The Missing Heir

Sebastian grinned at him, amused."True."he sighed a little shaking his head."I'll find you later."He said before heading back to the gryffindor common rooms.
"Alright catch you later," Draco said heading off to his common room.

Hermione was sitting in the common room waiting for Ron to return from Quidditch, and Harry to return from Snape while she wait she sat and read a book nothing new on her part but instead of studing this one was for fun.
Sebastian smiled as he walked in sitting down next to her, smiling sadly as he studied her. Wondering how long it'd take her to notice
Hermione was quite int her book, not really paying much attention, thinking she heard the door open and close. She looked up not seeing anything, until she turned her head she jumped not realizing he was there. Hermione smiled then it quickly faded as she remembered what had happened earilier. Holding her head kinda high, "What do you want?" She asked emotionlessly.
Sebastian flinched a little looking at the ground."I wanted to say goodbye...and that mcgongall and snape have given me permission to switch houses."He said slowly.
Hermione's eyes widened, "What? Goodbye?" She stated shocked, her eyes then became worried. "Why....Why would you want to do that?" Her breathing became heavy as she felt her heart tearing.
Sebastian shrugged looking around the room."Because Draco's there, and he doesn't annoy me about who I call a friend. and...I think like them.It'll be a good place for me."
The light in Hermione's eyes faded, swallowing. "Yes....your friend...Draco's there. Yes I suppose you do...If that's what you think so be it...I won't preech to you how odd it is or my thought's..." She stated softly, not yelling not fussing at the same trying to let this sink in. Taking a breath, "Goodbye Sebastian." Her voice was airy and soft. Her heart ached and was torn, not expecting this from him, not at all.
He bit his lip a little watching her."....tell me what you think."He said softly, wanting to know.needing to know she'd really miss him,and almost, this almost be worth staying if she'd really miss him. No matter how difficult or complicated, and painful it was going to be.
Hermione looked at him, "....No...I don't want my thoughts to ruin your, thought out plain, or for us to be angry with the other...." She stated pausing a moment. "Besides my other thoughts were silly...." Her head lightly fell for her to look at her lap, a tear staining her face, "Just go..Sebastain just...go..." Her voice faultered a bit, her heart was in rivets, a few more silent tears had fallen her body shook lightly.
Sebastian bit his lip, swallowing hard. Getting up slowly he crouched down by her chair, wrapping his arms around her, holding her gently."I'm sorry Hermione...I thought you would find it easier if I wasn't here..."he said slowly.
Hermione turned her face away from him not wanting him to see her crying. Once she was in his embrace she wrapped her arms around him. "Why?...Why would you think that?" She questioned softly.
Sebastian shrugged a little,biting his lip."You seem happier and more at ease when I'm not can talk freely if I'm not."He siad sighing a little.
She thought a moment, "How would you know if I'm at ease or happy if you're not there to see...I can talk freely...that's not all we talk about you know..." She stated he was starting to confuse her, which wasn't easy to do.
Sebasian sighed, leaning back to look at her, biting his complicated as it could be, he wanted her still."Do you want me to stay?"
Hermione still refused to show her face, "If you want to leave, I'm not holding you here...You can go or stay if you want to..." She said trying to sound calm.
Sebastian sighed studying her, runing his fingers through her hair."Hermione. Do you want me to stay?"he asked leaning back to look at her.
Hermione looked at him for the first time showing her tear stained face. She nodded her head slightly, "Yes, I want you to stay....but if you want to leave...I still won't stop you from going." She stated softly, she sounded rather pathetic.
sebastian smiled a little, wrapping his arms around her, pressing a kiss to her head."No,I'll stay. draco's not so desperate for my company."
Hermione cuddled into him as he held her, smiling that he wasn't going to switch houses after all. "Okay...are you sure about that, he is pretty desperate..." She giggled softly.
Sebastian snickered a little."Maybe desperate to make his hair look good."He said, amused. Because it was a well known fact his cousin was obsessive complusive about his hair.
Hermione made a face like she was about to protest, then sighed, "Yeah there is that thing with his hair..." She stated Draco was strange about his hair and how he wore it.
She sniffled a bit, "I'm not go on ahead, plus I'm waiting for Harry and Ron." She stated smiling a bit.
Sebastian noddedsighing softly as he headed upstairs.

"What are you thinking about?"Harry asked smiling a little as he walked into the common room tilting his head at his best friend
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