Love begets hate

Bella lay there looking at him as he seemed to contemplate what he was doing. Then he stood, her body had goose bumps as he left her there exposed. Bellatrixs eyes widen at the sight of him, he was like a god, he was in shape when they were young too but he had grown in built. "You always were and always will be." She stated smiling at him his hair radiant from his body. Her smile then faded looking at Jim then looking at herself, Bellatrix used to keep in shape, but now she was thin and gaunt trying to regain her curves. Her skin was a light pale grey from the lack of sun. "How can you bare to look at me the way you were, I'm no long the beauty that I once was, look at you the years were good to you while I rotted...I have no beauty." She stars upset unhappy the way she looked.
Lucius sighed softly as he joined her on the bed again, laying out beside her drawing her naked form against his, laying back.Tugging her on top of him he smiled,slender fingers stroking over his skin."You my love, are beauitful.No matter what, no matter how many years pass, you grow more beautiful with each day that passes."he said nuzzling her for a moment before kissing her again.
"Oooh always knew the right thing to say." She stated smiling. Feeling better after the words he spoke. After they kissed Bella kissed at his neck before reaching up to nibble on the one ear, and with her hand she reached around massaging the other. She stopped nibbling on the ear and began to purr, she stopped and took his ear again.
Lucius whined softly moaning as he shifted against her,sighing quietly in pleasure. She always just knew the right thing to do.Smirking a little as he rested his hands on her hips he moaned quietly as he slid into her, shuddering at the sudden heat engulfing his cock.It felt...amazing.He'd missed her so much.Kissing her softly he muttered,"I missed you so much."He said shivering as he moved slowly,trying to take his time with her.
Bellatrix giggled softly as he whinned, she quickly let go of his ear, gasping as he entered her. Bellatrix quivered at how suddenly her wet warmth was filled with his cock. Raising her arms above her head made him go deeper inside her, making her moan slightly. Her hands moved up and down his chest as his hands rested upon her hips. A tear returned to her eye she was so happy to here him say those words. Bellatrix matched his speed moving as he moved wanting the moment to last, but also wanting to be quick from the lack of being with the one she loved. Also Narcissa could be home with Draco any moment, but they went clothes shopping so they should be home for another couple of hours. "I've missed you too love, being away from or even close to you was worse then the Curciatus curse." she stated through soft moans and whimpers.
Lucius laughed softly as she whimpered and moaned, taking his time. Not about to rush things. And he loved teasing teh woman.Driving her insane with making gentleness its own kind of torture. Smiling as he kissed her he smiled,gently biting her lip.Knowing he should hurry, but dammit he couldn't rush this. Even if it was reckless not to do so."Nothings worse then being with cissy and wanting oyu."He whispered looking down at her, telling her the truth that cut like a knife. While he'd come to love his wife, he hadn't been able to ever forget that she was bellatrix's sister, never able to move on from the woman who'd long ago held his heart.
He was the only one that Bellatrix could ever really succumb to, despite her devotion to the Dark Lord. As Bellatrix's fingers lingered on his flesh, she tried not to let her sharp clawlike nails cut him, no eviedance of what was happening. She smiled as he kissed and bit her lips. A pained and pleasurable look crossed her face, she knew it true. Though Narcissa loved him and he loved her, Bella knew that he loved her so much more. "I went insane, unable to climb into your bed every night." She whispered, everytime she was in bed or anywhere all she could think about was him, shocking it didn't interfere with her work.
Luciusshuddereda little, smiling softly."I think, I like being able to drive you to such distraction."He said a little breathless, maning softly as he clung to her, gentle hands holding her hips, eyes going wide as his came, spilling into her with a look of wide eyed shock. Having not meant to make a end of things so soon.
She smiled gently back at him, as he shuddered. "It's true though..." She gasped, it felt so nice to be with him again, her true love. Bellatrix started to moan with him, her breathing was short. Bella held onto him as he held her, then she felt it. His warm seed flew into her so soon and quick, her eyes went wide as he did, she came as soon as she felt him. As soon as it had started it had ended, the longing they both had. She looked at him breathlessly.
Lucius shuddered laughing softly as he kissed her, staring down at her as he panted."I dont want to move."He whined before pulling out of her,but not moving,simply laying down on top of her,careful not to crush her under his weight as he cuddled close, head resting on her shoulder.
Bellatrix panted softly giggling as he laughed. "Nor do I..." She smiled brightly up at him. Bella gasped as he pulled out of her. She cuddled into him fully happy, for once. There was silence for a bit, until Bella broke it, "I really did miss you, and I still love you with all of my heart. I wish we could stay like this forever...but soon Your Wife and son, and My Husband will return soon...We should clean up..." She stated catching her breath spiting at the words 'your wife, and my husband' She didn't mind Draco but not sure if it would scar him to see his father and aunt in bed together.
Lucius winced at teh reminder, but shifted to the side to let her up,gently kissing her head, yawning slightly."Go on.Cissy will expect to find me in bed. I usually drink and sleep when she's not here."He said shifting, stretching out on his stomach as he yawned, actually settlingi down to go to sleep.
Bellatrix sat up, as he moved to the side, she smiled as he kissed her head, Bella pursed her lips slightly, then kissed his cheek. "Looks like I wore you out." she whispered giggling. Then a thought came to her. "Aren't you going to put shorts on? Won't Cissy think it a little strange?" She asked as she stood looking for her clothing.
Lucius wrinkkled his nose, laughing softly."She'd find it odder if I was dressed."He smirked, sighing at the soft feel of silk against his skin, smiling up at her slightly."Go.They should be home any minute now, and you don't want to be in here when she gets home."He said looking said but content.
"Alright then," She laughed with him. Bella didn't want to leave his room but knew she had too. "Know we'll all have problems if she sees me in here, without clothing. Or if she see's me in here if general. Bellatrix quickly pulled on her clothing and quickly left his room, knowing there wouldn't be much time before they all returned to the Manor. Once in her room she removed her clothes and repllaced them with her bed clothes. Hopping into bed she settled in.
Lucius sighed quietly relieved when she was safely out of the room, smiling sleepily when he heard his wife comign in."Find anything good at the stores?"He said raising his head, silvery blond hair trailing over his shoulder.
Narcissa had come in with Draco, She left him for she was tried after a long day. She when to their bedroom carrying two large bags, a medium bag, and a small. Narcissa saw her husband already in bed, 'He must have taken his drink early tonight.' She thought as she sent the bags to one of the closets. "Oh, I thought you had already gone to bed. Yes I bought the three of us new dress robes, I got a new pair of shoes and a pair of earings." She stated with a smile on her face. Cissa walked all the way in shutting the door behind her. Once inside with the door shut, she changed from her robes to put on a nighty, going over and climbing under the covers. "Did you have a decent night here, alone?" She asked. For she didn't see anyone lurking about when her and Draco came in, she figured he was alone.

Bellatrix was smiling happily as she cuddled into a pillow. She heard her she sister's heels clack on the floor as she went upstairs. Bella was greatfull that she made it downstairs in time. Not long later she heard Rudolfus stumble in, and the smile erased from her face as reality set back in, she made her voice sound groggy like she had been in a deep slumber before her arrived. "You were out late tonight." Bella stated rising up slightly looking at him.
Lucius smiled,shifting to wrap a arm around her waist as he pressed a kiss to her forehead beore curling up against her,closing his eyes. "Decent enough.It was peaceful anyways."He said pulling her loser, yawning a little.

Rudulphus smiled slightly as he slipped into bed with her, wrapping his arms around her waist as he settled against her, pressing a kiss to her head."Lucien asked me out for drinks, after we finished discussing business.How was your evening?Lonely?"He said having not seen anyone else about,gently stroking her hair as he settled down to sleep
Cissa giggled as he kissed her pulling her close to cuddle. "That's great dear, A little quiet time is good every now and again." She stated, "Also Draco had fun easedropping seeing how people are taking the attacks..." Cissa stated closing her eyes then yawning.

Bellatrix couldn't help but smile when he slipped into bed she was still in pure bliss. Her back arched slightly as his arms snaked around her waist. "Did you have fun? My evening was quiet, Yes very lonely." Bella said smiling as he petted her hair, drifting to sleep.
Lucius smiled quietly,"I'll talk to draco tomorrow.But I'm gld he had fun."He said amused at draco's antics. closing his eyes he smiled,kissing her head again."Goodnight love."He muttered, drifting off into peaceful sleep.

Rudulpus smiled down at her, "Love you."He muttered quietly, shifting snuggling into her and drifting to sleep.Content that all was well in the world.
Narcissa smiled, "Alright," She yawned again. "Goodnight my love." She cooed falling asleep right after him. Until the sun disrupts them.

"Good night dear....sorry about the look earlier..." She whispered almost unaudioble. She kneeded into her pillow as she slept. For once ther was peace in the world.
in the morning Lucius sighed softly as he raised up on his elbow, gently stroking his fingers through Narcissa's hair as he coaxed her awake, guilt eating him alive now that he was away from bellatrix and the bone deep contentment that drew him towards her."Narcissa love.Good morning."He smiled kissing her as she blinked sleepily.
"Hmmm...Good moring dear Lucius," She stated blinking her sleepy eyes up at him, letting out a soft yawn. "What time is it?" She asked looking around.

Bellatrix had a glare from the sun mocking her, getting her to wake up. She looked around to see the time, but she was too sleepy to really care. She slowly climbed out of bed, Bellatrix looked at Rudolfus, knowing she had been unfaithful to him. She had never been unfaithful not even with/to Voldemort, despite what people had said. Her heart was heavy as guilt sank in slowly, she was still in a wonderful mood, besides her quilt. Bellatrix had always been loyal, but to only one person who could get her to do something almost in the blink of an eye. But she had slept with Lucius...and there was a certain glow about her even if she made herself look miserable, it was still there.
Lucius smiled dwn at his wife,"About 9 in the morning.Early enough everyone's just waking up."He said amused,kissing her lightly. Hating that he felt guilty for what had felt so right.That it hurt to think about being with bellatrix, knowing his wife would be hurt if she knew.

Rudulphus smiled sleepily as he felt her eyes on him, bniking sleepily as he looked up at her."What are you doing out of bed?"he asked yawning,streching slowly as he reached to pull her back down.
Narcissa smiled back at him, "Alright I'm up," She stated happily, after being kissed again she giggled." Hmmm Somebody's lovey this morning." She started to sit up in bed, she was warm not wanting to move from the blankets.

Momentary shock crossed her face seeing Rudulphus wake and look at her. "Nothing dear just wanted to strech my legs a bit." She stated letting him pull her down back toward the bed. She had done a lot of rotten things but this was bad, she didn't know how to make up for this one.
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