Love begets hate

Rudy smiled helping her down, sitting in one of the chairs, watching his nephew. Glad he seemed so relaxed."Oh good.How are you feeling?"Draco asked smiling at her as he helped her sit down.
"Thank you Dear," She stated as Rudolphus helped her sit down. Thanks Draco," She said as he also helped her. Bellatrix smiled at him,"I'm good...But, it's been rough...these two don't like me...They keep beating me up." She stated joking with him.
Bella looked at him, "You try having the two kick your insides all day then we'll talk, about weather they like me or you.." She giggled. "Rudolphus can you push the ottomen over here, my feet are killing me."
Rudy smiled doing as she asked, gently helping her put her feet up."better?"

Draco laughed softly."Ah no, I think I'll pass on that pleasure."
Bellatrix smiled at him, "Much, Thank you." This felt much better then laying flat in the bed.

"Aww you sure...What a loving nephew I have..." She giggled. "Be lucky you're a boy, this is not fun..."
"So mother has said."He laughed softly, tilting his head slightly, "I might love you,but I dont love you enough to carry the little beasts."he said wrinkling his nose.
Bella rolled her eyes slightly, "Okay I can live with that...." She stated with a smile. Bellatrix wanted to remind him that the little beasts were his siblings, well half siblings, but she couldn't say it infornt of Rudolphus.
Draco's smile widened, reading her mind."They might be my cousins, but I was never that bad."He stated.

Rudy laughed, "Oh yea you were. Narcissa complained for months that you were even then a restless babe."
Bellatrix giggled at the thought, from the stories her sister had told her. "Cissy thought you had a death wish for her you'd kick her hard every time she walked down the stairs." Bella stated, it was a fact, and slightly funny. "You remember when he was born, Dear? I was a month or so before Azkaban. When we'd stop over you always clung to me, and when we'd leave you'd cry. Then as if you knew we weren't coming back, you gave them Hell." Bella explained, Cissy had told her and show'd her the memories.
Draco blushed softly laughing a little."Ah well you know father always complained I was a clingy child."

Rudy laughed a little nodding slightly, "Of course he did. And you clung to your aun more then anyone else."
Bella smiled at him, "That he did. I didn't mind. Though whenever I tried to put you down, you wouldn't let me, not that I ever really wanted to. Cissy on the other hand got annoyed after awhile. We used to have to pir you off." she stated smiling remembering how angry Narcissa would get over having her son cling to her older sister. Seeming almost jealous that Lucius, still loved Bella and her son did too. Bellatrix smiled at her husbands words it was true as soon as Draco was in her arms, he was calm, comfortable, and difficult to remove, the only bad part was when he'd grab hold of her hair. 
Draco pouted smiling a little."Ah well, mother's always upset when I cling to others."He said sighing a little running his hands through his hair."I think I'm going to go up for a nap.Want help upstairs?"
"Oh yes dear I know, I know how your mother can be." Bella smiled wickedly. She used to hold Draco purposely just to drive her sister mad, Narcissa's life should have been Bella's, and Bellatrix was indeed jealous of it. Bella looked over at him, "Sure Sweet heart the stairs are becoming harder to handle."
"That's cause the little beasts are having a slugging match."Draco said laughing a little as both men helped her up heading upstairs.
Bellatrix smiled then rolled her eyes, "You're telling me? These two love to have "kick boxing" tournaments!" She replied, holding out her arms for them to help her up. Simple tasks like standing was starting to become an olympic event. "Ow! Knock it off you two!!" Bella screamed holding her stomach, "Now I can imagine what you did to you're mother, at least she didn't have two..." She said the second half threw clenched teeth. She couldn't wait to get off the stairs and into bed. Though she hated being stuck in her bed but it was indeed less painful.
"true."Draco grinned, knowing things were going to be interesting.

Two months later Lucius growled softly as he stood at the door, hovering as he listened to the two inside. Well three. narcissa rudolphus and bellatrix.His love sounded like she was in so much pain trying to birth the twins."father, sit."Draco said laughing a little when lucius growled anxiously but followed the order.

rudolphus smiled slightly as he stroked bella's hair"I promise you'll be fine love. I promise.'He said trying to keep her calm.
Bellatrix lay in a bed, her breathing stagered and heavy, screaming occasionally from pain, as her stomach contracted as she was going through the process of child birth. Bellatrix's crazy and insane look was preasent on her face, her hands clenched into animalistic claws.
Bellatrix tried to smile at her husband but pain over welphed her. "OWWW!!! CISSY REMOVE THEM!!! FINE? YOU TRY AND TELL ME HOW YOU'D LIKE IT!!" She screamed tears falling down her face as her body arched and wanted to contourt to ease the pain. Her nails had now pierced her hands causing her to bleed.

Narcissa quickly summoned leather gloves, "Rudolphus put these on her..." She stated trying to remain calm. As he did that, Narcissa summoned arm and leg restriants, not wanting her wild sister to attack them, herself, or the babes once they were born. Narcissa got to her knees, putting gloves on as well. "Rudolphus wet a cloth and place it on her head please. Alright Bella it's time, push." Cissa stated. As soon as Bella heard the words she began to push, screamind and groaning here and there. "Come on Bella Push!" Narcissa snapped a bit. "Cissy I am Pushing!" Bellatrix yelled. After about a half an hour the first child was born he could be heard crying. "Good Bella, just one more. Rudy clean him up." Narcissa said. Bellatrix sighed with relief, Then started screaming again as the other child was coming, this process took another half an hour. Narcissa smiled, "This one's a girl." Bellatrix smiled, but then passed out from painand exhuastion. As she slept Cissa cleaned her and the little girl up. Then she went to Rudolphus, "Congradulations." Poking her head outside of the room she smiled at the boy's, "We're all finished, Bella's passed out though, she'll be fine, you can come in if you like."
Both malfoy men looked relieved, bolting inside. Even though draco was slower to walk in. Because he knew things couldn't be hidden now. Every malfoy born had grey eyes.There'd be no hiding who their father was now.

Rudolphus smiled sadly at the babe in his arms, gently letting the girl wrapped her fingers around his hand."Oh.There's no need for congradulations. At least not for me."He said softly, sadly as he looked down at the girl's wide grey eyes.
Narcissa looked at him confused for a moment then as realization set in her smile faded and her eyes grew wide, it felt as if her heart was skipping beats. Trying to hide both anger and sorrow, "I'm so Sorry." Narcissa stated softly and sincerly, she looked at her husband who had entered with Draco. "Excuse me..." She stated then solwly headed out of the room which should have been happy, but was filled with tention. Her heart was breaking, she hadn't even thought to check weather the baby belonged to Rudolphus or not assuming they were his.
Bellatrix stirred but did not wake, almost as if she was snow white or sleeping beauty from a fairy tale, if you couldn't see her chest move you'd think she'd be dead.
Rudolphus swallwed hard, tilting his head at his long standing rival as he gently set the girl into his arms."Congradulations."He muttered,following Narcissa out, willing to leave Bellatrix with the hardship of explaining this to lucius.
As if a little light went off in Bella's mind once the other two had left the room, her eyes opened slightly, looking around to see Draco and Lucius in the room, Lucius holding one of the children. "Luicus," Her voice was a soft whisper. Then she looked at Draco, "Sweetie can you fetch me a glass of water?" She asked politely. She started to debate how she was to explain this to him, and then to the others, Draco already knew so that was one she didn't have to worry about.
Draco nodded slightly walking out of the room. Lucius sighed softly looking at her, raising a eyebrow before looking down at his daughter."Your husband is angry with you."

Rudy sighed as he walked up behind narcissa, wrapping her in a silent hug, needing to comfort her as much as he needed comforted.
Bellatrix sighed lightly, "I figured as much, as is my sister...and you probably are too...I'm used to it." She stated weakly, looking at them. "Are they okay?" She asked refering to the babes she hadn't even seen them before passing out.

Narcissa jumped not expecting him to be behind her. She turned her body toward him and wrapped her arms around him comforting him as well as tears flew down her face.
Lucius smiled a little sitting on the edge of the bed,"They're fine."He said nodding towards the basket sitting by her legs holding the boy. "Draco wasn't surprised."he said slightly amused.

Rudy held her tighter, pressing a kiss to her head with a shuddering sigh."Lucius didn't know."He muttered."If he had, we would have known sooner."
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