The Missing Heir

"Oh, and you think I'd be safe admitting I was his son in this school?"He snorted laughing a little."I'd be liable to be tussed up like a christmas goose to be gifted to the highest bidder."
"That's not what I said, I was renforcing that since they told you not to tell, don't do it." Draco stated seriously, then laughing a little, "That's a strange way to put it."
"its true and you know it. Dumbledore'd have be as a hostage to wait for him to come get me.And harry..."He looked slightly hurt, not wanting to consider what his friends would do if he told them."No.I just cant tell anyone."He smiled a little.
"Yes, yes it is. He would so that's why he doesn't need to know, He'll trap and destroy us all if he finds out." Draco stated, he had nothing to say about Potter they had been rivals since they met. He nodded plcing a hand on his shoulder.
Sebastian sighed,smilng at his cousin, tilting his head."I...its weird.I feel alone now.nothing's going to be the same."He said sadly, more then anything, wanting to con..."Fuck!I gotta go.Gotta let hermione know I'm okay."He said,belatedly remembering where he'd left the others
"I'm sorry you're alone..." He stated feeling bad in a way for him, so much has happened. "Why do you need to report to Granger?" Draco asked slighly disgusted but more so curious.
Sebastian shrugged,blushing ever so slightly."She's a friend, and well...I was kidnapped in front of them.I should go tell them I'm fine."
"Oh so now it's them and not her?" He teased though repulsed by his own thought not sure if it was true. "Go on before they storm the manor looking for you." He said with a grin.
"Shut up malfoy."He whined a little heading for the door, blushing darker as he headed for the gryffindor tower.Not about to give his cousin more things to make fun of.
Draco laughed as he walked out of the bathroom, Draco waited a few minutes then went out going back to the Slytherian common room.
Sebastian smiled as he walked into the tower, sighing a little as he looked around, startled to see hermione the only one still up."Herm!"He said looking around for the boys.
Herminoe was studing like always, well not exactly she was too worried to study, so she was staring into the book. Herminoe looked up,she thought she was the only one awake. She looked at him her eyes going wide,"Sebastian," She whispered as she jumped up running over to him wrapping him in a hug. "You're back, how'd you get away?"
Sebastian yelped a little,before hugging her back."Ah well,it seems Draco was home for the evening.Got both of us out with his mother's help."He said lying smoothly,kissing her head."Worried?"He teased slightly.
"Draco? Home? SHe took you to Malfoy Manor? Is that where there staying we have to tell Harry and Dumbledore..That's strange that his mother helped you she's one of them..." SHe stated with excitement know one really knew where the Death Eaters were hiding, or at least Voldemort and Bellatrix.. "Yes,I've been worrried sick you were carried off by the Devil herself I saw you...Normally anyone taken by her doesn't return..."
Sebastian smiled,tightening his arms around her.Looking for a way to distract him, pressing a kiss to her forehead."Love, I'm fine.I promise. A few bruises maybe,but I'm okay."He said smiling at her.
Herminoe listend to him speak and breath then something dawned on her, "Sebastian did you just call me Love?" She asked couriously and confused.
Sebastian yelped a little,""he said his gryffindor courage abandoning him as he pulled away. Blushing slightly."I need sleep.I'll see you in the morning."he said heading for the stairs.
Herminoe stood there blinking still confused, she was blushing a bit too. "Sebastian!...Good Night..."She called and stated softly.
"Goodnight."Sebstian smiled disappearing upstairs.

The next morning Sebastian grinned at the shocked looks on Ron and harry's faces as he sat next to hermione,"Hey Herm.Sleep well?"he said ignoring the other two's stuttering.Not ready to talk about anything important.
Herminoe packed up her bags smiling, and went off to bed.

Yes Bastian, I did thanks..." She stated smiling a bit.
Harry swallowed hard."H-how?" Sebastian grinned,"My devilish good looks appealed to malfoy's mother. Sweet talked her into helping me...along with his help.they got me back here." "You were at te manor?" Sebastian shrugged."I dont know.Maybe."
Herminoe laughed at that Malfoy's mother cheaking him out, it was a funny thought. "Would you just tell us what happend?"
Sebastian made a face at her,turning to look at his cousin, then the girl again."What, you don't think I'm pretty enough to appeal to his mother?I should ask him that.It'd be amusing to see him change so many shades of red.."
"You're old enough to be her son, that's just creepy, Leave him be he's got others things to worry about besides messing with us.." She stated.
Sebastian pouted, snickering a little as Ron and harry stared at him."That's just wrong Bast."Harry said shaking his head. Sebastian shrugged,"What can I say, old people like me."He said blushing a little, looking at hermione.Trying not to think about calling her love the night efore.
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