The Missing Heir

Hermione rolled her eyes, "Yes but if you notice Snape tends to fail Harry for no reason....Well if they ask you don't tell them...I knew it would have been a misstake to tell you..." She stated, but her mind had been racing and she wants to trust him.
Sebatian looked pained as he pulled away from her."As if I don't have better things to do then talk about potter."He said standing, heading for the doorway.Avoided enough he needed to go do something else
Herminoe scoffed, "Potter? He's your friend, You're starting to sound just like that nucence Malfoy." She called after him, she was hurt.
SEbastian paused glancing over his shoulder at her, hurt and anger showing in his eyes."Well, since you wont share things with me, or ridcule me for spending time with him, I guess its easier to sound like him."He said before going in search of his cousin, pain ripping his heart apart.
She watched him as he walked then stopped. It wasn't her falt for not sharing things with him Harry and Ron tells her not to. She watched until he was gone. She returned her book and took off out the door running to the girls restroom, once there she hid in a stall and started crying.Draco was walking around with Crabb and Goyle not really doing much of anything.When he saw his cousin, he sent the other two away seeing something was wrong..."Sebastain what's wrong?"
"Apparently I'm not to be trusted with things because I get along with you."he said loking upset and defeated, falling into step with him.
Draco was confused by this, "What do you mean exactly...Are they keeping secrets from you?" Draco asked loooking at his upset cousin.
Sebastian nodded staring at the ground."Of course they are. Despite being the trusting gryffindors that they are, they dont trust me."
"Well then....They don't trust you because you're chumy with me, afraid that you'll tell me their little secrets, plus you had a choice and since you're the opposite of Potter, you get along with us..." Draco trird to explain it but it was a confusing dissusion. "How'd you find out?"
"I know that. But they should know better then to think I tell you everything."He sighed running his fingers through his hair frustrated."Just things that they didn't want anyone else to know. And they thought I had nothing better to do then gossip like a girl....well. I dont. But I wouldnt tell everyone."
Draco rolled his eyes, "Well, that's how they are..."Draco stated flatly. "I see...yeah there really isnt anything else to do around here." Draco concluded.
Sebastian snickered laughing a little as he looked at hte blond, running his fingers through his hair."I just..I don't know. I just want her to trust me."He said, the guys he didnt care...well he did,but he wanted hermione to trust him.
Though Draco didn't like his taste in women, Sebastain was his cousin he had to try and help him."Well...maybe she just needs time...?" Draco said, knowing the one he wanted to impress was the female of the group.
Sebastian lauged a little,"Maybe."he snorted before looking at his cousin, amused that even if he didnt like her, he was willing to help."You're being awfully nice considering who we're tlking about."
Draco laughed a bit, "Yeah, a sense we're friends so I figured I'd try to lend a hand. Plus if you feel that strongly about...her, I can't change your mind or "ban" you from her." Draco replied, he really hated that group but Sebastain was is cousin and Draco never had family his age close enough to discuss things like this with. The only time he delt with it was when Pansy was after someone. Draco could come right out and say that's what family's are for.
Sebastian laughed grinning at him."I'd like to hear you trying to ban me from her."He said before swallowing.Pain in his eyes."Will....mother be angry about this?"He asked, worried.Wondering if he should pull away for her safety.
"I wouldn' you even know if she likes you back?" Draco asked curiously. Draco noticed the quick change in his deminor. For a moment Draco didn't reply he wasn't quite sure, but he had a very good feeling. "Well considering she's a mud....considering what she is... and what you're mother's lines are, I'm certain she won't be thrilled with the idea nor would....your father. But then again after finding you after losing you for 14 years, they be shocked if your dating someone and who knows they may be...more leniant. Another thing if you and her start to date eventually both sides will meet you won't be able to keep your parents a secret..." Draco instructed this was a sticky situation
Sebastian cursed quietly."Oh hell.I really can't date her."He sighed dejectedly. Even not knowing how hermione felt, he knew he couldn't involve her in this.not when she was best friends with harry potter, "... your right. I can't do this..."
Draco was glad but also sad about it. "I'm sorry mate..." He stated he knew that he really liked her but looking at it logically, dating her wouldn't be feasible. Also looking at it threw death eater eyes, and since his parents were the two most feared witch and wizard of all time, until their death he may not be able to date anyone.
Sebastian sighed a little looking over at him,shrugging."It's...okay I guess."He rubbed his eyes.'I should go say goodbye.And set about making srue she never wants to date me..."
Draco felt bad for his cousin, "Wait, goodbye? what do you mean you'll be seeing her all year. Don't do something drastic you have air of both and sometimes the other takes over..." Draco stated trying to make sure whatever he was about to do he wouldn't regret it.

Hermione finally calmed herself after sitting in the girls restroom awhile, talking with Mertle. She rubbed her eyes wiping away whatever tears that remained or what was still in her eyes. Leaving the bathroom heading to the Gryffindor common room.
Sebastian laughed a little, running his fingers through his hair, sighing softly. "I have to say goodbye, because its the only way to keep from wanting to date her."He smiled wider."And goodbye...well, I'll just make a outsider of myself."
"Oh I see...." Draco bit his lip a little, he looked fairly similar to his mother when he did such. He was glad that he wasn't worried about wanting to date anybody yet. Draco smiled, "Sebastian...sorry to break it to you but you're a Gryffindor who hangs out with a Slytherin, You're already an outcast." Draco joked a bit hoping to cheer him up.
Sebastian snickered shaking his head."This is true.But I should have been a slytherin, and would have, had you not been a royal prat in telling me my robes looked second hand.Which they were."He said bumping his cousins shoulder.
"Well you made a choice, it happens...Yeah there is that, but I'm like that to everyone...not so much you now. I'm sure Mother and Father will buy you new robes, if you ask them. If it's any constilation I never really viewed you as a Gryffindor anyway I think that's another reason we got along." Draco bumped him back.
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