The Missing Heir

"Harry's right, that's rather creepy." Herminoe agreed. She rolled her eyes, she wasn't old and she liked him, she just never said it out loud. On the contary him calling her Love and his dashing escape was all on her mind.
Sebastian snickered,"I got to talk to malfoy.Things to plot and plan."He said kissing hermione's head as he got up heading for the slytherin table, sitting down next to draco, ignoring the looks he was getting. He didn't care,and he was feeling recklessly stupid."Hermione doesn't think your mother likes me.She does doesn't she?"He said looking at him
Hermione's smile faded, "Plot and plan?...For what?" She asked after he kissed her head and left her with the boys. "He's been acting strange since he returned..."

Draco didn't look at him as he kept eating. Pansy was just staring at the Gryffindor who sat down. Draco wascomfused by the question, "Uhh I don't know... I wasn't there when you met her. But she brought you back to school so I assume so..." he responded not sure wwhat his cousin was up to.
Harry nodded."We'll talk to him.He's always been odd, but this is getting weirder."He said studying the dark haired man as he talked to malfoy.

Sebastian smirked, "Ah well, they wanted to know how I got away. I told them your mother found me so charming that she just had to help me out."
She nodded in away she kinda liked how he was acting, she kept getting a kiss from him which gave her butterflies. "Yes indeed..."

"Well don't tell rediculous stories now..." Draco stated with a joking sneer.
Sebastian snickered, sneering back.Fitting as easily in with the slytherins as he did with gryffindors."Ah, but alas, that is my everlasting problem. All women find me utterly endearing.Your mother is not exempt from this."
Draco was not about to disguss about his mother, because it could result in problems. "You're so full of it, and stop talking about me mother like that.."
Sebastian snickered,"Okay but only for you draco."He smiled tilting his head a little."Though, Hermione's looking curious over there.I should visit with you more often."He said blushing slightly
Draco sneered at his comment. "Somebody likes that Granger is paying attention..." he joked but was slightly disgussed
"Well yes I do, but at least I'm not trying to get a mudbloods attention." Draco said not meaning it fully bad he was still being cocky and joking around with the slytherins there.
SEbastian's smile fell,glaring at his cousin."Do not call her that, c-malfoy."He said correcting himself, humor fleeing at the insult.
Draco realized he hurt his cousin, he couldn't help it. It was how he was, on top of that he's a death eater trying to rid the world of mudbloods. Draco rolled his eyes putting on a front as the Slytherins laughed.
Sebastin sighed tilting his head, getting up."Ah, well it's been grand talking to you, but I have better things to be doing.Maybe writing your mother."He said with a slight smile,telling the truth as he walked away.
Draco rolled his eyes as his cousin walked away, it didn't matter that he was writing his mother that was all he could talk to, except hiding letters to his own mother. Draco start to converse with others.
After classes Sebastian smirked a little as he shoved Draco a little, glad for once the man was alone."No name calling,brat."He growled softly."Well. At least not hermione."
Draco laughed as he was shoved by his cousin, "Brat? You're one to talk." He joked basically non verbally agreeing to not speak badly about Granger.
Sebastian snickered"I'm not the one who lives in a mansion. I am not a brat. Spoiled brat is what you are, and everyone knows it."
" not yet but knowing them you will...Indeed I be spoiled I won't denigh that.." Draco joked backed laughing a bit
Sebastian looked startled, his eyes widening slightly."A mansion?REally?"He stared, having not even thought about what he'd do after school. He'd been to worried about what was going on right now.
" boy like you I thought you'd figure that on out, unless they decide to move out you'll be at Malfoy Manor, They won't let you go back to where ever you were."Draco explained to him, Bellatrix would kidnap him again if he left.
"Oh..."Sebastian bit his lip looking at the ground, rubbing his hands over his fae, looking at him."I...this is just weird!"
"Yeah it kinda is...I mean you'll probably have a choice but...your safest bet is the manor." Draco said rubbing the back of his neck.
Sebastian nodded little at him,"And whatever do I tell Hermione?I cant excty; show up at the manor without tellng everyone why I'm there."
"Hmmm...Well you can say you're spending the Hoilday's and breaks there...or you could just not say a word about it, and show up...No body would have to know that you'll be at the manor besides Mum, Dad, Aunt, Uncle, Him, and random D.E's that are always in and out." Draco stated trying to think of ways he could just go..
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