I? It was right side up before Lucius came in..." She stated with a slight smile a minor detail to look at when hiding behind a book. "Draco sent me a letter...He might have found him...Lucius is going to go and see with Narcissa.

Narcissa gasped in amazement, "That's frantastic news, ooo yeah so we're going to see Draco and to see if we see the lad?" She asked making sure of the plan.
Rudolphus smiled grinning a little."That is extremely good news."he said, despite loving her, he knew she was happier with voldemort. so the idea that she could have her son back, and the man she loved back, it was perfect.Because it was what would make her the happiest.

Lucius nodded laying on his side as he crawled into bed, yawning slightly."yes. We're going to be visiting draco, and getting the lad. Hopefully no one will find it odd we're talkign to draco's friends among the slytherins."He said, not realizing their missing heir was among the gryffindors.
"I hope we've finally found him." She stated wanting to hold her baby, in her arms again. Bellatrix knew he cared for her very much and that's why while being married to him he let her also be with Tom.

"Alright Love, Wait getting the boy? How do you expect to manage that? Yes us talking to his friends may be strange but we need to find him for Bella's and the Dark Lords sake." She agreed with him but was also confused.
Rudolphus nodded smiling slightl, pressing a kiss to the other's head."I do hope so."He said brushing his fingers through her hair.

Lucius sighed"I don't know. our lord just wants the boy here. I, think the best thing to do, would be to talk to him, and leave him where he is. At least for the moment. otherwise, he'll be in even more danger then what he is."
Bellatrix cuddled into Rudolphus for comfort, not knowing where Voldemort was unable to be in his embrace.

Narcissa looked at him concerned, "We can't just kiddnap the boy, as you said that would be more dangerous then anything. It would attract too much attention." She stated.
Lucius nodded, sighing softly as he closed his eyes."We'll meet the boy. Then go from there."He said starting to fall asleep, knowing it was going to be a long day.
Narcissa leaned over and kissed his cheek, "Alright love...Sweet dreams." She laid down turning off the light snuggling with Lucius.
in the morning Lucius sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, frowning as they paused in the entrance hall to the school, before cursing softly."Dammit, we're going to have to talk to the headmaster."He said for once, a slight whine to his voice. He truly, never,ever, wanted to talk to him.Sighing as he slid a hand into Narcissa's heading up to the headmaster's office.
Narcissa followed close after her husband, as they entered Hogwarts. "Oh will be fine a quick little chat then we'll find the boys." Cissy stated as they walked hand in hand to Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore was sitting at his desk conversing with past Headmaster portriats
Lucius nodded slightly as he stepped into the office without knocking, sneering slightly."Headmaster.We have come to visit with our son, with your permission of course."He said, though the words left the headmaster little choice in the matter
"Hello Lucius, Narcissa." The Headmaster nodded at both of them. "Of course you can see Draco, is everything alright?" He asked in that cool collective voice, making sure there was no danger or sign of trouble. "He should be in the Great Hall."
Lucius shook his head slightly."He wrote last night, and seemed upset about something but didnt say what it was.Seeing as I hadn't spoken to him before he left for school again I thought we would make a trip of it to see him."
"Ah I see, I hope all is well. Would you like an escort to bring you to you son?" Dumbledore asked as he stood from his chair, "It's prefectly alright that you see your son Hogwarts is a school not a prison." Dumbledore stated smiling a little.
"No. We can find him."Lucius smiled in goodbye, before leaving with narcissa, heading downstairs to the great hall, "Damn, I dislike tht man."He said with a sigh, running a hand through his hair.
Dumbledore nodded his head as the couple left his office.

Narcissa was right by his side, "I know dear, but we won't be here long. We need to find Draco." she stated
He nodded wincing as they walked into the dining hall, pausing to find his son before moving down the table to the younger malfoy's side."Draco, we need to speak."He said, offering a small smile to his son, ignoring the looks they were getting
Draco saw his parents enter the great hall, though acting as if he didn't notice, until they got to him. He swallowed what he was eating, looking at the people around him, then nodded his head standing up to leave the Hall so they could speak. Draco walked out of the Hall leading his parents.

Narcissa smiled at Draco she missed her son terribly. As Draco headeed off Cissa was following behind him
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