Love begets hate

"Bye..." She whispered smiling at him as he kissed her head. Both happy and sad as she watched him go. She shifted her gaze to Lucius, smiling wider. "Still sore....weak..." She informed him, a feeling that she never liked, the idea and thought of it made her uneasy. To ever think of Bellatrix weak...she worked hard for the power and fear she held. Shaking the thought from her head. "How are you holding up?" Bella asked questioning the man sitting before her.
'Well enough."he said laying down, sighing as he did.Closing his eyes."better. Draco's much as he ever is.That makes it a little easier"
Bellatrix's smile began to fade, sighing slightly. "Well that's good...Wait relieved?" She asked curiously confused by it he was relieved that his parents had split up.
Lucius snorted."It seems he's known all along that we all were miserable. He's relieved that he doesn't have to worry about us anymore, when it should be us worrying about him."He sighed softly."Relieved and anxious to make sure no ones going anywhere."
Bella jumped slightly as he snorted, "Well Draco's a smart boy, very observant...Aren't you worried about him, I know Cissa and I are...." Bella stated then sighed, "He should know that nobody's leaving or leaving him...I'll talk to him about it later." She stated, laying back in the bed not that she wanted to but her body needed rest.
"I am woried about him,more now then I had been.But..he's smart enough to relax when he realizes we mean it."He said,he hoped at least his son's anxiousness would stop as things settled again.
"Shh...Calm yourself. Like I said he's a smart boy, he'll be okay. I worry about him too, but considering his age he'll know what to did, and if he's anything like you he will." Bellatrix explained softly. "How's Cissy?" Bella askedknkwing she's probably all over the place, though she hadn't spoken to Bellatrix, she knew she wasn't miss happy go lucky. "How are the twins? Have they eaten, have they cried? I faded in and out all day, never hearing them cry or remember feeding them..." Bellatrix asked though they were in the room with her, in order for her to get them she'd need to get up which she wasn't ready for.
"The twins are fine.They've been eting nicely, and rarely cried so far. Draco was in last night though, visiting them."He said amused a smile on his face."There was something preious about seeing their brother holding them."He sighed softly."Cissy's...cissy."He said rubbing his hand over his face.
"That's good, that's very good...They're good little ones..." She smiled at the thought she has good children so far. "He was? That's sweet...he had told me he didn't want a brother but he wouldn't mind a sister....he doesn't want to share." Bella stated giggling a bit. Her smile faded, "I figured as much....I'm sorry Lucius...I didn't mean for this..." Bellatrix tried to apologize but couldn't find words though it was half his fault, he asked her to stay with him that night, and without him she wouldn't have been pregant unless Rudolphus's got to her. Though she secretly wished something like this would happen, she didn't think it would.
Lucius winced a little looking over at her,"Its not your fault.And neither of us meant this to happen."He said quietly, sighing as he got up walking to the crib, smilling down at his sleepy daughter."Aww sweetheart, I think your brother is goign to love you.And learn to share."
Bellatrix looked down at her hands as she figeted. "If I was never free'd you and Cissy would be happy...You were cute together, no matter how much it hurt to see, she had someone to take care of her..." she sighed saying things, still feeling bad. Bellatrix watched as he left her side walking over to the crib. "I hope so, again he didn't mind the idea of a little sister but of a little brother, he thinks he'll have to compete..."
Lucius sighed turning his attention to his son,gently smiling when the boy wrapped his fingers around his hand."I'll talk to him."he said beore swallowing hard, "Narcissa will be fine.And I still care of her.i wont make her leave the manor...."He bit his lip thinking about it, his chest tightening for a moment.after all, he'd seen the way bellatrix's husband looked at his wife. This was so weird, and so twisted.
Bellatrix watched him as he turned toward the boy. "Okay I don't know if his views had changed since the last time we spoke about it..." she stated it was quite a bit ago and he was half asleep. Bella sighed, "I know she will be, and I didn't think you would, I wouldn't have wanted you too, this is her home..." While Lucius wasn't paying attention Bellatrix slowly and gently got out of bed, and walked over to him, almost resembling how she walked when she was freed from Azkanban only softer. Putting her arm on his back up to his shoulder, "And what of you...are you...happy or at least okay?" she asked softly and concerned, looking up at him still the slight woman from the years years ago.
Lucius smiled softly turning his head to look down at her, leaning down to gently kiss her, before sighing softly."I'm okay.Happy."he muttered though he hurt, and was so confusedon what things were going to do, it was going to be okay."I'm happpy."He said looking at her worriedly, leaning down to kiss her again."Love, you should be sitting down."
Seeing his soft smile made her smile in return. It had been a while since he had kissed her, she went weak in the knees a bit, kissing him back. Bella looked at him worriedly, knowing his emotions were mixed right now so was her's but not as in dept as his would be. A smile came back to her as he repeated that he was happy. As they kissed again Bella wrapped her arms around him. "Yes I should be but when do I ever do the things I should do?" she questioned back.
"You're going to do so now."He said gently gripping her elbow, steering her back to the bed, and making her sit down."Now. No getting up."He ordered quietly, smiling amused at her constant doing things she shouldn't/
"....But...Lucius...I've been stuck in bed for so long I want to walk and stand," She stated as he helped her get back to bed, if she had the strength she would have fought him, trying to break free. Bella tilted her head and looked up at him with sadness in her eyes, almost like a scolded child would, the look of feeling sorry. "Are you telling me...what to do?" She asked gently though clear as day he was, but no but the Dark Lord told her what to do without a fight. Plus she liked to question Lucius it was fun. "I wanna be up, I don't want to be stuck in bed."
lucius though, seemed to wilt under the question instead of responding angrily like he normally would. His shoulders slouching slightly, the strain getting to him finally."Bella, you're healing. you need to relax, but...I guess you could go for a walk..."He said quietly, biting his lip.
Bellatrix watched him as his shoulders slouched, and his face relaxed.Bella was shocked by his tone normally angry or joking, but this was more sincere. "I know Lucius....Oh please just a little one, it doesn't have to be long, just to strech....Yay..." She smiled brightly at him, a light glittering in her eyes. Bellatrix slowly got up, wrapping her arms around him nuzzling into him a bit. She didn't think she'd be able to walk for long but just to be out of bed. She could be lazy but all threw her pregnancy she was sitting or laying down, normally active and doing missions or running about with Draco.
Lucius nodded slightly before smiling, getting up he helped her from the bed, wrappign a arm around her waist,"We'll walk down to ask if Draco will watch the twins. Then we'll go relax in the library. Get you out of the bedroom,but still somewhere to relax.Then we'll come back here for a nap."He said walking with her towards the door.
Bellatrix wrapped an arm around him for support, going a few paces to the crib was one thing but going to Draco then to the Library was another. "Alright, do you think he'll mind?" Bella questioned as they walked toward Draco's room. "Oh you and your naps." She stated smiling he was always trying to get her to nap or to stay in bed.
Lucius sighed, wrinkling his nose a little."Its not my fault you need your rest."He said smiling a little as he knocked on draco's doom, before pushing it open a little."Cissy?IS he awake?"he said softly, swallowing a little.
Bellatrix giggled her smile grew, "Not you're fault huh? Well I think it takes two to tango." She stated then became quiet as he knocked on Draco's door then opening it. Bella looked down not really wanting her sister to see her afriad of what she would say.

Narcissa looked toward the door, hearing the knock watching it open slightly. "No he's asleep, Why? If it's important I'll get him up." She replied softly still having her son wrapped around her.
Lucius smiled slightly."Bella wanted to go for a short walk...I thought he could stay with them...but we'll go back."He said softly not to wake up draco,and not about to ask his wife to babysit his children
Narcissa welt quiet a moment, pained a bit. "Well I believe Draco is deep in slumber, he may not wake even if we tried....Shouldn't she be in bed?" Narcissa stated, 'wanting Draco to sit with the're children...he's not their babysitter.' She thought inspite and annoyance. 'But Bella has rarely been out of her bed, a walk may do her muscles well.' Narcissa sighed slightly and with a small smile which she forced though it wasn't noticable stated, "If you can get Draco to release me....I will sit with them awhile."

Bella became saddend, 'Back to the bed.' she thought as they spoke. Bella dared not ask her sister to watch her children, not when they were also Lucius's, and one of the reasons for both couples to get devoriced from eachother. Bella's eye grew wide with shock as she offered to sit with the twins.
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