The Missing Heir

Sebastian frowned at her, looking confused on what she was doing. Staring a few minutes longer, like his father would have, waiting to see what she was going to do, before tense muscles got the better of him and he lowered his arm, but kept his wand in his hand as he studied her, baring his teeth in a half smile half snarl."Talk?About what?"
Bellatrix stood there watching him stare at her, like Voldemort would do. She smiled lightly as his arm fell, knowing he was gain a little trust. Now that her wand wasn't pointing at him or even in her hand. Bellatrix's smile faded, "Well dear...That you'll have to wait for...Just until the Dark Lord returns I'm sure he'll want to be present for"
Sebastian growled quietly,"I do not wish to chat with the dark lord."

Voldemort barely hid the smile and laughter as he walked into the room. Oh their son was undeniably gryffindor, and lke bellatrix when he wanted to set his heels down about something."Ah, but I wish to speak to you."
"But it is important...Sebastian, I will not speak about it until the Dark Lord has returned. He will not harm you either, unless given reason." She stated being just as stubborn about talking about the subject. She wasn't too sure that The Dark LOrd wouldn't hurt him, but she figured he wouldn't being his son and if the Dark Lord indeed cared about Bellatrix he wouldn't harm him.

Bellatrix jumped slightly as she heard him speak. "Now we can begin," Bellatrix stated with a light smile. "You know, how a boy "defeated" the dark lord, so many years ago? I'm sure you heard why I was sentence away to rot in a cell until I died...Well there is more to the story." She stated as she looked at Voldemort.
Voldemort smiled slightly as he studied the two, tilting his head slightly. "Tell him Bella.You've alwys been good at explaining things."He said tilting his head,studying the son who looked so much like his love.

"No!I dont care.Just take me back."Sebastian growled sounding anxious.
Bellatrix nodded she wasn't sure she'd be able to handle it, Bellatrix gasped slightly taken aback, by how he could careless, reminding her of Potter... Bellatrix losing who she was talking to for a moment snapped, "You're really lucky you're not dead yet," she shook then coming back to reality she shook her head. "Sorry about that, I'll finish my story, Don't you want to know of you're parents? Once I'm finished you may stay and talk or you'll be free to leave.." She stated then continued. "Well anyway you might have heard we the dark lord and I aren't capable of love or compassion, that my dear is entirely false...Well at least we once could anyway. I wasa married to my husband, but I was not in love with him...So he let another court me and he was happy because I was happy. Tom was his name we loved each other much that I had become pregnant..the story goes on a little boy was born nine months later...he had dark hair and dark blue eyes that could change to nearly black, No one actually knew who's child the baby was, was it Rudolphus or my loves.. that was always a secret to protect the child. When the boy was a month old, the dark lord had fallen, I tried to find I really did, two aurors stood in my way I drove them to insanity, then a mass of them came for my husband and I he held them off so I could run with the babe...I did I ran to my sister's house, Narcissa Malfoy. I told her to care for the babe and watch out for him. I left to hide but was discovered and taken to prison. Lucius sent the child away, somewhere he thought would be safe but still able to watch him, but then the child was sent somewhere else unable to be found. Sebastian this story is very releivant to you...You were the babe that was taken lord knows where, I am your mother, and the Dark Lord is your father, we've finally found you..." She explained everything that had happened.
Sebastian frowned as he thought about it.Mulling it over like a devious slytherin, instead of the hard headed gryffindor who would have denied it just because it was bellatrix Lestrange saying it. Curly black hair framing his face, cool blue eyes going even darker as he thought. Tilting his head."....Is that why I enjoy Malfoy's company?"he asked, it was the only question he could think of to ask. The rest....was just to much to ask about.So he chose the simpliest most odd question he could think of
Bellatrix looked confused for a moment that was all he could ask? "Yes, Draco is your cousin, that why though he doesn't know you're related you get along so well." She stated. Bellatrix wanted to reach out and hold her son, but she wanted him to let it fully sink in, before jumping the boat, it was alot to handle all at once.
Sebastian frowned a little thinking about it,"Oh."He said simply, frowning harder as it started to sink in, blue black curls flinging around his face as he shook his head."N-no.This cant be true.You got the wrong child."

Voldemort laughed softly,"Sebastian Mereloit, you have my eyes, and your mother's hair.We are not wrong."he said,for once being gentle, worried about harming his son.
Bellatrix took a few steps torward him wanting to wrap him in her embrace to comfort him, but stopped. It was hard and she knew it, "It is Sweetie, it's true... You are our flesh and blood, you look like your father did when he was younger." She stated softly before Voldemort lost his good looks and became more snake like. Bellartrix smiled at how gentle his voice was.
Voldemort tilted his head towards her, brushing a kiss over her cheek as he watched his son struggle with the thoughts."i will leave oyu with him.He seems to not know what to think about me...after all, I did try to kill his best friend on a regular basis."He muttered studying her.
Bellatrix smiled as he kissed her cheek, besides him holding her every now and again they really hadn't been to lovey with one another. Bellatrix gave him a look saying 'don't leave me alone with him...I can't handle that..' She didn't say it verbally though looking back at her son. Bellatrix shudder thinking who his best friends were.
Voldemort sighed, before looking at their son then her again."Maybe if we ask Narcissa to join us?After all, he said he got along with Draco.He's liable to know his mother."He said wisely, watching the gryffindor pace with a small smile
"Alright, would you like to get her or should I?" She asked seeing as he'd probably go because he seemed kinda awkward about this. Bellatrix smiled softly at her son a gryffindor who was now pacing the floor. Bellatrix took a few steps closer to him, "Are you okay..Sweetie?" She asked solftly.
"I'll get her."Voldemort said before going to track down Narcissa, knowing she had to be worried about her nephew.

Sebastian growled al ittle, stumbling back a step away from her."I'm fine!no. This cant be true.IT cant."He said positive they were up to something, using him to get to harry.
Bellatrix nodded as he said he'd go find her sister. Bellatrix jmped slightly as he stumbled a bit stepping away. "Well it is, I'm so sorry that I had to send you away, I didn't want you to get hurt, and if you were with me when the aurors found me they may have...." She couldn't continue, just to think that the minestry could have killed her child was heart wrenching. "I can't help that my brother-in-law sent you to an incompitant family...I wanted to keep you but when your father had been destroyed, 15 years ago now? I lost it, torturing two people to find him and bring him back so the three of us could have a happy life." Bellatrix explain or at least tried to explain it to him.

Narcissa was in the library reading a book wondering if they had found the boy.
Sebastian looked so hurt, and so confused at finding this out. it was like...he couldn't process this. it just wasn't getting any clearer to understand.Shuddering a little he studied her his hand closing around his wand.."Why?!why couldnt you stay,for me?"He asked, pain showing in his face.The pain of a boy who'd always thought he was abandoned by the family that had been his.

Voldemort sighed a little stepping into the room, tilting his head."Sebastian is here.I would like you to speak to him."He said smiling at her.
Bellatrix's eyes became saddend seeing him so hurt, Bellatrix saw the slight movement of his hand on his wand, she just whatched him, she didn't want to draw hers out knowing it would be a bad idea to. Bellatrix's head tilted to the side as he asked the first, 'why' then she gasped slight as if she had been stabbed in the heart. "I didn't ask to go to Azkaban, I wanted to stay with you love, but I couldn't. I couldn't live without either of you...I needed to find him, so we could raise you and care for you together, I was so heart broken by his.."passing." I thought by leaving you with my sister you'd be safe until Lucius sent you somewhere else. I was going to come back for you as soon as I was freed from that living hell. I did search for you that's why I had Draco looking, if I'm captured again I wont be let back out so I have to hide for the most part. Please love try to understand...I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere for a long time.." She stated again trying to explain through the pain of her son and her heart. If he was to hex her she wasn't going to fight him she'd let him, she's deserve it.

Narcissa looked over to the dark lord, Narcissa gasped as he told her that Sebastian was "home" "Yes my lord," she stated standing smiling walking over to the door.
Voldemort nodded a little as they walked back to the library, "He gets along with Draco.He might be calm if you talk to him."He said smiling a little as they walked in.

Sebastian frowned harder struggling to think.Because it hurt to not be enough,even if he hadn't known who she was before.Shaking his head he frowned his hand tightening around his wand as he looked ath te two coming in."Y-youre narcissa?Draco's mother?"He asked, stuttering, seeing his friend in narcissa's kind features.
"Oh that's great, yeah Bella can be a bit hasty." She stated she was glad that the boyss got along. Narcissa smiled lightly as she entered the room looking at how much Sebastian had grown.

Bellatrix started to become a little frightend as his hand kept growing tighter around his wand. Bellatrix clenched her teeth as a defense getting mentally perpared for a curse to be thrown at her.

Narcissa smiled at him as he turned his attention toward her,"Yes, Sebastian I be Narcissa, Draco's mum. Welcome to my home." She stated warmly and calmly.
Sebastian swallowed hard, looking between them all.He felt oh so confused, and betrayed that no one had ever told this to him before, even if he had been missing it still hurt."Why me?I didn't want this.You dont want a gryffindor for a son."He said watching them all,pain in those dark blue eyes.
Every word that he said felt like a dagger hitting her heart. It was sad to know or even think that her son didn't want her as his mother. "Yes it is strange for the heir of Slytherin to be placed in Gryffindor." Narcissa stated, but Bellatrix returned. "He had a choice Cissa the sorting hat was stuck between both houses." Bellatrix felt as if she was about to cry, she wasn't about to show weakness in front of her son, and she could no longer see the pain shining through his beautiful dark blue eyes. She stood up straight, "Well Sebastian, a pleasure meeting you." Bellatrix turned and gracefully walked off.
"Don't mind her, dear. She's not always all there anymore." Narcissa stated, trying to put her sisters situation nicely, not wanting to really think of her ordeal in Azkaban. 
Sebastian bit his lip looking so torn, and hurt that he'd hurt her.Despite not knowing her, he knew he had.Shuddering a little he looked at narcissa as Voldemort followed bellatrix out, rubbing his eyes."Can I go back to school?"He asked quietly, wanting nothing more then to track down drac and smack him for never telling him,even if he hadn't known they were related.He thought Draco should have known this.
Narcissa stayed with the boy as Voldemort went after Bellatrix, walking closer to him. "Of course you can return to school. I still can't believe they just took you...talking never works anymore." She stated, her sister had to be over dramatic and basically kiddnap the boy. "Oh hold on just a moment, when you return to school for you're own safety don't run around sharing that you are even related to the dark lord, or Bella. People won't hesitate to attack you, capture get them to come fully out of hiding. Another thing Draco has also just learned all of this never knowing you and he are cousins, we had no way to know if you were alive and we didn't need him harassing every Sebastian he met. I think that's it....Would you like to say goodbye to them, before I take you back?" Narcissa questioned and informed him.
Sebastian chewed on his lip, looking surprisingly like his father in that moment as he did his mother. Frowning harder before he looked at his friend's mother, before nodding."Please....I cant accept this...yet.But... I would say goodbye."He said softly, like the proper gryffindor, doing the thing he felt was right
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