The Missing Heir

"Maybe.If anyone does ask, I could say I'm visiting you."He said thoughtully, sighing as he studied his cousin."Things could get so complicated..."
"Yeah I suppose you could do that, people may give you stranger looks.... Yes, yes they can sometimes they get worse too." Draco stated kindly.
Sebastian grinned slightly."Malfoy, I already get strange looks because I actually LIKE you some of the time."He said running his fingers through his hair, glad that they'd settled things, before heading for the door."No more talking about hermione okay?"
"That's why I said Stranger...Sebastian." Draco said putting emphious on 'stranger.' Draco walked on, "In what way? At all? Or just negative?" Draco asked it would be difficult not to talk about her, he admired her intellect, but she was easy to bother and pick on.
Sebastian sighed, rolling his eyes."Just not badly."He said shrugging a little."Nothing to bad."He added running his fingersthrough his hair blushing a little, wondering where hermione was at the moment
"I can't make promises I can't keep...but, I'll try..." Draco stated.

Hermoine was in the Library studying, not like she really needed to but she wanted to ensure a high test score.
"All I can ask."Sebastain grinned as he left his cousin,going in search of the brunette, smiling as he slipped in a seat next to her."Learning anything new?"
Draco smiled a bit then walked off the the Slytherin common rooms.

Hermione was so in grossed in a book she hadn't seen him sit. She jumped when she heard him speak, realizing who was there she sighed, "Gave me a fight. Same old just refreshing."
"You're brilliant herm.You memorize things."HE teased, reading over her shoulder."You could probably take a test in your sleep and still pass."
"Thanks Bastian. Maybe...I don't want to try it though." She replied. "So what are you up to? Infighter you'd be with Harry or Ron or....Malfoy." Hermione asked.
Sebastian smiled,blushing ever so slightly."Ah, well I was.but I decided I'd come to see what you were doing. MAke sure you werent over studying."
"I like it in here...I enjoy reading and studying, plus I need to receive outstanding in all of my O.W.L.S." hermione replied looking at him then to the book.
She looked up at him, "No! That is not all I think about...I think about alot of things for your information." Hermione ststed slightly annoyed.
"Why do you need to know my thoughts? I think of everything." She questioned. "For example, I worry...Harry was having nightmares again...So he's in my thoughts, School, my friends...Ginny just had her heart broken... How Harry intends to stop you know who...and other things." She informed him, she wasn't about to tell him that she thought of him or how se thought of him.
Sebastian loked starled before smiling a little."I was just curious...I didn't mean to make you mad..."He said biting his lip before sighing."I'll talk to harry.Surely there's something I can do to help."
"I'm not...mad... just a little stressed." She stated lowering her tone a bit. "I doubt it Sebastain, he's just having nightmares Snapes helping him learn Occulemcy."
Sebastian looked startled."Snape?"He said gapnig a little. The idea of letting snape anywhere near harry's mind was shocking in itself.
"Yes, Snape, Oh we must have forgotten to tell you...sorry we're not too keen on the idea but it's on Dumbuldore's orders, Harry needs to learn it to keep you know who out of his mind..." She stated.
"yea...but snape's...snape.He hates him. And he wont be liable to want to help him that much."He said biting his lip, wondering if he could get draco's opinion on this without to much attention.aFter all, the blond knew snape the best
"Well...yes...I know, but we trust Dumboldore so we have no say in it. Weather Snape wants to or not he has to because of Dumbledore. Oh but don't tell anyone, if anybody asks he's taking remedial poshions."
Sebastian snickered laughing softly shaking his head."Not even potter could suck at potions enough to need to take extra potions."He sighed softly."Better hope no slytherins ask whats up, they'll know somethings wrong."
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