Love begets hate

lucius let go of Bella's arm, walking into his son's room alone, pain showing in his eyes as he sat on the edge of the bed,gently loosening Draco's hold on his mother."issy...I can't ask you to...if you'll see Bella down to the library...I'll say up here..."He swallowed hard, hating this.
Narcissa sighed as she was free of her son who may be part boa constrictor, with the way he holds on. Cissy turned to look at him, "This is why you're not asking...I with Bella to the Library...I'll be fine, they'll be fine." Narcissa stated smiling gently at him, she was pained yes but, in time she'd have to get used to the change and readapt.

Bella looked at him and as he left her side she stayed at the door watching the scene play out. She looked at her sister knowing she was in pain, as was Lucius. Bellatrix took a deep breath, she was hurt and saddened just by watching this, here once content face turned to pain and saddness. Quietly Bellatrix moved away from the door, holding onto the wall she started walking to her room. As easy as it had been to get there it wasn't as easy to get back, about halfway there her leg gave out from under her, making her fall. Instead of getting back up she just laid there, there was no point in trying to move.
Lucius sighed softly, reaching out, gently tucking her hair behind her ears as he smiled, draco sprawling out across the bed with a sigh. "I'm sorry."He muttered kissing her forehead s he stood.

Rudolphus looked startled as he walked up the stairs, tilting his head a little as he looked at her.'Bella?what are you doing out here/"
Narcissa face cold and pained, as he tucked her hair away she nuzzled his hand, one thing her and Bella stared was nuzzling and cuddling both loved it. Narcissa was saddend, smiling softly and painfully, Narcissa followed soon after he kissed her standing looking upon their son then to him. Narcissa had nothing to say, no words within her head.

Bella picked her head up, revealing a split lip where when she fell her lip caught between here teeth, looking up at him,"Oh just laying around." she stated calmly, though sarcastically. "I was going on a little walk...then to the library after popping in on Draco...Lucius was helping me, but he was checking on Cissy...I became upset, and started to walk back to the room, the twins are alone...when my legs gave out." Bella explained to him, tasting blood Bella ran her tongue over her lip. "Would you mind helping me up?" She asked softly, not having anything to hold onto and not having the strength.
Lucius frowned as he moved past her, heading for the door, looking confused and worried as he looked around."Bella?"he called worried, wondering what had happened to her.

Rudolphus sighed, not reacting to the sarcasm, after all, he was used to it. smiling slightly as he bent, he picked her up gently, "So.Do you want to go to the library still or go back to bed?"he asked smiling slowly.
Narcissa looked at Lucius confused a moment, then realized that Bella was gone. "She couldn't have gone far, she probably continued to the Library or maybe back to the bedroom." Cissa stated walking over to him a little concerned for her sisiter.

Bellatrix smiled lightly, "Thank you, dear." she stated as he helped her stand. "Well I washeading back to bed...but I'd prefer the library" She stated smiling back at him.
Lucius nodded, looking more worried as they headed downstairs."I'm going to go insane.She's going to make me insane."He grumbled, sounding tired and strained. He so did not need this.

Rudolphus smiled back, nodding as he headed for the library, settling her on the couch with a sigh."Luc's going to yell when he realizes you're missing."he teased
"Yes Bella's really good at that...." Cissa stated, knowing this would be "fun," Bellatrix being insane herself was good at making others do the same. "We'll find her....just calm down, again unless she found her wand or broom before you left the room she's still in the house, and in her condition uless by flight she can't be too far away." Cissy explained.

"Thank you, I wouldn't have been able to get down here alone....he was helping me....but got destracted." She stated sighing softly. "Yes, he will....but he'll find me eventually...." Bella stated hoping he wouldn't be too mad that she wandered off without him. Bella lightly bit her lip more so caressing it inside her mouth, it had stopped bleeding, but was a bit puffy. She looked about the library, sighing again, "Oh how I've missed this room...."
Lucius stopped, pausng to look at his wife, tiltign his head slightly as he studied her." dont have to do this...I know you have to be mad at me...I think I'd prefer yelling over niceness..."He said biting his lip a little, looking worried. Afraid she was masking everything, not hding how she really was feeling.

Rudolphus laughed softly as he ast next to her, looking amused."Eventually."He said, slightly amused at the idea of the man going insane over trying to find her.
Narcissa stopped as he did, looking at him confused "What?" She asked wondering why he was looking at her like that. "Do what?...I'm worried about her too she should be in bed resting....What I'm feeling doesn't matter right now...Plus you're worried, So I'm helping you find her, she's small if she's playing a game, then she could be hiding anywhere, in a cupboard, a box, a closet..." She stated, She was indeed upset with him...but not mad, she hardly got mad unless it was dire life and death or concerning Draco...but she couldn't be mad at him, not when it wasn't all his fault he didn't ask for Bella to become pregnant. Narcissa was hiding a lot of what she felt, but she was good at it, not wanting to worry Draco, Rudy, or Lucius...

"Yes, unfortunately it's not a very good hiding place....if I really wanted to play I'd probably be under the bed or in a cabinet. This is easy the only two main places I'd be right now would be here or in the bedroom with the twins...." She explained it would be fun to have Lucius come find her like she used too but it was a different case since she was injured. She stopped her eyes going wide realizing that they were alone.." The twins...I've left them aone....We went to see I could have a walk..Oh no!" She stated worried, already not even two days old and she was worrying.
Lucius sighed, frowning at her.Knowing she was feeling more then what she was showing. He knew her, and knew she hid things to keep from worrying everyone else."If you want to talk, you can. Or rudolphus...he'd understand even better then I would about what you're feeling."He said softly, turning to kiss her cheek before swallowing hard, smiling a little when he saw rudolphus getting up and bellatrix sitting on the ouch. Relaxing visibly.

Rudolphus smiled as he stood."Don't worry. They'll be fine.I'll go sit with them."He said ducking out of the room with a grin. Knowing the twins were probably sleeping, and his exwife worrying to much
Narcissa looked at her husband worriedly, and sad, "Maybe later..." She stated she didn't want to worry anyone, or to bother anyone about how she felt. Cissa was supposed to be prefect in every way, like her sister was when she was younger. The perfect mother, wife, daughter, lover, she had to be so much. Narcissa wanted to kiss him to share in his embrace they were married for 20 years, it was strange, she placed a small smile on her face as he kissed her cheek. Narcissa saw Rudolphus stand and exit she followed him out, unable to be with her sister right now.

Bellatrix watched him as he stood, "No...Rudolphus...I can't ask that of you." She stated but before she could even try to stand he was gone. Just like when Lucius had spoken with Cissa, they both couldn't ask the other to just keep an eye on them a minute. Bella got to her feet, but then fell back onto the couch. "Damn it..." She cursed as she lay on the couch, with a sigh.
Rudolphus glanced at Narcissa, smiling slightly as he headed upstairs with her."how are you?"He said looking worried about her a little as he walked into the room, smiling slightly wider as he walked over to the crib, smiling down at the babes. They were so cute, and perfect. So like draco when he was younger.

"He said he'd watch them.It'd be fine."Lucius said quietly, sitting down next to him, gently brushing his fingers trhough her hair kissing her llightly."Just sit and relax bella."
Narcissa smiled gently at him, "I'm okay, hanging in there." she stated softly walking in behind him, following him to the crib. Cissy looked at them frowning then smiling again. She couldn't be sour looking at the children related to her having her sisters blood in them, it wasn't there fault. "There beautiful ain't they?" She asked looking upon them, Cissa always wanted a little girl, Bella was lucky to have two for the price of one.

Bellatrix looked up at him, "That's not what you said to Cissy..." Watching him as sat down kissing her. Bellatrix sighed though she was hurt she was sick of resting. Bellatrix leaned over closer to him, kissing him gently, but passionately.
"They are."Rudolphus sighed, smiling at the hildren, his heart aching. It hurt so much because she'd slept with lucius, but he hurt for the loss of a child of his own.

Luus smiled kissing her back before pulling away."Cissy offered to babysit to."
Narcissa wrapped an arm around his shoulders, "They look a little like Draco least the boy does." She stated. She didn't know exactly what he was feeling but she knew her was hurt.

Bellatrix looked at him, once he broke the kiss. "Yes she did, but you weren't going to let her either."
"He does."He smiled leaning against her a little sighing softly as he rested his head against the woman's shoulder."they'll be pretty like he is to."

"No I wasn't, but he is, and they'll be fine."He said smiling slightly
Narcissa rubbed his back gently, as he leaned on her a bit, "Yes they will...they have beautiful parents..." She stated, smiling slightly still hurt about this all.

Bellatrix sighed, "It's not the twins I'm worried about in this case....of course I'm worried about the little ones, but Cissy's raised a child I'm not concerned... it's them mentally." She explained, she didn't want them to hurt and if they weren't hurting she was, Though she was happy very happy her life felt as if it had just begun. Going back 20 years starting over, but knowing the other two were miserable brought her down and not knowing ecatly how Lucius felt. Running her tongue over her busted lip, she looked at him, "Is my lip bleeding still?" Bella asked curiously.
Rudolphus nodded a little straightening, looking at her slightly worried as he studied his former sister in law."How are you?"

Lucius shook his head, smiling slightly." more blood."He laughed a little before sighing."I'll go check on how them.Get them out of there."He said feeling awkward and lost. Torn between caring about cissy and needing to take care of bella.
Narcissa looked at him, detecting the hint of worry in his eyes and voice. "I'm fine...I'm okay, really." She stated a little shaky smiling. Then her face fell and she sighed, "I'm holding up....not really." she choked a bit on her words, feeling tears forming again. "Hurt...It hurts still..." She stated normally hiding who she felt for the best of everyone never really discussing how she felt, not wanting anyone to worry.

Bellatrix smiled lightly, "Good I took a little spill..." she stated unsure if he knew or not. Bellatrix looked at him her smile fading, "I'm going with you then..." She stated softly, "I don't want to be in here alone..." Bella stated, she didn't want to be downstairs while everyone was upstairs
Rudolphus sighed softly wrapping his arms around her, hugging her tightly as he pressed a kiss to her head."I know. It'll prbably always hurt a bit."He swallowed hard."But you had a good life together narcissa, despite him wanting all we have to do, is be brave enough to let them go."

Lucius smiled al ittle picking her p, looking worried."Are you okay?"He asked looking worried as he headed upstairs with her
A few tears left Cissa eyes, as he wrapped his strong arms around her. Cissy nuzzled into him a bit, "I know it's just 20 years of happiness...besides him still wanting my sister...We were happy with our son, with's hard to let go..." Narcissa explained, she could let him go but not sure if she could move on.

Bellatrix smiled back looking at the look on his face playing with his hair. "Yeah I'm okay, my legs had given out...then Rudy brought me down here. I've fallen plenty of times, it just hurt a little more...still sensitive." Bella explained as she played with his golden locks of hair. "I'm still so slight, to you aren't I? You know sooner or later you won't be able to carry me anymore..." She giggled a bit.
Rudolphus nodded, understanding, even if he wasn't suffering from it. After spending most of his marriage in azkaban, and her generally unhappy with being married to him, rudolphus couldn't feel the same heart wrenching pain narcissa was in."but you will.Because you are strong, and you will find someone who makes you happy, and loves you with the passion lucius loves bella."He muttered, his heart hurting now. because he was starting to understand what had driven lucius insane about not having bella, and he was falling for this woman, and he couldn't tell her.

"I've always been able to carry you love."He teased kissing her head as he walked upstairs,sighing softly as she played with his hair.He loved someone playing with his hair.
Narcissa looked up at him, still pained and heart broken. She shook her head lightly, "No one would want me now...I'm old, I've passed my I have a teenage son, also people are suspicious since my sister went to Azkaban and is a Death Eater, people link me to her...craziness runs in the family, apparently." Narcissa explained rolling her eyes at the last statement. Cissy was the youngest of the three, but she was still up there, being 45 years old, and already having a child. Cissa nuzzled back into , for comfort trying to calm herself down. Cissy wasn't quite sure how she felt about Rudolphus, she did like him and enjoyed his company, plus they cheated on their parteners with each other, she was confused, but maybe it was fate.

Bellatrix gigled lightly, "I know I still love it," She smiled at him. Bella's smile grew as he sighed, knowing they both loved when people played with their hair. Then Bellatrix being the playful minx she is while playing with his hair she started to play with his oh so sensitive ears.
Rudolphus laughed softly, "You're not that old love."He muttered laughing quietly. looking startled when the lovebirds walked in."I thought you two were downstairs."

Lucius laughed giving him a look."Apprently not. I wanted to see how the babes were."He said smiling moving to look down at the babies,as he tried to ignore the playful minx he was holding. Trying to ignore his sensitive ears.
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