Love begets hate

Lucius swallowed hard, getting up,crossing to stand in front of her, frowning in thought for a moment, longing showing on his face for a moment."Fine."He muttered smiling at her slightly, before he could stop himself, raising his hands, gently cupping her face in his hands, pulling her close.But stopping a hairsbreath away from kissing her,"tell me to stop."He muttered breath ghosting over her skin, waiting for her to tell him not to.To not kiss her like he so dearly wanted to.
Bellatrix looked at him for a moment then looked away, trying to do what she should, he wasn't hers, he was her sisters. There was a frown on her face as well. When she heard him say 'fine' she looked back up at him. He was smiling a bit. She was confused for a moment, then she gasped lookin shocked as he took her face in his strong soft hands, pulling her close to him. Bellatrix was shaking, She tried to form words but all was a ghostly breath. Finally she manged to say something, "...I....can't" She stated softly, she wanted him to kiss her, she couldn't say no.
Lucius sighed sotly,"Yes you can."He muttered pressing his mouth into hers.A soft gentle kiss, strangers might have had a more passionate kiss. And yet...there was a wealth of passion and need in that kiss, needing her.lowering a hand from bella's fae he dropped a hand to her hip,gently pulling her closer as he kissed her.
Before Bella could speak his mouth was already on hers. Tears she could no longer hold fell from her eyes, because of his soft gentle kiss. So warm, soft, gentle, and passionate.When he put his hand on her hip, she jumped slightly. When pulled her close she wrapped her arms around him. He still loved her and she knew it feeling extreme happiness for once.
Lucius smiled softly, holding her close, shifting to draw her into his arms. Picking her up gently in his arms he moved back to his seat, settling the light woman in his lap without breaking the kiss.Afraid that if he did pull away from her whatever spell they had going on, would break and they'd go back to being enemies who had once loved."I love you.I always have."he said softly stroking her hair.
The next thing Bellatrix knew she was in his arms being carried back to the seat Lucius was previously sitting on. Bella looked into his eyes when he spoke, tears fell from hers again, "I never stopped loving you, I couldn't...How do you think I lived through Askaban, for 14 years?" She whispered, Bella cuddled into him as he stroked her hair.
Lucius winced smiling a little as he kissed her again."I'm sorry I couldn't save you."He said pain filling his eyes. Looking guilty, hating that he hadn't been able to keep her out of azkabn, even if it hadn't been his doing that had put her there, he still felt the stingng guilt like a knife.Shifting he sighed as he settled her closer to him,fingers tangling gently in her hair, drawing her down for another kiss. Letting the years melt away, content to forget they were both married, that they'd ever left each other.He needed this, he needed her. Gently he stoked the tears away with a free hand."Dont cry love..."He muttered.
"You did though...Cause I knew I'd see you again...Somehow some way..." She stated hiding her happy memories of them from the dementors, secretly thinking of him. "It's okay love...Shhh, don't feel so bad. I'm here now...were together." Bellatrix said seeing the pain in his eyes, threw her tears. Then another kiss there was no marriage, they had never been apart, they were together. She swallowed hard, "These aren't tears of saddness." She stated smiling at him as he wiped away her tears.
Lucius smled softly, leaning forward, pressing a kiss to her neck as he tugged her closer, fitting her smaller body against his,"Join me tonight.Stay."He muttered gentle hands framing her hips,lifting her easily shifting her till she straddled his lap, sighing softly as she settled on top of him.It they'd never left each other.That he'd look up and find himself in the slytherin dorms instead of malfoy manor.
A blast from the past, it was as they were ment for each other, like they were in school. She sighed as he kissed her neck, pulling her closer. "Of course...I'll stay..." She stated smiling sweetly. She was shifted into straddling him, she bent forward to kiss him again also trying to make sure this was real and not a dream.
Lucius' answering grin was quick and true, without the pain that usually hovered in his eyes. Smirking as he kissed her again, fingers tangling in her hair as he kissed her,"See, you never could refuse me."He teased before leaning back,"Bed?This chair is comfortable, but I'm not as young as I used to be."he teased, grinning at the memory of making love in one of the common room chairs. To lazy in pleasure to bother moving afterwards when severus had found them. Amused as he sat her on her feet, moving to get up himself.
She nuzzled her body into his as they kissed again, she loved the feel of his fingers running through her hair. "I never said that I did I?" She returned playfully. "Alright...Yes you are getting old aren't you?" Bella teased him back. She thought of the same memory that night was great then giving Severus a good scare was her favorite past time though he did linger when he was looking at them... Once she was up, Bella waited for him to stand, to go to bed.
Lucius laughed seeing the memory in her eyes, playful fingers tickling her as he caught her up in his arms, carrying her up to his bedroom, tossing her on the bed,smirking as she sank into the soft matress. So comfortable and fluffy it was like laying on a cloud."Well, so are you. Old and everything.At least I wont go grey."He teased laying down next to her, kissing her slowly.
Bella laughed as he tickled her scooping her into his arms. He was so gentle with her until he tossed her on the bed, she sank into the cloud like matress laughing. "What's your point? No you wont go grey, you'll skip thatt going straight to white." She giggled, then was interupted by his slow kiss.
Lucius sputtered a little, tickling her again."I will not!I will be young forever."He stated grinning as he laid on his side, sliding a hand under her shirt, slender fingers teasing the expanse of her stomach, amused as she squirmed under his fingers. Way to amused.After all, this had been years worth of fantasy, to have bella back in his bed.And damned if he was going to rush things.
Bellatrix laughed again as he tickled her. "You wish..." She smiled brightly. Bella watched him turn to his side, watching his hand move up her shirt. Bellatrix's body squirmed at his touch missing it so much. Bella's dreams had come true after so many years.
Lucius smirked tugging up her shirt, squirming down to press a kiss to her stomach, tongue darting out to trace a circle around her belly button."Hmmm and what do you wish?"he teased, gentle hands holding her still, keeping her from moving to much. intent on teasing her mercilessly, and making her enjoy this night to the fullest.
"I had forgotten how soft your lips are. Gah that tickles." She stated refering to him kissing her belly them tracing her belly button. She smiled, "I don't's been so long.." She stated softly then a thought occured it was corny but she didn't care. "I wish" As he held she stopped moving so much.
Lucius raised a eyebrow but didn't say anything as he move up, gently pining her to the bed as he nudged her legs apart, leaning down to kiss her slowly."You'll have me."He muttered nuzzling her neck,simply enjoying being with he for the moment. Like she said, it'd been so long, and he'd missed her so much,even when they were together.
Bellatrix started to breath deeply as he pinned her gently to the bed, moving her legs a bit. Bella parted them the reast of the way. She returned by kissing him deeply as they kissed slowly. She squeaked as he nuzzled into the crook of her neck. "I never want this moment to end." She whispered in his ear. Then she nibbled on it slightly.
Lucius moaned softly as he ground his hips into her a little, his ears had always been his weakness, the one thing that made him weak in the knees."Me either."He smiled softly looking down at her, smirking when she squeaked.Dare he think it?IT was cute. Amused he leaned back just enough to undo her shirt gently tugging it off as he kissed bare skin.
Bellatrix let his ear go as his hips moved into her, she brought hers up to meet him. She loved playing with his ears, strong, Lucius Malfoy was struck down when his ears were played with, Bella always found it entertaining. She was glad they were still so vulnerable. Bella helped him as he slid her out from her shirt giggling as he kissed her flesh.
Lucius whined softly raising up enough to look down at the woman pinned under him, growling softly."Thats not nice."he whined nuzzling her again before smirking, a hand sliding down her stomach, slowly undoing her pants,tugging the slowly downward."I think I shall take my time with you for teasing me like that."he said amused
"Who said I was nice?" She asked slyly. Then she squeaked again as he muzzled her neck. "You cheat." She smiled at him. Bella squirmed slightly as if she didn't want him to, but she was teasing again. Bella pursed her lip and her eyes looked like sad puppy dog eyes. "But...but that would be torture." She stated. Knowing it would be fun but after being apart for so long she wanted him though it would be best to take there time not knowing when they could do this again.
Lucius sihed softly, nodding. As muh as he longed to take his time with her, play her body like a harp and make exquiste music, she was right. Even if she didn't say the worry aloud, he knew they couldn't stay like this. Smiling as he tugged her pants off he smirked standing as he stripped. Young he might not be anymore, and a politican for the most part, but the elder malfoy had kept in shape, his body honed down to muscle and skkin. Looking as trim and fit as draco, maybe more. For his son hated working out while lucius set aside time to make sure he was still in shape."WEll?Am I pleasing?"he teased standig in front of her as naked as the day he was born, silverly blond hair trailing over his shoulders, the serpent hair clip barely holding the length out of his face.
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