The Missing Heir

Hermione watched him go up to the boys room, then sunk back into her chair, stairing into the fire. She quickly looked toward the door, seeing Harry she smiled a bit, "'s nothing..." She stated smiling back at him .
Harry sat down next to her, looking concerned before glancing towards the stairs she'd been watching."I assume sebastian's back?"He asked amued.
"Huh?...Oh yeah he came back not too long ago...he was going to switch houses...." Hermione informed Harry, that was still on her mind, plus practically melting in his arms as he craddled her, holding her. "Why do you assume that?" she asked not realizing how obvious she had been.
Harry looked startled at the idea of Sebastian switching, frowning as he thought about it before answering her question."Oh, you have that awestruck look you always get around him."he teased
Hermiones mouth dropped, "What look? Why didn't you tell me I had a look when I was around him....?" She questioned paniced a bit she never realized she did anything different around him.
Harry snickered softly."Oh that soft smile, the one you only give hwehe's being partically vexing."he said amused that she was panicking.
"Harry this is not funny!! I don't tease you about Ginny!" Hermione through back at him. Putting her face in her hand.
Harry sighed blushing slightly."Sorry herm.if it helps I dont think Sebastian's noticed."He laughed a little."For a observant person, he's highly unobservate when it comes to girls."
She nodded, "Really? I hope not, expescially when I don't realize I'm doing it...." She smiled slightly, "Yes indeed he is, or at least me if he was then he would already know I've liked him for quite a while." Hermione stated that was the first time she'd actually said it aloud, weather Harry knew it or not. She sighed, "I'm so pathetic..." She stated still thinking about what just happened how she had broke down into tears because Sebastian wanted to leave.
Harry smied a little at that, "You'e not pathetic."He assured her, sighing a little."You could just tell him you like him."He pointed out."He listens to you more then anyone else.Everyone knows it."
Hermione looked at him, as he stated that she wasn't pathetic, "I most certianly could not...I'm awkward with such things, Well yes he does but...I can't Harry it's too difficult." She stated this coming from some one who thinks school is a breeze, who can fight dementors and trolls, and being friends with Harry, that was challaging but easy, telling Sebastian she had feelings for him, that was hard and frightening.
harry looked surprised, smirking slowly."This is from the woman who fought everything?Who convinces me and ron everything will be fun?Come on Hermione.You can do it."
Hermione's eyes went wide, shaking her head."Oh no I can' to be left alone." She stated afraid and nervous
harry sighed shaking his head thoughtfully before smiling."Well then. We'll just have to make sure he wants to stay here in gryffindor with you."He teased lightly getting up."Come on.Lets go to bed herm."
"He said he'd stay...I hope he wasn't lying...." She stated knowing how Draco was and since Sebastian was hanging about him for some reason, she hoped he didn't pick up anything. "Shouldn't we wait for Ron to return from quidittch?"
Harry nodded a little, "probably."he sighed smiling slightly when the red head walked in.

Ron smiled, tilting his head a little."What are you two talking about?You look serious."He teased walking over to the two, holding his broom
"You know how he is he'll be fussy if we weren't..."She stated knowing how Ron could get. She smiled softly as he came in, "Hey Ron...Uh was quidittch?" She asked avoiding his question, having a feeling he'd taunt her further.
Ron smiled tilting his head a little."Good.We got a good team going this year.Though we miss you as a seeker harry."

Harry smiled tilting his head, shrugging a little."Ginny will do fine."
" Well that's great, how are your new beaters now that Fred and George are no longer there?" She asked curiously, since the tree of them were banned. "Agreed Ginny will do just fine." She smiled at them yawning a bit.
"They're doing okay. Not as good as the twins, but then who is?"Ron smiled slightly."If only I could get sebastian near a broom, I'm sure he'd be able to whack the shit out of something."
Hermione smiled, "True I have to admit, they're good." she stated. As he mentioned Sebastian her smile faulterd a bit and she shurgged, "Maybe..."
Hermione winced slightly hearing the jealousy in his voice, she felt as if her heart was hit with a whip. "He does not..." she stated, not that she really paid much attention to the things he did.
Harry laughed, before stopping. "sorry herm.But sebastian would walk on hot coals if you asked him to."He said amued, getting up. "Come on ron, we need to get some sleep."

ron smled a little getting up, kissing hermione's cheek."Goodnight."
Hermione was about to protest but stopped, not sure how to word it. 'Hot coals would be painful.' she thought, blushing a bit. "Goodnight Harry" she stated as he walked by her. Hermione smiled a little as Ron kissed her cheek, "Good night Ron" she stated. Hermione felt bad for liking Sebastian, Ron has been her friend forever, and she could tell he liked her.
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