The Missing Heir

He smiled a little."sleep well."He said before disappearing upstairs.

In the morning Sebastian sighed softly as he settled in the potions lab seat, smiling slightly as he looked at hermione as she sat next to her, leaning back a little to look at draco. Looking so ton, he had no idea how to keep his world from crashing together. That of being a gryffindor student, and a dark lord's heir. this was so confusing.
Hermione smiled slightly, "You too Ron." Once he was gone she gathered her things and went up to the girls room.

Hermione smiled back at him as she sat next to him instead of her seat by Harry, which Ron was now in. Hermione took out her books and her quil, being prepared for what Snape would ask of them.

Draco looked over at his cousin, he guessed the news of him leaving didn't go so well. He probably changed his mind which was going to make his life hell. Eventually both sides would meet he wouldn't be able to hide his family or hide Hermione from them. Draco shrugged his shoulders, he hadn't a clue of what the next move would be.
Sebastian sighed, looking defeated for a moment. This was going to be such a mess.

After class Sebastian sighed as he ignored the slytherins glaring at him as he fell into step with Draco giving his cousin a look."You said it'd be easy to change houses."He whined quietly.
Hermione waited for him until she noticed he was off with the Slytherins, then she caught up with Harry and Ron.

Draco looked at Sebastian, "It should have been...what happened?" Draco asked curiously knowing it had something to do with Hermione.
Harry smiled slightly looking at her."You could go walk with him if you want."He said tilting his head towards the two cousins walking ahead of them.

Sebastian sighed softly in frustration."She cried. She didnt want me to go... then I couldn't."
Hermione looked at Harry shaking her head slightly, "No that's okay he's with him...." She stated and she wasn't about to be seen walking with Draco.

Draco looked at him in disblief, "Because she cried...You need to man up about this...I know you have feelings for her but in the long run it's for the know itt don't want to see her hurt...." Draco stated it was rather cold to say and probably in the same situtation he'd be the same. "I don't know you're going to have to figure this out."
harry's head snapped up, looking startled as sebastian slugged draco in the arm."Hmmm maybe they will be fighting..."

sebastian winced as he slugged his cousin, glaring at him."Malfoy, as if you'd be any better."He sneered a little, pain showing behind the anger."Now.I think I've spent enouh time in your company for the day."
Hermione winced slightly as Sebastian hit Draco, never thinking he would be much of a fight. "Seem's like it...." She stated meakly like a lump was in her throat.

Draco held his arm shocked by what his cousin had just done, "I'm not saying I would be." He stated angered then punched his cousin with the same force, "I'm just giving you the facts...Agreed.." Draco snapped and started to walk away.
Sebastian glared after his cousin.More then anything else wanting to follow and pick a fight, just to get the anger and pain ut of his system. tilting his head as he heard harry and hermione talking.

Harry sighed softly."You could talk to him."He muttered looking at hermione, wondering what was annoying the dark haired gryffindor now. it wasnt often he picked fights with draco
Hermione saw Draco storm off holding his arm as he went, looking at Sebastian, then at Harry, "Perphapse you're right," She sighed a bit, "I'll catch up with you later then." Hermione walked away from him then up to Sebastian. Hermione smiled softly with a look of worry on her face, "Hey...everything okay?" She asked of course it wasn't they just hit one another, but that's she could think to ask.
Sebastian smiled, pain behind it before saying slightly sarcastically."perfect. Me and Malfoy usually haul off and punch each other all the time."He said before sighing, "Sorry. You're not the one I'm annoyed with."He added. Well yes she was, but there was nothing he could tell her
Hermione heard the pain in his sarcasum, her smile faded. "I was only asking, checking...making sure you were allright...." She stated looking down, "It's okay I saw...I know you're upset...sorry about...whatever happened..." Hermione stated not knowing what went on here. "You wanna go walk so you can cool down?" She asked curiously...for the first time feeling kinda awkward with him.
"Let's.A walk sounds good."He smiled a little, heading for the front hall, wanting to walk outside, after all it was nice out. walking with her quietly, before he sighed."draco just pointed out some things that are better left not saying. Moronic pureblooded norontic bastard that he is."
"Okay," Hermione smiled at him walking with him to the front hall, heading outside. "I see...So he's just being Draco?" She questioned as they walked. After a bit Hermione's head was clouded...she wanted to tell him how she felt but was afraid too.
"yea.Just draco being draco."he said shrugging a little, and it was true.After all, draco never lied to him, had always told him the truth, no matter how much sebastian didn't want to hear about it.
"Makes sense if not Draco who would he be...after all." She stated smiling slightly, though knowing he was a pompious spoiled prat, she was attempting to make Sebastain feel better. "So....You ready for Hogsmeade weekend?"
Sebastian grinned a little, nodding happily.'oh yea. It'll be nice to get out of the castle for awhile."He said, looking amused and happy with the idea of some free time. Working on how to ask her out.
Hermione smiled, "....and it's supposed to be nice the weather man said...So that makes it better." She stated, though she wouldn't admit it out loud Hermoine needed a break from studying.
"For once I have to agree with you, I could use a well deserved break." She stated with a smile she had been over working herself, burried in her studies. "But on the other hand I still have so much work to cram in before our tests, i may end up staying at Hogwarts." She stated not like there was much to do during Hogsmeade weekend anyway.
sebastian looked startled, shaking his head."You can't do that.Everyone needs a break.Even you."he said wrapping a arm around her shoulders, giivng her a half hug."Relax, you'll do fine."
"I could do it, as a precaution.... Why can't I, do it? Besides the fact a break would be" Hermione stated then started lightly teasing him, about why he didn't want her too hoping that he wanted to hangout without worry about school. "Thank you, how can I relax when they are so close...?"
"Thats only 60 days there's still so much to do though...I guess I'll just stay back you can go have fun keep an eye out for Harry and Ron for me." She stated hoping he'd ask her out or something, 'Maybe he doesn't like me..' She thought.
\Sebastian looked startle.d"No!You have to come with me to lunch. I need some fun."He said stuttering a little blushing.
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