The Missing Heir

"Harry what if he's not here?" Herminoe asked refering to his Godfather who he had seen in dreams. "What if the Voldemort is just putting these images in your head." She questioned as they ran down the hall looking for the door in Harry's dreams.
"I don't know.We'll deal with it when we have to."He cursed quietly as he stopped, pausing when he saw the door. "Harry, you might be wrong..."Ron said slowly. Sebastian growled lightly shifting to stand in front of hermione,"Well.Go in.And we'll see just how wrong everything is."He said, holding his breath as the door eased open, walking inside slowly, looking around.
Herminoe went quiet as Harry was getting annoyed. When they stopped she stared at the door, until Sebastian stepped in front of her. "This is a little too easy..." Luna stated. for her and Neville were also with them. Neville was quiet as they walked in.
Sebastian nodded, growling softly as he looked around them."Potter, we need to leave.Now." Harry shook his head, walking faster."Not until we find out if sirius is here." Sebastian sighed running a frustrated hand through his hair his nerves twanging, turning his head when he heard the pop of a apparation.
"Harry I agree with Sebastian, we should leave." Neville said as they all ran to the place where Sirius should have been, stopping when hearing the pop of an apparation.Hermonie looked about to see where the noise came from wand out.
Sebstian snarled softly as he moved slightly in front of hermione,"Stay back."He said looking at the blond in front of him. "Harry potter, just who we were looking for."Lucius said searching the group,smiling a little when he saw the dark haired teen."malfoy!Go away!"Harry said holding his wand."Where is my godfather?" "Not here."
Bellatrix cackled before showing herself, walking into view."Really boy you need to learn how to determine dreams from saw only what the Dark Lord wanted you to see...Poor itty bitty bwaby...Potter." Bellatrix snapped. "Bellatrix Lestrange!?" Neville said in fear. "Longbottom, is it? How's mom and Dad?" she asked with a wicked grin. For a minute or two Bellatrix had forgot why they were there besides the profeacey. Her eyes caught the tall dark haired boy, move infront of the Mudblood. "You," Bellatrix pointed with her wand, "I don't know you, what's your name?" Bellatrix questioned, him before seeing his eyes. Her eyes widened, and Bellatrix gasped, "You....Sebastian...?" she whispered softly, they could still here her though. 
Sebastian growled a little raising his wand slightly."Yes."He said sounding confused, turning his head slightly to look at the girls."Go.Potter, weasley, get them out of here."He said even as he stepped around the boy hero, moving to face his unknown mother. Harry cursed softly, looking at hermione."Go.I cant let him fight alone."
Bellatrix saw his wand raised realizing hers was still pointing at him, lowering it a bit not trusting the others to pull something. "I'm not going anywhere Harry, Sebastian." Herminoe stated her place was with them, then Neville spoke, "None of us are leaving like when we started the D.A. awe agreed that we wanted to help so..." Bellatrix listened as they fought and by what Neville said a grin appeared on her face, "How sentimental." Her eyes never leaving her son's. Her smile faded, "'s...him...I know it's him...." Bellatrix whispered as her heavy lidded eyes continued to watch her son and the others.
Lucius nodded a little, glancing over at her as the teens continued to argue."if we curse them,they're goign to break up and run.You might have a chance to talk to him."He said slightly amused to watch Sebastian argue so hard to get the mudblood out of the room
Bellatrix tilted her head slightly to look a Lucius, "I wouldn't know what to say." Bellatrix quietly stated. 'What would one say to a child that never knew his mother, when they are his mother.' she thought as she looked back at the boy, she couldn't just say that she was his mother, he wouldn't believe her and the others would know. Bellatrix completely lowered her wand.
Sebastian growled a little walking closer, putting himself between his friends and the death eaters."What do you want of us?" "Why potter, you bring more to die with you?"Voldemort said amused as he walked out between the aisles, eyes widening slightly as he caught sight of his son.
Bellatrix blinked at his question unable to anwser her son as he walked closer to her. He was beautiful, though he was upset and angry right now. Bellatrix gasped and jumped as she heard her love, The Dark Lord Speak and approach, "My Lord, "Bella whispered. Bellatrix wanted to just grab the boy and run, but she couldn't, she was having a hard tine with all of this.
"No.No one's dying here."Sebastian snarled, firing off a stunning curse as he dove back, grabbing for hermione's arm, running, hoping that for a moment the death eaters would be distracted.The boys firing curses over their shoulders, cursing quietly about how big the department was, quickly becoming lost."Lucius.find them."Voldemort said tilting his head as he sent the blond on his mission, looking at bellatrix."it is sebastian isn't it?"
Bellatrix quickly reflected the curse her son had sent there way, snapping partly back to reality. She watched as they ran, normally the sight of the chase excited her, but this one made her sadend. Once Lucius was off and the Dark Lord spoke to her, she said, "Yes, A mother can always identify her child." bellatrix then looked at her love, "He has my mair, and your beautiful eyes." she cooed a bit.
Voldemort laughed softly lookng at her, tilting his head."Ah well then.Go get him.bring him home."he said amused as he walked with her, heading for the teens. Not hurrying because he could still hear them running
She smiled as he laughed, it was nice to hear. "Yes love, I will grab him and he'll be home, with us where he belongs." She stated as they walked though the empty minestry, after the kids. And Lucius.
What she found was ron,harry and luna dueling Lucius as the others faced off against a newly arrived Rudolphus. Snarling softly Sebastian pulled hermione behind him a little, turning to face the newest threat of Bellatrix and Voldemort. "Hermione run."He growled at her, knowing he wasn't strong enoug to keep them off for long, but dammit he wanted her away from this. "Grab the others, and go."
Bellatrix looked at then to the Dark Lord, "I guess Lucius needed back up." she smiles slightly looking around.

"Sebastian stop, you're getting in the way, we have to help Harry. " She stated as he kept pulling her behind him. "I'm not....we're not leaving you and Harry here alone!!" she persisted she wasn't about to leave she always did dangerious things with Ron and Harry, Why was he being so over protective of her? It didn't dawn on her that Sebastian had a crush on her, she also had one on him, but she wasn't about to tell.
Harry cursed as he threw hexes at the death eaters,"Sebastian, you might as well give up.She's not going t olisten to you."He pointed out, amused at his friend's continued obliviousness.

Voldemort nodded,"Grab the boy Bellatrix.While he's trying to protect the mudblood.He'll be distract...then we can explain when we get back to the manor."
Herminoe rolled her eyes as Harry fought with death eaters. "Harry's right you know..." She stated she wasn't about to run off.

Bellatrix nodded not saying a word as she was ingulfed in black smoke as she was disappearating, she flew around the room a minute the swiped down grabbing her son taking him back to the manor as the dark lord instructed. Bellatrix stared and kept her wand pointed at him, she had just kiddnapped her son, he would probably attack, but she didn't want to take his wand away.

Herminoe screamed as the smoky Bellatrix dived at them grabbing Sebastian.
Harry cursed, grabbing hermione's arm, running."We got to go!"He yelled sprinting for the door, not even noticing as voldemort and lucius let them go.

Sebastian cursed, kicking out, making sure she stayed away from him, wand in hand as he watched her warily snaling softly."Take me back, death eater."
Herminoe ran with him as the others followed. Herminoe couldn't believe they had just taken Sebastian, they were normally after Harry. She was heart broken hoping he'd be okay trying to think of ways to rescue him.

"Shhh...Calm down Sweetie...I can't do that just yet...No ones going to harm you....I garentee it." Bellatrix stated softly, in an attempt to calm him down. But lets face it if she had been captured at his age she would have caused holy hell.
Sebastian's mouth fell open a little, even as he held out his wand, looking reasonable, even if he wasn't."Do I look insane?I'm not about to take the word of a death eater on my safety.And don't call me sweetie, it weird."
Bellatrix was slightly taken aback by him not wanting to be called "sweetie," but then again he didn't know the relation between the two of them. "Not as insane as I look I bet..." She joked bit. "Well when it's coming from me that's normally a good thing, I'm right hand to the Dark Lord so the Death Eaters listen to me too...Here to make you feel slightly more comfortable, I'll put my wand away, okay?" She stated she slowly lowered her wand, which she didn't really like the idea of doing, but hoping to make him see that see was not about to harm him. Bellatrix quickly slipped her wand threw a loop in her dress, where she could easily grab it if something wwhen wrong. "All we want to do is have a little chat..."
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