Love begets hate

Lucius laughed snuggling against her, resting his head on her shoulder, whining as she sat up,"Stay.we don't have anywhere to be. And draco's old enugh to take care of himself in the mornings."

Rudlphus smiled pressing a kiss to her head, wrapping his arms around her waist as he pulled her snugly against him."You okay?"he asked looking at her. REading her mood better then anyone but lucius had ever been able to do.
"Oh..Alright since there's nothing to do, Draco it old enough." She smiled giggling again. Narcissa still felt as if something was off, "Are you alright love?" She asked petting his long locks.

Bellatrix giggled as he pulled her back into bed with him, cuddling with her. Smiling Bella stated, "Yes dear I'm fine, just a little out of it thats all, it is earily." She turned slightly giving him a kiss on the cheek.
Lucius sighed softly, smirking against her skin."Am I really acting that oddly?"He said struggling to stop being odd. Yet his guilt was eating him up. Because despite loving his wife, he wanted bellatrix, with the deepache of passion denied. "I'm fine.Really."

Rudulphus frowned a little at herefore smiling."If you say so.."He said stroking her hair, kissing her again."Now.Breakfast in bed my love?"
"Only slightly love," She stated giving him a concerned smile. There was something up but she let it die out, figuring it was nothing major. She wasn't as good at reading Lucius as Bellatrix was. "Alright dear," She stated caressing his face with her hand.

Bellatrix smiled warmly turning to look at him again, "Sure dear that sounds lovely." She stated, snuggling back down she bit at her lip. What was she to do she didn't like this feeling. How could such a magical night lead to a sour morning?
Lucius laughed softly, turning his head to press a kiss to her palm, tugging her closer to him.Guilt eating him alive.Hating that something so amazing as last night, could make him feel this horrible."I love you."He said, absently running his fingers through her hair.

Rudulphus smiled slightly, summoning a elf to get breakfast, before looking at his wife."What would you like?"He said looking at the el again."I want some pancakes and strawberries."He added sighing softly.
Narcissa smiled at him, "I love you too," She nestled into Lucius as he pulled her close to him. It was a glorious morning so far, Lucius seemed to be over whatever it was going back to his normal self.

Bellatrix wrinkled her nose in thought she wasn't sure what she wanted that morning. Her mind was elsewhere,food wasn't her main concern. "Umm...I'll just have the same..." She stated without yelling at the pitiful creature standing in front of them. Normally if she wanted something at least from an house elf she'd try to strike fear into it, all besides Kreature. He was the only one she liked. Bellatrix cuddled into her husband lovingly, she was acting similar to that of a child wanting to be held.
Lucius sighed,kissing her again."So what are you doing today?"He muttered stealing another kiss,absently running a hand down her side, sighing softly as the memory envoked a memory bellatrix.

Rudulphus smiled slightly waving house elf off, smiling as he shifted her, leaning back against the headboard,wrapping his arms around her as he tugged her into his lap,gently kissing her head."Love, whats wrong?"He asked looking worried.She was acting oddly.
Narcissa made a similar face that Bellatrix made when she thought,"Nothing that I know of, yet...I may take a walk later though." she stated she couldn't remember having an appointment or plans. Narcissa giggled as his hand ran down her side, "That tickles love."

'Why am I so easy for people to just move?' She thought as she had been shifted around so many times in the past 24 hours. "Hmm...nothing dear, it's nothing...I'm fine." She stated smiling slightly.
Lucius grinned at her,tickling her again, his heart twisting at the look on her face."Ahh but love, you look so cute when you giggle."he said.

Rudulphus sighed, kissing his light weighted wife's head as he wrapped her in his arms snuggly, worried about her."If your sure..."He said watching her, jumping a little when the house elf appeared with their food.
Narcissa's body twisted as he tickled her. She giggled again at his words and by his actions, unable to see the pain in his heart.

Bellatrix sighed, "You really wanna know?" She asked him. She could tell he knew something was up. "I...I haven't been a very good wife, have I?" Bella said as this was true, she couldn't really give her heart to Ruduphus because it was Lucius's. "I mean for years I've dewelled on my loss of so many years ago...and ended up mixed in all of this, and I haven't been very fair..." She continued telling part of the truth, but needed to think of something clever, to tell him. Bellatrix jumped as she heard the elf return, also feeling her husband jump.
Rudulphus sighed softly taking the tray of food from the elf, shooing it away before looked at bellatrix, sighing again."Bella, while it hasn't been...perfect. Or easy, I do enjoy being married to you. And you let me take care of you,that's all I ever wanted."He said with a smile
Bellatrix smiled at him, the knife was in her heart twisting again. She indeed felt bad for him he loved her, and put up with her for 20 years while she loved another, lost their child, became crazy, and he still stood by her even after they had been in Azkaban. "I'm sorry..." She whispered with a tear in her eye, She could remember if he had seen her cry. She was upset because, she cheated, she felt bad, she still blamed herself and feeling he blamed her too for losing their unborn child.
Rudulphus looked startled when he felt her hears drop onto his bare chest, shifting to look t her."Hey, hey hey. No crying love.Don't be sorry. I knew going in that you were in love with Lucius."He said softly gently strking her hair, crying to calm her down, his heart twisting because he felt he was a fault for not being able to spare ehr from the pain of seeing the blond man.Shifting slightly he bit his lip."Love, Rabastan offered to lend us the money if we wanted to get a place of our own. Nothing big or anything,but ours.If its to hard to be here,with him."He said worried that the blond had said something cruel to her
Bellatrix bit on her lower lip, she hasn't realized her tears had actually started to fall. "I can' too many emotions being locked up for so long..." She stated it wasn't just her who was locked in a hell hole but she had shut away all of her emotions. Bellatrix's eyes grew wide when he suggusted Rabastan lending them money for there own place. Sure it would be nice, but not when she had found Lucius again, knowing he still loved her more than her sister. Her eyes went back to normal, "Maybe we should wait a bit though...I mean it's only recent that we've escaped if we leave now we have a higher chance of being captured again, Lucius works with the ministry, We're fully protected here." She stated plus she'd probably go mad after getting used to seeing him every day, to not really seeing him
Rudulphus's sigh stirred her hair before he nodded, pressing a kiss to her forehead."We are."He said smiling slightly even as the knife in his heart twisted. He knew the other reasn she didn't want to go.Besides lucius's job, it was lucius that kept her here...and Draco, Draco who was so much like the younger Lucius. Smiling a little he shifted so he could eat."Come on love, eat something.You'll feel better for it."He said coaxingly, his own scars from azkaban went deep,but he hardly ever let anyone know just how scarred he was from the experience.
"Okay..." She smiled at him. Her heart lifted a bit knowing he wouldn't make her leave. "Alright, I'll eat..." Bella stated she was no longer in the mood for food but knowing it would make her husband happy, which was the least she could do. Bellatrix moved oved giving him room so they could eat comfortably.
"Good."He smiled a little as they ate, sighing softly.Eating contentedly, "Feel better?"He asked looking at the woman as they finished eating, smiling as he set the plates on the bedside table, looking slightly worried dabout her still.
She picked at her food playing with it a bit before she started eating. She nodded her head, "Yeah much better, Dear." Bella stated giving him a warm smile. Though she really wasn't, her heart was being devoured by pain.
He smiled slightly at her, pressing a kiss to her head."We'll do something today. Just you and me.It'll be fun.You'll feel better."He said brushing his fingers through her hair thoughtfully, wishing he could make her feel better then what she was.
"Alright...What should we do? We're normally always working, We haven't done anything non-work related since...since...Before Askaban" She stated, She really didn't want to do anything but her guilt was killing her. If it wasn't for her guilt she would've told him that The Dark Lord asked her to do something.
Rudulphus frowned slightly as he studied his wife, tilting his head. He wasn't as dense as some people thought he was. He knew something was wrong, and...since she wouldn't tell him,she assumed it had to do something with him. Biting his lip a little he shook his head getting out of bed, starting to dress."Nevermind.I just remembered I have to go see Rabastan today anyways."He said the cold distance in his voice hiding the hurt.
Seeing his frown She tilted her head and frowned as well. "Rudulphus...come back to bed, surely Rabastan can wait until later." She pouted a bit, she hurt him and she knew it, not that it was anything knew on her part. Bellatrix didn't want to be left alone knowing Lucius would be with Narcissa probably all day. Bellatrix rose out of bed for the second time that morning. She wasn't trying to be rude about them doing something together it had been a long time.
Rudulphus frowned as he looked at his wife, semi long hair shaggily hanging in his face as he studied her. Even at 37, there was never a woman who could wound him as deeply, or make him as cagey and insecure as the woman he married."He could...."He trailed off searching her face, wondering if she really wanted him to stay.
Some of Bella's curly hair fell in her face as she leaned against the bed post, looking pitiful.
"Yes...he could...pwease...stay here...wif me?" Bellatrix stated in a sweet, pitiful, mock baby voice. He was easy to hurt she didn't mean to hurt him. Bella reached her hand out slightly hoping to get him to stay, she didn't want to be alone or to have him think she had done something with her old lover.
Ruulphus's smile grew a little before laughing softly, sliding his fingers through hers."Of course."she said picking her up,amused as he kissed her again."Love, you need to eat more."he informed his feather light wife before crawling back in bed with her, laying back as he cuddled against her.
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