The Missing Heir

"Yes...I understand it's alot to have sink in...Alright...hmm let's see when Bella's hiding where can she be found....doesn't it? But once we find Bella the Dark Lord will be with her. There either in the garden or the library, we'll check the library first..." She stated with a smile partucally thinking aloud. She walked to the door waiting for him to follow her.

Bellatrix not exactly crying was laying on one of the couches in the library crying her eyes put, nearly tuning everyone and thing out.
Voldemort sighed softly as he stroked her hair, looking down at the woman with her head in his lap."Love he's overwealmed.I'm sure he'll accept it given time."He said soothingly, raising a eyebrow when he saw the two, nudging bella a little."Bella."

"I...I'm going back to school.wanted to say goodbye."Sebastian said awkwardly.
Bellatrix nodded her head slightly as she rested it in his lap. "Yes you're right it just hurts..." she stated rubbing her eyes. Bellatrix sat up looking over at her sister and son. Bellatrix smiled lightly, "Alright, good luck in school, O.W.L year right? I'm sure we'll see you again." she stated.
Sebastian nodded awkwardly."..yes.And you probably will.I'll be getting on better terms with my cousin."He said laughing softly, amused. Knowing the gryffindors at least, were going to throw a fit about him befriending the prince of slytherin.Who's title fit him,despite sebastian being the true slytherin
Bellatrix wanted to jump up and wrap him in her embrace, but he was troubled enough afriad of how her son would react. Bella smiled slightly as he said she would see him again, hopefully he will have accepted that he has parents maybe not the ones he wanted but he had them. "Good luck...dear...Oh remember it's the families little secret, others have heard rumors which had probably died years ago..." She stated.
Sebastian snorted nodding before looking amused."No one will find it odder then usual that I'm getting along with draco.I've always gotten along with him."He said before looking at narcissa biting his lip."Can we go now?"
Bellatrix and Narcissa smiled brightly at him. "Yes, Sebastian we can go now, I'll be back." She stated before walking out of the room with him. "You ready? Hold on.." She stated grabbing hold of him disappearating to Hogwarts. After a bit they arrived, "Here you are, now be good, make sure Draco stays out of mischeif." She expressed.
"Draco?He nevers gets in mischief."He said with a bright grin, before going in search of the blond. Looking amused as he stopped in front of the slytherin dorm entrance way, hissing a command at the serpent painting to let him in ebfore walking in.After all, he was slytherin's heir, it was apporiate he was welcome here.....and hid his laughter at the sudden silence in the common room."Where's Malfoy?"
Narcissa smiled and waved him off, before dissappearating back to the manor.

All of the Slytherins stopped and looked at the Gryffindor who just entered giving him dirty looks not knowing he was the Slytherin heir. "Who peeched about the password?" Someone called and thee were light murmurs. Pansy Parkinson, came forward. "Not in here and you shouldn't be either." She said in an annoying tone of voice.
Sebastian sneered slightly, slipping easily into th act that was who he was normally. That mixture of gryffindor and slytherin."Where is he?"He said ignoring what amounted to a order to leave
"How should I know? We don't keep tabs on one another unlike you Gryffindors..." She replied. "Three options, with Snape..bathroom..or bother Potter.." She finished figuring he'd go away.
Sebastian rolled his eyes."Thanks, lady serpent.You are ever so courtous."He said bowing slightly looking amused as he set out to find his cousin. Needing to talk to someone his own age, and everyone but the malfoy heir was out of the question
Pansy rolled her eyes and hissed in return, as he left.

Draco was finishing up in the bathroom washing his hands, when he exited he saw his cousin. "Hey Sebastian..."
Sebastian gave him a look, resting a hand on his shoulder, shoving him back into the bathroom."We have to talk."He said making sure no one was in the bathroom before putting a silencing charm up so no one would hear them, tilting his head slightly."Did you know?"
Draco stumbled back into the bathroom as he shoved him in. "No not until today when Mother and Father came looking for you...I Knew Bellatrix and he was looking for you but I didn't know why." He responsed it was indeed the truth he knew no more than Sebastian did.
Sebastian looked slightly relieved, smiling a little."Oh.Well.That's good."He said rubbing his eyes."I'd hoped that was the case.I would have hated to know you didn't tell me earlier....cousin."He said with a snicker.
Draco laughed a bit, "Yeah that would have kinda sucked huh cousin? You know this explains quite a lot." He stated smiling at him.
Sebastian nodded leaning against the sink, grinning slightly."Like how I can stand to talk to you?Yea, it does.And your mother's nice.You're almost as pretty as she is."He teased."And I think I got you in trouble with pansy.I stopped by slytherin looking for you."
"...And How I can out up with you. yes, That she is, hahaha, very funny. What do you think of your mother?" He asked curiously wondering how it went in a sense. "You what? that's the one place you don't go looking for me..."
"Well,apparently I can, seeing as I walked in."He assured the man, looking amused before rubbing his eyes."She was....different."He said shrugging a little."I dont know.It's...just different."He said struggling to think of how to describe this."I was kidnapped.I dont know how to think of her."
"How'd you know the password?" He asked curiously. "Yeah...we hope once she's more settled she may become slightly normal again..." He stated though he never knew her as normal. "They kidnapped you? She normally doesn't kidnap she mainly tortures....she was probably following what the Dark Lord says, half the time she wont make a move until he says it's ok." Draco explained sticking up for her a bit not being all there and such.
"I didn't know the password.I just asked your guard snake to let me in."He said frowning a little, before looking amused."Oh."He bit his lip."I... yes.I ended up in a house.Probably yours,since your mother was there."He said looking so lost on what to think
"That's odd and it let you in? hm..." That didn't make any sense to him. "Yes, you were taken to Malfoy manor, that's where they are staying with mother, father, and I." He stated.
Sebastian nodded slightly, slouching,"I don't know what I'm going to do. Its not like I can talk to anyone.Well, except you. you dont count though, you're family."He said,feeling a keen ache to talk to his best friends, to get hermione's thoughtful opinion,but this wasnt something he ould tell her
"I don't'll have to come to terms eventually with it, I guess.." Draco stated, He was about to object but he was right Draco was family so it was different. "We'll if they said not to tell it's for a good reason."
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