Love begets hate

"Yes?"voldemort said glancing up from where he was reading the reports that lucius had brought him, raising a hand and opening the door amgically, raising a eyebrow when he saw that it was narcissa.
Narcissa walked into the room where the Dark Lord sat, once in the middle of the room, she bow. "My Lord....Bellatrix as had the children they be two days old. One's a little boy and the other a little girl." She stated shaking slightly, she normally wasn't around Voldemort it was mainly Bellatrix, Lucius, and Rudolphus, Narcissa tended to do other things but was normally with one of the other three if she needed to speak with him.
Voldemort looked startled, frowning slightly as he stood."And you are just telling me of this?"He asked, heading for the door intent on seeing the children.
Narcissa became slightly frightened, "Things have been rather caotic, my lord. I'm sure Bella will be able to explain everything my lord." Narcissa stated quickly, forgeting he didn't know that everyone in the house was no longer with the same person they were with before. She followed him out of the room.
Voldemort sighed quietly, as he headed downstairs, pausing in the doorway. Raising a eyebrow at the sight that greeted him. It was one thing for him to know lucius and bella loved eah other-despite not understanding love -but another to see them all snuggled together."Bellatrix. How are you feeling?"
Bellatrix's eyes were closed, as she was snuggled against Lucius, she opened her eyes as soon as she heard her name. Realizing it was the Dark Lord her eyes became wide, she jumped a bit, not expecting to see him. "My Lord!" Bellatrix went to jump out of bed to bow to him but she sat up too quickly, her face pained, and she lay back down. "Wea...Never better My Lord, some pain and I faint a little bit ago, but I'm alright." She stated about to say that she felt weak the wrong term to use infront of the Dark Lord, expecally when you one of his most feared and loyal you cannot be weak, there was no room for weakness.
voldemort tilted his head slightly as he watched her, smiling slightly when Lucius got up to get the babe.cuddling the fussy boy."Now. Narcissa said everyone was okay?"

Lucius nodded, looking torn, before swallowing hard, letting the man hold his son despite not wanting to.
Bella's breath was calming again as she relaxed slightly. She watched as Lucius went over to the crib, she watched as he little boy was fussing, as he was held. Bellatrix knew the Dark Lord would be able to tell that the children weren't Rudolphus's. "Did she? The babes are fine My Lord, as you can see." Bellatrix stated, a little shakily not sure how to tell him that The Malfoy's and Lestrange's have split partners. Bellatrix went silent watching like a hawk, between Lucius and Voldemort with the baby, every now and again she looked over at Cissy.
so I just realized i pressed reply and never did so ><)

Voldermort's jaw dropped slightly as he looked at the babe in his arms, frowning slightly. Having a feeling the world was shifting as he realized the babe he was holding wasn't rudolphus'."Now. Bellatrix, does this change anything?"He said glancing at the malfoy who looked out of sorts.
(Lol that's okay it happens)

Her eyes grew wide with fear, as she noticed how his face changed. Bella's breathing quickened and deepened, holding her tongue as she thought for a moment, she hated making quick choices. "Prey..." Bellatrix slowly got up off of the bed, "Excuse us a moment...My Lord....Lucius." She stated in an audiable whisper, Bella walked over taking Lucius's arm and giving her sister a look to watch the babes. Bellatrix took Lucius out into the hall, closing the doors behind them. "Lucius...look at me...I's hard but if we don't He'll kill us where we stand you know that..." Bellatrix whispered frankly to him knowing this hurt, it hurt her when she had to make the decision with Rudolphus.
Lucius stopped, staring out the window across the hall, shaking his head a little." I cant do this."He said his heart hurting at the thought of losing his child, even if the babe was going to stay at the manor, his son or daughter would be lost to him anyways.
"Lucius!...Please listen to me!... If we don't he'll kill us...and he'll have them both...Lord knowing what would happen to them, At least this way we're still involed. They'll be safe, with us....For all we know instead of killing us he'll kill...them in front of us....I can't handle that again! Think Lucius! For their sake....for our sake." Bellatrix tried to plead with him, she didn't like the thought of giving them up the him either, which was shocking exspecially since, she had said 'If I had soons I'd gladly give them to the Dark Lord.' It was one thing to say another to live it. She was shaking, and crying, whatever his final word was she'd obey it becuase of her love for him.
:ucius sighed softly, his shoulders slouching as he nodded. looking so defeated at the idea of giving them up."Well....if that would be best."he said running his fingers through his hair, before looking at her."We better go back in. Cissa's not used to being with him."He muttered avoiding her ees.
Bellatrix sighed, "'s either lose them or save them." She stated, painfully. "Lucius you act like I had a choice...If i didn't say yes you would have lost the three of us." Bella said heart broken seeing how hurt he was, quickly she wiped away her tears, her eyes were glassy already from tiredness, no one would be the wiser. Bella nodded taking a deep breath, as she started walking she stumbled grabbing onto the door frame for support. Before they entered, she looked at him, "Can you image...carrying them for nine months, to give them up after losing the first child because of him...How do you think I feel." She stated before the crazy gleam appeared in her eyes as she walked back into the room with him. Slowly with her head held high, she made her way to the Dark Lord. "No my Lord...It doesn't change a thing, the plan is still set." Bellatrix stated smiling, hiding her pain and torment behind it. Her world was perfect until now. Bellatrix looked at her son in his arms, she then started to tickle his foot. Bella's head started to hurt, "Excuse me...I need to return to bed." she stated at that moment her stomach started to hurt, she grabbed her stomach and headed back for the bed. Cissy watched her now ex-husband in pain and torment. She felt bad for him not knowing how her sister felt, but noticing the strange movements she made something was wrong. As bellatrix walked toward the bed Cissa ran to her helping her.
Voldemort nodded slightly, giving the babe back to Lucius before leving. Lucius sighed softly shaking hsi head as he sat down on the bed, letting cissa help her. Looking worried, he truly despised this. Really. Glancing at bella worriedly."what's wrong?"He asked leaning over to gently stroke his hair.
Cissa helped Bella get into bed, "Bellatrix needs to stay in bed awhile, her body is weak and a part or two may be torn, she needs time to heal which means no getting up out of bed." Cissy said.

Bella looked at Lucius smiling slightly it's nothing my stomach hurt thats all."Bellatrix stated breathlessly. "But Cissy..."

"Don't but Cissy me you're staying in bed."
Lucius laughed quietly."No. you're staying in bed, and I'll even ask draco if he wants to come visit."He snickered cause he knew there was no way the boy would let his aunt out of bed.
Bella pouted at Lucius, then knowing she couldn't win until she was well again, expecially if he got Draco to "baby sit" her, "Fine I'll stay in bed.." She folded her arms tightly, but not too tight.

It looked like everything was under control so Cissy went back down to the library wondering if Rudolphus was still there, plus on top of that her food would be down there, still haven't sat down to eat.

Once Cissy was gone, Bellatrix sighed slightly she rested her arms uncrossimg them, "Lucius...You do know...I love you...don't ya?" She asked knowing he was hurt as was she, but wanting to make sure threw all her faults and her craziness he knew she loved him. "Lucius...Can you take out the other twin?...I've yet to hold her...." Bella asked she wanted to hold her baby girl, when she was young she hoped she'd have a little girl, she wouldn't care if the baby was a boy but when she fanticisied about her's and Lucius's happy life they had a little girl. But she was lucky enough to give him a son and a daughter.
Lucius smiled as he got up, not answering if he knew she loved him. he knew it, but for the moment his heart was hurting and he needed to hurt someone else, even if hed feel bad bout it later Smiling a little as he picked up the babe,gently stroking the baby's arm as he laid her into bella's arm.

Rudolphus smiled a little looking up at her."Everything okay?"He asked seeing the worry in her face
Bellatrix watched him as he stood just smiling not answering her. "Lucius?" she looked at him questioning, unsure what he was feeling or thinking normally she could tell but this was different. His silence was cutting into her, maybe her dreams had been crushed even further, losing Lucius, her child, then her husband, then the twins, and it seemed like she had lost Lucius again. She smiled slightly as he placed the small babe in her arms. "Hey...little one." Bella cooed as she craddled and rocked her baby.

"Hm? Oh not really....He was annoyed, no one had told him. Then Bella gave the kids away...breaking Lucius, Bellatrix almost fell and is on bed rest...that's it in a nut shell." Narcissa stated sighing as she nearly flopped onto the couch. 
Lucius smiled slightly watching them together, sitting cross legged on the bed next to her, looking younger and more content then he had a in awhile."You're good with her."

Rudolphus sighed a little, looking a little before wrapping a arm around her."WEll,thats a damned sucky nut."He said laughing lightly.
"Am I?" She questioned tilting her head slightly, turning her head up from the baby to look at him smiling warmly. Bellatrix's face seemed to brighten noticing the change of his look. "I always wanted children....correction I always wanted your children." Bella stated then looked down at the babe. "You know we still need to name them....For her I was thinking Iracebeth? What do you think?" Bellatrix asked him gently, wanting his opinion.

Narcissa looked up at him, smiling slightly, "Yes, yes it is..." she chuckled at his statement, before snuggling into his arm that he wrapped around her.
Lucius shrugging looking thoughtful as he looked down at the babe, smiling a little."I like it."He smiled wider, his twisted sense of humor makng a appearance again,"And dante for him."He said, amused. As in dante in virgil's inferno....yea, it'd be ironic and perfect.

Rudolphus sighed quietly, kissing her head."How is lucius handling things?"
Bellatrix continued to look at the little babe waiting to see what Lucius would say. Her smile brightened when he agreed to the name. "Dante?" Bella thought about it for a minute, then smiling widely looking at him "Dante it is then." Bella carefully leaned in toward him then stopped, she could kiss him without getting into trouble but it was strange, not being together for so long, besides when they cheated with each other.

Narcissa sighed, "He's dealing, but he's hurt and pained." She wasn't sure exactly what he was feeling.
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