Love begets hate

Bellatrix watched him move toward her with the babe, "Thank God..." She sighed in relief. Bella went to hold her arms out but was held back, She looked at them, her leg restrants were gone, but Cissa forgot her arms. "Lucius could you....undo these." She blushed slightly not realizing she had been that out of control to having to be tied. "Oh no...? Not at all?" She asked she'd debate about telling him that Draco knew another day.

Narcissa sobbed into him, "I know, I saw his face and his look was just as shocked as the rest of us....He wouldn't have kept something like that...It's my no good, rotten, lying, caniving sister, who's at fault she had to of known..." Cissy stated angrily threw tears.
"Liar.He can't pretend as nicely as he thinks he can."He smiled leaning foreward to gently undo her handcuffs, sighing softly as he looked at her."better?"He said with a laugh.

"It is."Rudy sighed holding her tighter,"We'll talk to her. And see...what she wants to do."He said sounding so hurt, so past anger that he had no idea what to feel. He had wanted the twins, had wanted something that would love him as much as he wished his wife would.And he thought he could have the twins to do that...and yet, he was watching it all go up in smoke.
Bella smirked, "It was worth a shot...You didn't know up until now so he kept it secret..." She stated, She sighed "Yes...Thank you." She then rubbed her wrists trying to grab toward the basket with her son in it.

"What do you mean what she wants to do? There's nothing to do..." She was sad and hurt nuzzling into Rudolphus, they were joined together in misery. "I'm so Sorry Rudy, I know how bad you wanted them..." She stated softly and sadly, he didn't deserve what Bellatrix has put him through for the past technically 6 years, that was the time Bella and he were actually together for they were seperated in Azkaban, so Bella didn't have a chance to even really try to love him.
Lucius laughed softly, looking sad but amused."well I hadn't known he was keeping something from me.So I hadn't bothered to look to closely."

"She could want a divorce.She could want me to leave.She...."He shrugged helplessly trembling slightly.Knowing his wife's heart belonged to another hadn't made it any easier to know she didnt love him. Or that they were together only for 6 years wasnt easy. And it hurt."Come on cissy.we'll sit down."He muttered moving her towards the couch
Bellatrix held her belly as it still hyrt as she finally grabbed the basket with the baby. Settling back she wrapped him in her arms cruddling her sleeping little boy. "I know...." She said then with a sigh. "Lucius....are you...mad...and upset with me?" She asked curiously, she didn't want him to be upset with, after all it wasn't just her fault. He was half to blame in this, granted he didn't know she was pregnant becuase of him.

"You know she'll need help...unless...unless...Lucius wou..would want one too...I know he still loves her....I can't live like this anymore...." She was choking on words as she cried becoming more upset. Her body shook as she cried. Cissa stumbled toward the couch walking with him.
Lucius smiled sighing softly."A little.You should have told me. So I could have at least prepared for confronting my wife."He said rubbing his eyes with a free hand.This was such a mess.

"We need to let them go...they're still in love with each other."he said holding her tightly as he started to cry.This was such a mess.Andone they should let the two caused it,clean up.
Bellatrix looked at him with sad eyes, "I tried, I tried when I found out, and a few times after that, I had also tried to tell Rudolphus but I couldn't everyone was either so happy, busy, or upset about other I hardly saw you, you were running about through most of my pregnancy." Bellatrix stated solftly, holding her baby boy. "...I'm sorry. I thought I could handle it..."

Narcissa looked up at him like he was crazy for a moment, "I can't...I love him too, We have a child together..." She stated then sighed, "You're right....though we loved each other, he's always loved her more..."
Luius sighed softly."Well...narcissa's going to be pissed."He muttered, rubbing his eyes as he looked at her.

"I know. And draco...draco's afraid he'll lose everyone.Divorcing them, can't do any further harm then making us as miserable as we are now."
Bellatrix still being the child that she was, hung her head low hiding behind her dark hair. "I's Rudolphus."

Narcissa nodded her head still in his strong embrace. "Poor Draco....I wonder what he's feeling...My poor baby, He didn't need to be draged into this. Yes, I don't understand it though he never had an abandonment problem before... I suppose not..."
Lucius sighed softly,running his fingers through his hair."It'll get ugly..."

Rudolphus sighed a little, stroking her hair, studying him a little."I think.. if we asked him, draco'll tell us he knew. And if that's true, he's probably worried everyone will leave for not telling."
Bellatrix didn't say anything, still hiding behind her long curly locks, cradling her child.

"He might have...but if he did why wouldn't he have told us...?" She stated confused of her son's intentions. "But he knows none of us will leave him.."
Rudolphus shrugged a little,"I dont know.You'd have to ask him.And he's gotten worse the last few months then he used to be."He laughed painfully."As a kid he was clingy, not its like he's a lost puppy."
"I'll talk to him later, I can't bare it now...Has he?" She stated then came to the realization, becoming angry. "Bellatrix! He's been around her so much through the past several months lord only knows what she's put into his head!"

Bellatrix still sore laid back with the babe. Taking a deep breath, as she held onto him.
"we'll talk to him later."He said kissing her head, before pulling her up."But come on. You need rest, and I'll get a dreamless sleep potion."He said smiling slightlly.

Lucius sighed softly, holding out his arms towards the babe, smiling."Here. Give him here and get some rest."
Narcissa nodded, cuddling into him. Narcissa stood up, "Yes, that would be best," She smiled softly.

Bellatrix looked crazed for a moment or two, craddling the babe closer, pulling him away from Lucius. Then she noticed his smile, realizing that he wouldn't take him away, and that he was the father so she smiled slightly, sitting up again handing over the baby.
"It would."Rudolphus smiled helping her upstairs, helping her into bed and tucking her in. Pressing a kiss to her head as he gave her the potion."Sleep well."

Lucius presed a kiss to the woman's head, amused as he laid teh babe into a cradle, "Sleep."he ordered stroking her hair as the twins settled down to sleep
Narcissa smiled as she was helped upstairs, and tucked into bed. "Don't you need the potion too? Thank you... you too."

Bellatrix reached slightly as he took the children away, putting them into bed. "I don't want to," She stated sweetly and childlike. She began to relax as he stroked her hair.
rudolphus smiled sadly,"No.I've never slept well.This is just something else to get used to."He muttered smiling at him. Hoping she'd settle in and sleep as well as he wanted to.

"You need to."Lucius said smiling slightly as he laid down next to her, hoping that she'd sleep.
Narcissa smiled worriedly, "Have you tried the potion though...It may work?" She asked as she laid there hoping he'd be able to rest. Narcissa began to relax.

Bellatrix watched him as he laid by her, "I don't want to..." Bellatrix muttered back. Then she yawned, she was exhausted from birthing the twins. "You're lucky I'm tired...." She stated as her eyes started to close.
rudolphus sighed."Sometimes."He bit his lip before sipping some of the potion, knowing she wouldn't stop fretting until he did. Laying down as he started to fal asleep.

Lucius smiled, closing his eyes as he laid down next to her."i know. Now rest."He muttered stroking her hair as he started falling asleep
Narcissa relaxed at bit as drank the potion of coarse not really seeing if he drank the full amout or not. Narcissa started to dose as she moved closer to him for comfort still torn, everything.

Bellatrix didn't have the energy to fight back, she moved herself closer to him. Her body ached everywhere once she became comfortable she dazed off.
Ruldolphus smiled as he wrapped his arms aroudn her,falling to sleep with a smile.

in the morning Rudolphus yawned as he kissed narcissa's head looking down at her. His heart aching with a familiar pain...starting a little when he realized he'd fallen for her. Shuddering a little he smiled, laying back down, not ready to face his wife just yet.
When Narcissa felt the kiss she stirred opening her eyes a bit, she yawned streching. Narcissa then smiled at him, though they never really worked or hung about eachother they seemed to have a special bond. Though the only reason why she really ever knew him was because he was married to her sister. "Morning," She stated groggily.
Narcissa looked at him with a warm smile,"Yes I did thank you, did you?" She asked then she became slightly confused as to why he moved away from her.
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